Bonnie in the Originals

By SassySami9502

19K 595 181

Bonnie sometimes wished she could go back to when it was just knocking a vamp on their ass and moving on. Wis... More

Act 1 Cast
Mystic Falls - A Summery
New Orleans
Littlest Witch
Oh Look, a Wild Aunt has Appeared!
Breaking Tyler Part 1 - Unedited
Wow. . .
Tyler Part Two.
Meeting Marcel
Casket Girls
Apology Chapter

A girl?

1.3K 45 13
By SassySami9502

Oh look -.- I forgot to title the part. . .  Let me fix that real quick.

The sun was shining through Bonnie's window by the time Klaus went in there, his face set in a hard line as he followed his nose to her bag. Slipping a hand in silently, he pulled out two small bottes, one filled with wolf's bane, the other witch hazel. A dark scowl settled onto his face as he stared at the two bottles laying innocently in his hand.

" I didn't take any, " Bonnie paused until his eyes meant hers. " Of either of them. '

" You're awake . . ."

Bonnie laughed a little. " Yeah, kinda hard to sleep when you've got something growing inside of you. "

Klaus's lips tilted up into a slight smirk despite his best efforts to stop them as he looked out the window, his tone serious as he asked her. " What stopped you? " He seemed genuinely confused as he continued to speak. " You could have been free of all of this. . . Free of me. "

Bonnie looked back at him; her eyes just as serious as his had been. " While I appreciated being given the choice, I never once considered taking it. " At his widened eyes she continued. " I was five when my mom left me. Six when my dad started spending more time at work r on trips then he did at home. " Bonnie took a deep breath to steady herself before she went on. " I knew how to use the stove and get myself ready by the time I was ten, because if I didn't on the days Grams didn't have a class to teach? Then I wasn't making it to school. " Bonnie held up a hand when Klaus went to say something, showing him she wasn't done. " I had an understanding with the sheriff when I turned fifteen, she wouldn't arrest me for underage driving and I would keep my Grams at home on the bad nights. I was 17 when Elena and the Salvadores got Grams killed, and yeah she may not have been the best guardian ever, but she had also stayed. . . " Tears were running down Bonnie's face at this point, but she couldn't seem to stop the words from pouring out. " My dad never even came home for the funeral, only sent me a plane ticket. I was eighteen by the time Stefan forced me to reunite with my mother so he could get back at you, only for her to immediately leave once she turned. And the thing that finally brought my father back to town? It wasn't me! It was the god damn mayor job. " Bonnie looked up, her green eyes clashing with his blue. " So no, I never considered taking it, because while I might never have had a good family example to work with, I damn sure swear to do better with this one. "

Klaus's eyes shone with respect as he looked back at her. " I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I. . . " He walked a little bit closer as he looked her in the eyes. "We're both castoffs who learned how to fight from our backs getting pressed up against the wall. "

Bonnie smirked as her eyebrow raised. " Well, our backs are pressed against the wall now. . . "

Klaus's lips lifted up into a genuine smile for the first time since he stepped into her room. " Ah, that we are. It's time to fight little witch. " He paused as he glanced over at the picture on her bedside table. The picture was a simple one, and one of the few that had been taken when her dad had actually been home to capture the moment. It showed an eight-year-old her, grinning widely, missing tooth in hand as she proudly held it out to show her Grams. " I swear too . . . "

Bonnie's eyes shown with unshed tears as Klaus left the room. It wasn't much, and to anyone else or from anyone else it would have been nothing. But from a person like Niklaus Mikelson, who had walked this earth for a thousand years and was as paranoid as they come, those three words might as well have been a damn speech.


A few hours after their conversation, Bonnie was passing by Klaus's office when she saw something that made her pause. Klaus sat behind his desk, chair pulled almost all the way out, leaning back. But it wasn't his position that made Bonnie pause. No, it was what was in his hands.

Klaus was swirling a glass of bourbon in one hand, taking a sip from it every once in a while. But in his other hand was her ultrasound picture. . .

His usually icy eyes had warmed into a beautiful ocean blue. His lips which were so often carved into a smirk were instead tilted up slightly, revealing dimples. The hand that held the picture was also running a single finger over it, as he looked at it in what she could only describe as awe.

Bonnie smiled softly at the sight, leaning against the door frame as she watched him look at the picture. Her eyes grew slightly misty. This, this was a side of Klaus she could get used too.

All to soon however, their peaceful moment was broken by the front door slamming.

Klaus immediately stood, setting the picture in a drawer to keep it safe. Bonnie cleared her throat to tell him she was there. His head snapped up as he locked the drawer. " How long? "

Bonnie simply smiled. " Long enough, " She paused as she bit her lip before digging into her pockets to pull out two small bottles. " Here, I was just on my way to pour these down the sink. "

Klaus swallowed as the bottles of wolfsbane and witch-hazel were placed in his hand. " I'll get rid of them right away. . . "

Bonnie gave him a smile and went to turn away before pausing. " Oh, and Klaus, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, but what exactly is the relationship between you and Marcel? "

Klaus's eyes searched her face, and seeing nothing but curiosity, he answered. " There was once a time where I took Marcel in off the streets. . . " His eyes began to grow distant as he recounted the past. " I treated him like a son, made him everything he is today. And when my father came and chased me and my family from New Orleans a hundred years ago, we believed Marcel to be killed. " Klaus looked down a little, remembering the pain that came with that assumption. "We each mourned him in our own ways. . . " Bonnie watched as he fidgeted around the small room, unable to keep still as he recounted the past. " Yet when I returned, I found not only had he survived, but he had thrived. " Klaus's tone had turned bitter as he spoke. "Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. " Bonnie's eyes were alight with understanding, but Klaus wasn't finished yet. " Now he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. " He scoffed a little as he finished off his rant. " That M he stamps everywhere, it's not for Marcel . . . "

Bonnie smirked as she finished his sentence. " It's for Mikaelson. "

Klaus nodded as he began to smirk too. " I want it all back. And if I have to push it him out to get it, then that's what I'll do. "

Bonnie laughed a little at his words. " Good, it sounds like he deserves it. "

Klaus smiled at her before getting interrupted by Rebekah. " NIKLAUS! "

Bonnie laughed again as she moved to the side. " It seems she's done waiting, better go see what she wants before the house falls down. "

Klaus chuckled as he passed her.


Bonnie sat on the living room floor, snooping through an old grimoire while Rebekah gripped at her brother. " I can't believe you deposed of those vampires without me! You know how much I love setting things on fire. "

Klaus chuckled lowly as he responded. "Was I supposed to leave them in the front yard to rot? " Shrugging he continued on. " Besides they were my responsibility considering they attacked the helpless pregnant gi - "

Bonnie cuts him off by grabbing the letter opener on the floor next to her and driving it into his leg. Klaus grunts in pain before looking down at her in surprise. Bonnie simply smiled up at him sweetly as she wipes her bloody hand on his jeans.

Klaus rolled his eyes at her as he reached down as yanked the letter opener out of his leg. With a single pull her makeshift weapon is out of his leg, and for his own safety, in his jean pocket.

Caroline walks into the room at that very moment, taking in her best friend's bloody hand, the quickly closing wound in Klaus's leg, and Rebekah laughing by the window. Shaking her head with a sigh, before closing her eyes and counting to ten.

Slowly she opens her eyes, but the sight that greets her is still the same. Taking a deep breath, Caroline turns to Bonnie with her hands on her hips. " Please tell me you did not just stab the Original Hybrid? "

Bonnie's grin grows cheeky as her eyes sparkle. " I did not just stab the Original Hybrid. "

Caroline scrawls at her, but before she can open her mouth Hayley walks into the room, practically hugging an old book. " What's the plan? "

Klaus tilts his head at her, a smirk on his face as his eyes dart over to Rebekah. " Well, that depends on what plan you mean, love." He pauses as Hayley walks farther into the room. " My plan for global domination, or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world? "
Rebekah smiles at him sweetly before turning around and taking a pencil from the desk next to her, throwing it at him faster than the human eye can see. Klaus catches it with a smirk as Bonnie laughs at the two of them, ignoring Carolines disbelieving stare.

Hayley sighs deeply before deciding to ignore them and continue on. " The plan to rescue Elijah. You know, the good brother? " Her stare is hard as she looks at Klaus. " The one who is now in the possession of your mortal enemy after you stabbed him in the back? "

Klaus smirks at the same time as Bonnie mumbles out. " In the front, " The others look at her in surprise as Klaus finishes his sentence. " If we're being specific. "

Hayley shook her head, deciding not to dwell on how Bonnie knew that. " You two said that you would get him back. So, is there a plan, or what? "

" Okay. Well, firstly, Marcel is not my mortal enemy. " Klaus began speaking as he walked into the next room, taking a seat in the armchair. " He's my friend. " Leaning back Klaus began fiddling with the pencil sill in his hand. " Albeit one who is unaware that I'm trying to sabotage his hold over the supernatural community of the French Quarter, but a friend nonetheless. " Bonnie smirked at the look on Hayleys face as Klaus continued. Oh poor sweet Hayley, still so much to learn about the Mikaelsons. . . " And secondly, I daggered Elijah in order to gain Marcel's trust. If I had known he would place my brother in the hands of a particularly nasty teenage witch, I certainly would have weighed my options a bit differently. And thirdly, " Klaus gestures to his sister with a grin. " Sister, please. "

Rebekah looked bored as she spoke. " And thirdly, the plan, as you have demanded, is for Niklaus to simply ask Marcel for Elijah back. "

Hayleys eyebrows shoot up, her tone incredulous as she spoke. " That's... that's not the whole plan, is it? "

Bonnie, Rebekah and Caroline all scoffed at the thought of that being the whole plan. Like Klaus would ever leave something as important as this to chance. No, he was bound to have at least ten back up plans up his sleeves.

It was Rebekah who spoke up. " Please! Klaus may be a miserable excuse for a sibling, but there is none more diabolical. "

Klaus set the pencil down as he looked at Hayley. " Well, that's only the Plan A, love! There's always a Plan B. "

Hayley rose an eyebrow at him. " And what's Plan B? "

It seemed this was the moment Klaus was waiting for. As soon as she asked a wide grin grew on his face, showing off his dimples. His eyes lit up with excitement as he clasped his hands together. " War. "


Bonnie sat out by the pool, admiring the stars with Hayley by her side. They were in the middle of tracing out shapes and making their own consolations when it happened. Hayley suddenly sat straight up, her eyes automatically going to meet the newcomers.

Bonnie slowly sat up too, following her friends gaze to see what had startled her. A gasp escaped her lips as her eyes fell on the wolve that had walked out of the nearby woods. It sat across the pool, not daring to get closer, yet it was still one of the most beautiful creatures she had ever seen.

Its upper coat was a pitch black that slowly faded into a snowy white around its chest area. Its stunning golden eyes were surrounded by white fur, although its snout was completely black. The look it held in its gaze as it meant eyes with Hayley was intense, almost protective.

" You're not supposed to be out here. " A unfamiliar voice says from behind them, startling both them and the wolf.

Hayley immediately moves Infront of Bonnie protectively, the wolf's eyes following her movement. " Who are you? "

The woman laughs nervously as she takes a step back, trying to show she meant no harm. " Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. " Giving them both what she hoped to be a comforting smile, the woman continued on. " I'm Sabine. We met. I'm one of Sophie's friends. "

Bonnie scoffed. " You're one of the witches. "

Sabine eyed her with surprise, not sure how to take that when Bonnie herself was a witch. " Sophie just asked me to come keep you company while everyone's out. " Sabine then hesitantly looks at the wolf and gestures towards it, grabbing their attention. " It's drawn to you both you know. . . "
Hayley looks at the witch curiously while Bonnie rolls her eyes. No, really?

Sabine ignores Bonnie in favor of Hayley, where she was finally making some progress. " Yeah, it can sense your family. . . "

Hayley's face goes slack with shock as she looks over to the wolf with tears in her eyes. " Family? "

Sabine nods eagerly. " Mm hmm, ever wonder why there are no wolves in New Orleans? "

Bonnie scoffs loudly, shaking Hayley out of her shock. " Don't even start. " All eyes fall to her, even the wolves. " You witch-bitches already tried the family card remember? It's what got us both cursed in the first place. "

Sabine's eyes turn cold even as she tries to keep a smile on her face. " You know, it's drawn to you too. . . " Hayley moved to stand even farther in front of Bonnie, barley even letting Sabine lay her eyes on her. " The child you're carrying is part vampire, part werewolf. You and Klaus made something special. "

Hayley rolled her eyes at the witch. " You sound like Elijah. He thinks this baby is going to make them all one big, happy family, but now he's gone and we don't even know what... "it" is. "

Sabine smirked as her opening finally came. " You know, I can do something about that, if you want. I mean, find out if it's a boy or girl. "

Bonnie immediately began shaking her head, even as Hayley spoke up, her tone confused. " I thought you couldn't do witchy stuff around here. "

Sabine laughed a little. " It's not magic, just an old trick my grandmother taught me." She turns her head to Bonnie, widening her eyes to make them look innocent. " Come on. You have to be a little curious. " At Bonnies clear hesitance, Sabine continues on. " Besides, you know the risks for a pregnancy, don't you want to know, just in case? "

It wasn't just Sabines words that got Bonnie to agree, however reluctantly. It was her tone and the meaning behind it.

Just like Sabine, Bonnie too had grown up with the tales from her grams and dad about being treated unfairly because of the color of their skin. Hell, over the years she even began collecting her own stories and warnings to pass on.

But her grams hadn't been there to warn her before she began her research.

The statistics of African American pregnancies and more importantly, their fatality rates, flash through Bonnie's mind as Sabine speaks. Statistics that spoke of the people who died because her people were treated like statistics. Numbers that spoke of a tragic story that many desperately covered up. These little digits that were supposed to take the place of millions of women and children. . .

And yes, maybe many of the risks associated with colored pregnancy was eliminated when your doctor was compelled to treat you like a literal Queen. But that didn't mean the years, and years of fear instilled in her were just erased.

So, with a nod, Bonnie followed her into the kitchen.

Hayley, although confused at Bonnies shift in attitude, still helped her friend onto the countertop. Hovering near by as Sabine approached them with a crystal necklace in hand. Bonnie eyed the crystal as it hung over her stomach.

Sabine smiles after a few moments. " I think it's a girl. " She gets cut off when the crystal starts to swing in the other direction. " No. . . Wait. "

Hayley groans. " Wait what? Please tell us she's not having a mini-Klaus. "

The three are interrupted by a bright light illuminating the crystal. Instantly Sabine drops it. It's as the crystal is hitting the floor that Sabine's eyes roll into the back of her head, her eyes glowing a bright white. " Hoc est infantima malom. Nos omnia perditu el eam. "


3,165 words

Hey! Hehe. . . Sorry for the wait, hope it's worth it! On the bright I think this is my longest chapter yet! But no, I didn't go back as check. . . I hope you all like it and feel free to correct me on anything I got wrong or is offensive, just please try and be polite about it. I am trying my best!

Love and appreciate every single one of you! - Sami

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