After the Stand-in Shou Faked...

By Kessho_Yuki

654K 15.7K 4.8K

COMPLETED Alternate Title : 替身关系 Author : 咸鱼大西瓜 Xu ChengYan had been together with the eldest young master of... More

Chapter 1: Mr. He
Chapter 2: best gift
Chapter 3: Hejia
Chapter 4: Copycat
Chapter 5: cover your eyes
Chapter 6: old album
Chapter 7: Did you see the original
Chapter 8: Shen Xiuzhu
Chapter 9: don't think about anything
Chapter 10: like someone
Chapter 11: hospital
Chapter 12: kiss
Chapter 13: What do you think of the banquet?
Chapter 14: ten years ago
Chapter 15: run away
Chapter 16: don't think about it
Chapter 17: seafood allergy
Chapter 18: beautiful love
Chapter 19: never was
Chapter 20: photo in album
Chapter 21: ravioli
Chapter 22: banquet, don't make trouble
Chapter 23: last call
Chapter 24: bet
Chapter 25: peach stick
Chapter 26: boat
Chapter 27: wait me back
Chapter 28: fifth day
Chapter 29: car accident
Chapter 30: Xu Chengyan is dead
Chapter 31: insomnia
Chapter 32: live with pain
Chapter 33: What's the use of late affection
Chapter 34: is a favorite
Chapter 35: Everyday is April Fools
Chapter 36: warm hug
Chapter 37: G
Chapter 38: Do you want to try with Xiuzhu?
Chapter 39: He Yang is engaged
Chapter 40: Invitation card
Chapter 41: new play
Chapter 42: a boring party
Chapter 43: banquet, come back with me
Chapter 44: no mistake
Chapter 45: face to face kiss scene
Chapter 46: Three years late marriage proposal
Chapter 47: Won't come back
Chapter 48: roses cannot be harvested
Chapter 49: stop disturbing
Chapter 50: pay
Chapter 51: You are not Qin Zhou
Chapter 52: throw away
Chapter 53: Kiki, come back
Chapter 54: temporary blindness
Chapter 55: scar on leg
Chapter 56: He Shao, do you want to drink?
Chapter 57: rollover
Chapter 58: Don't kiss
Chapter 59: The relationship between you and me
Chapter 60: can't think of
Chapter 61: A bowl of wontons
Chapter 62: Temporary extra bed scene
Chapter 63: stay with me tonight
Chapter 64: Cover the eye
Chapter 65: sick young master
Chapter 66: Has he touched you?
Chapter 67: Did he hurt you
Chapter 68: not dirty
Chapter 69: He Yang is in the bathroom
Chapter 70: Do not touch me
Chapter 71: crash bed scene
Chapter 72: found a substitute
Chapter 73: what to wear
Chapter 74: voice on the phone
Chapter 75: go home
Chapter 76: Why doesn't Zhouzhou get back to me?
Chapter 77: favorite boat
Chapter 78: never a stand-in
Chapter 79: A life-saving grace more than ten years ago
Chapter 80: I can also accompany you
Chapter 81: Sweet
Chapter 82: a formal marriage proposal
Chapter 83: the cruelest tenderness
Chapter 84: He Yang was dumped (Xiao Xiu)
Chapter 85: lost again after lost
Chapter 86: don't go
Chapter 87: He Yang?
Chapter 88: is Kiki
Chapter 89: Are you husbands?
Chapter 90: Qin Zhou doesn't want them anymore
Chapter 91: drunk
Chapter 92: sky-high sapphire
Chapter 93: bloody storm
Chapter 94: feast, happy birthday
Chapter 95: peaceful always
Chapter 96: Arson
Chapter 97: It's Mr. Pei
Chapter 98: the ending is different
Chapter 99: little mermaid and prince
Chapter 100: Truth
Chapter 101: ring
Chapter 102: don't want to fall in love
Chapter 103: old age
Chapter 104: uncle lamb
Chapter 105: Wen has a cold
Chapter 106: He Yang has a new boyfriend
Chapter 107: don't cry
Chapter 108: Qin Zhou is a plastic surgery monster
Chapter 109: public opinion
Chapter 110: banquet reunion
Chapter 111: Where does so much love come from
Chapter 112: too unfamiliar
Chapter 113: Missed
Chapter 114: Has time
Chapter 115: Dating
Chapter 116:lamb stealing kiss
Chapter 117: Secret
Chapter 118: Fountain
Chapter 119: sick
Chapter 120: coaxed to sleep
Chapter 121: Take the children back
Chapter 122: compensated
Chapter 123: Hearts
Chapter 124: 12-year-old Xu Chengyan
Chapter 125: Brawl
Chapter 126: Sorry
Chapter 127: Can you kiss?
Chapter 128: get out of control
Chapter 129: negative points
Chapter 130: adults and children
Chapter 131: Don't you like Mr.
Chapter 132: Try Again
Chapter 133: Low and High
Chapter 134: Special Case
Chapter 135: Uncle Sheep's Secret
Chapter 136: Put on the ring
Chapter 137: I will wait for you
Chapter 138: He is playing ambiguous
Chapter 139: with the person you like
Chapter 140: Reunion
Chapter 141: Sweet
Chapter 142: turn over old accounts
Chapter 143: boyfriend
Chapter 144: French
Chapter 145: Demolition
Chapter 146: Feast
Chapter 147: Just kidding
Chapter 148: sitting in the room
Chapter 149: no more
Chapter 150: Mr. He
Chapter 151: Try a few more times
Chapter 152: Keep your distance temporarily
Chapter 153: Sunscreen
Chapter 154: group photo
Chapter 155: Banquet Drunk
Chapter 156: Recording
Chapter 157: Crash
Chapter 158: Do You Want to Get Married
Chapter 159: knee is already healed
Chapter 160: Broken
Chapter 161: Stairs
Chapter 162: fish tank full
Chapter 163: A 1000-word follow-up plot will be added at the end
Chapter 164: warning attention
Chapter 165: get married today
Chapter 166: Advance 10,000
Chapter 167: certificate
Chapter 168: wontons are cold
Chapter 169: Come out to find someone to play with
Chapter 170: Rest early, Mrs. He
Chapter 171: Abstinence
Chapter 172: in the car
Chapter 173: Waiter
Chapter 174: Clothes Are Soiled
Chapter 175: Wedding Ring
Chapter 176: sick
Chapter 177: room
Chapter 178: Maid and Apron
Chapter 179: play some exciting
Chapter 180: reluctant
Chapter 181: illegitimate child
Chapter 182: romance public
Chapter 183: Mr. He, an outsider
Chapter 184: Bonus points
Chapter 185: Proposal Again
Chapter 186: Will You Marry Me?
Chapter 187: Revenge
Chapter 189: cold lie after marriage
Chapter 190: listen to my wife
Chapter 191: new secretary
Chapter 192: floor-to-ceiling windows after marriage
a parallel world without car accidents

Chapter 188: Wedding

2K 41 1
By Kessho_Yuki

In September, Xu Chengyan finally finished his work and returned to Nancheng.

The manager still has a lot of invitations in his hand, and he knew that Xu Chengyan was going to hold a wedding, so he asked, "Do you want to receive some announcements after the wedding? I have a few variety shows here, so I used to be a guest judge or something, which is easier."

However, Xu Chengyan still said, "I don't have time, so I won't pick it up this year."

The broker is a little regretful and wants to persuade him again.

But thinking that Xu Chengyan had already married He Yang, and that he was not short of money, it didn't matter whether he received the announcement or not, so he didn't say anything.

The agent nodded, "Then if you want to receive the notice, just let me know."

"Okay." Xu Chengyan closed his eyes and took a nap against the back of the chair.

It wasn't until the nanny car stopped that Xu Chengyan woke up.

Xu Chengyan got off the car and followed the agent to the company to deal with some things.

But in the hall, they just met Jiang Lin.

So Xu Chengyan said to the agent, "Brother Fan, you go up first, and I'll have a few words with my friend."

The agent should come down and go upstairs first.

Jiang Lin, who was not far away, also saw Xu Chengyan and hurried over.

"Brother Zhou!" Jiang Lin was like a little sun, full of sunshine and energy.

Xu Chengyan hadn't seen Jiang Lin for a long time, and asked, "Come to see President Yuan?"

Jiang Lin nodded and asked, "Where's Brother Zhou?"

Xu Chengyan: "Come and get something."

"Then I will accompany you!"

Jiang Lin accompanied Xu Chengyan to the upstairs office to get something.

Xu Chengyan accepted the contract and asked, "Mr. Yuan is in the office, don't you want to see him?"

"No." Jiang Lin shook his head, looked towards Xu Chengyan, his eyes fell on the wedding ring on his ring finger, and couldn't help asking, "Brother Zhou, are you nervous about getting married?"

"It's okay." Xu Chengyan smiled, "I've already received the certificate, now it's just a wedding, there's nothing to worry about."

"It's normal to be nervous and anxious before marriage..." Jiang Lin muttered, "Brother Zhou, if you're nervous, let me know, I have experience."

But Jiang Lin was more nervous than Xu Chengyan, and talked a lot.

Xu Chengyan listened quietly. After Jiang Lin finished speaking, he asked with a smile, "Should we change the name?"

Jiang Lin was taken aback for a moment, looking in the direction of Xu Chengyan.

There was a smile in the young man's eyes, which was exactly the same as in his memory, as if it had never changed.

Jiang Lin opened his mouth, his throat was a little dry, but he still shouted, "Sister-in-law."

Xu Chengyan responded and stepped forward to hug Jiang Lin.

Jiang Linhui hugged Xu Chengyan and leaned on his shoulder, his eyes were slightly red.

After a lapse of five years, the name was finally called out again.

"Sister-in-law..." Jiang Lin couldn't help shouting again.

Xu Chengyan responded and patted Jiang Lin patiently on the back before letting go.

Jiang Lin restrained his emotions, adjusted his state, and said, "If He Yang treats you badly, tell me, don't bear him."

Xu Chengyan couldn't help reaching out and helped Jiang Lin trim his hair a little, but still replied, "He Yang is pretty good."

He Yang has always been very good.

Is the world, his favorite person.

A few days before the wedding, Xu Chengyan brought Xiaowen and Qiqi to France with He Yang.

The castle has already arranged the wedding scene, and the person in charge of the wedding has come to check the process again.

The wedding is handled by a special team, and the old housekeeper has also checked it.

However, He Yang was still worried and checked himself.

Xu Chengyan sat beside the bed, looked at the figure not far away, sighed softly, and said, "I've watched it five times, no problem."

He Yang was still looking at the wedding planning documents and replied, "I'll take a look."

Xu Chengyan had no choice, got up and went over and pulled He Yang up from the chair, "Don't look at it, go to sleep."

He Yang had no choice but to go back to the bed and lay on the bed, but still thinking about the wedding.

Xu Chengyan turned off the light, leaned beside He Yang, smelled the familiar breath on the other side, and his breathing became steady.

He Yang opened his eyes and didn't feel sleepy at all.

After a long time, He Yang called out softly, "Yanyan?"

"Huh?" Xu Chengyan was half asleep, and subconsciously rubbed towards He Yang's arms.

He Yang took the opportunity to put the person in his arms and whispered: "A little nervous."

Xu Chengyan wasn't very awake yet, and asked subconsciously, "What's wrong?"

He Yang stretched out his hand, held the young man's face, lowered his head and placed a kiss on his lips, "First time getting married."

Xu Chengyan opened his eyes instantly, and couldn't help but say, "Do you still want to get married a second time?"

He Yang was silent for a while before replying, "If you want to do a second wedding, I'll arrange it."

"One wedding is enough." Xu Chengyan touched He Yang's head, "sleep."

He Yang didn't speak, just hugged the person in his arms tightly, still couldn't sleep.

He Yang moved his wrist and held the young man's hand under the quilt. After he touched the wedding ring on his ring finger, he felt a little relieved.

Xu Chengyan also noticed He Yang's small movements, sighed softly, and said, "Anyway, they are married, so it's just a wedding."

"The wedding can't go wrong." He Yang was very concerned.

Xu Chengyan leaned against He Yang's chest and replied, "Even if something goes wrong, it's fine."

"You can't go wrong." He Yang slightly increased his tone.

"Okay, no mistakes." Xu Chengyan had no choice but to follow He Yang's words to comfort, "Go to sleep."

He Yang calmed down, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The next day, He Yang woke up early in the morning and went to check the wedding scene again.

Xu Chengyan got up a little later. Seeing that the weather was fine, he pushed his wheelchair and took Father He out for a walk in the courtyard.

Father He has been living in a nursing home abroad for recuperation in recent years, and his health has improved a lot, so he came here specially to attend the wedding.

Xu Chengyan walked around with Father He, and then called Xiaowen and Qiqi over to accompany Father He.

Father He also likes pets very much, so he took Xiao Wen into his arms and went to tease Qi Qi next to him.

Seeing Xiaowen and Qiqi being with him, Xu Chengyan felt relieved a little, turned around and went back to the castle, wanting to find He Yang.

It's just that he looked around, and finally found He Yang in the wedding area, and saw that He Yang was still checking.

Xu Chengyan went over and said, "I've already checked, so let's rest first."

"I'll take a look." He Yang didn't stop.

And because the wedding was tomorrow, He Yang checked more carefully.

Xu Chengyan originally thought that tomorrow would be fine, but seeing He Yang's attitude was so serious, he became a little nervous.

So at night, the two of them were lying in bed, and both had some insomnia.

Xu Chengyan tossed and turned on the bed. The more he couldn't fall asleep, the more anxious he became. He frowned and said, "I won't be able to get up tomorrow."

He Yang said instead: "If you can't get up, postpone the wedding."

Xu Chengyan looked towards He Yang and couldn't help asking, "Didn't you say that weddings can't go wrong?"

After all, the wedding has a fixed time. If even the groom wakes up late in the morning, all the arrangements later will be disrupted, which is prone to accidents.

"Except for special circumstances." He Yang put his arms around the young man's waist and whispered, "Go to bed first, it's fine if you wake up late tomorrow."

Xu Chengyan was even more anxious, and didn't fall asleep until the early morning.

But at six o'clock in the morning, Xu Chengyan woke up automatically and didn't oversleep.

He Yang also woke up and got up to change clothes.

The two packed up and went to do makeup and styling first.

The makeup team waited early and quickly put makeup on the two of them.

It was some time before the wedding ceremony, Xu Chengyan had finished his makeup and was waiting on the sofa.

Jiang Lin was beside him, helping Xu Chengyan tidy up his collar and comforting: "Don't be nervous, it's nothing, just relax."

Xu Chengyan smiled at Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin was getting married before, he saw that Jiang Lin was so nervous and felt a little exaggerated.

Now that it's my turn, I know that I'm really nervous and anxious before the wedding.

It was obvious that he and He Yang had both received their licenses for more than half a year, and it was only now that there was a real sense of "marriage".

The closer we get to the wedding, the more anxious I get.

Xu Chengyan took a deep breath and tried to relax himself.

Jiang Lin also became nervous, and suddenly had an idea, and quickly said: "How about playing games? Play games to relax!"

Jiang Lin took out his mobile phone, boarded the game, and asked, "Have you ever played it, sister-in-law? This is fun!"

Xu Chengyan leaned over to take a look and knew that this mobile game was a popular competitive game recently, but he had never played it, so he had only heard the name.

Jiang Lin still had some regrets and said, "When the wedding is over, sister-in-law, let me play with you!"

Xu Chengyan nodded in response, and then watched Jiang Lin play the game from the side.

The two of them were lying on the sofa, one playing games and the other watching the games.

When Yuan Lie came over, he heard the game sound all of a sudden, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said slowly, "Playing games again?"

When Jiang Lin heard the sound, he was still a little cautious, and whispered: "Just play casually..."

Xu Chengyan saw Yuan Lie, and looked behind Yuan Lie, but he didn't see He Yang, so he asked, "Where is He Yang?"

"The room next door." Yuan Lie pointed to the next door, "I'm too nervous, let him slow down first."

Jiang Lin was a little surprised, and said in surprise, "He's actually nervous?"

"It's marriage after all." Yuan Lie sighed.

"Also..." Jiang Lin nodded, and when he looked to the side, he noticed the expression on Xu Chengyan's face, and quickly patted Xu Chengyan's back, and asked, "Would you like to watch some funny videos?"

"It's okay." Xu Chengyan smiled and continued to wait on the sofa, slowly calming down.

Jiang Lin accompanied him, telling jokes from time to time to adjust the atmosphere.

The wedding time is getting closer.

Jiang Lin looked at the time and said, "Sister-in-law, it's almost time."

Xu Chengyan got up and walked outside.

Outside the house, the sun fell on the body, warm and very comfortable.

Not far away, He Yang was waiting for him in a white dress.

The wedding music plays.

However, Xu Chengyan could no longer hear other sounds, and could only hear the heartbeat in his chest, which was getting faster and faster.

Xu Chengyan stepped forward and walked towards the figure step by step until he came to He Yang and stretched out his hand towards He Yang, "Mr. He."

He Yang held that hand lightly, leaned over slightly, and gently dropped a kiss on the back of his hand.

"Mrs. He."

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