S2 - Episode 8

135 6 0
By akamekillshiki

"You're working as an assistant for Coach Sasabe and teaching kids how to dog paddle?" Nagisa asks Makoto.

"Mhmm, yeah. Basically," Makoto answered.

"Did you know about this y/n?" Nagisa asked.

"Yeah, I basically encouraged him to try it out," I smiled.

"What about you, Haru?" Nagisa asked.

"It's news to me," Haru responded.

"I would've said something sooner but I wanted to tell you all at once," Makoto smiled.

"The regionals are around the corner, my friend. Are you sure you'll have time to do both?" Rei asked.

"Yeah, you're not gonna have to miss practice are ya, Mako?!" Nagisa asked.

"I promise, it won't interfere with the team in any way. It's just a couple of times a week. No big deal at all!"

"Kinda outta the blue though. What made you decide to do it?" Nagisa asked.

"Well, I just dropped off some papers yesterday to Coach Sasabe and he seemed like he needed a hand so I helped," Makoto explained.

"So, you gave in to your nature?" Rei asked.

"Coach has done so much for us. I thought it best to return the favor, y'know?" Makoto smiled.

"Makes sense," I laughed.

After practice, I went to Samezuka Academy to drop off some snacks to Sousuke as a thank you for being my companion for a couple of hours. I passed by the pool and I saw through the window, Aii - Nitori - practicing all by himself. I thought it was weird, so I dropped in.

"You should try extending your leg more after the turn," I spoke up after watching him swim a lap.

"BAH!" Aii turned around quickly, "Y/n? You scared me!"

"Haha, sorry! I saw you here by yourself. I figured you could use some company," I smiled.

"Thanks...I think," Aii said.

"Do you want me to give you some pointers, you do know I've mastered all swimming techniques, right?" I doted a bit.

"Wait—really? That would help a lot!" Aii said excitedly.

"Give me a lap, I'll watch for now and I'll give you some advice and then you can try again and see how it works out for you. That sound good?"

"Yeah, sure!" Aii put on his goggles and started swimming. I walked around the side of the pool, watching - analyzing - how he swims, his muscles, thinking of ways that could help him as an individual to be a better him.

Everyone is different, there are so many different ways to get faster...you just need to study your own body and try different things to see what works out for you.

"Lay it on me!" Aii said as he was catching his breath.

"You could try extending your back, legs, and arms a little more. It will help you with more power to gain momentum. You'll be sore from the stretches but—"

"Your form is a mess because you're too tired," Sousuke said as he walked in and we turned to look at the source of where his voice echoed from.

"Sousuke is right. You can't get better by swimming until you tire yourself out and mess up your form. Your form needs to be perfect at all times, everything else comes later," I agreed and explained to Aii why I agreed.

"Right...I'm so sorry... It's just... I'm one of the slowest people in the entire club. So, if I want to compete I have to push myself harder than everybody else." Aii explained.

"If you go at it too hard, you won't be able to do the things you're good at," Sousuke said, Aii stayed quiet, thinking, I assume.

"I'll watch you," Sousuke added.

"Huh? You will?!"

"We will watch you," I smiled.

"For real?!"

"Yeah. When a friend is in need... or whatever that saying is," I laughed.

"You need a break though," Sousuke suggested, "You want to swim with Rin, right?"

Aii gasped, "Yes!"

"Fortunately for you, I came with snacks. Come hang out for a while. There's plenty!" I said.

After 30 minutes, Sousuke and I walked by Aii's side giving him pointers as he swam, "Your legs are too far apart again!" Sousuke said.

"Sharpen those hands, it'll help the water flow!" I said, "Yes! Like that!"

"That's better," Sousuke said.


The following day, I passed by ITSCR to give Makoto some light food to eat quickly before dinner, but since he was teaching a class, I waited and watched for a while. Once the class was over. I stood behind the entire class as he walked them out front to their guardians. After saying bye to all the kids except one, "That kid..." I asked, "He didn't want to swim earlier, right?"

"Yeah..." Makoto walked up to him, "Hayato...Hey, you okay?" Makoto got on one knee to talk to the kid with pink hair.

"What's wrong, kiddo? You seem upset," I asked.

Hayato looked down quickly, "It's swimming... I hate it," the boy said.

He...hates it? The heck is he doing here then?

The doors open, "Hayato!" A man shouted. Makoto and I looked up at an older version of Hayato standing before us.

"Haha! Big brother!" Hayato ran to hug his brother.

"Really sorry I'm late, buddy!" Hayato's brother said.

"That's Kissume..." Makoto whispered.

"Kissume...? Basketball Kissume? No way," I looked up, also whispering.

"Kissume! What's up?!" Makoto talked to him.

"Makoto? Y/N?" Kissume's eyes were peeled back a little.

"Hey, guys!" Kissume said.

"You've gotten so much taller," I said.

"This is nuts! I haven't seen you in forever!" Makoto added.

"Y/n, you're still short, I see. Hah! It's been a while...Guess we haven't seen each other since Junior High!" Kissume said, answering us both.

"What a small freakin' world, huh?" I smiled.





"Kissume!" I walked over to him watching over his little brother from a balcony above the pool.

"Y/N!" Kissume smiled.

"Are you here to see your brother's progress?" I asked.

"Ha...yeah. What about you? Here to spy on your brother as well?" Kissume asked.

"Caught me red-handed. I just want to see how he's doing as an instructor. Honestly, I think he's pretty good at it," I smiled, looking down at Makoto, "Wanna grab a bite next door before Hayato's class is over?"

"Sure! That sounds great!" Kissume agreed.

We walked over to the restaurant next to the ITSCR and we sat, ordered, and talked.

"How do you think your brother is doing?" I questioned.

"Makoto has helped him a lot since the last time I talked to him. He's actually starting to like swimming, I think..." Kissume said.

"The more time passes, the more he'll love it. He's just gotta push through the hard part. He's a tough kid and if anyone could help him, it would be Mako," I smiled.

"You're right about that! Makoto has gotten him this far in just two days. I can only imagine by the end of the week!" Kissume said before taking a sip out of his drink and we had a few moments of silence.

"How have you been, though?" Kissume asked.

"Uh— I've been okay. I've been struggling to find out what I want to do with the rest of my life..." I began to look around. I don't want to think about it, let alone talk about it.

"Well, do you have any hobbies? Maybe one of them is worth a shot. If you like doing it, who is to say you can't do that for the rest of your life?" Kissume spoke, though he genuinely just said as he thought.

"A hobby?" I questioned.

"Yeah! Or is there something you've always wanted to do but you haven't had the chance to try out yet?"

"Ha, there's a lot of things....but actually, I recently made these underwater swimming videos," I brought up.

"Underwater?" Kissume tilted his head.

"Yes! Crazy, right? Anyway, I made those videos and I enjoyed it. Wouldn't call it a hobby though," I scoffed.

"If it's something you enjoy, why not follow that path?" Kissume said as he ate out of his plate. He really doesn't have a filter. He speaks what's on his mind, he's oblivious to what he says and that's that.

I admire that. Ignorance really is bliss, huh?

"Would it be worth it?" I questioned my entire life in just that one sentence.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Heh. Do you believe I can do it?" I laughed.

"Why wouldn't you? When your mind is set on something, you always work for it. Why would this be any different?" Kissume asked.

"Is that how you see me?" I asked out of pure curiosity. I really didn't know someone thought nice things about me in that way.

"Yeah! It's what I like about you! Once you set your mind, with or without knowing it, you strive to be the best."

"What?! No, I don't!" I scoffed, furrowing my brows.

"Sure do! You probably just haven't seen it yourself."

"Heh...Guess so...but I don't even care about winning or losing, though?"

"I never said anything about winning or losing. You just have to be good at what you do, that's all."

"Well, shit, Kissume. You've really opened my eyes. And here I thought you were still a whole idiot," I laughed.

"So, I'm not an idiot anymore?!" Kissume smiled brightly.

"You're still half an idiot," I laughed.

"I'll take it!" Kissume laughed, loudly.

"Well, this tab is on me," I smiled.

"Nope! I'm paying. It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"Mhmm..." I hummed.

We grabbed our things, Kissume paid, and we began walking back to the ITSCR. I turned around and thought I saw Rin's figure. I did a double-take and there wasn't even anyone nearby.


"I should've paid. You opened my eyes, the least I could've done is paid as a thank you," I said.

"Nah, it's only fair for me to treat you...plus I'm a guy. I should be paying," Kissume said.

"Either way, next time it's on me!" I insisted.

"Nope. If you want to thank me, just remember me when you're successful," Kissume smiled.

"You're still just as stubborn as you were back then, y'know?!"

"Is that a bad thing?" Kissume asked as he laughed.

"It could get you in trouble someday," I chuckled, "They should still be in class, wanna spy some more?" I asked as Kissume opened the door for me to the ITSCR building.

"You bet!"

We walked back up to the balcony, "Haru? Ren and Ran?" I said, walking up to them.

"Hey, Haru!!!" Kissume shouted.

"You brought the twins?" I asked.

"Yeah, they wanted to see Makoto in action," Haru confirmed.

"I see, I guess we can all just walk home together," I smiled.

"By the way, did you see Rin on the way over here?" Haru asked.

"Um...no? Why?" I questioned.

"He was supposed to come today. He should've already been here by now," Haru answered.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Woah! Rin's back?!" Kissume asked.

"Yeah, it's been a year or so since he came back from Australia," I answered.

"Wait, did you two come here together?" Haru asked.

"Yeah? We were here and then we left to grab some food and we came back together," I explained to Haru.

"Oh," Haru said.

"Oh?" I looked at him.

"I'm going to the bathroom," Haru ignored me, saying this, and walked off.

"That was weird."

What's weirder is that Rin was supposed to come here and I thought I saw him. Was it just my imagination?

"Mako!" I sang out, walking into the pool area.

"Makoto, ready to go? Ren and Ran are waiting," Haru said.

"Yeah. I'll be right there," Makoto answered.

"Hey! I just heard..." Kissume began, "is it really gonna be your last day?" Kissume asked.

"Last day?" I questioned.

"Yeah. 'fraid so. Coach Sasabe hired someone so he won't need my help anymore," Makoto answered.

"Really? Jeez. I thought you'd get more time..." I said.

"Hayato was kinda upset. He told me he wishes you could be a swim coach forever!" Kissume said.

Makoto chuckled, scratching his face, "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that."

"You're a great coach Makoto. Thanks to you, Hayato finally learned how to swim and I will always be grateful for that," Kissume said, "I assume you all are still swimming together, right?"

"Oh, yeah. Actually, we're getting ready for Regionals," Makoto answered.


"Yeah, they're coming up soon so we've got a lot of work to do," I said, smiling.

"Congrats, you guys! That's great!"

"Actually, Rin and Sousuke will be at the tournament swimming for Samezuka," Makoto said.

"Wow!— Wait! Sousuke, too?" Kissume asked.

"Yeah!" Makoto said.

"That's great news! Then, Sousuke's shoulder must be healed!" Kissume assumed.

"Huh?" Haru and Makoto said.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Makoto asked.

"Well, I saw him at the hospital once...but if he's competing in the Regional level, then I guess that means they fixed it, awesome for him," Kissume said smiling. He turned his head, "Well, I gotta run! See you later, Makoto! Haru! Y/n! Bye!" He waved, jogging away.


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