Strings from The Heart (A Omo...

By Yog-sazeth

96.6K 2.4K 3.6K

welcome to head space More

Chapter1 Stepping into the world
Chapter 2 Friends, and the bully
Chapter 3 Uh, oh
Chapter 4 The thing that went bump in the night
Diet chapter
Chapter 5 Climb with me to the moon
Chapter 6 Mixtape
Chapter 7 The incredible kel
Chapter 8 It's been a while
Doodle chapter
Chapter 9 Where in the world is aubrey
Chapter 10 Simple minded
Album Covers
Chapter 11 Into the Thick of It
Doodle chapter 2
Happy (Late) Valentine's day
Chapter 12 Forcefully Wed
Chapter 13 The Wedding's Off!
Chapter 14 Ebony and Ivory
Chapter 15 The Last Resort
Chapter 16 Everything was Better
Happy Halloween
Chapter 17 Stop asking me
Merry Christmas
Chapter 18 Shards of The Past
Chapter 19 Good Morning
Happy Halloween
Merry Christmas

Happy Birthday

2K 60 16
By Yog-sazeth

Happy Birthday to OMOCAT!!!

(And me, I guess...)

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