Unbreakable Bond (Third Seri...

By novelistic_mind

1.5K 109 63

Lynn is finally ready to have a baby. She is now thirty years old and not getting any younger. She and Tammi... More

chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 1

254 16 7
By novelistic_mind


"What are you thinking?" I asked Lynn as she sipped her coffee. She looked to be deep in thought.

"Nothing in particular." We were both in the kitchen. She was enjoying her coffee while I was enjoying the view of her. She wasn't a woman to throw her looks at people. She was naturally beautiful but didn't flaunt herself as such, and that made her even more beautiful in my eyes. She didn't care about flashy clothes. She cared about being a provider. A protecter. I loved that about this woman.

"When are you going to marry me?" I asked out of the blue and she looked at me smiling.

"What made you ask that?"

"Just can't wait to call you my wife."

"Wife is an action. Being married is paper. We don't need paper in order for you to call me your wife. Call me your wife if you want." She never sezed to amase me. "I tell people that your my wife all the time."

"Really? Why?"

"Because I want you as such. And you do the things that are deemed wife duties."

"And what are wife duties?" I asked curious about her answer.

"Society saids as a wife, is expected to serve. Prepare food, clothing and other personal needs. As a worker, she has to be professional, disciplined and a good employee. You are and do all of that and more. Especially in the bedroom." I blushed. "But that's what society deems a good wife and although I'm not against that definition of a good wife. They forgot friend. In order to be a good wife I feel we have to be friends. We have to be compatible. You have to fill my cup just as much as I have to fill yours."

"A fifty fifty relationship." I said.

"There is no such thing as a fifty fifty relationship if you want things to work out."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "I thought we were always fifty fifty."

"No. Put it this way. If our rent was two thousand dollars a month and all I made was eight hundred dollars to cover the rent are you going to pay the rest off or risk being evicted because you believe in this fifty fifty rule? I have to pay a grand and you have to pay a grand but I'm two hundred dollars off what do you do?"

"I pay my half and your portion that you couldn't cover." I answered.

"And that's a relationship." She said. "Fifty fifty are roommates. We are not roommates. What you lack I cover what I lack you cover. If our rent is two grand and you had zero dollars in the bank and I got that two grand in the bank guess what? We still good. Imma pay the two grand. Because I picked up what you lacked. And anyone who did or do believe in a fifty fifty relationship are now single or in a miserable relationship."

"I never thought of it like that."

"That's because it should be natural if you ask me. We should never have to discuss this. I should naturally not want to see you stress just as you should naturally not want to see me stress because we love each other. And if you ask me that's where some people fail in relationships."

"Um. So you don't care to get married."

"No I wanna marry you. I just feel  paper shouldn't have the power to tell me who I am or am not married to. But I guess rules are rules and to see you in a wedding dress would be amazing. I think the whole experience of getting married would be amazing and I can't wait to marry you."

"Then what's stopping you? Let me guess. You want kids first."

"Kids can come before or after I don't care. I'll walk down the isle pregnant." I laughed because I knew she was telling the truth. "But I have kids." I raised my brows up at her.

"Sinse when? And how come I've never met these kids?"

"You met my daughter."


"Blue." She said as she stood and opened the back door to let blue in. "Aren't you my daughter Blue? I may not have birth you but I take care of you like you my own right?" She said and Blue bounced around excitingly.

"I should have known that you were talking about your damn dog. You said you had two kids." I said with a chuckle. 

"I have a son. I haven't seen him in forever though. You wanna meet him?" I nodded. "Put on your shoes, we're going for a ride." I looked around as we got to the park.

"Where's this son of yours?" I watched as she pulled out some crackers and begin crumbling them. At this point I knew that it was another animal but what kind of animal was the question. We walked to a bench and took a seat and waited.

"It's been so long since I've come to see him. Hopefully he remembers me." She did some bird like chirp. We waited a minute and she did the call again and waited. After five minutes and no bird she sighed. "I guess he moved on or something." She sounded a little upset.

"What was his name?"

"Peter. I nursed him back to health when he fell out a tree. We been friends ever since. I set him free here years ago. But with what's been going on for the past year I haven't come to see him. He must have forgotten about me."

"So you call him and he comes and flys to you?"

"Yup, he's my son, but you know how them boys can be. They'll run the streets if you don't keep a hold of them." I chuckled. She tossed the crackers on the ground and turned to face me. "Ready to get up out of here? I'm hungry." She gave that seductive look and I shook my head playing as if that didn't just turn me on.

"You nasty."

"You like it." She said using my own words against me.

"You know it." I said as I stood. I looked when a bird landed on the bench. "Is that Peter?" She gasped when she seen him.

"Peet peet." She said excitingly. She went to him and he hoped on her finger. I couldn't believe it. She really had a bird that came to her. "What took you so long huh?"She turned to me. "This is Peter my son." She said happily. He chripped and flapped his wings as if he was saying hi. I couldn't believe it. Wow.

"That's amazing."

"Peet Peet is amazing." She agreed.

"You're amazing." She blushed. After a few minutes the bird flew away and we left.

"I can't believe you really have a bird. A wild bird." I said.

"I love animals."

"I can tell." We entered the house and Blue came prancing to us. "Are you going to breed her? Maybe we should have puppies around." I said and she looked up at me but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Something was bothering her. "What's wrong?"

"I don't think I would ever breed Blue."

"That's fine." She went silent again. Deep in thought. "Talk to me." I said taking her words. She always said that to me when she knew I needed to talk. She looked back up at me.

"I'm thirty years old now."

"Okay." I said wondering where she was going with this.

"I think I'm ready to take that next step and become a mom." Oh okay. I see. "I know we were just talking about kids but it only made me want to start trying now."


"You cool with that?"

"How many times have we talked about this?" I asked.

"On and off for a year."

"And how many times have I told you I wasn't ready for that step. That I didn't want to be a part of this baby's life?"


"Okay so stop asking me if I'm okay with it or will I stay. I'm staying woman. You're stuck with me. I want this baby just as much as you want this baby." She sighed standing to her full height kissing me. "When are we doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Finding a sperm donor. We need to start if it's going to happen." I reached over and begin rubbing her stomach. She smiled at me.

"I'm excited." She beamed.

"So am I. What if we have twins?"

"That would be awesome."

"It would be." She wrapped her arms around my neck. "I love you."

"I love you to." We made our way into the kitchen where we looked for something to eat. I went upstairs to take a quick shower. I was happy that Lynn took the day off I looked forward to spending it with her.


I smiled as I watched Tammi go up the stairs. I knew she was serious about wanting a baby and being there for the baby, but I wondered how she felt knowing she had a kid out there in the world, and we were talking about bringing another baby in the world. How did this make her feel? Was she truly able to be one hundred percent happy knowing that her son was out there? I couldn't help but wonder. And although I knew that it was eating her up not knowing where he was was she truly okay with raising a kid right now? I tried to read her body language but she grew good at hiding her feelings from me when she didn't want me to see it. Lord knew I wanted to be a mother and I wanted Tammi to be my baby's mother also but I needed her to be one hundred percent on board with this and my gut feeling was telling me other wise. I wanted her to be happy sonI knew we would have to find her son before taking our next step in this relationship. Thing is we knew nothing about her son. We had no first or last name. We didn't even know who his adoptive parents were. We didn't know what steps to take to even attempt to get him back. I sighed. I had to help my love find her son one way or another.

Please let me know your thoughts on this first chapter. I was gone wait a little longer before writing this book but once a story is stuck in my head it's best to write it down asap before I forget the words. Please vote comment share if you like. Give ya girl a follow if you haven't already. Much Love.

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