~ THREE // New Girl ~

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By reading1498

After I sat in my room for a little bit, kinda just zoning out. I realized it was already 7pm. I snapped back to reality and decided it was time to smoke.

When I think too much, about my future, my past.

It feels like time slips away from me. I'll start thinking and focus on the floor as my vision goes blurry. And when it happens it's hard to snap back to reality.

I smoked about 4 bowls from my bong and I started to look for an outfit. I decided to go with something simple.
I wore a black long sleeve top that stopped just above my belly button, paired with some cute gray shorts and a sweater over top.

As I got dressed I took a second to examine the scars I had along my chest. I had bruises down my legs and arms mostly around my wrists. I hated how I looked.
I looked beaten and broken, which I guess I was. 
But the one I hated most was the red mark I had from Noah when he almost killed me. He grabbed my ne-


I walked out of the bathroom and tried to make it look like I wasn't crying. Noah looked at me like a bull ready to charge at a red flag.

"What the fuck is that" he said as he stood up clenching his fists together beside him

I swallowed hard, I was scared I just stood there not knowing what he was talking about, he grabbed my face and turned it to the side. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. His flaring Nostrils, jaw tightened with clenched teeth, his pupils the size of pennies.

"You fucking slut" he shouted at me I flinched back.

I hadn't done anything, but I know better than to open my mouth, better to keep it shut.

I knew what he was talking about after a second. The hickey I had was right there when I noticed where he was looking.

He was high. He was always high. He had forgotten he was the one who gave it to me. He grabbed me by my throat and lifted me off the ground before I got a chance to tell him, it was him who gave it to me

"now next time you'll think before you cheat"

He yelled probably loud enough for the neighbors to hear. His spit flying out of his mouth right onto my face.

As I was being lifted off the ground by my neck, I didn't fight back, I didn't care if this was the moment I die.

I felt the air leaving my body, but I didn't kick or try to push him off, instead I just let tears roll down my red stained cheeks.

"Do you feel the air leaving your lungs?"

He asked me to inspect my face with his crazy eyes that always scared me. He laughed "I SAID DO YOU FUCKIN-"

~end of flashback~

I let out a huge gasp for air when I snapped back into it. It was like it was happening all over again.

Now I've been through a number of things far far worse than just getting choked so It was easy to downplay a lot of shit.

But that time with Nick. I thought I was going to die, I was ready and genuinely convinced this was it. After I felt myself passing out, I said goodbye. But then I woke up.

I shake my head and quickly wipe my tears.

By now it's 7:30 and I take another quick smoke break. After I switched out my belly button piercing to make it match the outfit better, I put on some extra light jewelry. Then I started my makeup. I naturally had an okay face but I liked adding small touches, curling my eyelashes, lip plumper, contour, and concealer on my neck trying to cover up the noticeable bruise I had.

I looked at it and I covered it the best I could. I was pretty good and covering bruises but this was a lot bigger and more recent so it was harder.

Now it's around 8:45 I'm starting to get excited for some reason. I decided to wear my hair down and tie the front pieces to the back. My hair is naturally curly, not super curly but more than wavy. I put on my favorite perfume and some lotion to match.

It's now 9 so I decide to text Addison

        >Hey when are you heading over to the beach?'

She's already typing lmao, I wonder if preppy girls are always on their phones or some shit..

         >'Hey I'm heading over, I think people might          have already started to show'

I roll me eyes, bitch said ten and now people are there at 9 I just respond

> 'okay I'll be there around 10'

I wait around for a bit and think about the party. I hope people actually wanna have fun, and I start to question if I should do coke or not. Maybe I'll stick to vodka and joints for now.

I walked into the kitchen and looked for Ryan. He was in his room and passed out. I closed his door and left a little note, just in case he woke up and forgot I was going to a party.

It's 9:45 so right before I go I take two shots of absolut vodka and roll a decent sized joint

I sigh as it's time to go. I leave my bedroom door and decide I'm gonna walk there on the beach and start smoking before I get there.

As I walk along the beach I take deep breaths and just let myself feel free every step I take.

As I walked a little further I started to hear music. It surprised me to say it wasn't the worst party song ever, and I liked how it gave off beach vibes. When I walk a little further I see where the party's at, and it was in fact a bone yard. It had tons of branches that I guess looked like dinosaur bones if you were drunk enough..

I was walking closer and I texted Addison. And I realized I had already smoke most my joint. I sigh, great this is awesome!!!

Once I met up with her I felt okay, not gonna lie I didn't totally fuck with her vibe so after a couple drinks, I kinda drifted off to find new people to talk with. I didn't really know where to start. I was walking to go sit near the camp fire when somebody stepped on my foot like really fucking hard, hard enough for me to drop my drink. I don't think the kid noticed because he was in a game of catch. I just rolled my eyes and mumbled "fuck face"

I went to walk up to the keg when someone stopped me just as I was about to grab it. I looked up to a tall guy, who had blue eyes, and wore a hat backwards. I just stare at him like what the fuck for a couple seconds

"You want a drink?" He asked me basically eye fucking me.

I just looked at him and acted confused. "uhm yeah... what's it look like?" He swallowed hard, and scoffed to try and play it off like he wasn't totally nervous. I kinda asked like it was a stupid question for him to ask, to try and show him i wasnt really interested. I squint my eyes a little, and he just takes another nervous swallow.

After about 2 seconds of awkward silence, He reaches out to grab my cup "Here, let me get that for you" I just hand him my cup and mumble "Knock yourself out"

I talk to myself while he pours I'm so Sick of this stupid party I shoulda done a line- 

"Are you new around here?" I sigh and look up to him realizing this is about to be a game of 20 questions.... I realize I'm fresh meat and have to interact but I could tell this guy was only talking to me for one thing.

"yeah I moved here a couple days ago" I clench my jaw when I see him smirk a little.

"Oh nice nice.. Im rafe by the way" I let out the tiniest scoff. Rafe I thought of course, of course his name is Rafe.

"Hi Rafe, Mines Ariana... but you can call me Ari" when i say it i make my voice sound stern so he knows, I know. He makes hard eye contact and looks back to my cup almost right away. "Ariana that's a pretty name, i like it" he mumbles,  I feel a little bad so i just thank him.

He clears his throat before he asks yet another question "So Ari... have you met many people yet?"  as he is handing me back my drink. He was cute but I could read his emotions and i didnt like how weird they were.

"Thanks" I said shortly followed by "and no I haven't that's kinda why I was gonna try to at this lame ass party" I said with my fake but realistic short laugh, he snickers "well you can hang with me if you'd like" he says giving me a little smirk and gesturing me to follow him. When I don't say anything he searches for something to say
"I have some friends you could meet too" he goes giving me a puppy dog smile.
I knew I could walk away if I wanted to but I should just try and branch out, and there's no way I'm sleeping with someone my second day here. So I followed him over to a group of his friends.

When we got over there, there were about ten kids talking in a circle. As we walked over he put his right hand behind my back. I kinda just walked a little faster than him and moved a couple inches away.  He acted like he didn't realize and just sped up to put his hand back.

Most of the kids didn't notice we were walking over,  but his one friend did.

His friend looks pretty drunk, He's black, and shorter, normally black guys are my type but he most definitely was not.

"Rafe man whats up?" He paused giving rafe a chance to respond "Sup man" he said casually. But the smile he had on his face was a lot less casual. I was just slightly smiling at his friend to make it look like i didnt wanna go home and get high.

As we got closer, able to see each other better,  his friend looked at me like he was a 1st grader getting a new remote control car. My stomach knotted up a little bit from how uncomfy I was from the staring contest we had going on. I was used to people constantly watching my every move, it didn't ever make it anymore enjoyable.

"Well.. Wow.. Who do we have here" He looked me up and down before reaching his hand out to me.

He smiled at me trying to charm me "I'm Kelce and you are?" I grabbed his hand and gave it a little shake. "My name is Ari, nice to meet you."

"She moved here a couple days ago" Rafe said after a second, I just put on a smile and nodded.

After a little bit I was kinda just being introduced to everyone, the party had grown a lot too there were a ton more kids around now. I was about half way done with my drink when I started feeling a little light headed. I kinda figured it was because I couldn't remember the last thing I had eaten. So me being me I just slammed my drink. But that made things worse, everything started spinning.

I tapped rafes shoulder and he turned around and his face dropped quick but there was something strange in his eyes. I couldn't read him.

"Rafe i'm not feeling too well, I'm gonna head home" i could tell i was swaying back and forth because things started to go black.

"No, No, just come here"

That's when I knew why he insisted to pour my drink, I couldn't speak I was too fucked.

He said it trying to convince me he was trying to help as he grabbed my waist and led me over to a log at the back of the beach a couple feet away from his friends. I started to drift off before I could only see stars. The last thing i heard was,

"It's gonna be okay, i got you" then it all went black.


~Kie's POV~

"Fuck you John B" I sigh as he finished off the rest of my drink

"Oh c'mon kie there's more where it came from" He said giggling like a little child. I scoffed and grabbed my cup from out of his hand. I got up and John B followed as we walked over to the Keg.

As He poured our drinks I noticed Rafe and Kelce walking off the beach with an unconscious girl over his shoulder.

'John B is that rafe and kelce" I pointed over to him, He looks up and squints his eyes " Yeah what the fuck... Rafe's carrying someone"

I look at him with worry painted on my face "We should go check it out" He handed me my drink and nodded as we walked over there.

When we get a couple feet behind them we overhear a bit of there conversation

"How much did you give her?" Kelce said tapping rafes shoulder "I don't know man i gave her enough" They both let out a couple laughs.

My mouth drops open and I look over to John B and when we make eye contact we are both disgusted. As me and John B approach them I grab Rafes shoulder pushing him out of the way as I stand in front of him, John B moving beside me.

"Rafe what the fuck are you doing?" I shouted in his face.

'Oh sh-shit..." I hear kelce say as he looks at us back and forth                

"Move out of the way P O U G E S" He says trying to walk in front of us "Im taking her home, she's wasted"    

I laughed angrily. "Rafe put her down, I just heard you talking." He just looks at me like I'm the dumbest person in the world.

"Kie just mind your business i'm trying to be helpful."

John B then starts yelling at him, and Kelce pushes him out of rafes face. They break out into a argument before i start again

"Rafe it's either put her down or i call the cops' '
i say loudly to them to stop bickering and divert their attention to me.

Rafe scoffs at me "You would be making a mistake, calling the cops because I'm just trying to do a good deed?" He scoffs and I know he's full of shit so I just look him in his eyes for a couple seconds and they both get nervous gulping and breaking into sweats

After I whip out my phone I start dialing 911. I flip my phone and show them "Okay let's see what the cops have to say about this"

Kelce is instantly filled with worry " cmon man lets just go" he says starting to walk away Rafe just looks at us trying to challenge us, until Kelce starts to yell for him to follow.

Rafe starts "This is bullshit kie" I just sigh at him "I'm doing you a favor Rafe" I say his name harshley   before he just rolls his eyes taking the girl off his shoulder and placing her on the ground. Before he leaves, he kisses her on the cheek and whispers "Next time pretty" Before me and john B basically push him off her.

John B shouts at them as they run off.

I quickly take a better look at the girl, and check her pulse. I give John B a thumbs up And we both let out a sigh of relief. I start to examine her more as I hear John B "Who even is that" I take another look. I had never seen her before. She was beautiful. I would have recognized her if i've seen her before.

"I don't know" I say looking back at him and we make eye contact. We both still have worry in our eyes "Is she gonna be okay?" I sigh and quickly start "I hope so she probably needs water" he just nods before looking back at her.

"So what do we do now?" He asks me like I'm supposed to know. I shrug my shoulders clearly frustrated.

A moment goes by before I suggest "John B just Quickly Go get the boys and have them pull the van up" He nods and quickly runs off and worry starts to fill my heart..

Authors Note:

HI!!!! I hope your enjoying. The story is finally starting to take off! I really hope you like it and feel free to leave any suggestions or anything. I'm very rusty I havnt written a fanfic in a moment, but it's slowly all coming back too me. So no worries 😉

But as you can Tell Ari will be meeting the Pouges next chapter!!! Not gonna hold you any longer! Okay buckle up and

Happy reading!

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