If We Have Each Other

By Im_not_creative_123

223 2 4

Logan x Dallas is a gay romance about 2 boys who always sit in the library together. Both of them are shy and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Note

Chapter 21

3 0 0
By Im_not_creative_123

Not wanting to fall on the wall, Logan quickly attempted to catch himself, but fell to the right, directly toward Dallas. He tried catching his fall, but that only got him face to face with Dallas, his eyes wide and trying not to laugh. Their faces were only inches apart. Logan blinked a few times, comprehending what had just happened, and stared into Dallas's eyes. Dallas smiled.

"Hi," he said. Logan snapped out of his trance and sat back down, still recovering from his fall.

"Did you see what happened, because I didn't," Logan said.

"You fell forward, but then pushed yourself off the wall towards me," Dallas said, still inches from his face with no intention to back down.

"You know, let's just stay here. I actually wouldn't mind being this close to you," Logan said. Dallas looked at Logan.

"If this isn't a green light, I don't know what is. I'm definitely doing it on Monday," Dallas thought.

"I...I like being close to you, too," Dallas said. Logan laid down next to him.

"We should do this more often," Logan said.

"Yeah, we should," Dallas agreed. He sighed, contemplating whether to tell Logan or not. He looked at his phone, 11:22 pm. Tiredness had not set in yet. He sat up and looked at Logan, who looked back at him. Logan smiled.

"You know, your eyes are hypnotizing," Logan said. Dallas smiled.

"Oh really? I think you're the one who has hypnotizing eyes," Dallas replied. Dallas was about to say it, but hesitated. "If I say it now, he'll know I have a massive crush on him," Dallas thought.

"What do I say back to him?" Logan thought, trying to think of something to say. "I'm already close to revealing I have a crush on him, what do I do?" he continued. Logan sat up, facing Dallas.

"Dallas, have you had a crush before?" Logan asked.

"Yeah, I have. One was 2 years ago, and the other one is current," Dallas said.

"I've only had one, and it's current," Logan said. "What was having a crush like for you?" Logan asked.

"It was feeling both nervous and excited when around them, and you want to spend time with them, but you know it will make you nervous, so spending time with them is both exhilarating and feeling like you're going to throw up because you're so nervous," Dallas said.

"Yeah, that's kind of how I feel when I'm around them, thanks," Logan said.

"Do you mind telling me who it is?" Dallas asked. Logan felt his face turn red very quickly.

"Uhh, maybe I'll tell you later," Logan said, redder than ever. Dallas was about to say, 'I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours,' but then remembered how Logan might feel. They were stuck here until tomorrow morning, and Dallas didn't want Logan to feel uncomfortable, so he opted not to.

"Can you describe them?" Dallas asked. Logan hesitated.

"Well, they are super nice, cute, and they have light brown hair," Logan said, trying to keep his description vague. "Now, tell me about your crush," Logan said, not wanting Dallas to ask anymore questions.

"They are kind, smart, and have dirty blonde hair." Dallas said, continuing to stare into Logan's eyes. Logan stared back.

"Am I super nice, cute, and have light brown hair?" Dallas asked himself. He racked his mind, trying to think of everyone who matched that description.

"I guess I'm nice, and I do have light brown hair," Dallas thought. "Does that mean he has a crush on me?" "He did use gender-neutral pronouns when describing his crush, so there's probably a good chance of it," Dallas thought.

"Green light, a very, very, bright green light," Dallas thought. "I'm doing it on Monday." Dallas looked at the clock again. It read 11:58.

"2 minutes until Saturday," Dallas said.

"Yeah, I sometimes stay up until midnight just to watch the date on my phone change," Logan said.

"I do that too," Dallas replied.

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Logan asked.

"No, not really. My mom is probably going to go shopping but I don't have to go," Dallas said.

"I'm thinking of messing up my sleep schedule and pulling an all-nighter Saturday night," Logan said.

"Why? I'll do it with you, but I probably won't make it the whole night," Dallas said.

"I need to finish my AP Euro presentation, I still have some things to finish and I have to cite my sources. If you're willing to, could you do some research for me? You don't have to, but I'll get it done faster if you do," Logan said.

"Sure, I'll do it. Why not?" Dallas replied.

"Awesome. We can be in pain together on Monday," Logan said. Dallas remembered what he had planned for Monday.

"Yep, we can both be sleep deprived together," Dallas said.

"Hopefully we can catch up on a little sleep Sunday night," Logan said.

"Yeah, we won't be too dead if we get a decent amount of sleep Sunday night," Dallas agreed.

"What are some other good late night topics to talk about?" Logan asked.

"Technically it's early morning," Dallas corrected.

"Of course, it's 12:02, what are some early morning topics we could talk about?" Logan asked again.

"Wait, you haven't met Siva yet," Dallas said.

"Oh yeah! You were talking about her and showed me her over facetime on Wednesday," Logan said.

"She likes to be up at night, but she could be sleeping. I could probably sneak downstairs and find her," Dallas said.

"Sure, just don't get caught, and don't wake her up if she's sleeping," Logan replied.

"Ok, will do," Dallas said, slowly opening the door and tiptoeing downstairs. A minute later, Dallas came back upstairs, holding Siva.

"She was awake," Dallas said, putting her down. "She's really shy, so just put your hand out and let her investigate you," he instructed. Logan did as he was told, holding his hand out in front of Siva. She sniffed his hand, and took a step forward, continuing to sniff.

"She likes you," Dallas said. Logan cautiously reached out his hand to pet her. Siva let out a soft meow. "Wow, she really does like you. Usually she's really shy and takes a while to warm up to new people," Dallas said.

"I don't know, I guess she just likes me," Logan said. Siva strayed into Logan's lap, sitting down. Logan quietly laughed, continuing to pet her. Logan smiled, and continued stroking Siva's fur. A few minutes later, Siva yawned, and fell asleep on Logan's lap.

"She fell asleep?" Dallas asked in disbelief. "She's only done that once to me, and we've had her for months," he said, in shock. "There must be something about you she likes, and no one else has it."

Logan shrugged. "I have no idea, she just really likes me," Logan said. Dallas carefully picked Siva up, and took her back downstairs to her bed. Returning to the room, Dallas sat down.

"Cats can sense emotions to some degree, so there must have been something you were feeling," Dallas said, trying to get an answer out of Logan.

"I really don't know, I was excited to meet her, but also excited that I'm at your house, I don't know what you want me to say," Logan said.

"I don't know either, I'm just dumbfounded, she doesn't act like this," Dallas said.

"Did I break her or something?" Logan asked.

"No, but she never acts like this, so maybe you did," Dallas said laughing.

"Maybe it's my massive crush on you," Logan thought, not daring to say it out loud. "Maybe that's what it actually is, what if Siva ships me and Dallas and showed it by trusting me right away. That would be some telepathy stuff, but maybe cats are capable," he thought.

"I hope I didn't break her, but I can't explain your own cat's behavior," Logan said.

"I know, I just want an explanation even though I know I won't get one," Dallas said.

"I wish I could help you, but I can't," Logan replied. The pair thought about other things to talk about. 

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