Amusement Park [VMINKOOK Hurt...

By SSears90

2.7K 106 25

{Requested}{Oneshot} The group is at an amusement park. Jungkook convinces Taehyung and Jimin to join him on... More

For Your Amusement.

2.7K 106 25
By SSears90

Requested by Anonymous. 
The day started with hot dogs, and Jin complaining to Namjoon for dropping ketchup on his shoe. The BTS members were spending one of their days off at the amusement park, it had mostly been Jungkook's request, but they all knew it'd be enjoyable. Hobi wasn't fond of most rides, and usually stood by holding everyone's stuff. He preferred to go around and play the games and win stuffed animals for his members. He was an expert at shooting plastic ducks by now. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin had just gotten off the bungee jump, asking their hyung's to record it for them. Jungkook was an adrenaline junkie, while Jimin and Taehyung were afraid of heights, but they'd done the bungee jump before and it wasn't the scariest thing in the world.  The members usually always took off in random directions at the amusement park, but they felt like spending quality time all together so while some went on certain rides the others would wait for them. Usually taking videos and pictures to add to their archives.

"That one next!" Jungkook yelled excitedly as they rounded a corner and one of the world's tallest swings came into view. It brought riders up 500 feet into the air.

"Absolutely not," Hobi told him. Asking him to get on a ride like that was absolutely out of the question.

"I can't ride it alone," Jungkook pouted. He'd been on the ride before. The seats on the swing were all three seaters and riders were required to have at least two people per swing. It had something to do with weight distribution.

"Just sit with another lonely person like you did last time," Jin told him. He for sure wasn't about to get on it.

Jungkook turned to Taehyung and Jimin and pouted, "Hyungie's? Please?"

"I don't know Jungkook-ah. That's a lot higher than the bungee jump," Taehyung told his maknae while eyeing the ride up and down.

"Count me out, bunny," Jimin told him. Those swings were also way too high for him. Jungkook looked at the rest of his members, Namjoon and Yoongi making sure to avoid eye contact. He turned back to Taehyung and Jimin and took their hands, giving them a puppy dog look.

"For your favorite maknae?" He pouted.

The older two both hesitated before both giving in.

"Fine," Taehyung said. Jimin decided if Taehyung was going to go he'd also join in. Jungkook jumped up and down clapping his hands in excitement before grabbing them both by the wrist and leading them to the swings. The line moved pretty quickly, they threw their phones into the entrance bucket and soon they were being seated. The seats resembled the same ones people would ride at ski lifts. They all sat down next to eachother, Jungkook grabbing the middle, and had a seatbelt strapped around their waist. There was also a small metal bar that came down in front of their laps.

"This is it? This doesn't seem secure," Taehyung looked at Jungkook.

"It's fine hyung, it adds to the scariness of it."

"How high did you say this thing goes?" Jimin asked.

"500 feet up!" Jungkook smiled. Jimin gulped. Wondering why on earth he decided to get on this thing too. Jungkook already had Taehyung, Jimin had no reason to also agree to get on.

"Hyungs!" Jungkook turned and yelled to the four older members who were standing at the fence watching them, "Take a picture of us!" Jungkook instantly threw up a piece sign. Hobi pulled out his polaroid camera, "One, two, three! Say cheese!" All three of them posed for Hobi's picture. Before Hobi even had time to take the polaroid out he saw his three maknae's be lifted up into the air.

"Oh, they're gone. BYE HAVE FUN!" Hobi yelled. All the hyungs waved to the three as they quickly went up into the sky.

"They're crazy, all of them, " Yoongi pointed out.

"And to think we're the ones who raised them," Namjoon made all of them laugh. They stood there and chatted while waiting for the ride to be finished.

While in the sky Jimin and Taehyung had their eyes glued shut. If the bar at their lap wasn't made of metal, their tight grips would've crushed right through it. Jungkook had his hands completely in the air. The wind felt nice. "Look guys, you can see for miles!" Jungkook gestured.

"No no no no . I want to get down!" Taehyung screamed.

"Why are we going so fast?!" Jimin screamed next.

"The ride isn't even going fast!" Jungkook laughed. He'd been on the ride enough to know it was going it's normal speed. However suddenly, it did seem to be going quite faster than he remembered. Almost too fast, Jungkook quickly grabbed back onto the metal bar.

"You said it wasn't going fast Jungkook!" Taehyung still had his eyes glued shut, "This feels way too fast!"

" I don't know, hyung. Maybe it goes faster now," Jungkook honestly wasn't sure why they would make a ride like this go faster. It was about the view, not the speed. And the seatbelts and one metal bar didn't exactly seem like the best protection if the ride was going to go this fast. All three of them tried to ignore it, but their hyungs below also knew the ride looked weird.

"Am I tweaking, or is that thing going way too fast?" Jin asked the rest of his group.

"Yeah I don't know, I don't remember seeing it going this fast before they got on it," Yoongi replied. He looked around to other by-standers and overheard them also commenting on the speed of the swing. The members watched while Hobi went over to the person working the ride, "Excuse me," he pointed up, "Is that normal? That seems too fast." The person working was frantic, " I don't know what's wrong with this stupid thing!" they yelled and were kicking the box with all the buttons on it. All the members tensed up, "Something is wrong with it?" Namjoon asked hesitantly.

"Yes, it's not supposed to be going that fast. I can't get it to slow down or even stop!" The worker was panicking, and people who had friends and family currently on the ride overheard this and were also panicking. Including the hyung line.

"Can you get someone else to fix it? They can't spin like that forever," Hobi asked. They all looked back up and suddenly the ride completely stopped. They couldn't tell which seat their three were sitting in, they were too far away, but they did see how the sudden abrupt stop of the swings sent them all slamming into eachother. That definitely would have caused injuries.

"Holy shit!" Screamed Yoongi. A bunch of other people had let out a scream as well, "Get them the hell down already! Three of ours are on those damn swings!" Yoongi was frantic.

"I'm trying, okay?! I have to wait for security and maintenance to get here. Now back off, I'm doing what I can!" The worker spat at them. The four of them ran back to their spot at the fence and stared up. The swings weren't moving now, at least that was better than being flung through the air. All they could do was wait.

Jungkook was the only one who noticed the swing in front of them barreling towards them when the swings stopped. They had hit the people behind them and screamed, but Taehyung and Jimin refused to open their eyes.

"Guys look! Help me!" Jungkook screamed as he put his legs out and tried to stop the swing in front of them from slamming backwards into them. Thankfully his hyungs opened their eyes and put their legs out to help, they were able to stop themselves from being slammed too badly, but Jungkook twisted his ankle and screamed as the impact caused a throbbing pain to shoot through his foot.

"Are you okay?!" Taehyung yelled.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine," It hurt like hell but Jungkook was too prideful to admit that.

"Great fuckin ride, Jungkook," Jimin spat at his maknae. Jimin and Taehyung were now both capable of keeping their eyes open now that they weren't flying through the air. However seeing how high up they were made Taehyung want to throw up. He wondered what would happen to someone who got hit with vomit from 500 feet in the air.

"I think we're stuck," Taehyung said as he looked around. The ride definitely wasn't moving, and that hadn't happened to anyone who rode it before them.

"Really? What was your first clue?!" Jimin yelled. He didn't intend on being so mean, but he was absolutely terrified.

"Hyungs it's okay. We'll be fine. They'll fix the problem and lower us eventually," Jungkook said reassuringly, "Think of this as a new adventure. I mean really, how often does this happen?" Jungkook smiled at both of them but they both shot him angry glances. Jimin found the nerve to look down, he couldn't see them clearly but he could somewhat make out where his hyungs were standing, "What do you think they're thinking? Do you think they know the ride is stuck?" Jimin asked. He turned to see Jungkook and Taehyung both staring at him.

"Jimin-ssi," Taehyung started.


"They're not stupid. It's very obvious the damn ride is stuck! I want to get down!!" Taehyung yelled. Taehyung let out a loud scream, seeing how far it would echo. Jungkook smacked him, "Don't do that! You're going to scare people!"

"I don't care Jungkook! I'm scared too!" Taehyung yelled back.

The hyungs heard a scream come from the swings and were debating on if it had just come from Taehyung or not. It sounded like Taehyung. They were absolutely furious. They wanted their maknae's down, right now. And the worker didn't do a single thing to ease their concern. The worker made it worse. A large group of people had gathered around to watch, especially after hearing a scream come from the sky. 

"Do you think they're okay up there? What if one of them got hurt when the swings crashed? One of them could be hurt right now! Do you think they're scared?" Hobi turned to the other three. His eyes were getting puffy and red. He was trying not to cry but he was really worried.

"Oh Taehyung and Jimin probably already peed their pants," Jin replied, "Jungkook is probably trying to convince them to think of this as a new adventure. That's what he usually does when he's scared and won't admit it. Hopefully none of them got hurt."

" I want to talk to them but they all had to put their phones in that stupid bucket before getting on the ride," Yoongi was annoyed about that rule. He liked bringing his phone on rides.

"How long do you think they'll be up there?" Namjoon asked.

"Hopefully not too long," Jin replied sadly. He was already starting to miss the three. He wanted them back down asap. It didn't help that they didn't know how they were and if they were okay. I mean as long as they aren't falling from the sky, they're okay.

The swings finally started to move, " Oh it's going!" Jungkook yelled excitedly. However the swings didn't move in the direction they were supposed to. They were supposed to go in a circle. They weren't going in a circle. The three of them found themselves slanting forward, while the seatbelt was starting to dig into their stomachs.

"We're falling! We're falling!" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm and squeezed it. He started screaming. Jimin also started screaming as the ride creaked and leaned them forward. They could hear people on the ground also start screaming. They could make out that there were police and firetrucks at the scene at this point. But they were 500 feet in the air, what good would that really do? The ride stopped leaning and the three of them were being cut into by the seatbelt.

"This hurts," Jimin started crying, " I don't want to die!"

"We aren't going to die! Stop it!" Jungkook yelled back. The anxiety was taking it's toll on all three of them, "They'll fix it and get us down!"

Taehyung smacked Jungkook's arm, "This is your fault! We didn't even want to come on this stupid ride! We shouldn't even be here right now but you can never just take no for an answer!"

"Don't hit me!" Jungkook smacked Taehyung back, "I didn't know this would happen! And you two ended up agreeing to come so don't put all the blame on me!"

Jimin started yelling at both of them, "Stop hitting eachother! Fighting isn't going to save us! If we're going to die we might as well die on good terms! At least we're going to die together!" Jimin was a sobbing mess. Jungkook felt sick to his stomach. He was trying so hard to be brave for his hyungs and reassure them but he was terrified himself. He wanted someone to reassure him that they'd be okay, because he was starting to question it. He regretted asking these two to come. If this was going to happen he'd rather it only happen to him, not them too. Taehyung had a point, sometimes Jungkook had trouble taking no for an answer and that made him feel extremely guilty for dragging them into this mess. He looked at Jimin and Taehyung, saw them crying, and finally broke down. There was no point in trying to be brave anymore.

"Hey stop. You aren't allowed to cry," Taehyung told him.

"Why?" Jungkook wiped his face.

"You're the brave one here. It's too scary if you cry," Taehyung replied.

"I don't want to be the brave one anymore," Jungkook sniffled, "I'm the youngest one here. I don't want to be the brave one right now." He wiped more tears that continued to spill out of his eyes. Jimin and Taehyung looked at eachother and back at him. It broke their hearts seeing him like this. Sometimes they forgot that he'd put up a front and hide his fear. Just because he acted brave didn't always mean he felt brave. Jungkook soon started sobbing too, "I don't want to die."

"Maknae it's okay. We won't die," Taehyung tried swallowing his own fear to help his maknae. He realized in this situation the last thing he should be doing is yelling at,blaming, and hitting him. Taehyung very quickly felt like shit for it.

"I'm sorry, kookie," Jimin told him. He didn't really know what to say. He was sorry, but he was still mortified that they were on their death bed. Or death swing, for that matter. The three of them sat there in silence wondering if they'd be saved or not.

"This really hurts," Jimin stated again gesturing to the seatbelt digging into his stomach.

"I know, it's hurting me too," Taehyung agreed. Unfortunately there was nothing they could do to help or save themselves. They were at the mercy of whoever would come and save them, if they even made it in time. Who knew when this thing would completely collapse.

Taehyung nudged Jungkook, " You know, even if we did fall, hyungs would just catch us. So we'll be fine either way." This got a chuckle out of Jungkook and Jimin.

"Taehyungie I don't think.." Jimin started but saw the evil look Taehyung gave him, "He's right. Hyungs will catch us. I wonder how they're doing." The three of them looked at the ground but all they could really see now was a ton of flashing red and white lights.

The hyungs were not doing well. When they saw the swing start tilting, complete panic ensued among everyone that was around.

"Oh my God no! Someone get them the fuck down already before that thing collapses!" Yoongi screamed at nobody in-particular.

"They're going to die. We're going to see our maknae's die!" Hobi cried. The tears were flowing heavily at this point. Jin ran over to the worker at the box and the cops who had shown up, "Get them down!!!" Jin screamed, "I have three little ones up there and I want them down!!!" The swing had been stuck for a few hours already. He didn't understand why nothing had been done yet. The cop told Jin he needed to calm down and they were doing everything they could. "No you're not! What happens if that thing falls over?! They just plummet to the ground? They'll all die if that happens!" Jin wiped his tears. The thought of his youngest members falling to their death in front of him was too unbearable. Jin was told to go back with the others. He ran back to them and completely broke down. They all hugged eachother. They felt useless. Their maknae's were in danger and there absolutely nothing they could do about it and no way they could help them.

Namjoon looked up towards the sky, it was getting dark and cold, "Jungkook-ah! Jimin-ah! Taehyung-ah!" He screamed, "You'll be okay!!!" He had no idea if they could hear him from 500 feet up, but he needed to try. "You'll be oka-" Namjoon got too choked up to finish his sentence. He held onto the others as they all sobbed. Yoongi could barely breathe and just kept repeating that he wanted them down and he promises to be a better hyung. None of them were religious but they started asking the stars in the sky to protect their three youngest. It was all they could do.

"It's getting cold," Taehyung started to shiver. It was well past dusk now. They had no idea how much time had passed but it had to have been hours. Jungkook tried to slide closer to Taehyung to make him warmer, but the seatbelt made it almost impossible to move.

"If we get down.." Jimin looked at Jungkook and Taehyung, who looked extremely scared still, "Erm..when we get down, do you think Jin hyung will buy us whatever we want for dinner?"

"Of course," Jungkook replied.

"I miss hyungs," Taehyung pouted. The other two agreed that they did too. The three of them were now shivering as the air that high had gotten significantly colder. Jungkook's ankle was still throbbing, he knew he probably sprained it at the least. He tried not to move it too much. Suddenly the wind picked up and they could see multiple helicopters flying in from all directions. They were emergency rescue helicopters.

"If these people think I'm unbuckling myself and jumping in a helicopter they've got another thing coming!" Jimin yelled. Taehyung and Jungkook couldn't argue with that. No way were they going to undo that buckle. They all tensed up and grabbed the metal bar again when the wind from the helicopter made the swings start moving back and forth. It was scary enough they were already tilted forward. What if the wind broke it even more? The helicopters hovered about the swings for a long time and they couldn't see what was going on. The part the swings were actually attached too was in the way. Suddenly they felt themselves start to lean backwards.

"Is it falling the other way?!" Taehyung screamed and grabbed Jungkook's hand. They waited for a second and realized they had used the helicopters to bring the ride back up straight. They were level again. The pressure from the seatbelt was finally off their stomachs and they took in deep breaths. They hadn't even realized before that they were all having trouble breathing. The swings started to lower, slowly. They held on tightly anyways. Who knows if it'd break again and they'd still face death. However as the ride got lower and lower their anxiety tapered away as they heard cheering from a very large crowd. They looked around for their hyungs but couldn't find them. A ton of ambulances were parked nearby for anyone who needed medical attention. The ride came to a stop on the ground and the metal bars lifted. Jimin undid the seatbelt and the three of them threw themselves forward onto the ground, almost wanting to kiss the concrete. Instantly their four older members were running for them, " Our babies!!!!" Screamed Hobi. They didn't expect their hyungs to look like blubbering messes but they did. They were instantly all snatched up into warm arms. Paramedics came running in and tending to people who had injuries.

"Hyung," Jungkook cried into Yoongi's chest and buried himself into his hyungs arms. Yoongi rubbed his back, "It's okay now. You're all okay," Yoongi kissed him on the head. Namjoon noticed the three of them seemed to be in pain, "What's wrong? Are you guys hurt?" he asked concerned.

"Jungkookie hurt his ankle when the swings crashed," Taehyung pointed out. The hyungs hearts broke. They were hoping none of them had gotten hurt when that happened. Namjoon called for a paramedic.

"And the seatbelt was digging into us for hours when it tilted," Jimin clutched his stomach. Jin went over and lifted Jimin's shirt. There was a bleeding rash type cut going from one side of his stomach to the other.

"Check them," Jin gestured for Yoongi and Namjoon to check on Jungkook and Taehyung too. All three of the maknae's had the same bleeding cut across them. Paramedics came and brought them to an ambulance. The cuts weren't deep, but needed to be cleaned and bandaged. Jungkook was told he had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance because of his ankle, but he refused to go with them. He wanted to stay with everyone else. Yoongi promised they'd take Jungkook to the hospital themselves.

While Jimin and Taehyung were now doing a lot better than they were up on that swing, Jungkook couldn't help but break down even more. He grabbed Namjoon's shirt and pulled him in close, gripping his arms around him tightly. Namjoon rubbed his back. The youngest didn't need or want anything from him, he was just happy to be back on the ground and happy to be around people who were right now, braver than him. He still wanted to feel protected, and right now he did. He didn't want to let that go. They were given water and blankets and had to go through quick inspections to make sure they were okay before being told they could go. Everyone was a bit quiet walking back to the car, as they were all traumatized. Namjoon gave Jungkook a piggy back ride. They immediately brought Jungkook to the ER to have his ankle checked. To their surprise it was more than sprained, it was actually broken. He had to be fitted for a cast and was given one of those wheely scooter things. Everyone hated seeing him like that. Especially Taehyung and Jimin. They knew Jungkook had been acting so brave up there and they didn't even know he was hurting so badly. The two of them couldn't apologize enough to their maknae. He was also given some painkillers.

Once he was finally let out of the ER, Jin said he'd drive everyone home to get some rest. However everyone was hungry, and Taehyung requested they go out to dinner instead. Jin waited for Jungkook or Jimin to protest but they didn't, they were all starving.

"Hyung, can you buy us whatever we want?" Jungkook asked as they started driving.

"Of course, Jungkook-ah," Jin replied.

The three makane's looked at eachother and smiled.

of course.


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