Our Silent Lives Conquer Worl...

By Elect0sharkus

130K 5.4K 4.8K

5 individual worlds. 5 different ships, all having gone through challenge after challenge. 5 different paths... More

Make Your Choice(Closed)
What Lives Over Our Eyes
The Votes Are In!
Cleansed Ocean
The Brewing Storm Cell
Return From Retirement
Royal Reception
The World in a Grain of Sand
Physicals for the Fighters
The Start of Grand Journeys
Act 1: Start
Mingling in Menagerie
The (Not so) Wonderful Wizard
Great First Day
The Sword and the Schpiel
Why Not? (Not a Chapter)
A Trip to a Place Called Juniors
An Aquatic and an Avian
Group of Misfits
Terrorists and Mermaids
Lessons in Morality
Ancient Town, Ancient Beast
Quoth the Siren
A Taste of Terror
Dr. Puri
Unwanted Company
Not-so-Familiar Place
Big Announcement
Ice Scream
Winter Wonderland
Siren of the Seasons
Tournament Day
Make Your Choice(Closed)
The Call of Duties
...And My Rage for All
The Votes Are In!
Nightmare of Beacon
A Name for the Legends
Act 2: Start
Strange man and the Queen
The Twin Worlds
Fallen for You
New Cover!
A Future (Maybe) King
Devil's Due
Quite a Welcome
Call of the Dark
The Abyss Comes Back
An Eternal Dark
Holidays From Azur Lane!
Old Meets New
Discord Request(Not a Chapter)
Abyssal Vehemence
Make Your Choice(Closed)
Time as Twins
The Votes Are In!
Terrible Two
Courage that Conquers
Trust You'll Honor
Humans' Mind, Nature's Sacrifice
Over Paradise
The Abyss Comes Home
Act 3: Start
Friend Announcement
Fine Where the Sun Don't Shine
The Final Ballet(Closed)
Soldier Squared
Upholding a Bet(Not a Chapter)
Fade to Gold(+18)
Training the Months Away
Graduation Reunification
Hunting Grounds
The Final Ballet: Completion
The Lawyer Kitsune
My Kingdom for a Fox
Human(?) against the Hunter
Of Sirens and Titans
Deep Thoughts (18+)
Mother and Daughter
Siren Hunter-in-Training
Release the Beast
Chaos in the Wind
Push Becomes Punch
Before Dusk Falls
Act 4: Start
Old York
Evening with the Joestars
The Pillar Man
Red Rooted Fate
Excuse me?(Not a Chapter)
When in Rome...
Put a Spin On It
500 Follower Special
Training: Day 1
Training: Day 10
Training: Final Day
Hostile Takeover
Esidisi's Revenge
Major Mayhem
Light ad Dark
Finché Morte Non Ci Separi
Unveiled and Unified
Midnight Menace
Wind of Destruction
The Tempest Fades
A Day Beyond the Storm
Act 5: Start
For The Greatest Mother
The COG Gears
A Berserk Rage
Corpser Party
Just Krylling Time
Messing with Mamma
New Member of the Family
Baby Talents
Cave Crawling
Newer Cover!
A Train to Catch
General Genocide
Flys By
Prophetic Prowess
The Hollow Storm
Teetering on the Edge
Das Unsterbliche Herz
Physical for the Fighters Pt. 2
Ilima Dilemma
A Special Day
Deal With Your Devil
One's True Colors
New Hope
Rude Awakenings
Kadar Cave Crawl
Water Woes and Flying Foe
Siphonous Setting
The Locusts' Final Stand
Send Off
Act 6: Start
The Calm Before
Before the First(Final) Step
Towards Journey's End
One of Fire
The Sun
One of Ice
The Moon
Plus One
The First True Test
The Twins of Terror
Confounding Complacency
A Lesson on Strength
Devilish Intentions
Devil's Left, God's Right
Meadow of the Magic Maiden
Presentation and Ascension
The Mighty Dragon
The New Generation
Where Reality Sings
Born to be Wild
Will my Fate be Ready?
Titans Clash on the Rising Sun
Der Letzte Herzschlag
Last Sight of Home
Angel Fall
The Message of God

Straight Away

466 34 28
By Elect0sharkus

The place was fairly quiet after Joseph riddled the man with bullets. Z73 was looking into the building, same as the civilians outside, and just watching.

Joseph wipes his eyes, clearing his tears. "Straights! What will it be? Smashing your brain, Hamon, or sunlight? Those are the three ways to erase you!"

He stepped inside, and the people started to panic as he did. Z73 stepped forward on this part however. "Everyone! Please leave the building immediately! The man who was just shot is abnormal and highly unpredictable! It is dangerous to be here as of now!"

Joseph shot her a thankful look as she escorted the people out of the building, taking even the two crying women out of the building as quick as she could.

However, they heard a noise, and their eyes darted towards Straights, who was now standing up, without touching the ground with his hands mind you, and was sticking his finger in his wound, pulling up through his body and pulling another bullet out as well.

'Okay, that's kinda disturbing.'

He threw down the bullets, but then twisted his body a bit, before seemingly snapping into the other direction, launching all the bullets from his body onto the ground at their feet. Joseph looked a bit scared at how durable the vampire was, while Z73 only took note of what she learned.

'It's durable yes, but the key take away is that it's a regenerator, not a tank. A good hit that takes out the brain will be more than enough to kill a vampire.'

She reached to her waist and put on her mask, her eyes turning to crimson red similar to the vampire's own. Behind the mask, Z73 smiled, knowing she had some advantage to take use of.

"Dio's failure was overindulgence in playing with his powers. That made an opening for Jonathan to strike."

He turned to Joseph, not caring about the other target in the room, thinking her small frame wasn't any major threat too him.

"But my philosophy is different, I'll find the extent of my powers after I destroy you. I'll show you no mercy!"

He posed, with his hand in front of him. "And I'll start with the technique Dio used to kill Jonathan!"

Joseph pulled up his Tommy gun, but the gun clicked, showing that his gun was empty on bullets. Straights smiled, as the situation had fallen to his hands. "Out of ammo?"

Straights eyes started to shake. "My eyes can fire my essence, face my Space Ripper Stingy Eyes!"

His eyes opened, and lasers blasted out from his eyes. Their speed was unbelievable, and Z73 already took to action. "Joseph, get down!"

She started to push him out of the way, but it was too late to avoid the attacks fully. A blast took to Joseph's head, and the other landed square on Z73's mask.

Z73 was blasted backwards and slammed into the wall in the back of the shop, still fine, but she decided to play it smart and act unconscious. Smokey however, didn't know about this. "Joseph! Sirocco!"

"A mere trifle, and I got the little girl too. All that's left is Erina Joestar." Straights commented as he turned away towards the broken window. "It'll be-"

"Easier than drowning an infant."
"Easier than drowning an infant."

Straight's eyes shot open, and he turned around to see Joseph still standing. "Now you'll say: How can he live with a hole in his head?!"

"H-How can he live with a hole in his head?!" Straights finished his sentence, then his eyes grew wide once again, realizing he fell into Joseph's trap.

Joseph went on describing how he took the advantage, especially pointing out how he used a mirror for deception play against Straights into thinking he hit Joseph. When Straights turned back around to face Joseph after his realization, he was batted by the teen with his gun, then charged with Harmon and launched into the wall.

"I heard you're as allergic to Hamon as you are to Sunlight, so that should melt your face right off." He walked over to him, grabbing his coat and pulling his face up a bit, only to realize that his face was completely fine, with no damage whatsoever.

As Straights stood, he described his advantages, and how he realized his weakness against Hamon. By using a scarf woven with thousands of Satiporoja beetles' stomachs, he excellently dispersed the Hamon from Joseph's strike, rendering him safe.

"I am not ignorant like Dio!"

Joseph walked towards the window. "Yeah, I can tell you're a tricky one. But did you think I would rely on gimmicks like Hamon alone?"

He pulled a string wrapped around his finger, revealing that he snuck a grenade into Straight's scarf. Z73's eyes went wide as she saw how elaborate his plan went, as she realized how screwed she would be if she wasn't a shipgirl.

'God damn it Joseph! When I get out of here, I'm kicking your ass!'

"A pitiful trick!" Straights threw away the grenade, but Joseph only laughed as he jumped out of the cafe. "You should've spent time in the city! Take a look at that grenade you threw away!"

When Straights looked, he noticed that there was more strings connected to the grenade, which led to several more grenades connected to his scarf. They were all about to blow too. "You son of a...!"

He screamed as the grenades blew up, detonating the shop and leaving dust scattered everywhere. Joseph was able to dive out of the shop in time to be safe from the blast.

"D-Did you get him?"


Joseph and Smokey both gasped out of shock, seeing inside at the scattered flesh and bits of Straights...as well as how they were moving.

"H-He's a monster..." Smokey was terrified, but he still was alive, and he wanted to stay that way. "D-Do you have a way to beat a monster like this Jojo?"


"Yeah, I do."

"Really? You do?"

"Yeah, I have one last card up my sleeves."

He pointed at Straights. "I saved this one for last. Look at his legs, see how they aren't regenerated yet?"

Smokey followed his finger. "Yeah..."

"They were blown to smithereens, and they still haven't fully healed."

"What does that mean?"

Joseph slapped his own thighs. "I'll use my own legs."

"To do what?"



He turned around and started to sprint away, pushing people out of the way as Smokey hastily tried to catch up to him, calling him crazy the whole time. On top of the building was a pair of red eyes following their escape, sighing as they realized what Joseph was actually doing.

'Goddamn idiot...'

The cafe blew up, but before the actual explosion, Z73 made hasty escape and jumped to the top of the building. She was standing there and watching Straights kidnap the woman that he found taking pictures of the scene.

'I'm guessing he's luring Joseph out. A smart strategy...if Joseph is selfless that is.'

The vampire grabbed the woman and started to run after where his eyes tracked Joseph, sticking to the roofs as he did. Z73 stayed a fair distance behind him, chasing after him without the vampire noticing, seemingly since he was so focused on Joseph.

'His jumping height is about four and some meters...and he crushed that cement piece with a fair bit of ease...possibly somewhere above a few hundred kilograms of pressure...'

Her eyes flashed red. 'This will be easy.'


Soon it seemed that he wanted to go somewhere after Joseph, and it seems that Joseph was running to the Brooklyn bridge. The vampire stopped on top of the bridge, with the flailing woman in his arms.

Z73 decided to take a slow approach, instead of going onto the bridge and having him see her, she went down to the water, sailing out towards the middle of the bridge. With a mighty leap, she launched herself all the way from water level to the bridge, gripping the edge to silently climb up.

She saw the vampire, and she saw Joseph running over the bridge now, about to come into contact with the vampire. She narrowed her red eyes and looked to the cables, deciding to use those to traverse up the bridge.

She hopped onto the wire, running up the thin lines that support the bridge and jumping onto the top of the archway. Now with the high vantage point, she looked down on the scene of Straights interacting with Joseph, getting her footing ready.

That's when she saw Straights rip out a tooth from the lady, and Joseph seemed quite angry at that. Straights dropped the woman behind him as Joseph stepped forward, and she smirked from behind her mask.


That's where she took her chance, and she leapt from the top of the archway, aiming dead towards Straights. Smokey was the only one to notice anything, and when he looked up, his eyes widened as he saw her flying through the air.

Straights didn't know what hit him, and Joseph didn't expect it either, as Z73 fell down on Straights, landing on his shoulders. "What in the-"

She squeezed her thighs around his head, twisting and snapping his neck as she threw her weight forward, sending herself to the ground and pulling Straights with her, flipping both of them and slamming the vampire into the metal support arch that he was on before getting up.

"You're obviously still alive, but I'm not letting you do anything else now Straights."

"Y-you girl..." His neck fixed itself, and he launched himself into the air, aiming a hand at her face.

She was faster than him though, and to everyone's surprise, both grabbed and halted his hand with her real one.


Her eyes glowed red. "You aren't the only good fighter around monk."

Her superior strength crushed his hand and ripped it off, before she slammed that fist into his face, crushing the skull and leaving him blinded. A wild and unnatural slap went for her face, but she ducked underneath, and pulled her metal fist back, slamming it straight through his chest.

"Now then Vampire, I'll leave you to the boy." She pulled her hand out, throwing the vampire to Joseph's feet, who looked shocked at her unbelievable victory against the man.

Straights however, wasn't done yet, and if he couldn't take on the little girl, no matter how ridiculous that is, he'll take on his original target. He jumped up in the air, in more of a maddening rage than anything else, and that snapped Joseph out of his stupor.

He quickly took a breath, before sending Hamon down into his fist, and punching at Straights as he fell down on him. Straights fell off the side, gripping the bridge, but soon loosing his grip.

But Joseph caught him before he fell.

Z73 decided to take care of the girl while Joseph did whatever the hell he was doing with the vampire. The girl was unconscious, but stirring, meaning she would be waking soon enough.

Z73 squatted down next to her, gently shaking the girl until her eyes fluttered open. "Hey, can you understand me?"

"Huh?...Yes, I hear you."

"Good, now you lost your tooth, but you're still alive. There isn't a point sugar coating it, so I'll come out and say it first."

The girl was mildly confused, but then her eyes shot open as she felt where her tooth once was, and the pain quickly came back to her. Z73 pulled her into a hug, letting the woman bite down on her jacket as she screamed. "Let it out, I understand your pain...somewhat."

Soon enough, she was finally done biting, but she was holding her tightly still, crying into her small chest as she experienced a near death scenario. Z73 held her there, patting her head with her real arm and holding her with her metal one.

She heard the sounds of ringing again, quickly associating that with Hamon, and when she looked, she saw that Straights was using Hamon as well, and it was killing him.

Straights was saying his final words. "I have no regrets, I want to die young and full of life rather than withering away. Being young again was a supreme joy for me!"

"No Straights! I need to know more!" Joseph kept his grip tight, but Straights' arm disintegrated, and he fell as his body faded away from the Hamon. "Farewell, Jojo!"

The body faded to dust, and Joseph was left with nothing in his hands. He stood up and roared out in frustration, beating his chest like a pissed off gorilla.

Now that the vampire was dead, Z73 was finally able to think about everything, and what this vampire was about.

'He said he was a master of Hamon, but what exactly is Hamon? That term has been thrown around so much recently, but what is it?'

She recalled the yellow glow, both from Joseph and from Straights.

'It seems to be a power of some sort, and it's very effective against the supernatural...can I perhaps learn it?'

She closed an eye, as the sun started to rise in the distance. Joseph looked to be calming down, so was the woman and Smokey.

'I suppose that's for the future, for now I need to deal with the aftermath of this vampire's attack.'


"So Joseph, remember how you blew up the shop?"

"Yes...what's this about?"

He saw the stink eye she was giving him, and that's when he realized what she was trying to point out. "Oh...whoops!"



"Let your little ones be the reminder this time..."

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