Ellick one shots

By Ash07244

1.9K 22 1

here are some ellick one shots because i cant commit to writing full storylines but they still gonna be good... More

in another life
how to say i love you
First Impressions
secondary school AU
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 13
illicit affairs
Untitled Part 15

undercover (criminal minds crossover)

180 3 0
By Ash07244

Ellie and Nick were called into the Director's office late Monday night after a case, they were the only one's in the building but the Director still put the room in a lockdown state so that no-one no matter how could hear or see what was going on in the office. "The pair of you will be going undercover in a small town in Wyoming called Laramie. Yous will be acting as a happily married couple, here are your rings." the Director said sliding three rings across the table. One was just plain silver with an inscription inside that was just a date they assumed would be their wedding date, 14/2/15, valentines day 2015. One of the rings was silver ring with a pink diamond in the centre no inscription, this was to be Ellie's engagement ring. The third silver with a larger pink diamond in the centre with smaller ones around the ring with the same inscription on the inside '14/2/15'. "There are going to be two other agents undercover agents with you from the behavioural analysis unit of the FBI, They're names are SSA Derik Morgan and SSA Emily Prentiss. They have been their for a couple months investigating the strange disappearances of Women from Laramie. They have been informed of your arrival whilst having their morning coffee. Their undercover names are Michelle and Shemar they are  aware of your arrival. Ellie, You are to pretend Michelle is your sister and Shemar her boyfriend who you are moving to live next to." The director finished.

"Sir what does this have to do with NCIS?" Nick asked clearly confused on why they were going undercover in an FBI investigation.

"This is Captain Jones," Vance responded showing the pair a photo of  her, "She went missing yesterday and giving the circumstances we believe it is the same person who has been taking the other women. Yous leave tomorrow I'm going to need your badges and guns." 

They handed over the only proof they had with them that they were Federal agents whilst down a few floors Kasie was temporarily erasing their lives. Starting tomorrow they would be Kelly and Andrew Black. They had been handing files containing everything they needed to know about their new lives and the case with the instructions to burn immediately.

That night Nick stayed at Ellie to thoroughly go over the case and how they met thorough enough to persuade people around them they were a real couple and ask questions normally asked. They had met in high school; Kelly was the lead in the school play and Andrew played her boyfriend. The play was excellent and after they decided to go to a diner for food and milkshakes. They had went loads to go over lines and ideas on how to perform it but this time was different, it was like an actual date. A few months later they were official. However when they finished high school they ended up in different colleges and lost contact. In 2013 they met at an unofficial high school re-union. It wasn't a proper one and was mostly for theatre kids. They ended up back together and two years later on valentines day got married. It was a small service but was still amazing.

The case was simple enough but incredibly hard to solve, women were being abducted from their homes in the middle of the night without anyone hearing anything not even the husband's they share a bed with. NCIS was involved to find the Captain but was to work with the FBI for the rest of the case and arguments over who prosecutes the unsub to come after.

Michelle was Kelly's younger sister by one year so they were like twins their whole life but when Michelle moved away from DC they didn't speak as much and now Kelly and Andrew decided to move in next to them to talk more and become close again. They knew Michelle had a boyfriend but hadn't yet met him in person yet.

"Nick we should talk about boundaries now before we leave for Laramie in the morning," Ellie said quietly after a short amount of time of silence to finish reading the file. 

"Yea umm we don't know who's watching us so if we act like normal we might be at least get people to think we love each other." Nick replied. There were some rumours about him and Ellie at the navy yard similar to the rumours about Sloane and Gibbs.

"I guess but what if we are being watched or people don't believe it from just that what's boundaries for that?" she seemed slightly nervous asking the question like she wanted to be more than what they were in that moment but didn't want to tell him.

"We kissed that one time undercover as Louis and Charlie would you be ok if it was like that but more if you know what I mean like around people but not like loads of PDA obviously." It was clear that Nick felt the same but the two were completely oblivious to the others feelings towards another.

"Sure that would work yea."

"If you get uncomfortable at any point just tell me and we can sort it."

Ellie nodded knowing she could never feel uncomfortable around him and told him the same for if he's uncomfortable around her. That night they burned the files and forgot about Ellie and Nick now they were Kelly and Andrew Black.

In the morning they left for Laramie rings on different people. "I bet I can make you fall in love me before the end of this," Ellie said breaking character for a brief moment.

"Not if I make you fall in love first," Nick joked knowing he already lost but also that she had to.

At their arrival the town seemed nice like everyone knew everyone and all got along well despite the abductions that seemed to be completely ignored or shrugged off as them 'just trying to get out of here and out to a big city to make a name for themselves'. The house was fairly small but larger on the inside, like the Tardis. Their was already furniture and essentials. The living room had a black 4 seater couch facing a wide screen Tv.  The walls were basic everywhere and lacking the feel people actually lived their. The Kitchen had: a new oven with a gas hob; a silver kettle to match the microwave; the cupboards had some plates, bowls, cups etc; the fridge was chrome and had a water dispenser inside and basic foods; the freezer was the same wih frozen foods; the sink basic and finally their was coffee, tea and sugar. Their was a dining room with a small wooden table and chairs. Upstairs was a master bedroom that had a king size bed with new dark blue sheets to match the blue walls and black carpet, a closet and drawers. The bathroom was average and their was a guest room that only had a single bed. It was quite big but not really anything there.

The looking around was stopped by a knock at the door. Andrew answered with Kelly by his side. "Kelly it's so nice to see you again it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you. Hey Andrew how are you?" A woman with black hair just below her shoulders, dark eyes and pale skin said. She was recognised by a photo shown in the case file. This was Michelle the sister and just behind her the bald man wearing sunglasses and a muscle-fit t-shirt like Andrew's must have been Shemar. The couple invited them in and SSA Prentiss or now known as Michelle discreetly checked for any bugs. "We can talk freely here for now but act like family in case anyone's watching through windows." she said with authority. 

"You must be SSA Prentiss and Morgan from the FBI. I'm special agent Torres and this is Bishop." Nick introduced.

"Yeah your here about captain Jones right." SSA Morgan stated but more like a question. They nodded the head and the group walked towards the dining room to sit and talk.

"Would either of you like a drink?" Ellie asked nicely. She never had any sort of problem with the FBI unless they were taking a case and even then she was polite.

"No thanks we wont be here long." Emily responded only for herself as Derik had already shook his head. 

"What do yous have so far on whoever is doing this? You got a profile or whatever it is behaviour analysts do?" Nick asked not coming across as rude more uneducated on what the BAU is.

"We know the unsub is most likely male in his late thirties, giving the age of the victims they may represent a lost wife or girlfriend. All the women taken were ones that could easily have put up a fight but for some reason there was no sign of a struggle in their rooms when hey were taken." Derik started.

Emily continued, "This means the unsub likely drugged them when they were still asleep so he wouldn't have to fight them leading us to believe he is fairly weak or maybe handicapped in some way that he can't put up much if any of a fight. The abductions started almost a year ago so something happened then that lead him to do this."

"If he's taking people who represent his wife could she have been abducted separate from these ones or ran off?" Ellie asked.

"Probably" Derik replied impressed with her adding to the profile unaware that she worked for the NSA as and did similar work to them and actually predicted a security breach at NCIS before it happened. 

"No-one is co-operating with the authorities well with this and local law enforcement isn't getting anywhere. The FBI got involved 8 months ago and me and Derik have been undercover as Michelle and Shemar for the most of it though people only really started opening up 3 months ago hence you being my sister it makes it easier for them to trust yous" Prentiss said focusing on Ellie talking almost directly to her alone. 

"Everyone is a suspect even if you feel like yous are friends with them they could be the unsub or helping him." Derik added. The FBI agents got up and went back to being Shemar and Michelle leaving the house saying their goodbyes inviting Kelly and Andrew over for dinner. 

~small time skip~ 

The dinner was good Nick and Ellie learned more about Prentiss and Morgan's undercover personas and them theirs. Earlier the day around 4pm they had met a few people from around the town and while Nick tried to get to know their lives better Ellie silently profiled them. Someone tried to warn them about the abductions like they were the only person who really knew that their where women going missing. It was a teenage girl with her dead. She had dark brown eyes to match her hazel eyes. The bags under her eyes betrayed the fact she hadn't slept in probably days. She was average height and skinny and wore baggy clothes. She wore a black nike hoody, shorts and black 270s. Her hair was tied in a ponytail that was mostly covered by her hood. Her father had tried to make her shut up about it but she just went on her bike and rode back home her father apologising and following her.

She could be a lead Ellie thought and made a note to try speak to her about it. The father had tan lines on his left ring finger presumably from the removal of a wedding ring. He was in his late thirties and had a crutch he said was for his knee and that he needs a new one. He fit the profile.

That night they decided to stay in separate rooms and argued over who was in what room eventually coming to the decision that Nick would stay in the guest room. Before going up to bed they chose to watch TV to seem more normal just in case there was someone watching through the window so they'd seem more normal.  They watched Dr Who specifically -by Ellie's choice- series with the tenth doctor. 

"Nick that man with his daughter he fit the profile the dodgy knee the tan lines on his finger from removing probably a wedding ring after a long time and his daughter seemed to know a lot about what's been happening." Ellie said during s2 e5 rise of the cybermen.

"I know the job I'm meant to start working tomorrow he does to or he said he works their I'll see if I can find out more, he was called Dave right?" Nick replied. Ellie nodded to both and rested her head on his shoulder. 

By the end of the episode it was around 23:30 and Ellie had fell asleep using Nicks shoulder as a pillow. He looked down at her smiling as he picked her up careful not to wake her up and took her up to her room. She tossed slightly in his arms like she was having a nightmare. He laid her down on the bed and tried waking her up to stop it. She woke up pushing Nick not knowing it was him. "Stop Ellie it's me it's ok." he quietly yelled.

"I'm sorry," she said tears slowly rolling down her cheeks. 

"It's okay everything's ok," Nick said calming her down while she just shook her head, "you want to talk about it?" She just shook her head more violently and he sat next to her hugging her trying to comfort her. After the tears stopped flooding her eyes and her breathing settled Nick asked if it was okay if he stayed with her for the night. She nodded and she looked away for him to change into something more comfortable then him doing the same for her.

They lay in bed Nick just laying on his back staring at the ceiling trying to sleep and failing as Ellie moved to rest her head on his chest holding him tightly. He wrapped one arm around her and they drifted off to sleep.

Morning came and the sun shone bright in the clear blue sky. Not a cloud could be seen for miles it was like a perfect summer day in a child's painting. An alarm woke up Ellie and Nick. It was 7:00 am, Andrew started work at 8. He turned the alarm off told his wife she could just go back to sleep and got ready for his first day as an accountant.

*unsubs pov*

Andrew walked downstairs in a black suit. He made toast for his breakfast and while it was toasting began to make coffee, milk and 2 sugars. When he finished making his coffee in his travel mug and his toast was done he made a bowl of coco-pops and went up the stairs. I think he gave it to his wife but i couldn't see through those windows. He came back down the stairs and left the house eating his toast and drinking his coffee. I quickly put away my binoculars and waited for him to drive to work. I followed in my dad's car to see what way he went. He went probably the quickest way to the accounting firm arriving ten minutes early. I parked across the street waiting for his lunch break when he would come back out. 

When his break came he left the building and got into his car. I made sure to take photos to remember everything and he drove to the nearest subway. He ordered a meatball marinara. I photographed everything and followed him back to the firm. 

He finished at 4pm and I followed him  to the grocery store where he bought some fruit and veg and the sanitary products pads and tampons like he didn't know which one to get. I took more photo's asking myself what kind of husband doesn't know to get pads or tampons. He drove straight back home getting their at around 5pm.

My dad had been watching Kelly and I couldn't see his other car so I assumed she was out somewhere. Andrew had his keys so just unlocked the door and went to look for her leaving the door unlocked. I watched him through the windows as he made a phone call. I sent a text to my dad to ask where Kelly was. She was out with her sister apparently but they looked completely different in the photo he sent. Andrew saw me in the car texting my dad through the window and left the house approaching me.

"Hey I met you yesterday and thought you were only like 15 you can't be old enough to drive yet what you doing." he asked.

Shit. I thought what was I meant to say he wasn't wrong I'm not old enough to drive yet. "Please don't tell my dad I took one of his cars to take my friend's to this really cool park out of town that we're technically not allowed to go to and I got so far but I'm not so good at driving and the car keeps stopping please don't tell my dad," I begged thinking on my feet.

"Just keep your foot on the acceleration I won't tell your dad this time unless he asks where you are don't make a habit of this alright."

He fell for it. He must be seriously stupid.

*third person pov*

Nick went back inside after talking to the unsub who had to drive off after that. He knew there was something off. He made a mental note to tell Ellie who had been out with the FBI agents all day. She had text him after his lunch break.

She got in half an hour later with bags off clothes and other shopping like that. "I got some groceries where do you want them also there wasn't any sanitary products in the bathroom so i got you some." he said.

"how do you know I needed them?" 

"About four weeks ago you kept holding your stomach like you were in pain and eating loads of chocolate and ice-cream, the ice-cream is already in the freezer for you."

She was still slightly confused on how he knew this much but thanked him loads. She hugged him which he took as an opportunity to whisper in her ear, "we're being watched I don't think they can hear don't react."

"I know" she whispered back. 

They pulled apart from each-other to put away the shopping and cook dinner. Ellie can't cook so it was just Nick cooking and he cooked pasta bake. After they finished eating he pretended to do the crossword from the newspaper and just left it on the table so the writing on it could be read. The writing said 'Craig's daughter has been following me all day pretty sure there's no cameras or bugs we should go upstairs to talk later but for now just watch TV if you don't mind we should stay in the same room so they don't see light in the guest room and have our cover blown is that okay?' Ellie looked at Nick and discreetly nodded to answer his question. She turned back to the TV and they watched Law and order SVU until around 11pm.

They went upstairs where they could talk freely or at least hoped they could. "Craig was following me and Prentiss all day. They could both be in on it." Ellie suggested.

"His daughter has been following me it's not Dave either I don't think his wife died last week of cancer the profile said the thing with the wife was like a year ago."

"We need to tell Morgan and Prentiss and make sure they never refer to us as Ellie and Nick we need to do the same from this point forward."

It was agreed they couldn't use their real names at all anymore or Derik and Emily's.

~About a month later~

"Kelly we have been invited to Dave wife's funeral because you're Michelle's sister."

"When is it?"

"Today sorry for the short notice."

Panic spread through Ellie's bloodstream, she was completely unprepared for anything like this and it didn't feel right going to the funeral of someone she never knew. A text came through on her phone from Emily in case their phones were hacked.

Michelle: It's Amanda's funeral today she's Dave's wife. You and Andrew were invited because your my family and know Dave. Shemar knew her well he's going to stay with Dave and his daughter make sure they're ok

Kelly: Ok you make sure Shemar is doing ok to if he knew her well and I hope your ok to

They left for the funeral in their car the only thing they knew for sure wasn't bugged. 

"Prentiss knows something about Dave he's still a suspect Derik's watching him." Ellie said quietly.

"I thought he doesn't fit the profile"

"They know something we don't we'll find out later."

They continued driving to the cemetery unsure on what they would find out. All four knew everything that's happened so far but for some reason Ellie and Nick didn't know of any reason to keep Dave on the suspect list. 

At the funeral it was made clear however at the absence of any sort of sadness on Dave's face only on his daughters. In Ellie's brain everything came together. Dave fit the entire profile apart from when he lost his wife but his daughter looked upset about her death in the same way everyone else felt upset not like she was her mother. Amanda wasn't her mother she had married Dave just before the FBI got involved after his wife had left when she found out he was having an affair. His wife had left at the same time as the abductions starting and Craig's wife had died a few years before. His daughter was creepy and seemed to watch everyone but not as much as she watched Nick. Craig wasn't the unsub or his daughter who Ellie had seen with Craig she has him wrapped around her little finger he would do anything for her. He knows it's wrong but he's scared of her after talking to some people around town everyone is they do what she says. The missing women were Dave Craig was helping his daughter stalk people their was a reason some of the women were brunettes and some blondes their are two different reasons Craig's daughter is killing women she sees a threat to her and whoever she's obsessed with Dave is abducting people who reminded him of his wife. 

To test part of her current theory Ellie looked around towards Craig's daughter who looked at Nick and has been and looked at Ellie like she wanted her dead. Captain Jones was blonde she isn't missing she's dead somewhere.

Ellie drove back with Nick and filled him in on everything who later drove Prentiss to hospital after she got a call that Dave and Derik were in hospital  after falling down the stairs. He told her Ellie's theory and she seemed to agree. Giving the information Ellie had gave Nick she was next.

A few days later was valentines day which was Kelly and Andrews wedding anniversary. They went to the fanciest most expensive restaurant near and made sure Craig's daughter knew. They had the greatest time in a long time. They had walked to the restaurant so went on a walk through the park, despite the circumstances that they had to make Ellie a target it was actually really fun.


A gunshot went of near them barely missing them. They ran together in the least straight line they could make barely missing the gunshots coming their way. An anonymous call had been made a few minutes before warning the police what was happening.


The shots became more rapid and sirens approached. Ellie was hit and the shooting stopped completely but they kept running until approached by a police officer. "Help please she's been shot help us!" Nick shouted he had been hit too but he was hit in the back of the knee she was shot in the back near her heart. They were both immediately drove to the nearest hospital.

"Is their anyone we can call for you any relatives?" A medic asked on the way while helping Ellie.

"Yeah her sister Michelle I can call her now she'll meet us at the hospital.

"You should do that tell her to bring anyone she can think of too."

Nick made the phone call and immediately Prentiss and Morgan were speeding to the hospital.

At the hospital Ellie was rushed into surgery. "What happened?" Derik asked.

"We were walking through the park when shots were fired we ran for about ten minutes before Kelly got shot and then the shooting stopped and the police were there." Nick made sure to say emphasise Kelly so they'd know the shooter was probably near.

"I'm sorry man do you know how she's doing?"

"No she was rushed to surgery 10 minutes ago and I got stitches that's all I know" tears welled up in his eyes and the look he had Prentiss recognised almost immediately. She knew Ellie loved him and the same look she had when she saw him he had when thinking of her. 

"Are yous the family of Kelly Black?" A nurse asked. They all said yes. "She's out of surgery she's okay yous can visit if yous want."

Nick went to find her straight away he had to see her. She was in a room not to far away still asleep. "Never get shot again please," he said crying. Her heart rate and breathing was steady she was doing well. Nick placed a kiss on her forehead. She was cold. "Don't get shot again please I love you." No-one was around he was free to say what he wanted. "I love you Ellie."

Prentiss and Morgan came in the room saying the FBI has had Dave in custody since the day before. "Should we call your director tell him about the other unsub?" Derik asked.

"Yea but tell him to send Gibbs, the team, SWAT and a warrant to search Craig's property."

Derik made the call and as soon as he explained everything Vance had everything sorted and woke up a judge to get the warrant and by the morning the team were there and Nick still in the hospital.

Craig and his daughter were arrested and Ellie woke up.

"I'm so glad you woke up properly could you hear anything after your surgery when you were still on anaesthetics?" Nick asked worried she heard his confession of love.

"I love you too Nick," she said to tell him she had, sat up and kissed him.

4444- words that took 6 hours to write so i hope its good. sorry i havent updated in ages ive just been bored and half forgot about this.

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