The Other Second Child

By fangirling_brb

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Now, the 100 have been living in the dark about someone in camp. Another second child, in the name of Lydia... More

Chapter 1: The Cat is out of the Bag
Chapter 2: Fine really means horrible here
Chapter 3: Hurt people aren't my forte
Chapter 4: Wanker
Chapter 5: Fucking hell
Chapter 7: I have an idea.
Chapter 8: Grounder fun
Chapter 9: Ladies and Gentleman
Chapter 10: It's done

Chapter 6: Do you even get what is the line?

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By fangirling_brb

A/N: I made some changes to the uhhh cast because I got this idea in the shower and yeah, I think it might go better that away.

Mark's POV
It felt safe, kind, too sweet have Lydia in his arms. That was until Bellamy burst into the tent, screaming for Lydia. Mark tried to cover her with his body but it was too late, Bellamy grabbed Mark by the neck, getting him away from Lydia. He could hear her screams, yelling for Clarke.
"What the hell?" Lydia has one of his shirts on, it made his heart swell.
"He... you... are you serious?" Bellamy looked at Lydia, trying to protect her from Mark's eyes.
"Surprised, rebel leader?" Mark sounded cocky.
"Bellamy." Lydia warned then turned to Mark. "Mark."
"Do you two even get what is the line?" This time was Clarke who spoke.
"Are we talking about this two or me and this... twat?" Bellamy spoke towards Clarke, while he shook Mark a bit.
"You and Mark." Clarke send daggers towards Bellamy but he stood his ground.
"You are taking his side?" Bellamy pointed towards Mark and he never felt more naked in his life.
"Bellamy.... please let him go." Lydia's voice ran in Mark's ears, like she was giving up.
"And what then?" Bellamy let go of his neck but grabbed his arm, sadly for Mark Bellamy was stronger than he was.
"Then... I'll stop seeing him." Lydia looked at the ground.
"Put him back with the Ark, I don't want him at camp." Bellamy pointed at Lydia, who was already rolling her eyes. "And she doesn't leave camp."
"Bellamy..." Was the last thing Mark heard before he was being escorted (dragged) towards the Ark.

Lydia's POV
"He's being the twat!" Lydia was mad, she had finally gotten Mark back and Bellamy couldn't wait to rip her of some normality.
"Lydia, calm down. This isn't going to help." Clarke tried with her.
"Oh, then what is?"
"Giving him a taste of his own medicine."
"What do you mean?"
"He flipped out because you two were inside a tent, alone, partially naked. So do you know who he does that with?"
"So, if you don't get some because of that stupid rule then he shouldn't either."
"You are willing to give up sex because he threw a hissy fit about me and Mark?"
"Come on, how bad can it be?"
"Very bad."

Turns out Lydia was right. With in a couple of days, both Clarke and Bellamy were awfully judgmental and hissy like. They fought over the craziest little thing and Lydia had to be in the middle, like always. They screamed a lot more than before, making Lydia rub her temples, thanks to a headache, but at least it took her mind of Mark. The two had been exchanging notes between Abbie and Kane. It was fun, but not being able to hug, kiss, cuddle, have him made her sick to her stomach, it was like being in the prison all over again.

"Let's let Lydia make the decision." Bellamy screamed towards Clarke, his finger pointing directly towards Lydia.
"Don't." Lydia flicked them off, she wasn't for her games today. Mark had been assigned a partner today, as so had she.
"Look who finally decided to join us." Bellamy said ironically.
"Oh shut your mouth, whore." Lydia snapped.
"Whore?" Clarke's mouth opened, but they had broken up.
"Yes, that's right, darling. The minute you guys broke up, he started sleeping around. He asked me, he is being the same whore he was when we dropped." Lydia's face contorted into a smirk, satisfied with Clarke's and Bellamy's reaction.
"Shut your mouth." Bellamy said threw gritted teeth.
"How about no?" Lydia replied.
"Stop." This time it was Clarke, her face looked red but as Lydia searched her eyes, she done serious damage. The smirk on her face, dissapared.
"Oh god... you know what, I'm leaving." Lydia stood up and went outside. She need to get away from them. It was hard for the 3 of them. They weren't used to this new thing that Bellamy forced them to try. It was all to much for the three of them. They weren't used to this.

Within a couple of days, neither Lydia, Clarke or Bellamy could look at each other's eyes. They bickered about everything. The rations, the clothes, this, that. But the fighting was better than not talking at all. The remaining 100 were tired of this, hell the three of them were tired of this but the things they said to each other, those thing were not friendly. They were meant to hurt, to bring them down. Lydia only thought how it would have been if she had never gone to the woods that day, where everything started going down hill. In a perfect world, she wouldn't have fucked Mark, she wouldn't have said that Bellamy was whore, she wouldn't have said that Clarke was another one of his bitches. But most of all, she wouldn't have been said that she was a pit stop and a tool, each one from Bellamy and Clarke. Another note was logged between the trees and Lydia smiled for the first time in days.

I heard what's going on with Bellamy, Clarke and you. What the hell? Did you seriously stepped down to his level? You know that you are better than this. I heard everything, from the fights to the insults. The Council is getting rather antsy about this, from what I've hear around, they might take away your position of power. Fix things, you know that the 100 don't want to be control by The Council. I know that this whole thing was because of us, so consider this as an official break up letter.

 It's what best, I love you.

Lydia's mind didn't know what to take in at first. The fights have caused something in the council, Mark just broke up with her. The Council news won, she had to warn Bellamy and Clarke, get back on top of things, they had to do it. The Council will never take them alive.

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