System Maintenance - FNAF Sec...

By ixCurses_

7.4K 355 131

You are a lead technician at the Mega Pizzaplex, your job is to repair everyone's favorite animatronics after... More

Glitter Glue
Internal Damage
Stuck Like Glue


1.1K 50 13
By ixCurses_

Your night had been restless, a wandering mind had kept you up. Thoughts of a particular animatronic had clouded your dreams, leaving you disorderly and drowsy as you made it into work the following morning. You headed straight for the Atrium, planning to use the side entrance to make your way down to Parts and Service. Crossing the floor however, you ran into your supervisor.

"(Y/N)! Good morning." He said as he approached. "I wanted to thank you for staying over last night."

"Oh, no worries." You said, stifling a yawn. "I had him fixed up in no time."

"I saw that," He looked you up and down, the steal color of his eyes giving you a shiver. "How was it exactly? I've been told the Daycare Attendant is tricky to work with."

A slight blush creeped up your neck in memory of last night's events, and you cleared your throat before giving your answer.

"Not to bad, his internals are a bit complicated, but nothing I couldn't handle."

"Excellent." He patted your shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, you'd be unsettled by this normally, but he removed his hand quickly. "Keep up the great work (Y/N), I'll see you around."

"Thanks-" A bit apprehensive, you watched him walk away for a moment, but then turned and continued towards the door.

The tunnel down to Parts and Service was chilly, the concrete stairway echoing your footsteps as you made your way down the hall. The lights flickered on as you entered, motion sensory was used for most of Fazbear's lighting systems. Approaching the work bench, you strapped your tool-belt around your waist, and set to work on your morning routines. Work was slow in the maintenance department for the most part, the robots were your specialty. If anything were to malfunction, like the stage, lights, building utilities, or attractions, that was handled by another group of mechanics. They usually stayed up on the main floor, responding to requests, so normally you were down here by yourself. You are the only robot technician for the main group, but you did help repair the assistant bots when needed. With not a whole lot to do at the moment, you let yourself drift back to yesterday, remembering the time you spent with Sun. You were wondering what he was doing right now. Preparing for the arrival of children? Cleaning up? Perhaps he was organizing his glitter glue, or coloring a picture. That thought made you smile, picturing Sun holding a crayon in his over-sized hand, doing his best to draw. Was he thinking of you, the same way you were thinking of him? Of course not, he's a robot, why would he be thinking about you? You tumbled out of your thoughts with a sigh, deciding to distract yourself by cleaning your tools. You'd see him this afternoon, you would just have to make it through the work day first.

"Good morning (Y/N)!"

The sudden voice startled you, causing you to drop the wrench you'd been holding. "Oh, Freddy-" You leaned down to pick it up. "I didn't hear you come in."

"I did not mean to startle you (Y/N)." The bear said, moving to stand in front of you.

"It's all good Fazbear," You smiled up at him, thankful for the distraction. "What's up?"

"I wanted to check in with you, I noticed you leaving quite late yesterday." Freddy blinked, the motion seeming odd. He must have seen you on the cameras.

"Oh that," You laughed nervously, "I was asked to stay over to fix the Daycare Attendant."

"The Daycare Attendant?!" Freddy stepped towards you in a protective manor, his eyes scanning you for any discrepancy. "You are unharmed," he sighed with relief, "I am glad."

"What do you mean? Of course I'm fine-" You took a precautious step back, not sure as to why Freddy would react so drastically.

"The Daycare Attendant is very dangerous (Y/N), especially at night. The lights in the Daycare are never to be turned off during business hours."

"Dangerous?" You raised a brow, crossing your arms over your chest. "Sun? He wouldn't hurt a fly."

"I see." Freddy looked down for a moment, then back over at you. "Then you haven't met Moon." 

"Moon?" Was this the other jester character you had seen the statue of? Come to think of it, you'd been so apprehended with Sun, that you didn't think to ask him about the other attendant.

"Stay away from the Daycare (Y/N), I have to get back up to my room, but promise me you won't do anything reckless."

Confused, you stared up at the bear, a flood of mixed emotions starting to fill your brain. Before you could process anything, you just nodded, earning a smile from Freddy.

"I'll see you after the show (Y/N)!" He said as he made his way back to his service elevator.

You were left to your own devices for the rest of the day until showtime. You tried to keep yourself busy, finding menial things to work on. You adjusted a few upgrades for the bots, and made sure the computer system was in compliance. Anything to keep your mind from drifting to Sun, and what exactly Freddy meant by Moon being dangerous. You'd have to see for yourself, if Moon was anything like Sun, you knew he was an advanced animatronic at least, and that you could appreciate.

That evening, the familiar Fazbear theme once again filled the halls, the show almost over. You readied yourself and prepared the protective chamber for the glamrock crew. You'd be happy to see them of course, you were always happy to see them, but tonight you were anxious to get their repairs finished, so you could head over to the Daycare to see Sun. A few moments later, the stage lowered down, and Freddy and his friends entered Parts and Service.

"(Y\N)!" Chica ran over to give you a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She squeezed you, pressing you into her hard metal exterior.

"Of course I'm okay-" You pulled away from her. "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Freddy said you were hanging around the Daycare Attendant." Roxanne cut in, walking over with a swish in her step. "I guess now he at least has ONE friend."

Monty laughed, and you looked over at Freddy, giving him a stern glare. The bear's ears went down.

"For your information guys, Sun is actually really nice." You walked over to the computer and booted up the system for Chica. "He didn't hurt me, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stay out of my business."

"We are only trying to help (Y\N)." Freddy responded, waiting his turn for repairs.

"Don't worry about me okay?" You adjusted the system for each one of them, and you didn't bother to say anything else once they were finished.

Luckily, taking the hint, the band and Freddy returned to their rooms without another word.

"Finally." You said to yourself, making quick work of putting everything away and hastily removing your coveralls.

You wore something a bit nicer today, a cute blouse that showed a bit more of your neckline, and matching pants. This certainly wasn't something to play in, because no doubt that's what Sun would want to do, but you couldn't help yourself. You wanted to look nice for him. Thinking about it, you hesitated. Why were you going through so much trouble for a robot? The bot has been on your mind all day, and the memories of your play-date together. How could a robot take up so much occupancy in the space of your mind? It's not like he's sentient, he has no emotions or morals. He's not real. IT is realistically just a build of metal with a friendly face. You're getting ahead of yourself, getting attached to one of the bots here is not a good idea. The models here get scrapped and remade all the time, no one part of them is original, except for maybe their core memory. Sun could malfunction beyond repair and be thrown out, scrapped for parts, disassembled, or worse. You'd never see him again, at least, never see the one you've come to know.

With a heavy breath, you closed your eyes and took a moment to compose yourself. You need to get out more, meet some actual human friends. You've never been good at making friends, but perhaps you were letting yourself get a bit to distant from reality down here. You didn't want to ditch Sun without at least saying something, so you decided to still go to the Daycare, but only to tell Sun that you couldn't see him anymore, unless it was to make repairs. He wouldn't understand, but you couldn't let yourself get attached to something that couldn't return your affection. Decision firm, you walked back up the stairs and out to the Atrium. You hummed along softly to the elevator tune as you rode back up to the main lobby. As the Daycare came into view at the far end of the hall, you could feel an ache seep into your chest, your heart-rate increasing. Breaking the news to Sun would be difficult, seeing him act so sad yesterday from just you leaving was hard enough. How would he respond to you not wanting to be his friend? 

You approached the slide, a bit of a tingle rising up your body in remembrance of the sensation of Sun's arms wrapped around you. You sat down, legs out in front of you, and slid down.

Emerging from the ball pit, a deep feeling of dread sank down into the pit of your stomach as you noticed the lights in the Daycare...were off.

"Sun..?" You called out, looking around, but it was far to dark for you to see anything. "Sun? It's me, (Y/N)."

You heard the jingle of his bells, and a distant maniacal chuckle. "Naughty naughty, shouldn't you be on your way home?"

That voice, it was deeper than Sun's, but still had a bit of his playful tone. It was more mechanical, like his voice-box had a bit of a garble. You looked around once more, but you couldn't see anything in the direction the voice had come from.

"I-I just wanted to tell you that I won't be coming to see you anymore.." You held your hands nervously in front of you, anxiously rubbing your fingers over the back of one, and then the other. The uneasiness crept up the back of your neck like a whisper, sending chills up your spine, causing the small hairs to stand on end. Perhaps Freddy had been right.

"Not see me anymore?" The voice said, sounding closer now than it had before. "But Starlight..I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet.."

The sound of a unraveling rope above you forced your attention upwards, only to catch the decent of a robot with Sun's same build, but he was dressed in dark-blue..covered with golden stars. He landed in front of you, and your eyes widened as he lengthened to his full height. He smiled, a sharp grin that had you stepping backwards with a gasp. His eyes were red, his fingers like claws. Whatever this thing was, it was definitely not Sun. You moved to take another step backwards, but if you went any further, you'd fall back into the ball pit. It seemed pleased by this, inching towards you in a tantalizing dance.

"What did you do with S-Sun?!" You managed, holding your ground as the bot moved closer.

"Sun?" His fingers folded inward one by one, a fan of long articulated fingers as he brought them up to his chest with a deep laugh. "Why he's right here."

Confused, you pondered the thought of why Sun and Moon are never seen together, and then it hit you.

"You're the same robot-" Realizing, you blinked in awe, genius, pure genius. Sun turned into Moon when the lights were off, he has a day and night mode. Fascination began to replace your sense of urgency, the bot standing in front of you was truly a work of art, a complete masterpiece.

"We are." He said, lowering down to your height, inching his face closer to yours.

"Then, you must be Moon." You looked at him, observing his face, wondering where the sun rays had retracted to. How did the color of his face change from yellow to black? How did his clothes change color and pattern? His outfit wasn't metal, it was least, that was your assumption based on how it had felt against your fingers.

"Indeed Starlight.." Moon's grin grew wider, he was so close to you now, if you moved your hand just an'd be touching. Was he warm just like Sun? You were tempted to find out, but his voice startled you, making you hesitate. "And you must be (Y/N)," He purred, he dragged what appeared to be a tongue over the bottom of his top teeth. "Sun hasn't been able to shut up about you.."

Did you see that right? Did this animatronic have a tongue? You didn't notice the tongue on Sun...but on Moon, a blush flared on your cheeks.

"He was so anxious..that I had to see you for myself.." Moon's eyes slowly drifted downwards, and you watched the red orbs closely as they dragged over the length of your body, then back up to your face.

You swallowed harshly.

"You're nothing alike.." You whispered, amazed at the ability of this bot's technology. He has two separate personalities, with the capability to change into a completely different robot. You were astounded. "But one in the same.." Throwing caution to the wind, you reached out your hand towards Moon, gently placing it on the robot's cheek.

Moon flinched, your touch unexpected. His harsh exterior seemed to falter, he held perfectly still as your hand gently cupped his cheek, your thumb brushing across it's smooth surface. It was made out of the same soft material, and your assumption had been correct, he was just as warm. Your palm heated, soothing you not only from his heat, but you also noticed that it was soothing an ache you hadn't realized you had until now. You'd been longing to feel his touch since yesterday. Something about him, just made you feel safe. 

"You're really not going to see me anymore?" Moon didn't break your connection, he seemed to lean into your hand, as if the gesture was just as relieving for him.

"I.." You sighed. "Freddy told me to stay away from you, and that you are dangerous. He said I should stay away from the Daycare, and make some actual friends."

"Dangerous.." Moon pulled away from your touch. "Hmm...perhaps you should have listened."

"What do you mean?" That sense of urgency returned to you all at once as Moon crouched down, his hands out in front of him as if he was about to grab you. 

"Goodnight.." He said in a sing songy voice, flashing his sharp teeth.

You screamed, and moved to run, but you fell backwards, into the ball pit. 

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