Glory [ Robert. Gould. Shaw]

By addiehome2

8.5K 165 77

In which a girl with the power to foretell the future does everything in her power to keep her best friend al... More

Introduction/authors note
End/Author's note


173 5 3
By addiehome2


 "Guard! Develop! Thrust! Develop! Thrust!" Mulcahy's loud voice echoed throughout the room as the soldiers trained with their bayonets, stabbing large sacks of sand that hung from wood, causing some to spill out little by little. 

  Elizabeth had finally decided to join the group today, feeling guilty to have any more rest breaks. These soldiers did not get time off so why should she? Although Robert highly disapproved of this idea, causing them to have a rather childish argument that resulted both of them to be late. So there she was, standing in her usual spot next to Robert and Cabot on her left, her eyes calculating the soldiers every move.

   As Sergeant Mulcahy examined the men, hands behind his back, his eyes narrowed in on Jupiter. "You're not at dancing school, son! Take his head off!" Instead of arguing, Jupiter applied extra forced into his stab. 

  Satisfied with Jupiter, Mulcahy now walked up next to Thomas, and Elizabeth could sense the conflict from where she was standing. Gaining eye contact with the Sergeant, she gave him a warning look. Play nicely. Unfortunately, he did not do as told.

  "Jesus, Mary and Joseph! What have we here?" Mulcahy commented, making the General sigh in irritation. "Bonnie Charlie and his toy bayonet." He said in an almost taunting way.

  He gestured for Thomas to stand next to him. "You're not your now. Go on, go on. Get over there." Thomas did as told, a bit hesitantly and confused. Elizabeth, Robert, and Cabot all waited to see what was about to happen.

  "Good. Now stab me." Mulcahy commanded, his voice calm and collected. A look of surprise flickered across Thomas's face. "What?" 

  "Stab. Me." He repeated. Getting the message, Thomas charged weakly, still unsure on whether to attack a Sergeant or not even with their permission. Because of this, Mulcahy easily swatted his bayonet away like an annoying fly. "Come on, stab, not tickle!"

  Thomas still hesitated. By now, everyone had stopped their training to gaze at them, making poor Thomas feel very uncomfortable. "Hit me, come on." He did as told, with the same light force as before. It got batted away. "You schoolgirl! You're the worst soldier in this company. Now hit me!" 

  This clearly angered Thomas, giving him a newfound strength and thrusted his bayonet forward. However, Mulcahy grabbed the handle and yanked him forward, causing him to loose his balance and fall over, landing face first in the straw. Elizabeth clenched her fist.

  "Sergeant Mulcahy!" Elizabeth's stern voice echoed throughout the training room, making all commotion die down. Some winced at her voice, knowing that the Sergeant was in big trouble. 

  Then, Trip said something that ticked her off even more. "Nigga forgot to duck. That's all." Some brain-dead soldiers had the nerve to laugh. She started to march over but Robert was faster. Placing a hand on her shoulder, silently telling her to calm down. Most people would be head locked to the ground by now if they were in Robert's position but not Robert. His touch always soothed her.

  "Sergeant, deal with that man." Robert commanded, pointing at Trip. Mulcahy immediately walked over to Trip. He leaned in close and whispered "l can tell you're very smart, son. The only you have to to do is to keep your shut." Then, he grabbed his shoulders and pushed him. That smartass tripped but did not fall, causing an arrogant smirk to appear on his face.

  "Carry on, Sergeant Mulcahy." Elizabeth ordered, sliding back to her usual spot. She got a nod in return. Thomas shakily got up and walked up to Robert. There was tears streaming down his face which caused the girl to look up at him in concern.

  "I'd like to speak to you, for a moment in private if I may?" Elizabeth winced at that, knowing that colored people were not allowed to do that without permission. She glanced over at Robert who shut his eyes painfully for a moment before holding eye contact with Thomas.

  "Enlisted men to speak to officer......must get permission. You understand, private?" Robert said in a gentle but sad tone. This made Thomas sniff a little. "Yes.... sir." 

  As Thomas turned to leave, Elizabeth called out for him "Hold on a minute, Private." Those words successfully stopped him, causing him to turn around to face the brunette.

  "You want to talk?" She asked, gaining a nod in return. "Let's talk then." Everyone turned to face the girl in surprise. People were about to protest but quickly shut their mouth at the stern look she gave them. 

  A look of surprise flashed across his face as Elizabeth turned to the exit. "You coming?" She called, gesturing towards the door when Thomas was still frozen in his place. Snapping out of his daze, he followed her out, a small smile present on his lips, one that Elizabeth did not get to see.


Another chapter done! Sorry, this is a shorter one then usual. A quick question though. Would you guys rather prefer short chapters or long chapters? 

 ** Me talking as if people read my story and answer these questions lmao***


Can't believe that I have updated frequently as well. I am really surprised. Sorry if there is any mistakes, grammar, or plot holes. I try my best. I wasnt feeling well today. Like, school today was a pain in the ass. I could barely pay attention. I'm surprised that I uploaded a chapter today. My chest hurt so much throughout the day along with having a stomach cramp. SO, I was in literal HELL today. Im finally feeling a lot better although I STILL have a stomach cramp. 

  ANYWAYS, enough of that rant. Hope ya'll enjoy. Can't wait for Elizabeth and Robert to kiss lmao. HEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH!!

  Sorry, I'm acting like a school girl. This must be the longest Author's note in history right? Your probably not reading this though. So I'll leave ya'll alone now.

   THANKS, that's all!



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