The Thief

By QueenAuthorX

8K 247 62

Spider-man (Peter Parker) has the same routine with all his criminals. Figure out their plan, fight them, the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

398 13 2
By QueenAuthorX

y/h/c= your hair color :)

Peter's POV

I woke up with a pounding sensation in my head. It hurt like crazy. Slowly I opened my eyes allowing them to adjust to the sunlight seeping into the room. Looking around I had no idea where I was. The room had no furniture expect for the bed I was lying on. My mask was no where to be found, but I was still wearing my suit.

Getting up from the bed I walked over to the window. The blinds were dusty and a bit bent. I gently separated them to look through. The street seemed a bit i've been here before.

My spider senses started to go off when I heard a door creak. I whipped my head around. There stood a woman in the doorway. She had on grey joggers and a white shirt with a side profile of a black cat. In her hands was a tray. A plate of eggs, bacon, and toast with a glass of orange juice laid on top. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail.

"Sorry...", she said sheepishly. "I didn't know you were awake already"
She walked up to me. The bed stood between us keeping her at a distance. I stepped back a bit still on alert of the stranger. "I made you breakfast. It was one of my brother's favorites", a soft smile played at her lips.

I looked down at my suit. She took notice to it. "Oh, I was going to take it off, but I couldn't find a zipper or anything", she chuckled lightly. "And I didn't know if you'd be comfortable with me changing you like that"

Hm, so she's not trying to hurt me? I don't understand I was just at Fisk tower. I was trying to stop the fight between Willy and-
My eyes widened. "Where's y/n?!", I asked frantically.

A frown replaced her smile. "Do I look that different without my mask?"

My eyebrows furrowed. Finally my brain started to work and I put the pieces together. "Y/n...?", I hesitatingly stepped forward. "What do you think, bug boy?", her tone was sarcastic and face had a bored expression. I smiled knowing it was her. Quickly I jumped over the bed and pulled her into a hug. For a moment she hesitated, but returned the hug.

"The hair"

"Hm?", she hummed into my chest. I pulled back to look at her. "The hair is what threw me off", I smiled. Her arms released and I slightly frowned at the lost of her touch. "Oh, yeah. I decided to dye it. It'd be pretty easy to track me since white isn't a very common hair color", she looked at the ground, a bit embarrassed.

Reaching my hand out I brushed a strand of hair behind her ear that slipped from her ponytail. "I think y/h/c hair suits you". She looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes. "Yeah? I was a little nervous about it"

"Don't be. It looks great". I wasn't lying. Although I loved her white hair because it reminded me of the moon. The moon always brought me such peace, but this new color. White hair was Black Cat's signature thing. Changing it shows that she's moved on from that life and it's all I've ever wanted for her. To live a happy normal life.

"Wait...what happened between you and Fisk?", I asked. Not saying anything back she grabbed my hand and pulled me out the room. I instantly looked at my surroundings as we walking into the new room. It was her apartment, but it was cleaned up. The furniture was put back and the hospital bed was no where to be seen. Seating me on the couch she grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. The Daily Bugle was the first to show.

"After two days of waiting we finally have some words from Wilson Fisk! That damn criminal!", Jonah shouted. I rolled my eyes at his words. How does he still have such a high place? He's always so inappropriate.

The tv flashed and a recording of Fisk hand cuffed to a table in an interrogation room showed up. Captain Stacey came walking in and pulled out the chair across from him.

"So Mr. Fisk...who is Black Cat and why was she coming after you?", Captain Stacy asked.

For a moment Wilson stayed quiet before speaking. "I have many enemies and I know that. They're all just jealous of my success. Black Cat was just another added on the list"

"Yes, but never has anyone gone as far as killing your men. Do you know that she killed over 1000 men in less than a week?"

I could feel y/n flinch at his words. I was tempted to turn it off, but I had to hear the rest.

Fisk turned to the camera that was recording the conversation. "Black Cat is no more. You have no evidence of her nor are any witnesses alive. You may think you will, but you won't find her. Ever. So instead of sitting here asking me these pointless questions I think i'll leave as you have no reason or anything to hold against me to keep me here, correct?", he then turned back to Captain Stacy.

He sighed. "That's correct"

Standing up Fisk snapped the handcuffs from
his wrist. "I'll walk myself out", he spoke as he adjusted his tie.

Captain Stacy rubbed his temple. He waved towards the camera. "Just turn it off". Which it did instantly. The tv switched back to Jonah.

"I have a high respect for our Officers, but how do we expect them to protect us when they can't even find this killer?! Right now Black Cat is out there planning her next killing! It could be me, you, or even your children!"

Y/n quickly got up from the couch and left. Grabbing the remote I turned off the tv. I stood up to follow her. I barely caught her leaving from the window up to the roof.

Making it to the roof she sat at the other side on the edge. Her legs swinging in the air. I made my way towards her. The closer I got I could hear small sniffles. I took my spot next to her not saying anything.

Y/n's POV

"Did you know people tend to associate black cats with bad luck?", I sniffled. "It's why I chose the name Black Cat. As long as I could remember I was met with bad luck. It's like the universe wanted me to live a horrible life"

"Y/n, you know that's not true". He reached his arms out to hold me. I pushed them away before he could.
"Don't. I don't deserve your sympathy"

"You have to understand y/n. You were angry-"

"So that gave me the right to kill all those men?!", I shouted. Putting his lips to his finger he made a "shhing" motion. "Don't say that so loud", he spoke frantically.

"And why not?! I deserve to go to jail! I'm a murderer!". I stood up from my seat. "These past days I thought of just turning myself in. I deserve it don't I?"

"Y/n, I wanna tell you something", he pulled me down next to him. "Years ago, my uncle was murdered and he died in my arms. It was around the time I became Spider-man". I stayed quiet letting him continue my story.

"I used my powers to find the man that was responsible for his death and when I did I...killed him". I held in a very loud gasp. Spider-man's killed someone...I wasn't judging of course.

"After a couple days I found out that the man I killed was t really him. Yes, he was a criminal, but he died for the wrong reasons. I'll never forgive myself for that. Even now the guilt consumes me". I laid my hand on him. Trying to comfort him in some way.

"Everyday, I try to better myself not only for my Uncle, but also for that man. I swore to never use my power for my own personal gains, again. So now I use it to protect", he finished.

I know he was just trying to help and although it felt a bit better it wasn't the same. Fisk's men weren't the only one's i've killed.

He grabbed my face pulling my from my thoughts. "Please understand that even going to prison it won't fix anything. All you can do is live your life and better yourself from the person you used to be. Okay?"

I nodded my head. He's right. I'll never forgive myself, but maybe I can change myself. Put Black Cat to rest and do good.

Letting my face go he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in. I returned the hug. He was always so warm, it's why I loved being close to him so much. The way he hugged me I felt so protected. For years, I was the one to protect and care for someone. Not that I hated it, but it became tiring. It's nice to be the one cared for.

Lifting my head up without breaking the hug I looked up at him. Noticing me he leaned down and placed a quick and soft kiss against my lips. "Thank you-". I furrowed my eyebrows "hm..."

"What is it?", he asked

"I-...I don't even know your name"

A smile broke on his face which turned into a laugh. His laugh was loud, but genuine. I pulled away confused at what was so funny. He just continued to laugh. "What?", I asked now annoyed.

"Every...", he could barely say anything without laughing, but it soon died down. "Everything we've been through and you don't even know my name"

"Well...yeah, I mean you're Spider-man how could I?"
I was getting a bit weirded out by his reaction.

Clearing his throat he took a couple breaths before speaking. Sitting back a bit he reached out his hand to me. "I'm Peter Parker", a big cheesy smile crossed his face.


Grabbing his hand I softly shook it. "Y/n L/n"

"Nice to meet you, y/n"


Suddenly he pulled me by my hand and our lips met once more. Every kiss from him gives me millions of butterflies in my stomach. His lips are so soft and his touch so gentle. I finally feel loved and cared for. Though his grip on my waist tells me that if anyone touches me he'd knock them out in an instant.

I returned the kiss. A slight moan slipping from my lips. Suddenly I was easily picked up and out on his lap. Our kiss was never broken from the movement.

"Y/n...?", he spoke through kisses. I have a quick "hm?"

"Move in with me"

I quickly pulled back. My hands resting on his chest. His under the back of my shirt.


sorry for the short chapter

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