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By Malxfelt22

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597 16 3
By Malxfelt22

Draco POV

"3...2...1." I heard the doctor's desperate voices as they desperately tried to get her heartbeat back. They repeated three times.

She's gone.

Hearing the sighs from the doctors I knew she was gone, I felt the tears forming in my eyes. How was I gonna raise my daughter on my own? Aria needs her mother.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Quickly! Charge them again!" I quickly rose to my feet as they began to get a steady heartbeat.

Lory, Theo, Blaise, and I watched when we heard a sigh.

"She's stable."

We broke out in cheers, deafeningly loud.

Lory started crying again. I watched, as Y/N's chest rose and fell.

Everything then went by in a blur. Y/N was wheeled out and taken to a spare room. The baby was placed in the nursery because she had fluids in her lungs and for being premature. The doctor came into the surgery watch room.

"This has been a very eventful surgery, but Y/N is okay." She informed.

"And my daughter?" I asked.

"She having a hard time breathing so she will stay in the NICU for a while." She said.

"Thank you so much," I said, shaking the doctor's hand. The doctor smiled at us and left the room after informing us of Y/N's room number. We ran to it.

She lay there, still unconscious. Lory read her chart.

"They've written that she's in a coma." She said.

"How long for?" Theo asked. Lory gave him a look, that we knew the answer to.

"They're not sure" Blaise confirmed. Lory nodded.

"I'm gonna go see my daughter, call me if she awakes." They nodded as I left the room to the nursery area and saw Aria laying awake in the little cot and smiled at her.

"Which one's yours?" The nurse asked and I pointed to Aria, she checked my 'daddy' bracelet against Aria's to make sure I was telling the truth and let me in. I stared at her as her eyes wandered everywhere.

"Can I hold her?" I asked as she nodded.

"It's good to do skin-on-skin contact. It helps with bonding with the child." She said. I nodded. "I'll let you two alone." She left. I removed my shirt before picking Aria up and sat in a chair at the back of the nursery holding my baby girl.

"Aria I want to make some promises to you right now. Promises that I won't go back on. I know that your mom and I are not married but I promise you that I will do everything in my power to make sure you have everything that you need and want. I promise you that I'll be the best dad that I can be. I'm not going to be great at first but once I learn how you work I'll be great. I promise that I'll teach you how to swim, I promise to stand by you with everything you chose to do in life, whether it be an athlete, an actress, a singer, a dancer, a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher. Anything you want I promise and my last promise to you is that I promise to die for you and do everything in my power to make sure nothing bad happens to you and you live a happy, exciting, fulfilled and safe life" I brought her up to me and I kissed her head. "God. I never knew I could love someone so much. Don't get me wrong I love your mother but... a father's love for his child... his daughter is unbeatable." I told her.

Every promise that I just made to her I will keep because I want my daughter to be happy and I want to be the best dad I could be.

She squirmed against my arms as I looked down at her, studying her tiny face as she inherited Y/N's hair color, my eyes, and my nose. She's perfect.

"You have a beautiful mother who loves you very much, she is very brave and I love her. When she wakes up, she will meet you and tell you how much she loves you." I smiled as she let out a quiet yawn and closed her eyes.

My index finger was playing with her tiny fingers when she reflexly held onto my finger tightly as she continued to sleep. I carefully got up and placed her in her cot then I put on my shirt back as I left the room to go to Y/N's room. I lay on the couch as I drifted off to sleep dreaming of Y/N and my daughter.

The next morning I woke up seeing Y/N still unconscious I let out a sigh. I went back to the nursey to find Lory with Brielle on her hip as they stared through the glass.

"Draco!" Brielle beamed once she saw me.

"Hi, Brie." I smiled as Lory put her down on the floor.

"Mommy told me that you had your baby." She said as I nodded.

"Draco, I need to run some errands is it okay if I left her with you?" She asked as I nodded.

"It's not a problem," I said and she nodded as she kissed Brie's head then she left. I picked Brie up and we looked through the window.

"Which one is your baby?" Brie asked as she scanned the babies.

"You see that one with her hand in her mouth?" I pointed to Aria. "That's mine."

"She's so tiny!" She beamed as she waved. "What's her name?"

"Aria," I replied. "Aria Elizabeth Malfoy."

"That's a pretty name." She smiled. "Can I hold her?"

"Right now she is having a bit of trouble breathing but when she gets better I will let you hold her," I told her. She nodded.

"Where's Y/N?" She asked.

"She's sleeping," I replied. She nodded as I took her back to Y/N's room. I placed Brie down as she walked to the couch and took out a piece of paper and began to draw. I stared at Y/N who was still sound asleep, she still looked beautiful even after she gave birth. I wanted her to wake up so she meets our daughter.

"Draco." I turned my head to face Brie.

"What is it, Brie?" I asked as she looked at Y/N.

"When will she wake up?" She asked with a frown on her face.

"I don't know," I replied. "She is in a very deep sleep."

"But doesn't she want to hold her baby?" She asked.

"She wants to but she needs to get stronger, why don't you draw Y/N a picture." Brie nodded eagerly as she began to draw on a piece of paper while I continued to look at Y/N, praying for her to wake up.

The door opened, but I was too busy staring away to pay attention.

"Mr. Malfoy, your daughter is here." I turned around to see a nurse pushing in a cot. I nodded.

"Is everything okay with her?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, the fluids in her lungs faded away and she weighs almost like a normal newborn." She replied with a smile then she left. I looked at the tiny cot to see my daughter squirming in her blanket.

"Is that Aria?" Brielle asked as she hopped off the couch. I nodded as I picked her up so she can get a good look at the newborn. "She's so little." She beamed.

"You were little when you were born," I said as she smiled.

"Can I hold her?" She asked.

"Of course." I put her down as she walked towards the couch. I gently picked up my daughter as she shifted slightly in my arms, letting a quiet noise. "Ssh, princess." I bounced her a bit as she balled up her tiny fists and her face was scrunched up. She let out a quiet yawn.

I walked over to Brielle who was waiting to hold Aria. I carefully placed Aria in the little girl's arms as she stared at the infant in joy.

"She's so small." She gasped in amusement. I chuckled.

"Remember to be gentle with her, you need to hold her neck since she can't hold her head on her own." She nodded as she played with Aria's fingers.

"Hi Aria, I'm Brielle. We are gonna be best friends and I will show you how to draw and we will play with dolls." Brie said as I smiled. "I wish I had a little brother or sister to play with but now I have you."

Aria grabbed a hold of Brie's finger and gripped it tightly making Brie smile.

"She has a strong grip," Brie said as she stared at Aria's hat. "Why does she have a hat?"

"Because it keeps her head comfortable," I replied. She nodded, I watched as Aria began to smile in her sleep. There was a slight knock on the door. "Come in."

Lory entered the room with a smile on her face when she saw Brie holding Aria.

"Look mommy, Draco let me hold her." Brie beamed as Lory sat next to her daughter and stare at the infant.

"Just make sure to hold her right." She replied as Brie nodded. I looked at Aria as her face was scrunched up and her tiny mouth was opened letting out a wail. Brie looked at the infant, panic on her face. I took Aria from her arms and began to calm her down.

"It's okay princess, daddy is here. Don't cry." I bounced her a bit as she wailed furiously.

"Maybe she needs to be held by Y/N," Lory suggested. I nodded as I walked over to Y/N and placed our daughter in her mother's arms, Aria immediately calmed down and let out a soft coo. I was in awe as Aria closed her eyes as she lay in her mother's arms. I just wish Y/N was awake to see our daughter. "Brie and I are gonna go. We will visit you tomorrow."

I nodded as they bid their goodbyes, leaving the room.


A few hours have passed. I sat next to her bed, holding my daughter. She was awake and looking at me. I looked at her, at her small lips, her fragile nose, her grey eyes.

"I love you, baby girl," I whispered. She continued looking up at me.

"You will meet your mum, I promise. We will both raise you together, and you can be whatever you want. No matter what, I want you to be happy. I will be better to you than my parents were to me, you are loved by so many people, and you aren't even 3 days old yet." I whispered to her.

"I love you princess." I kissed her forehead.

"I thought I was your princess?" A voice sounded through the room. A female voice. Y/N's voice.

I looked up at her. Her y/e/c eyes were open and looking at me. They fell to the small bundle in my arms.

"Is that her?" She whispered, her eyes glazing over. I nodded silently.

"Our baby." She breathed.

Tears fell on my cheeks.

"You're awake," I whispered.

"I'm not going anywhere." She replied.

"You want to hold her?" She nodded eagerly as I handed our daughter to her. Y/N looked down at the baby and caress her tiny face with her fingers.

"She's here, Draco." She whispers, looking at me. I smiled.

"She is and we are gonna raise her," I said, staring at them. Aria opened her eyes to stare at her mother.

"She has your eyes." She said. I nodded, and she scooted aside. "Sit next to me." I stood up and sat next to her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder. She leaned her head on my chest as we stared at our baby who was squirming around in her clothed blanket, managing to untangle herself from the blanket she had been swaddled in, tiny arms flailing in the air.

"She looks like you," I whispered as she smiled, lifting her head to connect our lips in a slow passionate kiss. Our daughter let out soft cooes as we pulled away to turn our attention to the newborn. I looked from Aria to Y/N and smiled at my family that I have to protect and I will do everything to keep Y/N and my daughter safe.


A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter and the family between Draco and Y/N with their daughter.

Write down your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote!

Thanks for reading!

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