Love Me Again

By winchestersphan

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'"You must remember me?" Dan asked in disbelief, still clinging onto the cuff of my sleeve. "You must, Phil... More

Chapter 1- Forgotten
Chapter 2- I don't remember you
Chapter 3- This Isn't Possible
Chapter 4- Sweet Dreams
Chapter 5- New Memories
Chapter 6- Home
Chapter 7- What A Catch
Chapter 8- Stealing My Emoji Shirt
Chapter 9- Bad Things
Chapter 10- Unlucky
Chapter 11- Mismatching socks
Chapter 12- Our Intelligent Potato Love
Chapter 14- Pity
Chapter 15- Forehead Kisses
Chapter 16- Lust and Love
Chapter 17- Japhan
Chapter 18- Ghouls in Tokyo
Chapter 19- A Day in the Life of Phil and Dan... in Japan! (by Fall Out Boy)
Chapter 20- Ellyse gets mugged
Chapter 21- Friends
Chapter 22- Thanks for the Memories

Chapter 13- Remembering

36 3 0
By winchestersphan

Phil's POV-

It was six in the morning when some memories came back to me and I dropped my phone flat on my face. I wrinkled my nose, which at one point in my life Dan had called adorable, and sat up, letting the memories come to me. And things I felt towards Dan. It wasn't everything, I knew, because the thoughts were not the type I'd have now. They were from 2009, the Skype calls we had and the meetup on the 9th October. My heart fluttered in my chest remembering it, how Dan's face had been so bright and amazed, and how he had ran up to me whilst screaming like a fangirl. I could tell from his eyes he was complately and utterly in love with me... but I had not been with him. Maybe I developed them later on in our friendship? At any rate, I sensed no feelings for him, which was disappointing, but at least I had some back. I would tell him when he woke up.

I rolled onto my stomach and scrolled through Twitter, looking at who I followed and all that. Then I decided to look at the 2009 Tweets I had written. Maybe I would remember them. And I did. Every single one. God, I was embarassed at my younger self. The Tweets were so flirty and... ugh. I shuddered and continued looking through them until there was a cough at the door and Dan walked in, still in his jammies. But his chest was bare. I sucked in a breath at the sight of him and remained still as he sat down on he bed next to me and looked at my phone. His brows furrowed in confusion.

"I remember when we met." I explained, blushing a little. "I wanted to go back to that time. I'm cringing inside."

"Join the club." Dan sighed and leant back on the headboard, closing his eyes. "How long have you been up, Phil?" He asked.

"I dunno. Half past five maybe?" I shrugged and switched off my phone so the room was plunged into darkness. I heard Dan's heavy breaths next to my ear and his very quiet humming and the traffic outside the window. "Dan? Are you asleep?"

"No." He murmured, standing up. "Do you want me to make breakfast?"

"Nah, I'll do it." I followed him into the kitchen and made some coffee. Then I got out the Shreddies box, asuming Dan would want the same. "Warm milk?" I asked.

"Haha no thanks. I presume you're having warm milk?"

"I can't eat breakfast without it." I laughed. "C'mere." I pulled him into a quick kiss, unsure whether I should be doing it or not. Afterall, I still did not know my true feelings towards him. "I do love you, Dan." My mouth blurted for me. Great.

"I love you too." Dan replied.

A/N- sorry it's short I'm rubbish ik but I am literally so annoyed rn I threw my phone across the room, didn't save the chapter and I'm really not in the mood to write it again. Sorry. Tis also my birthday soon so I won't be updating. I just really don't want this birthday but lately everything's been going wrong so I had better get used to it. At least I have people I can talk to :)

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