I'll never leave you (Jinx x...

By Violetsgalaxy

10K 263 40

After that terrible accident,Y/N and Jinx have been closer than ever.They did everything together and didn't... More

Fire and Loss
Why are you so stupid?
Surprise MF
Old friend
Enforcers and Councelors
Family Reunion
Chapter 12: What could have been
Author Note
Author note 2
Author's note 3

Fucked up Councilors

463 15 3
By Violetsgalaxy

Let's get straight into it.

No one's POV

Silco went with Jinx in his arms and Y/n by his side to his friend, Singed. Said friend tied them both to the table, Y/n still awake. Then,he made Silco unconscious 'cause it'd be too painful for him to watch.

He started injected the two with shimmer and Jinx immediately woke up. Y/n was unconscious by then due to their wounds and it broke her seeing her significant other in such an unstable state but she was put to sleep quickly.

Once Silco woke up, he couldn't see Jinx or Y/n anywhere while Singed cleaned a knife at a sink. He was still shaken up by the drugs he was put under and couldn't walk normally, but he managed to grab his friend by the collar and threaten him with the knife.

Silco: Where are they...

Singed stared between the man in front of him and the knife before responding.

Singed: I freed them.

Vi's POV

We finally left and Caitlyn showed me the way to a room while I helped her walk by holding onto her waist and her arm was around my neck.

I looked through the window before opening t ad helping Caitlyn get in. When we got to the middle of the room, I broke the silence.

Vi: Whose is this? Another councilor friend of yours?

Before she could answer, a woman busted through the door and aimed a shotgun at us. We just stared at her in shock and didn't know what to do or say, we were just frozen.

Woman: Caitlyn!

She finally lowered it before a man came in and hugged Cupcake.

Man: Oh my god, we were so worried.

They're her parents, I suppose.

Mrs. Kirramman: And you found a stray...

Is she talking about me? Girl, I'm gonna throw hands-Okay,maybe not a good idea to beat up your mother-in-law.

Anyways, I still had a confused look on my face and looked around me.

Caitlyn: This is Vi, she's from the undercity.
Mrs. Kirramman: So, I see.

She was definitely forcing her smile.

Mrs. Kirramman: Could we have a word, Caitlyn? In private.

She was not happy to get lectured, I could read it on her face. But she left with them anyway, so I was alone now. I laid down on her bed and thought back to the times when Powder and I were kids. We were so innocent...

30 minutes later, Caitlyn came back looking kinda surprised.

Caitlyn: We'll present our case to the council. Tonight!

I looked at the map in front of her bed.

Vi: You did all that by yourself? Without even going down there? And I thought Powder could get obsessed.

I rolled onto my back,so that she could sit next to me.

Caitlyn: What happened to her, it's not your fault.

I stayed quiet before changing the subject.

Vi: When my parents were still alive, me and Powder used to share a bed like this. Except, maybe, half the size. Ours and Y/n's parents were close friends,so we'd hang it a lot. Whenever they came over, we'd play a game where we pretended to be bigger and bigger. So, Powder would say, I'm a slug monster with venom for ooze", then Y/n would say, "That's nothing,I'm a slug monster that throws off an odor that'll kill anyone in a 30ft radius". and I'd say, "Well, I'm slug eating crab with razor spikes". Sometimes Y/n and I would get carried away and Powder would get scared. We didn't want her to start crying and wake up our parents, so...We pretended to chase our own monsters away. We'd say, "No monster's gonna get you when we're here!". Then a real monster showed up. Y/n kept their promise, but I just ran away. I left them, both of them.

No words were spoken until I could feel her fingers brush against my cheek and I took it before making eye contact. We smiled at each other.

The evening of the councilor meeting arrives.

We stood outside the giant doors, the councilors talked about Marcus.

Salo: Perhaps Marcus was working independently. What could anyone in the undercity offer him that he didn't have up here?

That's when we entered.

Caitlyn: It's not what they offered him. It's what he had to lose.
Mrs. Kirramman: Councilors, my daughter has a unique insight into our situation.
Caitlyn: Thank you. Councilors, this is Vi. She was born in the undercity. Even though we failed her in countless ways, she risked everything to show me what life is really like down there.

I couldn't help but look at her in awe when she said those meaningful words.

Caitlyn: People are starving, sick, ravaged by shimmer. They live in constant fear of the coordinated efforts of violent crime lords. One man leads these efforts. Silco!
Bolbok: We've done investigations of Silco. They yielded no such level of organization.
Caitlyn: And who led these investigations?

They looked at each other until this so called man of progress started talking.

Jayce: What does this Silco even warm from us?
Caitlyn: He believes the undercity should be independent. He calls it, the nation of Zaun.
Jayce: What about these? Do you know who made them?

He pulled out a little bomb with drawings on it. I could recognize from a mile away. But Caitlyn didn't know what to say. Probably not wanting to put my sister in the spotlight.

Caitlyn: No, well...

I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before walking forward.

Vi: Their names are Jinx and Y/n.
Jayce: And these so called Jinx and Y/n have the gemstone?

Caitlyn nodded.

Jayce: Then we have to go in by force.

A dark skinned woman started talking. Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful, but I got Cupcake.

Mel: That could trigger war!
Caitlyn: There are good People down there!

Another man spoke. His name Hoskel or something?

Hoskel: Bad ones too.

Haha funny, could say the same about topsiders.

Mel: Even if we wanted to invade, they have Shimmer.
Jayce: We have Hextech.

Caitlyn looked at him in disbelief.

Caitlyn: What happened to you?
Jayce: We've been talking about talking for weeks now. They're still cleaning the blood off the bridge. When do we say enough is enough!
Mel: Jayce...you don't know war, I do. It must be our last resort. There may be a diplomatic solution.
Salo: She's right.

Are they fucking joking?! They cannot be serious?!

Vi: What? You want to negotiate with him?
Salo: It may be the only way to avoid further bloodshed.

Oh shut up, bad knock off version of Double Trouble...

Vi: This is insane. Did you learn nothing? You can't talk to him! He hates you, everything you you stand for. He will never back down.

That motherfucker stood up and talked again...

Salo: Enforcers, please escort them out.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before turning around.

Vi: Forget it! I remember where your fancy damn door is...

Caitlyn's POV

Vi stormed outside while I sighed.I looked at mother who nodded which put a Smile on my face and thanked her, running after Vi.

It was raining, but Vi continued walking nonetheless.

Caitlyn: Vi,where are you going?

Vi's POV

These assholes really piss me off. They're so stuck up with their "perfect and rich" life that they won't look reality in the eyes.

Oh, great...it's raining too.

Caitlyn: Vi, where are you going?
Vi: I don't know, back to where I came from? Seems like that's what everyone up here wants.
Caitlyn: I can fix this.
Vi: You can't!

I stopped walking and faced her.

Vi: This is how things are. How they've always been. I was so stupid to think it could change...
Caitlyn: There must be something we can do. Some other way, we have to try!
Vi: We tried, okay? It wasn't enough. Topside and Bottom, Oil And water. That's all there is.
Caitlyn: What about us?

As much as I love her, we can't be together. We're too different and it hurt me a lot. I stayed silent for bit.

Vi: Oil and water. Wasn't meant to be.
Caitlyn: ...you're just saying that.
Vi: Do yourself a favor, cupcake.Go back to that big, shiny house of yours and just...forget me, okay?

I hesitated at the last three words.

I pulled my hood up and slowly walked away, leaving Caitlyn alone in the rain.

I don't feel like writing the partnership between Vi and Jayce, so we're gonna skip over to her confrontation with Sevika aka the bitch. If you're wondering, where's Y/n and Jinx? Don't worry they're on their way, just be patient.

She ended up completely breaking my right gauntlet which weighed me down. She used that opportunity to punch me again, now I was ok the ground and...Vander spoke to me...

God, I miss him...

Vander: Well, your guard needs working...I wish I could say it gets easier kiddo. But I'd be lying. What i can say is...she still needs you, they both do. So, what do you say?

I can't give up on them, I couldn't. Ekko, Y/n, Powder...

I stood back up,spitting out a tooth before turning to Sevika.

Vander: That's my girl.

I put my fists up and got ready to fight again. She charged towards me, but I blocked it, unfortunately, she got the next. She jumped onto me,everything felt like it was going in slow motion, and I put my gauntlet in front of my face. Fortunately, I didn't get hit. I looked up and saw a blue shield around myself and Sevika was laying on top of it. I was astounded. She bounced off once the shield wore off, but I grabbed her wrist and yanked her into a karaoke machine or something which led to her robotic arm getting removed. She stayed unconscious this time. I could barely stand, I knelt down and screamed out of frustration.

Vi: Silco...

Narrator's POV

She stood up again, leaning against the bar. Little did she know, her sister stood behind her.

Jinx: Bravo,sis.

And finally knocked her out.

1721 words
This was one of my favorite chapters to write and I hope you'll like it just as well. Please have good day,I'll try uploading the next chapter as soon as possible.

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