thank you all for the support! I hope this gets more attention soon!
after years of sleepless nights, killer had finally gotten the sleep he longed for some time. he couldn't then because the floor was uncomfortable, as standing was also. this only occurs just now to him.
he detaches the upper part of his body off the bed, sitting up. he holds the blanket gently up to his face, wiping his face with it. it was just an excuse to inhale the lavender scent. that fills his non existent lungs perfectly, it was addicting for sure. "uhg." he looked around his chamber, checking if there's a clock or a window, or anything to tell the time. which only to his disappointment, there wasn't. although he hadn't noticed how dark and gloomy the room is until now, it wasn't scary, but it's a strange sight. "oh.. I'll just assume it's day, I guess." he sighs, shrugging after.
he removes the blanket from his head, standing up to wear his slippers quietly whilst his feet adjusts to the cold air that gone through his socks. he never thought he would miss the feeling of his slippers again.
without raising his arms, killer moves his shoulders to stretch, a cracking sound emitting from his joints that made him exhale in relief. the black liquid leaks again from his sockets before rubbing it to get a more better and clear view whilst blinking. abruptly, a knock ensues from the other side of the room's door. which gotten killer's attention as he turns around towards where the sound was heard from. "huh?" this was a bit of a surprise for him, as no one usually knocks at what he assumes is day. no-- actually, no one even knocks in this establishment. unless...
"killer, open up." a familiar voice booms. "it's me."
no way.
all his current exhaustion washes off of him. none of the normal morning routine matters at that moment. killer gasps, running quick as possible to his door. he twists the door knob, swinging it open to reveal who he assumes it is, dust. a manic grin beams at killer, as killer does the same--except it appeared more happier. "no way. dust!" killer hollers, a single pupil appearing as a bit of red hue also dusted on his cheeks. his soul's glitching, but who cares? dust was there. he softly embraces the other, dust responds to this by laughing. "time's been boring without you here.. but wait," killer pulls back. "I thought you're back in your universe? am I dreaming?"
dust laughs hoarsely, which was a good thing for the reason that he hadn't laughed this much. he is obviously charmed by the other, quite easily. "no, you're not. nightmare offered me an assignment." dust hums, tugging his gloves downwards to get his hands more comfortable.
"and you didn't decline?" killer tilts his head to the right, a bit confused. dust would sometime decline some of nightmare's assignments if it were to disturb his peace, as serenity is what he lives for. mostly. he's kind of scared if dust has changed.
dust shoves his hands back to his pockets, grinning under the scarf. "'course not. for one, I still am a former employer for 'im." dust invites himself in the room which killer didn't really intervene with, sitting on the cozy bed, looking up at killer after. "he assigned me a bounty for cross, and in return I can have another series of peace in my universe. but I'm also here 'cause I'm a substitute for cross for a while."
"odd. I never take nightmare to replace cross." killer snorts, which earns another manic, yet sincere, grin from dust. killer had noticed this, which he always returns with a happy crazed look. killer had never noticed how astonishingly mismatched dust's pinpricks are..
their staring's interrupted once a loud noise erupts. both snaps and flushes from embarrassment, adverting their pinpricks from each other as killer clears his 'throat'. "a-anyway, I'd love'ta give you a hand, but I would rather work alone for this time."
dust shifts his gaze back to killer in surprise. "oh?" this was abnormal for dust, as killer tags along sometimes whenever he had nothing to do, whether it's a mission or a hang out. nevertheless, dust accepts, not wanting to persuade and defy boundaries. "oh.. oh! ahm.. yeah, sure." it's disappointing, sure, but better than losing killer.
dust and killer have always respected each other. for the main reason that they've known one and all long enough to get themselves in a close platonic relationship. none of them regretted such thing, even if dust had left to be in his universe.
"unfortunately, I've to figure things out." killer sighs, walking over to sit next to dust as the mattress bounces when he does. he rests his head on dust's shoulder. "lend me your shoulder for a bit," killer smiles, the tension on his own shoulders dissipating. dust only hums, nodding. nothing more to say, a moment of comfortable silence develops in the chamber. "hey, cross'll be hard to find, ya'know?" he stated, voice low.
dust's gaze then moves towards killer without moving his shoulder to disturb him. he pauses, not exactly sure where this is going, but decided to go along with it. "sure."
"that'd mean you'll be stuck here 'til cross gets caught." killer looks at dust, giving him a mischievous grin.
what killer only regretted was being too attached to dust. after the day he left, days and days his feelings starts to sink in despair, just as it did with color when they were forcefully seperated. nevermind those, killer wants to focus on the present at the moment.
dust smiles warmly at this, softly placing his skull on the others. "yeah. I'm glad, aren't ya?"
these rare moments are what makes killer glad he lives sometimes. it doesn't often occur, but deeply, he's thankful it does. dust could only feel the same. after losing everything and everyone he had because of him, he's glad killer could at least replace a slot in his life. if not himself, he makes dust's ugly tones that whispers in his head disappear for a brief minute, if not, hours.
genuinely, killer wanted to speak and say 'I am'. but he figured the conversation would go on if he does, and he knew neither of them wanted a long chat as much. so killer only chuckles as an answer, which dust presumed is a yes, so he also stays quiet, thus ensues another series of comfortable silence.
oh, how both of them miss that.
I wonder what else pair I should put in this book. leave some suggestions if you want to.
bit of a short chapter! so sorry!
I'm feeling rather good today, so have a short platonic killerdust moment! they're my favorite duo other than epic&cross.
also, congratulations for this book's surprisingly (semi)high rankings!
#9 in dreamtale out of 1.81k stories.
#8 in killermare out of 565 stories.
#8 in killertale out of 154 stories.
#21 in nightkiller out of 472 stories.
#91 in sanscest out of 3.27k stories.
I know 91 isn't necessarily high, but hey, it's 91st out of 3k+.