36 MINUTES TO FALL, jaemin āœ“

By rikiblues

4K 456 207

thirty-six minutes. that's all i'm asking for. let's see if i can make you fall in love with me. an nct jaemi... More

00 | a simple and effective solution
01 | the little things about you
02 | not a bad thing to dream
03 | telephone calls
04 | a perfect day
05 | can't be that bad
06 | mind is still sharp
07 | secret hunch
08 | three things in common
09 | constant good things
10 | unfair
11 | life story
12 | more careful and precise
13 | a prophetic glass ball
14 | dreaming
15 | greatest accomplishment
16 | friendship's value
17 | treasured memory
18 | terrible memory
19 | doing as we wish
20 | friendship's meaning
21 | love and affection
22 | five things about you
24 | wish she cared more
25 | always be there
26 | be that person
27 | high-maintenance
28 | very honest
29 | embarrassing moment
30 | crying
31 | listening, not questioning
32 | too serious
33 | nobody is a saint
34 | even in a fire
35 | death
36 | personal problem
37 | epilogue: with you, the future is bright.
author's note

23 | warmth and closeness

73 11 0
By rikiblues

How close and warm is your family? Do you feel your childhood was happier than most other people's?

"We used to be close, before...you know," Yumi sighed, playing with Jaemin's fingers absently. "My childhood was pretty average, I'd say. Nothing remarkable."

"What about the rest of your family?" Jaemin questioned.

"We didn't talk much to begin with, but they're happy to see me every time they visit," she admitted. "My cousins and I are well aware of the unspoken-of rivalry between us, so it's mostly my aunts and uncles, I guess, and the adult cousins."

"To tell you the truth, my extended family understands me and cares more about how I'm doing than my parents and sister," he said with a weary sigh. "That made my childhood pretty happy, since we were with each other often. My cousins and I are wild about each other. When we were younger, we used to throw actual, full-on temper tantrums when we couldn't stay over at each other's houses."

"That's so cute," Yumi cooed. He made a face, unimpressed by her obviously teasing display of affection.

"There was this one time a bunch of us were having a barbecue out on the beach when I was about ten," he recalled. "I'd been begging my parents to let one of my cousins stay the night. Before we could get the barbecue completely underway, the rain started to pour so heavily you couldn't see anything beyond a few feet ahead of you. We had no choice but to break it up.

"This said cousin had had pneumonia before, and his mom was terrified he might get sick again, so my sister and I walked with him to our house just a block away. He had to stay the night because it was storming the whole night and there was no way his mother was removing him from the safe warmth of our house until the storm ceased."

"So you got your wish, but your family fun was ruined," Yumi said. "One of those ups caused by a major down."

"Exactly!" he agreed. "On the other hand, the next question really isn't fun..."



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