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CONNIE PEELED OFF HIS BANDAGE FROM HIS eyebrow seeing that it's been slowly healing. he now has a fresh scar across his eyebrow, he rolled his eyes that he's gotta get a new eyebrow piercing somewhere else than that spot.

he sigh while applying alcohol to keep it clean in case it bleeds out. connie's mind wander off thinking about you.

he chuckled that you're definitely fed up coming back to school after your week off and maybe, just maybe, the students show you respect for handling two tough chicos on your own.

connie licked his lips then bit his lip softly, thinking your natural mugged face and those lips that he love rubbing his thumb ov- his phone vibrated near him and it pulled him out of his mini thought.

it was a call from carla, eren's mother. connie grabbed his phone and picked it up, he put her on speaker as he was applying ointment on his eyebrow. "hi, ms. jaeger."

"hello, connie. i'm calling you to ask if you heard from eren. i know you two aren't as close anymore but he hasn't been reaching out to me for a week and it's starting to worry me." connie glanced at the phone hearing carla's voice that she was concern.

"he's probably out with armin." connie shrugged with one of his shoulder that he didn't want to make a conversation about him.

carla sigh. "he's not. i called armin and he told me he hasn't heard of him either. jean also informed me that after the fight at the school with you, eren hasn't come home nor at mine." connie slowly starts to hear carla sounding sad, connie nibbled on his lip that he's feeling bad.

"oh, um, ion know. maybe he's at some friend house that you'on know about?" connie guessed again as carla hummed in disagreement.

"he wouldn't do that. y'know how he is, connie." i mean eren is the type to not go to a mutual house because he wasn't "comfortable" enough aka not worth his time. "um, then ion really know, miss. you should know me and eren are not good terms so i don't wa-"



"please look for my son. i have this feeling that he's not ok and he's somewhere off on his own, doing something dangerous and i'm trying my best not to call the cops because i don't want to look like a bad mother that wastes the police time due to him being grown or he's just at his house the entire time, rotting in his room." carla told connie. connie glanced at the phone screen hearing her voice slightly crack, she wanted to cry but had to maintain her emotions.

connie don't know what to say as he look at himself in the mirror. should he help her? and if he doesn't, carla would be miserable and that'll hurt him because carla is like a second mother to him. connie sigh deeply that eren getting his ass kick if he does happened to be fine and scared his mother for no reason.

"okay, miss. i'll look for eren."

"you will? that will mean so much from you and that makes you a good friend to eren for taking your time into finding him." connie side eyed while scratching his hair that apparently he is.

"i'll call you back once i find him." carla sniffled. "thank you so much, connie."

"you're welcome." connie hung up as his hands went on his face that he can't believe he's doing this. connie's ears perked up the door open and a light knock afterwards.

"yo, mijo. you good? who was that on the phone?" connie glanced at esteban then at the floor. "that was eren's mom. she called me if i know about eren's whereabouts because he's gone missing for a week."

esteban's eyebrow raised up then crosses his arms. "you serious?" connie nodded then sigh again while putting on a hoodie to slip on and changed out of his sweatpants. "yeah, now i have to find his ass because she sounded like she was going to breakdown."

connie tuck his beanie over his head as esteban pulled out his phone. "do you want help? i sorta still have his location."

connie paused midway of slipping his jeans on then waddled over to esteban on his phone. "you do? how?"

esteban shrugged that he has no clue then connie and esteban waited for eren's location to show up, it did as eyes widened seeing that eren was at a park. "why is he there at 10 at night?" connie muttered then grabbed the phone to check the location.

"ion know but let's go before some shit happens to him." connie nodded as connie finished up putting on his jeans then followed after esteban.


connie and esteban pulled up to the park seeing that the park was empty, connie got out of the car and hugged himself that it was chilly tonight. "you know where he is exactly?"

connie asked esteban as esteban zoomed in on the screen. "nah but let's walk around to see if we spotted him." connie nodded then esteban lock up his car.

connie and esteban walked through the trail, scanning around for eren. connie had this pit feeling in his stomach that he really hope eren is fine. connie broke out his neck to see a figure down another trail, connie grabbed esteban's wrist to make him stop walking.

"found him?"

"not sure but let's go over there." connie nod his head as esteban followed after him then their faces got blown by a cool breeze.

the more closer they went up to the trail, there was a mini bridge that let's you across the path of the lake streaming. connie stopped walking as esteban furrowed his eyebrows hearing connie. "wassup, mijo?"

connie nod his head ahead of them as esteban turned to see a figure standing outside of the bridge and them grasping the rails to keep themselves steady. esteban and connie quietly hitched a breath then esteban stepped forward.

"yo? are you good over there?" esteban spoken out as the figure turned their head revealing to be eren under the moonlight that got cleared up by clouds. there was his shoes, phone, and keys placed on the surface of the bridge. connie and esteban glanced at each other then back at eren.

eren's hair was messy and looks to be not comb. his bruises were almost healed up. dark circles and eyebags formed underneath his eyes. the tip of his nose and cheeks were redden. he looked so tired and drained and based on him leaning on that edge of the bridge, he wanted to give up his own life.

skip if you are triggered
by attempted s*icide !

eren had this dull across his orbs that he's not faze that connie and esteban is here. the wind blew by again and the sound of trees were rustling. it was quiet and esteban didn't know what to say or do at this situation.

he looked over at connie. "get the fuck outta there!"

"connie, you can't say it in a less aggressive tone?" esteban scrunched up his face as connie rolled his neck, esteban looked at eren. "mijo, what he meant was ... do not jump and even though we may not know what you're going through but this isn't the right path to take!"

eren blankly stared at connie and esteban then he turned his head looking at the lake flowing by. his body leaned forward making connie and esteban flinched. "eren, please listen to me! your mom is worried sick about you and you wouldn't want to make her more sad, do you?"

eren didn't say anything but was fixated on the lake. connie crossed his arms that eren is out of it. "eren, don't be fucking stubborn and just get outta there already!"

esteban glanced at connie then at eren turning his head and slowly scowl. "i'm stubborn? says the fucking bastard that couldn't tell the truth to y/n about his ex!" eren shouted with a mixture of slur in the beginning of his statement. connie was taken back that, that was all eren had to say. in the middle of a damn prevention!

esteban squinted his eyes at eren seeing his eyes were droopy. eren was under the influence of alcohol as eren released a faint hiccup. "connie, he's dr-"

"wha'?! you really wanna bring that up righ' now?! you're a fucking hoe ass bitch for kissing my girl you two face mu'fucka!" connie stepped forward but esteban held out his hand to hold him back.

eren's grip on the railing was loosening up as he was turning his body around, carelessly not knowing that he's still standing on the edge of the bridge. "eren, sta-"

"yeah, i fucking know that! you and everyone else always fucking say that to me!"

"gee golly, i wonder why! oh yeah because you are a pussy ass bitch that makes shit hard for people!" esteban tried to calm down connie as eren was still turning his body, stumbling.

esteban got in front of connie. "con' he's drunk and don't argue with him at this posi-" there was a splash near them, esteban and connie turned their heads fidgety seeing eren wasn't standing on the edge no more.

connie and esteban's eyes widened. "EREN!" connie quickly removed his shoes, phone, and jacket then jump over the railings into the water. esteban head to the railings to keep an eye out for any bubbles or ripples.

esteban was nervous and scared that he hopes they're okay then connie's head popped up to the surface, gasping for air with eren's head tilted against connie's shoulder. esteban quickly rush over to help then esteban grab ahold of eren's upper body onto the soft grass. eren wasn't moving once connie and esteban kneeled near him.

"oh my gosh, is he...?" water droplets ran down connie's face then he shook his head vigorously. eren was lying there, drenched in water, wasn't breathing and lips were turning purple-ish pale. connie rest the side of his head on eren's chest to hear his heart slowly beating, almost like it's going to stop. "...you gotta do cpr!"

"ion know how to do that!" connie panicked as esteban cussed under his breath. his hands interwined on top of each other then pressed firmly against eren's chest, connie was shivering from the cold as he seen eren's body maneuvering from esteban. eren still was unresponsive and it was scaring them both.

"breathe into his mouth!"

connie's bottom lip was quivering then connie aparted eren's lips with his fingers, praying in spanish for eren. connie pressed his lips into eren's and breathe into his mouth as much as possible, esteban went back to pounding. connie held eren's head seeing he was still unconscious. water droplets trickled downward from eren's eyelid.

"again!" connie leaned forward and breathe into eren's mouth as much as he can then leaned back up. nothing. "shit, i don't think he's going to make it." connie glanced at esteban looking remorseful. connie's glossy eyes widened, heart beat pumped harder, and his nose prickling up of sadness. connie can't lose him.

"don't fucking say that! do it again!" connie cried out as esteban pounded against eren's chest one last time, connie leaned forward to breathe into eren's mouth deeply.

connie leaned back up and stood there for a moment, there was desperation across their eyes hoping eren to survive. the sound of the lake flowed near them as the wind blew against their faces. esteban slowly frown then glanced at connie mugging with tears welling up his eyes.

esteban sighed. "mijo, i'm sor-"

chunk of water spewed out of eren's mouth then a harsh gasp, connie's and esteban's eyes widened seeing eren opening his eyes. "oh my gosh!" connie cried out. eren recklessly cough as connie and esteban glanced at each other in relief that eren is alive.

eren groaned then shakily let out a breath as his eyes were now droopy, gazing at connie and esteban looking like they wanted to cry. eren sniffled as he hugged himself. "i-i'm c-c-cold."

connie and esteban wanted to laugh but connie simply took a deep breath and esteban lopsidedly smile a bit.


there they were sitting at a round table near the entrance of the park, all of them faced each other. eren was wrapped up in a blanket from esteban's car and was shivering, he was definitely going to get sick afterwards. connie wore his hoodie back on but took off his jeans and briefs to let them air dry. connie wore extra sweatpants while freeballing for the time being.

esteban eyed at both of them as he tucked in his lips that this is kind of awkward. the wind blew against them as eren's teeth clattered that he's getting more cold, he embraced the blanket for more warmth. connie swallowed dryly as he licked his lips before aparting them.

"you good?"

eren glared at connie. "does it look like i'm good? i'm f-fucking freezing." esteban closed his eyes then opened them back up that eren decided to chose aggression.

"i'm trying to be considerate but guess you're still a fucking asshole after we saved you from drowning to death."

"yeah? why did y'all saved me? i would've been better off dead than having to make everyone pissed off at me. specifically you, connie. i know you would've been fucking happy me being gone for good!" eren spatted as esteban looked at connie scowling hard at eren.

"i wouldn't fucking be, you selfish prick! yo momma would've been sad as fuck because of me and i don't want to lose you after a petty argument we had moments before you jumped off!" connie shouted at eren as esteban eyed at eren scowling back at connie.

"YEAH?! IT'S YOUR FAULT FOR STARTING THAT SHIT IN THE FIRST PLACE IF YOU DIDN'T LIE!" eren stood up as the blanket fell off of his shoulders then connie stood up as well along with esteban holding them back from wanting rip each other face off.

"AND YOU SHOULDN'T HAD KISS Y/N BACK AND NOT TALK ABOUT MY FUCKING FATHER!" connie got a chance to shove eren, eren swiftly climbed across the table but esteban picked up eren to settle down.

"i was sick of yo shit that's why and you thinking you can get away with it!" eren pointed at connie. connie balled up his hands into a fist that he's getting hot all over again.

"is that why you fucking kiss her?! because you wanted to get back at me for being an asshole to you for who knows what?!" connie spread out his arms indicating that connie doesn't know what's the reason, eren groaned in annoyance and stepped away from esteban.

eren took a moment to pause then breathed out. "no, i kissed her back because i felt bad and she doesn't deserve a lying piece of shit boyfriend that will never realize he's going to lose a good one." connie got taken back hearing the tone of eren's voice change to moreover to sorrowful.

"wha'?" esteban glanced at connie slowly losing up his fists and eren sitting back on the chair, he grabbed the blanket and snuggled himself up feeling the cold coming back. connie was staring hard down at eren as eren slouched backwards and held the blanket tight around him.

"yeah, man. i felt bad and i didn't want you to go through what i did by being toxic and not honest with y/n..." connie knitted his eyebrows together as he slowly sat back down along with esteban that sat down as well in the middle.

"i never had anything against you, connie. she told me on that night that she wanted to break up with you. i comforted her about you liking her so much and you lying was to avoid drama and was afraid..." connie clenched his jaw as his nose prickling and a lump forming in his throat.

"...i never intended on hurting you connie but i did and i'm truly sorry." connie felt his eyes watered up seeing this meaningful softened expression across eren's face. connie's bottom lip quivered then his teeth sink in to make them stop.

"... i'm also sorry for saying i enjoyed it and y'know how honest i am and to be real with you, i did like her at one point but those strong feelings faded away and now she's nothing but a friend to me." eren explained further. connie felt a tear streamed down his cheek then he wiped it away quickly.

eren looked at connie not saying anything but kept wiping tears. "that's fucking crazy." connie's voice cracked then hiccuped, eren tucked in his lips while nodding faintly.

"why the fuck you had to kiss her back and exposing me about my dad? that was fucked up and what i gone through to move on from that event fucked me over again. i wanted to fucking kill you, eren..." connie threatened as esteban held out his hand to hold back connie.

eren glanced at connie as his eyes were glossy then connie nibbled on his lip to remain calm. "...but that fight we had last week covered it up and hearing you had a panic attack the entire time made me so fucking stupid..." connie knitted his eyebrows together feeling his eyes watering up again and body heating up.

"...i'm sorry, too, eren." eren's eyes widened and looked at connie trying to hold back a sob. "...and almost losing you today made me realize that i still care about you even though you've betrayed me and... i didn't even know you were having a tough time as i did."

connie hiccuped as he had to take pauses and sniffled, eren had a light frown. "er-eren, i-" eren stood up from the chair, esteban watched carefully and seen eren hugging connie.

connie wrapped his arms around eren's torso as connie began sobbing into his arms, eren rested his cheek on connie's head. esteban had a soft smile across his mouth seeing them sharing their moment.

connie had a snot running down his nostrils, esteban cringed a bit then eyes widened seeing connie letting out a huge sob sounding like a baby.

"i'm sorry! i'm so sorry! i'm so sorry for being a bad best friend to you!" eren patted his hand against connie's cheek. "i'm sorry for being a bad best friend to you, too."

connie kept on sobbing as esteban glanced at the imaginary camera that this is some sad wholesome shit.

it took long enough for connie to calm down and eren still hugging him then moved away to sit back across the chair from connie. connie wiped his nose and eyes with his hoodie sleeves.

"we good?" esteban checked up on them as connie nodded.

"yeah, me and him are good..." eren turned his head to esteban with this intimidating glare that made connie's and esteban's blood ran cold. "...but you?"

eren clenched his jaw as this shift of anger took over eren once he put his full individual attention on esteban, connie puckered up his lips that he then remembered that not only did eren did connie dirty but esteban did eren dirty too.

"we ain't fucking cool and you wanna know why?" connie watch esteban looking at eren straight in his eyes. "'cause you wanna be a dirty fucking bitch ass hoe that took my fucking girl after you witnessed how much i love her too fuck much!" eren shouted, connie slightly flinched from the hard cussing off of eren's mouth.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?! how could you just fuck her and make her yours?! i tried my fucking best to not let that thought of you and her would get together but it fucking has..." eren was on the edge on his seat as the blanket dropped from his shoulder.

"you're a fucking fake ass dumb bitch and i hope you fucking get yo ass shot at! she was my first fucking love and you gonna betray me like that? do you not have no fucking pity?! huh?!" tears welled up eren's eyes. "...YOU WERE LIKE A SECOND FATHER TO ME ESTEBAN!"

eren's voice cracked and tears streamed down his face. veins formed on the side of eren's neck after that yell-like scream. esteban clenched his jaw taking so much in from eren. esteban definitely deserved it and connie was mentally smirking and cheering for eren chewing his ass up.

"...and seeing you and her together makes me fucking sick!" eren shouted again as another tear trickled down his cheek, eren was shaking and breathing hard and heavily. that boy was hot and connie has never seen eren this upset at all.

esteban didn't say a peep but only look at eren looking so disappointed. connie shifted his eyes between eren and esteban then at eren taking another deep breath. "fuck you and that-"

it was like a trigger went off in esteban as esteban had on this murderous glare towards eren making eren got cut off. connie felt this aura that if eren says something about yanna in the most vile way, it's finna go down.

esteban clenched his jaw as his hands turned into a fist. "that wha'? finish that sentence holmes. say it witcho chest." esteban's voice was very thick and sonorous towards eren. connie kept his eyes on esteban being protective over yanna, connie rolled his eyes mentally.

connie eyed at eren looking like he was gagging quietly and was trying to hold back. is he gonna...? connie stayed where he was seeing eren's eyes rolling back swiftly then he swallowed hard.

eren huffed through his nostrils and tilted forwardly close to esteban. "a fucking dick sucking slut that needs to be put onna leash." connie's mouth dropped and let out a exclaim from how disrespectful that was off of eren's mouth.

esteban stood up swiftly and clenched eren's shirt to punch him but connie stepped in and got in the middle.

"aye, calm yo ass down." connie held back esteban as eren and esteban was breathing heavily. eren didn't care if he's gonna get punch, he said what it needs to be said.

"esteban." connie mugged at esteban as esteban clenched eren's shirt tightly then let go making eren sat back down. esteban flopped on the chair as connie looked at eren and esteban.

eren grab the blanket and cover himself as esteban ran his fingers through his hair. "dios mío." under connie's breath feeling stressed out then he sat back on his chair.

it was quiet as the trees were rustling again by the cold breeze then onto the boys, eren sniffled feeling his nose getting runny and esteban slouching while manspreading. his tatted arms were resting on the arm rest then he licked his lips, looking at eren.

esteban took a breath. "eren, i'm sorry." connie and eren gazed at esteban looking remorse, eren made a faint stank face. "for?"

connie puckered his lips downward that eren is petty as hell. esteban ran his fingers through his hair again. "fo' taking yo girl and her cheating on you. i knew y'all was in love but the toxicity, man, she didn't want to go through that anymore. we decided that i should be the one to treat her bett-"

puke warning. skip if you're triggered !

eren held up his hand to make esteban shut up, eren turned around to swiftly vomit near the other side of him. connie's and esteban's mouth dropped seeing eren throwing up his guts then connie made a disgusted face that it was straight brown liquid, gross.

"yeeeeeah, it's time to take him home." connie stood up as he help eren up by holding his own breath from not smelling that reek. "c'mon, este'."

eren was groaning lowly feeling his stomach hurting and closed his eyes feeling this sudden drowsiness. "get his legs." connie instructed, esteban got up and picked up eren's legs to take him back to the car.

esteban and connie gently and carefully lay him on the backseat, esteban handed connie some baby wipes to clean eren's mouth. connie toss the wipes away then closed the door while heading to the passenger seat.

connie and esteban took a breather that tonight was a lot. connie looked back at eren whining that his stomach hurts then connie faced towards esteban.

"let's stop by the store and buy him ginger ale." esteban suggested as connie scrunched up his face then looked at eren whining and groaning, connie sighed then fastened his seatbelt.



*carla is not gonna
be noisy for this

connie grasped the bowl of hot soup off the counter and large spoon. connie took a glimpse of carla on the phone and sitting on the couch. connie headed upstairs, strolling over to eren's bedroom.

eren was tucked underneath the blanket, connie closed the door to a crack and sat on the edge of the bed. eren turned his head from the tv to face towards connie with a small smile.

once connie and esteban arrived at carla's house, carla was so thrilled to see eren looking okay and healthy then she scold at him for disappearing on her. she questioned why eren was so wet and connie lied for eren saying it's been from the "rain" where eren was at. esteban didn't come inside and just head off home leaving connie staying with eren for the night.

"is that ice cream?" eren's eyes lit up as he fixed up himself up from laying down, connie snorted. "nah, it's soup. you have a fevea', 'member?"

eren made a straight face at connie then he sniffled, feeling his nose running. the tip of his nose was reddened up and eyes so droopy, he looks like a zombie. eren had on a sweater and his hair was in a messy atop bun. "fuck the fevea'. i want ice cream."

eren crossed his arms and pouted like a baby, connie cackled. "i'll give you some after you finish this." eren tilted his head downward as his eye was more in view than the other and lips puckered downward. "word?"

connie nodded, eren sniffled with a bright smile across his face then grabbed the bowl of soup off of connie's hands to take a spoonful. "bet."

connie smiled softly then it slowly faded away, connie watched eren blew into the spoonful of soup then place it in his mouth. eren's eyes got fixated on the tv screen as connie got up, stripping his hoodie off to be shirtless. "yo, you mind if i take a shower?"

connie turned to eren slurping on the liquid and eren nod his head that connie can. "igh." connie then stripped off the sweatpants, eren darted his eyes seeing connie's bare faint freckled jiggly thick booty cheeks in display.

eren made unamused face. "con', you could've done allat in the bathroom. i ain't tryna see yo flat booty ah'." connie turned around having eren to muffle a squeal while eren cover his eyes.

"my fault." eren mocked connie as eren move his own hand to see connie still standing there showing off his dick on soft.

"CONNIE!" connie cackled out loud then left out of eren's bedroom to the bathroom. eren sucked his teeth as his face was burning hot of embarrassment.


connie walked back in eren's room seeing him on his bed with the bowl but this time it was filled with ice cream. "really fool." eren had the spoon in his mouth as he rolled his neck while making a stank face.

connie chuckled as he walked towards eren's dresser to open up the drawer, eren watched connie rummage through his drawer and picked out a fresh clean underwear of eren's then slip it on under the towel wrapped around his hips. "surprise it fits you."

connie look at the briefs then at eren, taking another spoonful of ice cream. "you saying it as if it shouldn't be."

"yeah cause my dick is bigger than yours." connie scrunched up the side of his face at eren, eren shrugged with one of his shoulder. connie had an itch of laughter as he turned around to use eren's lotion and unused deodorant.

eren took another spoonful of ice cream, his eyes kept exchanging glances at connie getting dress. connie's back muscles were flexing from putting on sweatpants then connie turned around showing off his abs before slipping on eren's oversized sweater. connie checked himself out in the mirror to run his fingers through his grown out coils that were soft.

eren used his pierced tongue to lick the strawberry syrup residue off of the spoon then dug back in the bowl for another scoop of ice cream. connie turned to eren and climbed on the bed, doing unnecessary movements making eren mug at connie. connie giggle then got himself under the blanket brushing his legs against eren's.

"getting too comfortable." eren side eyed at connie, connie mocked him. "of course i am. i am carla's second son after all."

eren pressed his lips together then loosened them outwards, he narrowed his eyes at connie. eren sniffled feeling his nose running again but this time it got clogged, eren sucked his teeth. eren patted connie's arm to hand him a tissue so he can blow his nose. "told you, you can't be eating ice cream."

"shu' up." eren continued blowing his nose and toss the used tissue in the mini plastic grocery bag carla gave him so he doesn't have to get up every time out of his bed. connie placed the tissue box on the end table then connie look at eren.

connie knitted his eyebrows lightly. "eren?" eren hummed while the piece of brownie is in his mouth, he turned to connie being gloomy all of a sudden.

"back at the bridge... would you would've jumped off if me and esteban never showed up?" connie had to take breaths from feeling his nose prickling up and lump forming in his throat. eren sees connie's eyes were welling up in tears as eren placed the spoon in the bowl.

eren tilted his head downward and sigh quietly then glance at connie, waiting for a response. "i don't know, i was just there thinking if i should and accepted that everyone would've been happy..." connie chewed on his lip as eren slowly gazed at connie.

"...and honestly i got tired of pretending that i don't care. that fight we had last week fucked me up and i had to take a week off from everyone." eren grabbed the spoon and took a scoop of ice cream in his mouth. connie looked at eren that he wasn't feeling emotional but talking so calmly.

"but why carla though? she's your mom and you worried her." eren tucked in his lips. "'cause i know she would've gave me a lecture for being so violent and saying it's my fault instead of asking if i'm okay."

connie's eyes widened slightly. "she wouldn't."

"she would and i blame myself, too for losing my friendship with you over a girl that you like so much, us fighting because my ass wanted to expose you for being a pathetic guy that falls in love too easily and fast, and yanna cheating on me because i'm not the perfect fucking guy she wants." eren took a breather from talking fast then sniffled.

connie was speechless by what he's been told, eren took a spoonful in his mouth and gazed at the tv screen. "eren, all of that isn't your fault though." eren glanced at connie then eren scoff under his breath in doubt.

"sure it's not." eren took another spoonful as connie wrapped his arm around eren's shoulder pulling him to a side hug. "but it isn't! it was never your fault and you shouldn't be punish for it. all you did was be a good person in your own way... which led to disaster because you could've pulled away or avoided the kiss and-"

eren made a straight face at connie. "don't look at me like that, y'know i'm right." eren rolled his eyes that connie is, connie rested the side of his head against eren's cheek. "and besides that, you told y/n that she should've still stay with me because of how much i like her and how afraid of veronica being brought up in our argument, no matter how much i lied my ass off to her..." eren nodded at the last part as connie side eyed at him for agreeing that instead of everything else.

"... you a real one for that and as for yanna? i always knew that chica was gonna act up eventually with her friendly ass. like yo, it was funny at first with her flirting with esteban but the longer she did it and me peeping that you were getting more annoyed, that's a fucking walking red flag." eren sigh while nodding then took a bite out of the cookie.

"also when i find out, her and esteban got together that made me wanna fight him because that's so disrespectful. it's like her pussy was that magical for him to abandon you." eren puckered up his lips downward and connie peeps.

"mijo, her pussy was that good?!"

"no!" eren shook his head vigorously as connie's lips pursed up in disbelief then continued resting on eren's cheek. "...but all in all eren, you should never feel so down and drained from wanting to be honest and respectful and caring..." connie pouted then knitted his eyebrows as his eyes gotten teary.

"...and you shouldn't had gone to that bridge and think to yourself if you should end your life. your life is precious and as much i... as much i..." connie repeated himself and his voice cracking up indicating that he was going to cry.

"...as much i hated you, eren. i was willing to save you from drowning..." connie faced towards eren as connie's hands went on eren's cheeks to make him stare into his eyes. "...i fucking love you and i can't move on with life without you being the asshole best friend that makes me happy everyday."

connie's face turned as he began sobbing in front of eren, eren's eyes fluttered into blinks then connie pull him into an embrace hug. eren moved the ice cream aside on time before it spilled on his bed. "...i'm sorry and i love you and don't ever scare me like that, you hear me, eren, no vuelvas a hacer eso.
( don't ever do that again )

eren side eyed at the back of connie's head then stared ahead, eren's hand went on connie's back and eren smiling softly with tears welling up. "i won't and i love you, too."

connie sobbed harder then eren furrowed his eyebrows feeling connie's tears wetting eren's shoulder, eren pulled connie back. "aye." eren checked his own shoulder with a stank face that he didn't want his sweater to be ruined by snot.

"lo siento." connie apologized as eren sigh then eren raised up his hand to pat connie's head. "you good."

connie wiped his tears then used the tissue box to blow his nose. "by the way, what did you do during that week? wasn't your phone on the entire time?" eren took a quick spoonful of ice cream.

"i had went home right quick to clean up then left to walk around, buying a room in a hotel just thinking about shit between me and you. my phone was off for awhile but i turn it back on to look at our pictures and videos." connie furrowed his eyebrows slightly as eren took another piece of cookie.

"you still have 'em? after i almost killed you twice?" eren made a straight face and eyed hard at connie saying he almost killed him twice. "yeah, i do then i ended up walking into a bar drinking my ass off. things were blurry when i was arguing with you then there you were staring down at me as if i was going to be gone forever."

connie frowned. "that's because you jump off the bridge and almost drown so of course imma stare at you that you're might be gone forever." eren pouted as connie's freckled cheeks had a dash of red, he was going to cry again. "i'm sorry, mijo but i'm here now, aren't i?"

eren flashed a smile as connie nibbled on his own lip and nodded that eren is here with him, breathing and living. "yeah, you are." connie smiled softly revealing his dimples.

"and also when i was unconscious, did you happen to do the mouth to mouth or did the pounding?" connie hummed to take a moment then looked at eren, taking another spoonful of ice cream.

"mouth to mouth, why?"

eren licked his lips then pressed his lips together. "did you use tongue?" eren was trying his best to not laugh as connie made a straight face.

"eren, you almost fucking died. why you worrying about me using tongue?!" connie scolded at eren as eren put his hands in surrender. "it's a question." eren then shrugged with a lazily smirk.

connie mugged at eren then took a moment if he did use tongue or not, he doesn't remember and it was happening fast. "uh probably i did, i'm not sure. am i not suppose to?" connie knitted his eyebrows while shaking his head lightly.

eren snorted then clear his throat. "maybe 'cause i'd say you're nasty."

"nasty?!" connie shrieked out as eren bust out laughing while his hand cover his mouth then sees connie pouting with a dash of bright red across his face. "annoying ass."

eren poke out his pierced tongue childishly at connie, connie rolled his eyes playfully. it gotten quiet between them two then eren stared at connie and scooted closer to him. connie turned his head seeing eren had this softened, desperation across his face. "connie..."

"...do you forgive me?" connie's eyes widened seeing eren furrowed his eyebrows slightly and pink lips plump into a natural pout. should he? connie questioned to himself that he didn't think he'd get ask that. he did talk to eren and saved his life but it's too soon.

connie took a breath. "imma hold onto that question later." eren stared into connie's eyes then he licked his lips before scooting back. "okay."

connie tilted his head while licking his lips lightly then gotten close to eren. "do you forgive esteban?"

eren had the spoon in his mouth as his neutral expression turned into a stank face. "fuck no. sonnavabitch stole my girl."

"she's never been yo girl after flirting with esteban constantly." connie mumbled through the side of his lips, eren glared at connie that quickly pretend he ain't say nothing.

"connie, don't make me throat punch you. i heard what the fuck you said." connie gasped as his hand went on his neck feeling the slight throb, eren mugged. "y'know it's true."

eren eyed at connie removing his sweater to be shirtless then got up to fetch a tank top. eren rolled his eyes that connie's right but still there was times where yanna appreciated and reassured him that she was his girl, not esteban's. guess that was all a lie now, huh.

connie climbed on the bed seeing eren zoning off with the spoon in his mouth. "aye, forget about her. you got me and the chicos." connie made a dimpled smile as eren raised up his eyebrow.

"yeah, i got armin but you and jean into sucking my dick everyday?"

connie made a straight face as eren giggle. "i'm fucking with you..." eren removed the spoon from his mouth and gotten close to connie, eren had a smirk across his lips as connie stiffened. "...unless?"

"eren." connie mugged at eren that he's not in the mood to be teased. "yes, daddy."

"befo' i get armin to break yo shit in. stop that." connie tried to be stern but it was whiny, eren snorted while rolling his eyes. "yeah, yeah, yeah."

connie took a breather feeling his heart nearly pounded out of his chest. it's been awhile since eren ever tease him like that whenever they're alone.

eren nudged connie's elbow against connie to motion the bowl of ice cream towards connie. "want some?" connie darted his eyes at the ice cream, most of the parts was melted and eren fat ass ate all of the brownies and cookies.

"puto, no. i'm not drinking liquid." eren scoffed then nodded his head slowly. "i was being nice to you and you wanna be stingy? igh'." eren put up a thumbs up that eren will remember that, connie cackled.

"i'm just kidding!" connie tried to grab the bowl but eren held up his hand at connie. "nope, you said you don't want none, that's fine."



eren and connie looked at each other while eren slowly twisted up his face. "you so ugly, nino. i'm just now seeing all 'em dried up boogers in yo nostrils." connie's mouth dropped then made a straight face, eren giggle and took a spoonful of ice cream.

the door of eren's room opened as it revealed to be armin and jean, their eyes widened seeing connie and eren on the bed, laughing and under the blanket playing footsies. armin and jean eyed each other then faced at eren and connie. "did i miss somethin'?"

eren and connie flinched hearing jean's voice, armin rolled his eyes at jean. "should it matter?" armin rushed up and jump on the bed having eren to muffle a squeal from armin's hand almost knocking off the bowl of ice cream onto the bed. armin giggled hysterically as connie smile and jean was stiff with confusion.

"estúpido!" eren snarled at armin as armin narrowed his eyes at eren adjusting himself under the blanket. "did you call me stupid?"

connie puckered up their lips at armin asking a question in his sonorous voice. "yeah i did, whatchu finna do about it?"

armin nodded his head slowly as eren rolled his neck, jean tucked in his lips. "eren, you disappear on us for a week and already got an attitude?" jean had his hand on his hip as eren eyed at him.

"yup." connie furrowed his eyebrows. "he's sick so that's why he's being a puto." eren and connie shared an eye contact then connie smile cheekily.

jean blinked his eyes. "makes sense but how are you here? aren't y'all enemies right now?"

connie hummed as he gazed at eren licking his ice cream while armin staring mad hard at the side of eren's head. "well, we had talk things out and now we're coolin'." jean cupped his own chin, examining at connie then to eren shrugging.

"just like that? there wasn't no complications or any fights?" eren and connie eyed at each other then shook heads. "nope."

jean narrowed his eyes at connie and eren seeing if they're telling the truth and they were, weird. "mhm."

connie rolled his eyes playfully that jean stay being skeptical then connie turned to armin giving him a handshake. "anyways... now that y'all are here and together. guess the fuck what." jean closed the door completely shut as he stood by the edge of the bed, grabbing everyone's attention.

"you realized your balls is bigger than your dick on hard?" all eyes went on eren then armin and connie wheezed. jean grabbed a pillow and tossed it at eren, eren dodged. "no, you pervert..."

jean rolled his eyes then he had on a light smile. "...me and kimberly are dating." all the boys widened their eyes but eren did the most by his eyeballs almost shooting out. "hollon, my jiggly titty kim? the jiggliest titties and short leprechaun that can't reach all of us kim?"

the boys scrunched up their face from how descriptive eren was on kimberly. "yes, your kim." jean corrected as eren placed the empty bowl of ice cream on his bed table then took a breather.



"EVERYTHING!" eren screamed out the loudest as armin and connie eyed at each other. jean crossed his arms as eren let out a cough from his throat feeling sore then grabbed his water bottle.

"you sound like you want to date her yourself." armin remarked as eren glared at him then closed the cap on the water bottle. "i don't, it's just kimberly is way too cheery for his serious and mean ass."

"but wasn't yanna cheery and she dated yo mean and violent ass?" jean crossed his arms as the room gone silent, armin let out an ooo'd as eren fidgety turn his own neck towards jean.

"excuse me?" armin whistled lowly that it's going to go down. "you're excused." connie puckered his lips and scratched the back of his neck that jean and eren are being petty.

"you tryna getcho ass whoop?" eren fixed up his hair by styling it into a tighter bun and jean faked a yawn. "you can't whoop me."

eren nodded his head slowly as armin and connie sunk into the mattress feeling the tension getting strong between them two. there was silence again and all you heard was the tv playing out in the background, armin shifted his eyes at jean and eren sharing eye contact.

"drag him!" armin called out as eren and jean was quick to attack each other, eren fell over the bed making a thud. armin and connie exclaimed then cackled that connie miss them two fighting all the time.

"try not to break anything. i don't want carla coming in here." armin was recording from his phone, the angle was capturing eren on top of jean and jean pulling eren's hair.

connie cackled again as jean and eren cussing each other quietly, connie smiled softly. he glanced at armin instigating the fight and dangling his legs up in the air.

connie rolled his eyes playfully then winced seeing jean getting his balls kicked in. yikes.


61,456 views • liked by jeanthestallion, colossalwhiteboy

shecravesconnie are y'all really best friends if y'all don't share each other clothes 🙄
tagged : 3ren

view all 1,453 comments

3ren underwear* 🙄
username UNDERWEAR?!
username i am confusion
username wait underwear? did y'all fuck?
3ren @username yeah😫
shecravesconnie @3ren EREN JAEGER... why you gotta be public with it papi🥺
jeanthestallion disgusting, ik eren musty ass left dookie stains on it
username i'm laughing my ass off in this comment section
username 😭😭😭😭😭bro wth?
username that's enough for tn☠️

username you're so fine connie

username still looking sexc as always 😍

username are you single now?
username good question
username ofc not 🙄
3ren sorry y'all he's mine
username WHAT?!
username is this a joke? @3ren

username wow cuh fr drop golden girl for his ex best friend? shiii i would to, EREN FINE 😮‍💨

username erennie?
username YES
username I SUPPORT
username bruh
username chill out, they're friends
username always that one person to make it gay
username @username how, when connie and eren themselves said it
3ren i fw the name #erennie
shecravesconnie oooo that bih fye #erennie

username wait they're friends again?

username ayeeee thank god, i miss y'all being besties

username finally, y'all friends again. ion know why y'all had beef in the first place
username it's that bitch y/n to blame
shecravesconnie keep my mija's name outcho fucking mouth! @username
username OH?? @shecravesconnie
username YUP @shecravesconnie
colossalwhiteboy you mean our @shecravesconnie
username ion blame her if she is, THEY ALL SEXY @username
shecravesconnie *ahem* keep OUR mija's name outcho fucking mouth! 🗣🔊 @username
username it's the emojis that's taking me out 😭😭

username who's this bitch?
jeanthestallion watch yo fucking mouth @username
shecravesconnie better back tf up with that shit @username
3ren our bitch, that's who tf @username
colossalwhiteboy jean's bitch* @username
username well damn😭😭

aurayanna_ that's good ☺️
username 😗
username why she here?
username um why you worrying about 'em for?
username she better move.
username @bigpapaban getcho hoe
bigpapaban don't ever disrespect my girl like that. @username
username well gahdamn
username ik eren sliding down the wall rn
3ren i ain't no pathetic bitch and im sliding on armin's cock rn
username @3ren @colossalwhiteboy FR?!
colossalwhiteboy 🤭
username how did eren went from fucking connie to armin?
shecravesconnie bcs we having a orgy 🙄 @username
username I WANNA JOIN! @shecravesconnie
username PUT ME IN @shecravesconnie

username bruh all of this under this man video ☠️☠️☠️
username right??
username pls it's so entertaining

colossalwhiteboy NO MA'AM
shecravesconnie he don't won't you 🤨
jeanthestallion his # is ***-***-**** 😘
username AHHH THANK YOUUU @jeanthestallion
username AYOOOOO?! @jeanthestallion
username BOUTTA CALL HIM RN @jeanthestallion
username JEAN YOU DA GOAT @jeanthestallion
3ren wtf😃 @jeanthestallion

username 😍😍

username loving the smile 🥰

username since golden girl don't want you nomo, is it my chance?
shecravesconnie tehehe no 😐
username 💔

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