Two teams in One/ CM&AOS cros...

By Mysterywolfmystic

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By Mysterywolfmystic

Jemma and Spencer were hanging out in the lab as they worked on something together. They were making a new antiserum for the different kinds of things that could affect them all. Jemma looked at her boyfriend, as he mixed substances together, and gave him a smile. He looked at her with wonder as to what she wanted. "What?" Spencer asks but she looked away, "Nothing." Jemma looked at him again finally coming out with it, "So, I was thinking maybe we could go on another date. What do you think?" Spencer stopped mixing and looked up at her, before taking his goggles off and walked over to her. She looked at him nervous on his response, even though that they've gone on dates many of times. "What do you have in mind?" Spencer asks and she hummed as she thought about it, "How about a movie?" He smiled and nodded, "Yeah, yeah, that works for me." Jemma smiled brightly and kissed his cheek, but he turned so she kissed his lips. She giggled before they both went back to work on what they are doing. Leopold walked in and was happy to see his sister and friend in one room. "Hey!" Leopold greets as Spencer looked at him confused, "Hey! Where'd you go?" Leopold gestured behind him before pointing at them. "I was playing video games with Mack. What are you guys doing?" Leopold asks and Jemma held up a vial, "Making new antiserums for whatever we face in the future." He frowned curiously and then smiled as he was interested. "Really? Need help?" Leopold asks and Spencer smiled, "Sure!" The couple beckons him over and began to explain what they are doing. Once he understood, he began to help with the serums. What they didn't notice was Phil was watching as this went on, happy that his decision was a good one. He smiled and walked away from the lab towards the main room, to see Derek and Daisy talking to Yoyo and Mack. He looked at that with a smile before looking at Derek, "Morgan, can I talk to you for a second?" Derek nodded and stood up before walking over to him. Phil gave him a reassuring smile and placed his hand on top of the man's shoulder, "I know May has already gave you that talk and that I'm the most least scary person, but I just want you to listen and don't interrupt." Derek nodded to say he was listening. Phil continued, "Don't hurt her, no matter what. She is like a daughter to me and I don't want anything to happen to her. You understand what I am saying, right?" Derek nodded again, "I understand completely. I would never hurt her, but if that does happen I will let Agent May kill me." Phil grimaced at the idea but nodded before walking away. He made his way to the kitchen and saw Melinda, Aaron, and Jack making food, well, Melinda was. Aaron and Jack were playing as Phil walked in making Jack look up. "Uncle Phil!" Jack cheered as he ran to Phil and the man picked him up. Phil looked at the boy as Aaron walked over. "Let me guess. We have a mission?" Aaron asks with annoyance of the constant missions. Phil shook his head, "No, actually, we don't. You all can relax until then. I was just curious about what everyone is doing." Aaron nodded in reply as Melinda looked over with curiosity as she was mixing a bowl of fruits. She was busy making food to listen to the conversation between the two men. Jack was then placed down when he began to get antsy and ran over to Melinda. He opened his mouth, silently asking for a bite and she smiled before giving him one. He smiled up at her with approval before running to his dad. He hugged his dad by the waist, making the man place his hand on his son's back. Phil looked at Aaron and Melinda with a suggestion, "I was thinking we all go hang out at a club around here. I'll have a fellow agent that I trust to watch Jack and Henry." Aaron looked at Melinda, who walked over to them with her bowl of fruit, with curiosity. She looked at him confused before giving Jack another bite, "What's up?" Aaron looked at her as he ruffled Jack's hair, "Phil wants to know if you want to go to a club tonight and he'll have someone watch the boys?" Melinda shrugged as a way to say she doesn't care, making them nod their head. Aaron wrapped an arm around Melinda's waist and kissed her cheek. She gave him a kiss back and Jack made a fake gagging sound. Phil and Aaron chuckled at the boy as Melinda finished her food. "Right, I will let the others know." Phil tells the couple

Two Teams in One

Jemma and Spencer were a little upset that their plans were changed but they weren't mad that they were going to the club. It will be the first club outing with everyone, and it will be fun to see everyone together. Jemma was walking around the corner of the hallway towards the kitchen, when she was grabbed and pulled into a room. She realized that she was in Penelope's room with Penelope, Yoyo, Bobbi, and JJ. "What am I doing here? What are all of us doing here?" Jemma asks as her British accent came out. Penelope looked at her with excitement, "We are getting ready for the club in here!" Jemma gasped and smiled at the idea for the night. The door opened to reveal the rest of the ladies, as Emily was dragging Melinda into the room. Emily let go and held her hands up in surrender when they were finally in the room, and Melinda gave her a small glare. "Alright, are we ready ladies?" Penelope asks as Bobbi groans, "Why are we going again?" Penelope scoffed at the few ladies that are being difficult in her room. She began to scavenge her closet for something to wear. Daisy shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the dress she was going to wear. "I think it will be fun, besides when have all of us hung out together without being separated or distracted?" Daisy tried to reason and JJ gestured to the young Asian woman, "She's right. We need to all spend some time together." Emily agreed as well and asked, "I agree as well, I mean, what else are we going to do until we get a case or mission?" Yoyo and Melinda nodded as the others smiled in response. Bobbi looks at Melinda with interest and smirked, "So, what's it like being with Mr. Suit?" Melinda looked at her with a small smile at the way she called Aaron. She never thought to mess with him like that and maybe will start if he wears a suit again. "It's great. We understand one another even though we have a argument here and there. He defended me towards his ex-wife and her sister and I can't help to appreciate it." Melinda tells them and Bobbi cooed, "Awe. From what I have noticed between you two is that you are meant to be. Same with Simmons and Reid, so cute!" Jemma smiled at the comment as she was helping JJ pick a dress. Emily was looking at the dresses the girls were looking at and pointed to one. One dress was pink and the other was a bright blue and were both body cons. The ladies begun to get ready and begun to force Melinda into a dress again.

Two Teams in One

The men began to get ready and Derek looked at Spencer with a unwilling look on his face. Spencer adjusted his shirt when he felt a tap on his shoulder and then turned to who it was. He smiled at Derek but his face softened when he saw the embarrassed look on his face. "What's wrong?" Spencer asked and Derek placed his hands out as he was trying to not make it about himself when it really was. "I need to ask you a hypothetical. A friend of mine wants to make a night a good one with a girl he likes, how would he do that?" Derek asked and Spencer's eyes widened at the question he was asked as he's never has been asked a question like that before. He gestured to himself with a confused look on his face, "You are asking me for dating advice?" Derek nodded before looking down as he wasn't sure why he decided to ask Spencer when he could've asked Aaron or the other guys. Spencer then looked at him with crossed arms as he began to think of ways to help him. "I think you should just act like yourself and try not to act like your old self when you hit on every girl you seen." Spencer tells Derek, making him hold a fake offended look and placed his hand on his chest. He knew Spencer for a long time and now that they are in a new place, he seems to have a whole new personality. "Okay, ouch, but you're right. Thanks man. So how are things with Jemma?" Derek asks and Spencer smiled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Good. I do need your help with something." Derek hit his arm gently, "Name it." Spencer didn't say anything except show something to him. Derek looked and saw Spencer holding a ring box in his hand. Derek's eyes widened when he saw the ring in the box. "When did you plan this?" Derek asks shocked as the genius rubbed the back of his neck again and hid the box again. He looked at the muscular man in front of him with a small nervous smile. "When we went to see my mom. My mom sneaked it into my bag right before we left." Spencer explained making Derek look at him curiously, "So what do you need?" Spencer stuttered, "I want to figure out a way to propose to her." Derek smiled as he came up with a plan, "I got you, man."

Two Teams in One

The men stood outside towards the exit of the base, waiting for the women of the team. Slowly they started coming in their dresses for the club. Jack and Henry stood with Aaron as Henry waited for JJ. Penelope and Jemma walked out first. Penelope wore a pink puffy dress with a sash on the middle and Jemma's was slightly similar, except no sash. Spencer smiled at his girlfriend as she kissed his cheek. He smiled back at her and held her hand wanting her close to him. Penelope stood next to Derek, who wrapped his arm around her shoulder. Yoyo walked out with a body con with black design on all the sides. Mack smiled at her and kissed her, as Bobbi walked over to Hunter with a black dress with a white design on the top. Daisy, JJ, and Emily all walked out with their dresses on. Daisy wore a glittery blue dress, JJ wore a red body con, and Emily wore a black body con. Daisy walked over to Derek with a smile and he kissed her head as she gripped his arm. Emily looked at Aaron with a smile, "She'll be out shortly. She is still trying to adjust to changing her style." Aaron nodded in understanding as he knew what she is dealing with. He thought about something and looked at the team, "You guys go ahead. We'll catch up with you guys." Phil looked at him unsure, "You sure?" Aaron nodded, "Yeah." Phil nodded and lead everyone out as Aaron went to go comfort his girlfriend. Jack followed close behind wanting to help as well. They get to Penelope's room and saw that the door was cracked open and Aaron knocked lightly on it, "Melinda." Melinda looked at the door as it opened slowly to reveal her boyfriend and the boy she called her son. She smiled at them as they walked in and looked at her dress. It was a long deep purple dress with a slit from her thigh down. Aaron smiled at her as Jack gave her the brightest smile of his life. "You look beautiful." Aaron tells her and Jack chimed in, "You look cool!" Melinda looked at them unsure, "You think so? It feels a little too much as to what the other girls were wearing." Aaron grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. He kissed her knuckles and kept it in his hand. "You look great. No need to feel like it's too much. Now, c'mon! The others are waiting for us." Aaron tells her making Melinda smile at him as Aaron knelt down in front of Jack. He placed his hands on Jack's shoulders and looked him in the eyes, "Listen to the babysitter alright? Just behave like you and Henry do when we are away. If anything happens, take what Melinda taught you and use it. Understand?" Jack nods and hugs him making Aaron hug back. Melinda smiled at the moment but felt like she was intruding. Jack looked at her as she made her way out the door, "Mom!" That made Melinda stop mid step and then turned to him. She groaned when he ran and hugged her before relaxing. "You look very pretty!" Jack tells her as Melinda knelt down in front of him, being careful of her dress. Jack smiled at her making her return it. "You think so?" Melinda asks and Jack nodded at her as he did something she didn't expect. He kissed her cheek making her jaw drop, as Aaron watched with a happy look on his face. "Yeah!" Jack replied making her smile, "Thank you." Aaron ushered Jack out of the room so Melinda could get out. "C'mon bud. We gotta go." Aaron tells him as they all made their way to the main part of the room where Henry and the babysitter was. Jack ran over to Henry and they began to play as the babysitter watched them. She waved at them as the couple made their way out the door.

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