Sometimes fear is the best we...

By PrimeA1999

164K 3.1K 4.2K

Fear... fear can be a powerful weapon in a world with powers but is it good for heroics, Izuku Midoriya didn'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 7

8.2K 172 303
By PrimeA1999

"So, Izuku Kayama now huh?"

"Well Izuku Midoriya Kayama, so I can keep some part of Mom with me," Izuku said as he, Kyouka and Eri were walking hand in hand.

"Well I want to congratulate you but I also want to pity you," Seeing Izuku’s raised eyebrow she elaborated, "You're now stuck in an endless cycle of 'go ask your mother'."

Izuku thought about it for a moment before the realization dawned on him and he grew pale, his sudden dread caused both Eri and Kyouka to laugh at him and his new found misery.

Today was the day of the U.A. entrance exam and Kyouka, Eri and Izuku were on their way there, Izuku had just finished telling Kyouka about what had happened after the adoption process had finally finished, he had asked Nemuri and Hirooki that he could keep the Midoriya part as a middle name and they were more than happy to agree.

Of course Eri also wanted the same treatment in honor of her first grandma, now going by Eri Midoriya Kayama.

Izuku was a little nervous about the whole exam, not that he wouldn't pass, do not mistake him he had some confidence in his abilities, no the reason was because he heard nothing from the ash blond that tormented him throughout his life.

Granted he never wanted to hear from him to begin with but not so much as a whisper was kind of unsettling, but he counted his blessings that Eri didn't have to deal with him anymore.

The gate and the large H shaped building that was U.A. University was finally in sight, the party of three stopped just outside of the gates and marveled at the size of the building, despite both Izuku and Eri having already seen it they still felt tingly about being in front of the structure.

"This is it," Kyouka said, "Our first step on becoming heroes!"

"YEA!" Both Izuku and Eri exclaimed in excitement while pumping their fists in the air.

They stayed there looking at the building for a few more moments before crossing the line onto U.A. to begin their exam, they felt like there was nothing that could stop them!

…Until Izuku tripped.

'Fuck me for all I'm worth, really…?' Izuku thought but was stopped by Kyouka who quickly grabbed onto him, "Thanks Kyouka."

"No problem Izu, now let's head inside before you try to give the ground a hug again," Kyouka chuckled as she walked ahead of them, completely aware of the playful glare he was sending her.

"Come on Papa!" Eri said as she pulled her father towards the door and after the retreating form of her mother, "Where gonna be late!"

The writing exam was relatively easy enough, though Izuku did get some confused looks from the other examinees when he walked in with Eri, Eri just sat happily next to the examiner and filled in a coloring book.

The duo eventually met up back with Kyouka for lunch and she look like she wanted to die as her head hit the table, "This is illegal torture and I do not appreciate it," She groaned.

Izuku chuckled nervously as he two though that the test was difficult as he patted his girlfriend on the back as they enjoyed their lunch, well Kyouka and Eri whereas Izuku was just slowly eating and looking around the dining hall.

They noticed this and so Eri asked, "Papa, what's wrong?"

Izuku was hesitant to answer but reluctantly did, "It's just… I know that I'm better off that he's not here but Bakugo had always yelled about how 'I'm going to destroy the U.A. exam', so to not see him here is just… unnerving. I feel like I've got a punch to the back of my head any second now."

The two girls frowned at his admission and while yes Bakugo didn't deserve to be in these halls they couldn't deny that while having bad memories of him, not having him there made them a bit antsy.

But like always in his life, Eri was there to help him through his dilemmas as she turned around and hugged him, "It's okay Papa! We don't have to worry about that angry pome-… pomera-… pomeranian again!"

The two teenagers blinked for a moment as they looked at Eri before Izuku asked, "Eri, where did you associate Bakugo with a pomeranian?"

"Mama said it one day when she was helping some of your burns!"

The green haired father looked to his punk girlfriend as she blushed and looked away thinking that he would scold her but was thrown off when she heard him trying to keep his laughter in, she turned around just in time to see him finally break into fits of laughter.

"Leave it to you to make a compensation like that and have Eri unintentionally learn from it!" After calming down he continued, "Though I think it might be an insult to pomeranians everywhere."

It was now Kyouka's turn to laugh at Izuku's comment, not expecting him to jab at his former tormentor.

Eri just sat there still hugging Izuku as she watched her parents laughing with each other. She liked it better when they were happy and not sad about things that didn't matter anymore.


The U.A. auditorium was massive as Kyouka sat with her boyfriend and daughter in the middle row as All the other examinees started to trickle into the room, all the seats were pointed towards a stage in the middle of the room with bright stage lights shining directly onto it.

When the last of the exam participants were seated the lights went out and a familiar blond Pro Hero came onto the stage, "CAN I GET A YEA!!"

Sadly for him everyone present was quiet, except for the muffled giggles of a white haired unicorn when Present Mic tugged on his collar, "Wow tough crowd…"

"It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! We listen to him every week on the radio, this is incredible! The teachers at UA really are pro heroes!" Izuku quietly gushed.

"Carefully Izu, you might go into a mutter storm," Kyouka smirked when she saw her boyfriend blush.

"Now pay attention, listeners!" Present Mic threw out another hand, the screen behind him showing off a diagram of seven different boxes, each labeled with a different letter, "You examinees will be conducting a ten-minute mock urban battle at our replica city-districts! After the presentation, you'll all head out to your specified battle centers that are labeled on your cards. We decided to mix you all up for some unpredictability, so your groups will be auto generated, with the classmates from your school being split up! Okay?!"

Another pointed silence fell.


As they checked their cards, Izuku leaned over to have a look at Kyouka's cards, his brow furrowing and his frown deepening.

"In other words," He mumbled, "They're splitting everyone up so you won't get the chance to work with your friends, huh?"

"Yea, it seems so," Kyouka acknowledged looking at both their cards to see that they have different letters before smirking, "Shame, I was looking forward to kicking your butt."

Izuku just shook his head with an amused smile.

Present Mic continued on with the presentation, showing a screen of a pixelated version of him fighting off robots of different sizes, with 'points' being added to the screen as each robot went down, "We'll be sprinkling in a large number of 'villains' for you listeners to fight in each battle center! And they'll appear in three different varieties, with point values scaled according to difficulty! Using each of your individual quirks, dispatch and/or immobilize as many 'villains' as you can! Your goal, dear listeners, is to earn as many points as you can in the limited time we're giving you! And don't think about attacking any other competitors or any of that nasty anti-hero stuff, because that's against the rules! Capisce?!"

A few rows in front of them, a hand suddenly shot up as one of the students stood, "Excuse me! May I ask a question?"

"Go ahead!" Present Mic pointed directly at him, and a spotlight from the roof shone down on the boy who had stood up, a tall, broad boy with glasses and short dark blue hair, who held the information sheet on the villains that would be used in the exam.

"On this printout," He pointed at the card, "there are clearly four types of villains listed! And the presentation has only described three types of villain bots! If that is a misprint, such an error would be the height of embarrassment for a top-tier national academy of UA's caliber! The reason we are seated here today is because we seek guidance on the path to becoming model heroes! We cannot afford to be given inaccurate information."

"Boy, that guy is loud," Kyouka grimaced slightly, while Eri shrunk in her father's lap at the loudness of the blue haired teen.

"And as a side note," The boy suddenly wheeled right around and pointed directly at Izuku. "You there! With the curly green hair!"

Izuku squeaked a bit as he suddenly became the center of attention, everyone else looking around at him when he was called out.

"You've been muttering this whole time!" The glasses guy glared at him, "You are a distraction. And why do you have a kid here! If you think UA is some pleasure daycare or something, then you should leave this place at once for the sake of the other examinees that wish to seriously take this exam!"

Now Izuku could take begin called out for his muttering and if it was a destruction he would apologize for it. But as he felt his daughter shaking in his hold and feeling some tears on his shirt, well there was Mama bear and Papa bear and Papa bear was not having it.

"And what's it to you," Izuku growled, not at all surprising Kyouka as she knew how protective he if of Eri and how Eri was protective of him, "If my muttering was a destruction then Present Mic or anyone near me would have said something, not you. As for the girl in my lap I couldn't find anyone to look after her while I take the exam, the teachers and principal are already aware of her being here now I suggest you shut up and focus on yourself instead of making a little girl cry!"

The auditorium was silent except for the faint sounds of light crying and sniffing from Eri, Izuku did his best to calm her down as best he could by patting and stroking her hair while whispering in her ear.

"H-He's mean…" They heard the girl say, although she said it quickly it may have been shouted, if Izuku cared to look up he would have seen the blue hair boy in a state of shock and self disgust that a child called him, a future hero hopeful, mean.

"Yes, yes he is Eri," Now everyone didn't know why but seeing the girl cry made them turn to the teen who shouted at Izuku and glare at him until he sat down without another word, but for some reason they all felt like picking up pitchforks and torches for a crusade.

"Okay, okay, thanks for the segue, much appreciated, Examinee Number 7111!" Present Mic waved his hands to get the room's attention again and hoping to deescalate the situation, flashing the glasses guy a thumbs up, "The fourth type of villain you'll encounter is worth zero points! Let's call them 'area traps'! This guy is merely there to serve as an obstacle, so to speak. Have any of you ever played Super Mario Brothers before?! I guess it is rather retro. But anyway, do you remember those things that'd go 'thwomp' on you?! There's a thing like that in each arena! Their gimmick is that they rampage when crowded! There's exactly one in every battle center - an obstacle that'll go crah- zay in arrow spaces! It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either! I'd recommend that you listeners try to avoid it!"

"Th-Thank you sir," He mumbled, still receiving glares from everyone.

"Well, that's about enough from me!" Present Mic dramatically waved his hands in the air. "I'll leave all you listeners with a presentation on the 'school precepts' of this academy of mine! As a certain general by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte once said, 'a true hero never stops overcoming the misfortunes in life'. A nice little soundbite! Now let's move on to the main event! Go beyond!"

He threw his hands into the air as he screamed out, "PLUS ULTRA!" and behind him, the screen above the stage flashed the two words in a large, bold font.

"NOW YOU SAY SOMETHING!? Now then, everyone, good luck! And may you all suffer gladly in the trials to come!"

When the room filtered out Izuku, Kyouka and Eri walked to the stage where Mic was still standing, he played his daughter down and gave her a kiss on her horn, "Be good for the other heroes, okay?"

"Okay Papa!" She smiled brightly.

Kyouka chuckled at her daughter and kissed her on the cheek, "Well be back soon."

Eri ran up to them and gave them the biggest hug her tiny arms could muster, "Do awesome out there Mama! Papa! Kick their metal butt's!"

With one final goodbye they walked off to their respective buses after giving each other a good luck kiss.

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