🍀 Good luck 🍀.... 🖤 Bad lu...

بواسطة NoopurKrishna

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This book has 3 parts and this is part 1/3.... Hope you all enjoy it Year - 1987 to 1989 Destiny Hope was an... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ✌️
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 🖐️
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 🖐️ ✌️
Chapter 8 🖐️ ✌️ ☝️
Chapter 9
Chapter 🔟 👐
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88

Chapter 3

46 1 0
بواسطة NoopurKrishna

Few hours later, Destiny wakes up and see that she was not somewhere she could not easily recognised. She felt a throbbing pain on her head which she did not understand until she tried to move and she felt pain all over her body. She could not move even a single bit so she stayed like that to reduce the pain enough to sit on the bed. She looked around and she could make out that she in someone's house.... But who and why he, she or they bought her here?.... Destiny felt very much thirsty so see the sidetable and see a glass of water so she somehow got up and sit on the bed 🛏 without making any noise. She tries to hold the glass of water with her shaking hands but accidentally the glass fell down and break into pieces. She immediately got down from the bed and started to collect the broken pieces of glass. She heard some footsteps which made her panic even more and tries to take the glass pieces even faster. Some of the glass pieces cut her but she did not care about it. When she heard the door opened, she scream

Destiny - Please don't hit me, it was an accident.... I will clean it up in few minutes and do whatever you say, please don't hit me please (in fear)

The person just looked at her in shock 😲 and went to Destiny slowly and sits in front of her and looked into her eyes and say

Person - Calm down Destiny, no one's gonna hurt you until I'm beside you to protect you, (softly).... so breathe slowly and try to calm down. Come on let me do it with you.... Breath in.... (breathes in) Breathe out (breathes out).... Come on do it with me.... Breathe in.... Breathe out

Destiny tries to calm down but it was getting impossible so she tried to do whatever the person told her to do. She looked in the person's eyes and felt herself calming down slowly and steadily. She did calm down enough to recognise who was sitting in front of her. The person ask

Person - Are you 🆗 now? (concerned)

Destiny - Yes Mr. Michael Jackson

Michael - Just Michael is fine.... Just Michael.... Now,.... drop them

Destiny got confused 😕 until she felt a sharp pain in her hands and see her hands 👐. Michael kept a cotton wet towel on the floor and say

Michael - Drop it (softly)

Destiny drop the broken glass pieces on the towel and Michael say

Michael - Sit on the bed and don't move until I come

Destiny did whatever he said out of fear. Michael cleaned the broken pieces and cleaned the wet spot and he felt bad because he saw the fear in her eyes and face. Few minutes later, Michael enter the room with the first aid kit and sit on the bed 🛏 and took her hand 🖐️ in his and slowly started to aid it. Destiny bites her tongue whenever she felt pain very badly. Michael noticed everything she did and blows 🌬 on the cuts. Destiny closed her eyes in relief 😌. Michael did remaining first aid and went to the kitchen to get some water to drink. In the guest room, Destiny was sitting on the bed 🛏 and hoping no more further bad luck should happen or else she did not know how she will repay Michael. She looks around the room and suddenly her eyes widened in shock 😲, she saw some cramped money beside her bedside table. She wanted to check if it was hers but thought against it, thinking it could be Michael's or someone else's or Michael kept it to test her. Michael enter the room with two glasses of water and sits beside her and gives the glass to her but when he noticed her hands were shaking badly, he kept the glass to her mouth and say

Michael - Sip slowly

Destiny felt very much hesitant because no one has ever done this to her. She slowly drank some water and say

Destiny - Thank you very much Michael

Michael - Glad to help (smiling ☺)

Michael drinks his water and ask

Michael - How are you feeling now?

Destiny - 🆗.... I'm sorry to trouble you like this.... I don't know how to repay you

Michael - If you really want to repay me then.... Join my team.... I need good dancers and singers for my upcoming concerts and tour so join my team

Destiny recognised that she had a audition with him. Michael immediately say knowing what she was thinking.

Michael - I already added you in my team so no audition for you. Tomorrow I will do others audition.... Now get change, I have bought some clothes for you so please don't wear yours. After getting changed, come down for breakfast. (smiling 🙂)

Destiny just nodes her head and went to her bag 🎒 and took her toothbrush 🪥 and toothpaste and went to the bathroom to get freshen up. Michael looked at her actions and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Few minutes later, Destiny join Michael in the kitchen where he was setting the table for both of them. Michael see her and smiles 🙂 and say

Michael - You look beautiful like yesterday in the bar

Destiny was wearing a grey top and black pant. Destiny just smiles 😊 and say

Destiny - Thank you very much for the clothes and the food you are providing me

Michael - Friends do this to each other so don't thank me for everything. Sit let's have breakfast before it gets cold

Michael and Destiny sit and Michael say the grace and they have their breakfast. While having breakfast Michael noticed that Destiny was just looking at her plate so he ask

Michael - Don't like pancakes?

Destiny - No

Michael - Tell me what you want, I would to make it for you

Destiny - No.... (shakes her head) Its not about the food. Its odd to eat something this good

Michael - What's odd in it? (confused 😕)

Destiny just looked at him and say

Destiny - I'm not used to eat this type of food.... Its always spoilt, rotten, too cold or burnt that.... This totally taste odd to me and my mouth. It is in good odd way

Michael just kept looking at her while Destiny have her breakfast very slowly and she was enjoying every bite of it, he could see that. Michael cleared his throat and ask

Michael - Why don't you tell me about yourself?.... So I can understand and know you better

Destiny - Nothing is special about me like you.... I'm totally different from you.... Trying to find a regular basis job and thanks to you today, I got one.... I'm sort of scared that it should last long enough to me a little bit of living money so that even after you sack me, I could survive for at least until I find another job

Michael - Why do you think that I will sack you? (curiously)

Destiny - I never last long more than a month.... Except for the bar job and some other jobs.... The bar only I lasted at four months on my 18th birthday it got burnt down (sadly 😔)

Michael - I won't do anything like that so don't worry.... At what age did you started to sing?

Destiny - Two (✌️) years old.... I had to get myself some food so I sang songs I knew

Michael - Why? (🤨)

Destiny - They kicked me out from the orphanage.... Good thing is that it was summer but at winter it would be hard to sleep anywhere without proper stuff

Michael just kept looking at her not knowing what to say. Few minutes later, Michael say

Michael - I am sorry to hear that you have to go though those things

Destiny just smiles sadly and say

Destiny - It's not your fault that you say sorry to me

Michael - Did you go to school? (curiously)

Destiny - Yeah.... (nodes her head) Free school.... I did till high school thanks to free education

Michael - Then why you did not go to college?

Destiny - I'm not made for it (jokingly).... Actually I didn't get any scholarship. I couldn't do more jobs and study at the same time, already I had bad routine of working in and out of the house so my grades were slightly affected not too much like others say that I can't get into any college.

Michael - Would you study if someone pays for your college?

Destiny - No.... (shakes her head) But I won't stop educating myself by reading books I get

Michael - Education can never ends

Destiny - We have lots to learn everyday. Sometimes even the simplest thing is a big lesson for us

Michael - What types of books do you read?

Destiny - Childrens, young adult, crime, suspense, romance and little bit of extra adult stuff

Michael - Extra adult stuff? (confused 😕 and curiously)

Destiny - You know.... Sexual stuff.... Don't think something bad 🆗, I am just curious sometimes with some stuffs like that because.... It makes me feel different not in bad way for sure

Michael - You don't need to explain (smiling ☺) Everybody do read about it but won't be honest with it because of lots of reasons

Destiny - True (nodes her head in agreement)

There was complete silence for a while. Destiny help Michael to clean the table and ask

Destiny - What do you mostly do home?

Michael - Don't stay here most of the time but whenever I do, I do lots of things.... Can I ask you something?

Destiny - Go ahead

Michael - Why were you living in the park?

Destiny and Michael sit on the 🛋 and she say

Destiny - I was staying in a house but after losing my job in the bar, I couldn't pay the rent as always so I moved out myself to save myself from humiliation.

Michael - Why you never got a job? I mean you are talented

Destiny - Everyone goes through hard times and I am born with it that's all

Michael - I'm not getting your point

Destiny thought for a while and say

Destiny - I'm a bad charm.... I am born with some bad luck curse.... Wherever I go, I take my bad luck with me that's why I avoid everything still now.... Everybody have hard time for few times, days, months and sometimes years but for me, my whole life is filled with bad luck.... Whatever I do,.... won't come the way you want it. That's the reason why I wear lose clothes so that I won't ruin someone's clothes. I will fall anywhere and ruin something important. The food I cook gets ruined, burnt or overcooked that no one would like to have it that turns into my few days meals which might be lucky sometimes if it does not get spoilt. People take away my belongings and never return it back even if I ask them and I ask more than once they say that its theirs now and I get beaten up like it happened in that store. (sigh heavily) Some people take advantage of me and some never repay me my money they owe me. Sometimes they get and make me do stuffs and say that they will pay me later but after work they won't.... I always try to find good things out of bad but sometimes it's just too much to bare when you are really hungry and you need a bit of food to feed yourself just because you have a thing in your body which is called stomach.... Sometimes they make you beg for it and you have to do it when you don't have a choice (breath heavily)

Michael felt bad for her and there was complete silence for a long time. He ask

Michael - Where's your parents?

Destiny just smile sadly and say

Destiny - My mom died after giving birth to me and my.... Dad tried to abandon me somewhere but he.... Lost his life in a car crash and I survived so everyone calls me that I killed my parents in just few hours after I was born. Since I was born I'm all alone in this world

Michael - Were you always on streets after you were....

Destiny - After I got kicked out of the orphanage (seeing him casually).... I lived in different places like.... Public toilets, school and some other 7 abandoned places where no one would come or if anyone did come they won't care about me or they will chase me away

Michael - Shall we go for a walk if you don't mind?

Destiny - Its your house so you can order me whatever you want me to do

Michael - I don't order my friends until I'm working with them

They went out of the house for a walk and Michael ask

Michael - Did you see the money on the sidetable?

Destiny - Yes, (nodes her head) I did see it.... But I didn't touch it, thought it could be yours and you are testing me like everyone does with me

Michael - Its yours!.... I told Frank my manager to get it back because I know how hard you worked for it because trust me it is never easy to earn money

Destiny - Thank you very much for returning my money.... (smiling ☺) Now, I was sort of worried about how am I going to repay you

Michael - Friends don't repay and I'm glad to help you out

They walk to the zoo and feed the animals. Michael ask

Michael - Would you like to go on some rides with me? (hopefully)

Destiny think for a while and Michael say

Michael - Please say yes (childishly pleading tone)

Destiny laughs 😂 and say

Destiny - 🆗.... But remember I told you

Michael - Don't worry about that and if something did happen like that, I know what to do so just enjoy your time here with me

Destiny - OK

First they went to Carousel, then they went to other rides. Michael noticed that Destiny was scared of heights but she did have her fun and he loved seeing her smile. Few hours later, they were sitting and having ice cream 🍦 and Destiny say

Destiny - I never had this much fun in my entire life and I don't know I will ever have again

Michael - Why do you say like that?

Destiny - There are some things that are meant for few seconds, minutes, hours, days and years only.... Until we live.... So please do always live it to the fullest (seeing him in the eyes)

Michael - Since when do you hear my songs?

Destiny - Since childhood.... Your songs bought some extra cash,.... that also in some places only.... I love your songs its meaningful and always different than others

Michael - Who's your most favourite singers?

Destiny - You, the Jacksons, Jackson 5 mostly and rest is a moody thing

Michael - Would you like to go on ferris wheel?

Destiny - No thank you very much

Michael - Oh come on, I will be there with you, I promise you that you will love what are you going to see

Destiny - Ok big star I believe in you

They went to the ferris wheel and Michael opens the gate for her, Destiny thanked him and got in and Michael joins her and the ride starts. When they were on top of the ride and Destiny kept looking at view, for someone like her who was scared of heights, she loved what she was looking at. Michael was sitting beside her and ask

Michael - Destiny can I ask you something?

Destiny - Yeah, sure! (without seeing him)

Michael cleared his throat to get her attention and Destiny looked at him and he ask

Michael - Would you like to go out for dinner with me tonight? (hesitate)

Destiny just kept looking at him for a while and say

Destiny - Sure if it is not problem with you

Michael - Great (smiling 😃) By 7pm be ready

Destiny - Okay!

Destiny looked away from him to look at the view again. After they got down from the ferris wheel, Destiny say

Destiny - Thank you very much for sharing this beautiful view I just witnessed.... It was truly amazing, lovely and magical

Michael - I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed you watching the view

Destiny just smile ☺ and ask

Destiny - When I have to get ready?

Michael - By 7.... I'm sure you will love where I'm going to take you

Destiny - If you mind can I ask you something?

Michael - Ask!

Destiny - Can we eat something, I'm kind of getting hungry (hestiate)

Michael - Sure let's go and get freshen up and have some lunch, I'm also hungry.

They went to their rooms to get freshen up. In Michael's room, Michael was very much happy that Destiny said yes for the dinner date.... Wait a moment.... Was it a date? No, its just a friendly dinner with a 🆕 friend whom he met just yesterday afternoon but he was sure that this will turn out something great. He called Bill and told him to book a table in a restaurant which had a amazing view of the city. After the phone call he went to get freshen up. Few minutes later, he knocked on Destiny’s door and ask

Michael - Shall we go down?

Destiny - Coming

They went down to the dinning table and sit. Destiny was surprised 😲 to see lots of dishes and she ask

Destiny - You eat this much?

Michael - No.... (shakes his head) I don't know what you like to have so I told my chef few dishes so that you can have whatever you like

Destiny - Don't worry about me much, I will have whatever you give me

Michael said the grace and they were having their lunch with little bit of chit-chat. Michael ask

Michael - Destiny have you ever had a boyfriend? (curiously)

Destiny - Nope.... (shakes her head) I keep everyone in friendship zone for a very good reason. I can't take anymore hurtful things. I do believe in love and trust not hurting others.

Michael - What junk food do you like to eat?

Destiny - Have some topics for dinner too (teasingly)

They laugh 😂 and Michael say

Michael - OK

Destiny - I don't eat much junk food but I had remaining from trash cans or some would give away extra food from everywhere.... I love KFC, Mcdonald's, Pizza Hut and Domino's mostly. What about you?

Michael - KFC and McDonald's.... Looks like you loved your lunch? (seeing her clean plate)

Destiny - Tasty dishes.... I couldn't stop myself from cleaning the plate clean, you don't need to wash it anymore.

They laugh 😂 and Michael say

Michael - Let's take some nap so that we won't feel tired afterwards

Destiny - I really do need a power nap after this wonderful lunch.

At 6pm 🕕, Destiny was looking at the dresses, Michael had bought for her. There was all kind of dresses but she choice something she would be comfortable. After getting ready she looked at herself in the mirror, she was wearing a blue jeans 👖, red shirt and black jacket with white socks and red shoes. She see clock which was showing 6:30pm 🕡, she went down to the hall but see that it was empty so she sits on the couch 🛋 and read a book 📙 which she had with her. In Michael's room, Michael comes out of bathroom and walk into his walk-in wardrobe and looked the clothes he had and picked few and wear them. He was wearing a black jeans, blue shirt and red jacket with brown shoes 👞. He looked at himself on the mirror and was pleased with the look and went to hall to wait for Destiny but to his shock 😲 to see Destiny and she was reading a book. Michael check his watch ⌚ and see it was 6:45pm. He went to her and ask

Michael - When did you get ready?

Destiny - Few minutes ago, (looking at him) shall we go?

Michael - Sure! (smiling 😃)

Michael and Destiny went to the limo, Destiny was about to open the door but Michael say

Michael - Let me please?

Michael opens the door and say

Michael - Please sit comfortably my lady

Destiny smiles 😊 at him and got in the car. Michael sits beside her and see Bill and say

Michael - Let's go

Bill - Yes sir (nodes his head)

A mild music was playing in the car. Michael say

Michael - Destiny I need to say something important to you

Destiny - What?

Michael - You can't let people treat you like the way they treat you, you got to stand up for yourself sometimes so if something happens like that while I'm not there please call Bill or say that you are with me even after that they told you to leave tell them that you will leave after I come back, 🆗? (seriously)

Destiny - 🆗 Michael (nodes her head)

Michael - You look nice in this clothes you are wearing right now

Destiny - Thanks! (smiling 😃) You look handsome as always, you really do know your style

Michael - Thanks! (blushing)

Destiny - I never seen a guy blush so cute

Michael looked at her and looked away shyly. Destiny say

Destiny - I didn't mean to offend you, I was just teasing you that's all

Bill - Destiny don't worry, no one has ever told it to his face straight like that

Destiny - 🆗.... What's your name?

Bill - Bill.... Bill Whitfield

Destiny - Oh your Chuck's cousin.... Chuck had told alot about you.

Bill - What he tells about me? (curiously 🤨)

Destiny - Your the only person who treats him well. You tried to change him when he went to drugs, smoking and drinks. You were there when his mother died and your family took him in for few months until his dad came back from his ex-wife and lots more

Bill - I never thought that he would talk highly about me to someone

Destiny - He only talks about you highly

Bill - He would tell me alot about you too. Thank you very much for saving him from that addictions he was going through.... You sing and dance so good and you make great drinks

Destiny - Thank you very much (smiling ☺)

Michael hear them talk about different things while looking out of the window. When they reached the restaurant, Bill winked 😉 at Michael and did his all the best sign (👍), Michael smiles 😊 at him and went in the restaurant with Destiny. In the restaurant, Destiny see Victoria and Rosa. Victoria see her and ask

Victoria - What are you doing here homeless freak? (irritated tone)

Rosa - Yeah don't you know that this restaurant is for real expensive for you trash bag (insulting tone)

Victoria - Either way where the fucking hell did you get those expensive clothes?

Rosa - She would have stolen it (taunts)

Victoria - Then we have to report her immediately to the manager, God knows what else she will steal here (evil smile 😈)

Before Victoria can do anything, they heard Michael calling for Destiny and comes to her and say

Michael - Our table is there, come!

Michael holds her hand and takes Destiny to their table. Michael and Destiny sit in their table and a waiter comes to them and say

Waiter - Good evening sir and ma'am, here's your menu card. (giving them a menu card 🎴) What would you both like to drink? Champagne, rum, vodka, wine or beer?

Destiny felt uncomfortable with the drinks option because she had never had a drink even though she worked in a bar. Destiny say

Destiny - I will have a glass of hot water please

Michael - I will have orange juice please, rest we will tell you when you get our drinks

Waiter - OK sir

Michael ask after the waiter left

Michael - Are you 🆗? (concerned and worried)

Destiny - I never had a hard drink, I'm sorry because of me you.... (got cut off by Michael)

Michael - It's 🆗, I don't drink much too. I prefer soft drinks than hard (sweetly smiling ☺).... So looks like you and Bill have became good friends now?

Destiny - Yeah. Chuck had told alot about him that I felt like I knew him for a long time now

Michael - How did you and Chuck meet?

Destiny - Chuck was totally drunk and he was arguing with some cops so I saved him from them by telling the cops that he's my husband and he was sort of upset that he got me pregnant so soon

Michael - Wow! (shocked 😲) They did not ask you anything else?

Destiny - No (shakes her head) I had act more that Chuck is my husband for few minutes more then when they left, I took him to my house and tucked him in my bed. That night I got kicked out of the house because I bought Chuck

Michael - Then what happened?

Destiny - I stayed with Chuck for few days and he rented me a house and got me a 🆕 job at the bar

Michael - What would you like to eat?

The waiter returns back with their drinks and Destiny say

Destiny - I will have the cream of chicken corn vegetable soup with toast and butter

Michael - I will go with that too

Destiny - Oh please give extra butter chiclets please (excitedly)

The waiter see her in a odd manner, after he left Destiny ask

Destiny - Did I ask something wrong? (worried tone)

Michael - No.... (shakes his head) What you asked is normal thing so don't think too much.... Kindly excuse me, I need to use the restroom, if you like anything then please do order it without any hesitation

Destiny just nodes her head with a smile 🙂. Destiny was looking at the menu card 🎴. Suddenly Destiny hear Victoria's voice

Victoria - Looks like someone hit the jackpot tonight (taunts).... But not for long time.... I will give you a fair warning bitch, leave him or else I will make you to leave him.... Stay away from my future husband and father for my kids or else you regret it rest of your fucked up homeless trash life forever.... Remember that Michael Jackson is mine only mine (threatening tone)

Destiny see her indifferently but in her mind she was scared of her wits which made no sense. Victoria continues

Victoria - You better be out of our lives for good or else.... Remember what I told you.... Homeless belongs on streets not in mansions.... You better dump him right here so that I will take care of everything. (smirking 😏).... Dump him right in front of my eyes

Victoria walks away from there while Rosa gave Destiny a dirty look and they went to their table which was not far away. Destiny just shakes her head and mumbles to herself

Destiny - Michael Jackson is just a good friend of mine for now, I won't let any harm happening to him until I'm working with him

The waiter serves the soup and ask

Waiter - Would you like something else ma'am?

Destiny - No thank you very much, we will let you know when we need anything

The waiter just nodes his head with a smile 🙂 and Destiny couldn't stop herself and started to have her soup. Michael returned from the restroom and sits in his place and see Destiny eat like a kid by licking the butter from the chiclet and her fingers. Destiny see him and say

Destiny - Sorry, couldn't stop myself from eating before you return (shamelessly)

Michael - I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and the meal. (smiling 😀) How's the soup?

Destiny - Not bad.... They toasted the bread too long I think so but it's good after you dip it in the soup. I always love it that way

Michael - Mind sharing with your friend?

Destiny - Sure (smiling happily 😃) First peel off the paper from the chiclet and lick the paper but be careful that you do not cut your tongue with it. (seriously) Then take a knife and try to take as much as butter possible only on the knife and take a toast and spread the butter everywhere and keep the toast on the plate and empty the chiclet, this is why I asked extra, one whole butter for one toast and soup and to lick from your fingers like a messy kid. Put the remaining butter in the soup or eat it and repeat this process every single time so that you will have fun while enjoying it.

Michael - You never leave a chance to be a kid

Destiny - It's very much rare these days to be a kid so live the child like moments you can

Michael just smile 🙂 and they have their soup. Destiny say

Destiny - Speechless view of the world (looking out at the view)

Michael - You like it?

Destiny - I love it.... Its peaceful, beautiful and sort of soothing to watch it.... What are you going to order? I have no clue what I'm going to have

Michael - Shall I order if you don't mind?

Destiny - I will be saved than embarrassing both of us (jokingly)

Michael laugh 😂 and say

Michael - You are damn funny at times. You won't embarrass us

Destiny - 🆗.... But I'm serious about this so can you please order for me too

Michael - OK

While having their dinner, Destiny noticed Victoria and Rosa were giving her a death stare and they were talking about something, which Destiny had a bad feeling about. Michael ask

Michael - Is everything 🆗?

Destiny - Yeah.... Its just that I don't feel right

Michael - Is everything 🆗, if you want we can lea.... (got cut off by Destiny)

Destiny - No, I'm 🆗. It's just that I have a bad feeling about something else that's all. You have a great choice in foods. I love noodles pasta with white sauce

Michael - I like red

Destiny - Then why did you order white?

Michael - I need a change and I heard that this restaurant is famous for it

Destiny - True but never go with someone options until you want to risk it (jokingly)

Michael - Now you are making me regret my decision of ordering it

Destiny - Can we order the red one now?

Michael - Are you serious about this?

Destiny - What is wrong to have two ✌️ main course.... We had my favourite so it's fair that we have yours too and I'm seriously serious about it (smiling 🙂) Will you order or shall I do it?

Michael - You do the honour (jokingly)

Destiny - With pleasure my dear friend

They both laugh 😂 and Destiny ordered another plate of pasta with red sauce. While they were waiting for their order to come, Destiny ask

Destiny - Can I ask you something if you won't take it wrong?

Michael - Ask!

Destiny - Why are you doing this to me and us? (seriously)

Michael - Meaning? (confused 😕)

Destiny - This.... What are we doing right now!.... Why do I feel like, this is not something friendly dinner which I used to have with Chuck and my bar friends.... You can tell me anything, your secret is safe with me, I promise

Michael - I'm falling in love with you. The moment I saw you in that audition, I wanted you as mine forever

Destiny - I'm not the girl for you. I am a homeless person, I don't belong in mansions, fancy and expensive things. I love you so much as a star and idol but I can't live like your life. You and I have lots of common things is true but I can't be wife. Being your lifepartner and lots of other people will love to be your wife. I want a simple and quite life, not this paparazzi, cameras and other stuffs that I don't want to mention. I appreciate your help, support and honesty but I don't think it will work. Can we be friends if you don't mind?

Michael - 🆗, we will be friends

Destiny - Thanks. Now can we talk about your family? I have lots of confusion with your family

They have the red pasta while talking about other things. When the bill comes, Destiny say

Destiny - I will pay half of it

Michael - No please, I bought you here so it is my responsibility to pay it

Destiny - That's unfair, let me pay for half of it

Michael - Next time you pay.... Now lets go

Destiny - Next time its my treat for you from my salary

Michael - I would love that (smiling ☺)

They were walking to the entrance, Victoria wantedly put her leg out of the table and Destiny trip over it and Michael immediately catch her by her waist and ask

Michael - Are you 🆗 Destiny? (worried tone)

Destiny - Yeah.... Must have tripped on my own leg as always. Sorry to worry you (seeing him in his eyes)

Michael - Can you walk?

Destiny - I just tripped not hurt so let's go (smiling 🙂)

Michael holds her hand and they went to the limo. In the restaurant, Victoria say

Victoria - We got to get rid of her if we need him

Rosa - Let's just see if she made it through the audition and if she did then she's really died

Victoria - Let's go, Danny is waiting for us in the hotel

Rosa - I can't wait to be with John

Victoria - Remember our plan

Rosa - All ready sis

In Neverland Ranch, in Michael's room, Michael was thinking what Destiny told him in the restaurant. He liked her everything by now. Michael told himself while seeing himself in the mirror

Michael - I won't stop loving you Destiny Hope and I will make sure that you like me back. I will make sure that I will protect you from everything as much as possible and you are all mine.... Only mine!


So what do you guys think 🤔, can Michael win Destiny's trust and love for him? To know the answers please do read the story!


Sorry for the spelling mistakes and typing errors

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