Watermelons (SUNTAN)

By Sp00ksinator

61.8K 1.7K 10.1K

what if Sunny never had to move, never got over Mari, never told his friends the Truth, it was all the same. ... More

Not a cloud in sight, huh?
Just Like Old Times!
Shattered Glass.
Rise and Shine!!
4 T H. O F. J U L Y
12 engery drinks, 4 kids
it's 1am, guys.
Who's that in the mirror?
Sunny and Kel side storys
Happy birthday: Dearest Sunny
A Grave Of Memories.
Ice skating!
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𓂀 ㄚㄖㄩ 山乇尺乇 ㄥ卂ㄒ乇. 𓂀

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2.4K 66 514
By Sp00ksinator

Am back from tripppp

Hope y'all didn't miss me!

Sorry for taking so long!!!! I tried my best though to still somehow get this out reasonable amount of time

I try not to make you guys wait more than 2 days


Sunny climbed back into the car, with almost everyone looking at him.

Kel put his arm around Sunny, who then leaned his head on Kels shoulder.

As the car started to move, Basil looked back.

"Sunny....how are you doing..?"


"Are.. you feeling... alright..?"


"Is it.... something else or ..."


As the car got closer to the Basil and Aubreys street, Basil became more desperate to get a anwser out of this failing conversation.


Basil considered what he was gonna do, but he decided it was the only way he had a chance of response.

"..it's.. behind you..again.... blocking your paths too..?"


Sunny pulled his head up, looking at Basil who was staring intensly at him. The whole car seemed confused, Kel even shot a look behind Sunny.

"..you don't have to be scared."

"Basil what are you guys talking about?"

"....it's okay.. you can just say yes or no.."

Basil ignored Aubrey, keeping eye contact with Sunny. Something behind Basil started to grow more visible.

Sunny shook his head.


Basil paused.

"..Sunny... Don't lie to me... I see it...right behind you, the trunk."

"Seriously what the hell are you guys talking about.. I'm getting concerned!"

Aubrey tried to look tough while saying this, but looked more scared.

"...can we talk about.... this ...later...? Or just...not... infront of them...we look crazy right now..."

Sunny murmured

".. well-"

The car stopped.

"We're here."

Hero called back behind him, ending the conversation as Basil and Aubrey got out of the car, walking separate ways.

After that they drove to Kels house and got out, with Sunny behind them, quietly coming in.

Kel, Hero and Sunny started to play cards, like old Times. Dinner was called, and they all went down to eat, Kels mom greeted Sunny with a smile.

"Hii Sunny!! Hope your hungry, we made chicken noodle soup tonight!"

Kels mom exclaimed with a smile.

When Sunny was given his food, he didn't feel like eating.

Nothing seemed.. appetizing...

Sunny offered his food to Kel, who this time, looked very concerned, And begged him to eat once more.

Sunny ate a bit, a few bites.

Not for himself.

For Kel.

After that everyone played until it was time for bed.

Kel and Sunny both snuggled up together on Kels bed.

The black haired boy had his head on Kels warm chest, while Kel had one of his arms over Sunny, the other was spralled out on the bed.

Kel looked down to Sunny.

"Hey. Are you still up?"

He whispered softly. Sunny opened his tired eyes lazily.

"Barely. But yes?"

"Oh, well i wanted to ask you if... You're alright..?"

Kel looked to the side.

"Huh.? I'm okay Kel, don't worry."

Kel chuckled a bit.

"I can't, not worry! You're important to me, Sunzters!"

Kel giggled, wholesomely. Making Sunny smile seeing him happy like this.

"Haha..but Really Kel, I'm okay."



"..with your pinky?"

"With my pinky."


Kel almost yelled, as he messed with Sunny's hair, rubbing his head. Sunny laughed a bit.

"Alright alright. Goodnight Kelski, i love you, have sweet dreams okay?"

Sunny purred, putting a hand on Kels rosey red cheek.

"Okay goodnight! I love you too Sunshine, you always brighten up my life, sleep well."

Kel kissed Sunny's head.

And they both fell asleep.


"Nothing but a liar."

"Liar liar liar."


-Time skip next morning-

Sunny woke up to his head being pet.

He was still on Kels chest, still warm.

Sunny tilted his head slightly, to Kels surprise.

"Oh! Good morning sleepyhead!"


Sunny didn't reply, he still wanted to sleep, but Kel didn't buy it.

"Sunnnnyyy, i know that your awake!"

Kel smirked, seeing his man trying to pretend to be asleep.


"C'mon it's time to get up, its already been a hour!"

"....i don't wannnnaaa."

Sunny tiredly exclaimed. Kel started to sit up, holding Sunny's head and upper back up gently, so he didn't get hurt.



"...Fine then."

Kel looked to the side, and picked up Sunny up bridal style as he got up, to Sunny's surprise.

"There, now you don't have to get up yet, but you can come downstairs with me!"

Kel smiled with his goofy grin, as he took Sunny downstairs and into the living room where Hero was sitting.

"Oh hey"

Hero greeted them as Kel sat down, maneuvering Sunny to a sitting position on his lap


Kel repiled.

"How's your guys morning going, it took a bit for you all to wake up?"

"It's going good, huh Sunny?"

Kel looked to Sunny, who nodded.

"That's a relief."

Hero smiled, theb started to talk about a plan he had.

"Say, since the end of the month is nearing I'll have to go back to college soon so."

Hero paused.

"How about we get the group together and have dinner at Gino's Tonight? Relive those memories."


Kel yelled, putting his hands in the air.
Hero chuckled, getting up.

"Alright, it's a plan then!"

Hero said as he got up, putting his hands on his hips.

"I'll go tell everyone, you guys wanna come with me?"

"No, we still gotta eat breakfast!"

Kel exclaimed to Hero.

"Okay, I'll go tell everyone by myself!"

Hero sighed, going to put his shoes on.

Kel then looked at Sunny.

"Wanna get some cereal?!"

-Time skip, to dinner time-

It was finally later in the day, it was time to go eat with the gang at Gino's, And Kel was enthusiastic.

It was only natural, since the last time they actually all ate in Gino's was awhile ago, and he just loved pizza.

Hero got Kel and Sunny into the car so they could pickup Basil and Aubrey.

After picking Aubrey and Basil up, everyone in the car was talking, it was nice convo.....

Until Kel and Aubrey started to fight...


"I'll call dibs on the parmesan cheese!"

Kel enthusiastically yelled.

"Uh no? That shit is mine Kel."

"Uh, no Aubrey. i called dibs"

"Uh actually Kel, I'm just gonna take it from your grimy fingers."

"Guys they have multiple things of it-"



Kel and Aubrey yelled at the same time to Hero.

After they got to Gino's, everyone sat down and talked. While Hero got their order.

Talking about all sorts of stuff as they waited, sports dreams gang story's and of course, orange joe surpremecy.

After awhile Hero can back with the pizzas, and extra parmesan cheese. Everyone dug into it, except Sunny.

After a while of eating and talking, the subject then got on to Mari again? First starting with memory's of her but then it turned into dark things.

"I... just wish she came to us first.... y'know...?"

Aubrey looked to the side.


Kel repiled.

Sunny started to get obviously more nervous. Basil too.

"... well..I'm sure shes doing better now..."

Hero spoke.

"Yeah. Looking down to us from above."

Aubrey added.

Sunny started to put his head down, the guilt was over him now. It was all his fault.

His poor friends.

He'd done this to them.

He deserved none of this.

He deserved only one thing.


"She must've been struggling for so long."

As those words left Aubrey's mouth, Sunny got up with his head pointed down.

"I-I need to go on a little walk."

Sunny breathed, as he ran out the door.

Basil then got up.

"I uh. Need to use the bathroom, Excuse me sorry."

And ran towards the bathroom.

Everyone was left sitting there confused. They went back to talking, though a little awkward now.

-Time skip 20 mins-

"They're still not back."

Hero looked to the door, worried.

"Yeah.... They've both been acting strange.."

Aubrey speculated.

"I'm going to go find Sunny."

"Okay Kel.. I'm gonna go check on Basil."

Hero responded to Kel.

"So what? We're just gonna leave me all alone here?"

"Aubrey... hm...you could go with Kel?"

"And be a third wheel? No thanks."

"Well you can't go into the boys bathroom."

"Guess I'll stay here."

Aubrey sighed.

Hero signaled Kel to go, as he negotiated with Aubrey.

Kel left the pizza place, asking random people if they had seen where Sunny went, most saying no, but some pointed directions.

All this lead to the secret hideout spot where Sunny was behind a tree, crying.

Kel could just barely hear it, not being able to tell which tree it was from.


He called out, yelling loudly.

"..go away.... Sunny isn't here right now."

Sunny replied quietly, still crying.

This prompted Kel to find his tree, standing on the other side of it.

"I know your there Sunny."


"C'mon what's wrong?"


Sunny repiled sobbing, Kel came to the other side of the tree, standing over Sunny.

"What do you mean.?"

"Everything is wrong.. everything... Basils freaking out.....I'm freaking out....Heros sad.....Aubrey is too.....and you probably think I'm crazy.....and MARI IS........."

Sunny started to cry more. Kel rubbed his head.

"Is this all because of Mari?"

Kel asked, Sunny nooded his head.

"Oh. Well Sunny, it wasn't your fault. You couldn't control-"


Sunny got up, tears still coming down.

"You're wrong"

"W-What? Sunny-"

"It was my fault Kel. It was, it was, it was, it was."

Sunny grabed Kels arms, and leaned down on him with his head down.

"I'm the one who killed her."


Hiya!!!! We're in the endgame now boys and girls and none gender conforming folks

1618 words!

Sorry it took so long, hope it was worth it!!

Thanks for reading, do have a wonderful day!!

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