
By 19RaeNegade

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As Marinette continues to emotionally recover, she finds out about a long-forgotten secret her family has kep... More



455 23 21
By 19RaeNegade


Alya's P.O.V

"Do you know what's going on with Marinette?" Nino asked.

I shake my head, staring at the door Miss Bustier and Marinette walked out of. I've been wondering the same thing the entire time. She's been off lately. Once I notice the slightest shift in her demeanor, I started to investigate. I've been keeping a close eye on her, taking mental notes on her reactions to certain topics and people.

From what I can tell, it has something to do with Mallorie. Marinette is trying to hide something about her sister.

I've only known Mallorie for a couple of days. She seems like a really sweet and shy person. She tells stories of her time in America. All the sights she has seen, some of the foster families she's loved with, and the foods she ate. Mallorie seems like a regular foreign student.

At least, that's what she wants us to see her as.

I've also noticed she keeps to herself quite a lot, which makes sense and makes for a perfect cover. Mallorie is new to Paris and far from the continent, she grew up in. Everything here is new to her. Although, she seems to have handled her first day well (probably used to moving around so many times).

   From all the puzzle pieces I've collected, I've put together a theory. Marinette's weird behavior started when Mallorie arrived, Mallorie acts innocent, the stories (that may or may not be true). Everything leads to one conclusion and pinpoints on the same person all over again.

   This feels like Lila again but with a different method. It's a facade instead of lies. Mallorie isn't doing all of this to gain popularity. She tries not to gain too much attention on herself. But what other reasoning could there be? If not for popularity, then what are her true intentions?

   I need to find out more if I'm going to solve this mystery.

   My thoughts are cut off when my phone vibrates in my pocket. Out of habit, I slip my device out of my pocket and check the latest update. It isn't from the Ladyblog but from a different blog I follow to see current news of what's going on in Paris. I sometimes use other blogs to fill in gaps on what I missed during an akuma fight.

   I don't think much of it and open the app. I'll take a quick glance at whatever this is and possibly read it later if it's interesting enough-

   I freeze in my seat, eyes bugging out of my head. I swallow down a gasp as to not gain any unwanted attention and try to keep a straight face. After glancing around the classroom and at the door, I begin to quickly skin through the article and hope I don't miss any important details.

   This will bring me even closer to figuring out everything. I scroll past the very familiar picture of Marinette's look-a-like and read the title.

Runaway Teen Robs a Jewelry Store


Adrien's P.O.V

   It's nice talking to Nino again. Although, I wish I didn't feel this heaviness. It makes it a lot harder to keep this mask on my face. This happy facade. It's going to be difficult bottling these emotions once I give up Plagg.

   The mere thought punctures my soul. I have to hide my hand under my desk so nobody notices it clenching. My nails dig into my skin and I wouldn't be surprised to see blood if I were to look.

   Yet, it feels like everyone already knows and just doesn't care. I try pushing that thought to the back of my mind. I know that isn't true, far from it. I've seen what this class has done when one is in trouble. They all stand their ground together. They'd do anything for each other.

   Of course...what happened with Lila definitely placed a scar on the class, especially Marinette. Don't think I haven't noticed a rift between everyone and Marinette. No matter how much they try, I can tell deep down, Marinette isn't trusting them as she used to. The class is doing their best to regain those years of friendship back but it continuously hits a dead end.

   The class doesn't blame her though, only themselves. They should've known better and deserve what happened to their relationship with their class president.

   She deserves better.

   I glance over my shoulder at Alya, seeing her invested in something on her phone. I wonder what she's reading?

   Miss Bustier and Marinette return from the hallway. The classroom immediately goes into an awkward silence. Luckily, Miss Bustier continues with today's celebration until the bell rings. And as the bell rings, realization suddenly hits me. Isn't today Mallorie's birthday too? Where could she be? I'll have to ask some point.

   "Adrien, can I talk with you real quick?"

   I look up from gathering my supplies to see Chloe standing in front of me. She hasn't been acting like herself since the incident with Marinette's mother being brought up in their fights. She's been a lot quieter and seemed smaller than usual.

   "Uh...sure," I answered, glancing over at an unsure Nino. I hold up my clutched fist from earlier and give a small smile. He still was weary but understood, returning my fist bump.

   "I'll see you later, dude," he said his hesitant farewell before slinging his back over his shoulder, "You wanna walk with me ba-woah!"

   I watched a frantic Alya drag her boyfriend out of the room in a blink of an eye. I raised an eyebrow, curious about what she was up to. But I have a different situation to deal with at the moment. I slide my hands in my pockets in case I really did hurt myself by accident.

   "Lead the way," I told my blonde friend.

   "Sabrina, you are dismissed," Chloe ordered. My eyes widen, not expecting that to happen and apparently, Sabrina wasn't either, considering she is gaping at her best friend.

"Wh-What? Really?" Sabrina questioned. One look from Chloe and Sabrina was gone. Chloe gestured for me to follow her to wherever she was planning to take me. I'm somewhat skeptical of Chloe. I've known her most of my life and I've never really seen this side of her before. She is different. I can't tell yet if it's a good or a bad thing.

She guided me into the nurse's office, for reasons I'm still trying to figure out.

"Uh, Chloe? Why are we in here? I nurse isn't even here," I asked, raising an eyebrow. Chloe stands in front of me and holds out her hand like she wants something. I blink, still unable to connect the dots.

"Your hand, let me see it," she stated.

"My hand?" I questioned.

"Yes," she answered, "Preferably, your right."

"My right hand," I thought, "Why does she want my right hand-"

I stiffen, getting a clear idea of what she is referring to. Unsurely, I give in and place my right hand in her's. Chloe examines my inner palm, finding four nail marks etched in my skin. From how it looks, I can tell I broke skin and it bled a little.

I look away in shame at what I did to myself. Yet, I did not say a word and thankfully, neither did Chloe. In fact, she did another thing I wasn't expecting. The mayor's daughter rummages through the cabinets until finding some gauze. Silently, she wrapped my hand.

"Adrien?" She spoke up, breaking the silence, "You're my best friend, right?"

I nearly did a 180 at her question. Who is this Chloe?

"Of course," I answered without hesitation.

"Good," she said, "Then, as your best friend you can tell me the truth. Are you okay, Adrien?"

I can feel my muscles tense. My cheekbones are forced to form a sunny smile just like the ones I use for photoshoots. I urge the hand Chloe wrapped to not clench again to show the obvious signs of lying.

"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" I lied. Chloe narrowed her eyes bitterly at me, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

"Don't lie to me. It's super obvious that you're not okay! The only reason those losers—I mean, our classmates—don't notice it is because I know you better than all of them. I know when you're not okay. I can tell. I saw the way your hand clenched under the desk. You've done this before when we were kids..." Chloe explained, sternly.

I'm caught.

"Chloe I..." I began, not sure what else to say. I never did get much of a chance to when she raised her other hand to silence me. She wasn't down ranting.

"No. Unless you're going to tell me what your deal is, then I don't want to hear your feeble excuses," she huffed. My mouth does nothing except open and close.

I can't tell her anything. Everything that is bringing me this pain has to stay a secret. These are Chat Noir's problems, not Adrien Agreste's. It doesn't seem to matter how much I fake it because the part of me that should be feeling this anguish is leaking into the other half of me that shouldn't.

Chat Noir and Adrien's lives need to stay separate.

"I...I can't tell you, Chloe. I'm sorry," I apologized, staring down at my orange sneakers ashamed, "There's a part of me that has to hide behind...well, me."

"What the heck are you talking about?" Chloe questioned in confusion, "Adrien, you are the only you. There are no halves of anything. It's all you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, personality. Everything about you is everything Adrien. The only thing you are hiding behind is a mask that you decided to wear."

I stare into Chloe's eyes in astonishment. She's making a lot of sense (and it kind of scares me).

Chloe's face softens into concern, "Take off that mask, Adrien. You've been wearing it for far too long. You don't need to reveal anything but know I'm here for you if you need me."

My vision grows misty and I shudder, a soft sob escaping my mouth. Chloe doesn't hesitate to wrap her arms around my neck and bring me into a hug. This is nothing like how she used to randomly jump me. This is...nicer.

I wrap my arms around her and bury my face in her shoulder. We stay like this for a few minutes until Chloe decides to test the waters with her next question.

"Does it have something to do with your dad?" She quietly asked. I reluctantly nodded my head. How much should I tell her? Obviously, I can't go into too much detail. If I start to rant, I might accidentally reveal my secret identity. I can't do that again.

   Marinette should've been the first to find out who I am. I was reckless and desperate when I revealed it to Sabrina. Luckily, she's been handling keeping my secret safe. I owe her.

   "I'm probably the last person you want to talk to about this. Aren't I?" Chloe said with a sad tone, "I haven't been a very good friend, much less a good person."

   I managed to calm down and pulled her an arm's length away, keeping my grip on her arms.

   "'s complicated—the situation with my father, that is," I replied, earning a deeper frown from Chloe, "But, you aren't a bad friend. You noticed something wrong with me and decided to help. You're an amazing person when you give yourself a chance to try being nice. I've seen it multiple times. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you, Chloe."

   There's a dumbfounded expression morphed on her features. She seems genuinely surprised but there is still doubt lingering too.

   "R-Really?" She questioned me.

   "Of course," I truthfully answered, returning my arms to my sides. Her face turned into one of determination after a minute. A broad smile graced her lips.

   "Okay, I'll try," she promised. I didn't have to force the genuine smile to return both gratitude and proudness at Chloe's beginning of changing her cruel ways. Yet, I couldn't help my curiosity when there was one thing left unanswered.


   "If you don't mind me asking, why the change of heart?" I asked her. Chloe's smile straightened out, pursing her lips.

   "Well..." the other blonde began, "...don't tell anyone else about this."

   "I won't," I agreed.

   Chloe stared at me for a moment before she started her explanation, "I used to be a part of Mrs. Dupain-Cheng's art class—private sessions, at least."

   I wasn't expecting that.

   "You were?" I said, befuddled

   Chloe gave a slight nod, continuing, "She always brought some sort of snack and we talked as she taught me. She treated me with so much kindness, even when I lost my head over utterly ridiculous stuff. She still came to every session though and never complained or got mad at me."

   "Instead, she guided me and helped me fix my mistakes. She was the one ear I didn't mind talking to about life...and stuff," Chloe sheepishly said, a settle blushing painting her cheeks. I've never seen Chloe this kind of embarrassed when talking about someone she admires. It's really sweet.

   Chloe's state changed again, her demeanor shrinking in on itself. Her face dropped, visibly showing heartache in her blue eyes. Her arms crossed, hugging herself.

   "She treated me better than my own mother."

   And that line hit the hardest.

   I've seen how Mrs. Bourgeois treats her daughter, going as far as forgetting her own name. Unlike Sabine, Audrey Bourgeois is uncaring, cruel, and cold with no remorse.

   Audrey is many things—a world-top fashion designer, successful, and well-known. Unfortunately being a mother was not one of those things. Sabine is completely opposite from Chloe's mother.

   Chloe probably saw Sabine as her mother-figure.

   She must have kept those feelings hidden deep down and denied them. Denied that she was seeing Sabine in a new light and that she was changing.

And that scared Chloe.

What would her actual mother think of her if Chloe didn't act heinous—didn't act just like the spitting image of her mother? And Chloe thrived to be seen as proud by her mother—to do just one thing right to earn some type of praise. Sabine gave Chloe all that and more.

"Just like I was with my father," I thought, bitterly. I wanted to make him proud too. Now, I see him in a different light. In a way, I wanted to be everything he wanted in me. Even if I became a copy of him without the cold exterior.

Unfortunately, my wish came true with the cold exterior and all. I'm a copy of Gabriel Agreste—Hawkmoth. The box of the cat miraculous suddenly makes itself known in my pocket, feeling its presence against my chest. That's why I need to get rid of it. I can't put anyone else in danger.

"At some point, she stopped coming and nobody knew why," Chloe continued, voice beginning to waver, "Then...Marinette told us that she...she was gone..."

Chloe sniffed, making my heart crack in sympathy.

"I don't know. Something in me just...snapped as reality hit me in the face or s-something," she stumbled over her words, "Because Sabine Dupain-Cheng saw s...something good in me that I c-couldn't see."

"That's why...that's why I want to do better. That's why I want to change..because of her," Chloe finished, wiping away the stray tears dripping from her eyes.

I placed a comforting hand on Chloe's shoulder with a smile full of gratitude, "I know that was hard to talk about but thank you for telling me. I know it isn't fair that I didn't share but..."

I sighed, not having any good excuses.

"It's okay. It takes a lot to confess something as well as I do," Chloe teased, "Seriously though, don't tell anyone about this conversation."

I actually chuckled a little at that, "This conversation won't leave this room."

While one journey will eventually end today, another will begin.

Chloe is like a flower kept from the sunlight and still in its sepal state. I'm looking forward to watching her grow and bloom in the light since being trapped in the shadows for so long.


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