Be My Sunshine

By AdoracionD

118K 2.5K 1.3K

Sundrop & moondrop x reader (fem more likely) Y/n has taken the job of a security night guard for the new Fre... More

Author note
First Night
Play Time
Tag, Your It
Im no Child!
For Now!
Movie time!
Dream Now
A.N Again
Our Discussion
Lets Play!
Well Then
Found You
Author Note
What's That?
Movie Night
I Hate You!
The Talk
So it Goes
A.N & Question
Stroll On
Light to Dark
The Announcement
The Call
Preping for The Stay

Up To Come

1.2K 37 17
By AdoracionD

After a long nap I had woken up in a dark room. Rustling on the huge pillow I realized I was still in DJ's room. But I could feel that ever so slight movement on the pillow too. I slowly get up from under the huge blanket and saw DJ laying 'next' to me. He was in his original state like I saw him before falling asleep. He was breathing in slow then out slower. He almost didn't look to move at all, but he was shifting the bed in that so. I was resting by his head as he seemed to wrap around himself as so in a blanket. I smiled at the sight and gently rubbed his head before quietly getting up and out the bed. I looked around for a way down, but I couldn't find one.

Maybe if I jump just right, I can land with ease.

I looked around for a soft spot. As I was ready to jump and in mid jump, I feel myself suddenly in a grip of some sort.

-" Woah there jitter bug. A fall like that could hurt you. Glad I woke up when I did."

He props up and lifts me up to his face and chuckles. I puff up and sulk.

• " I would have been fine. Something like that wouldn't have done anything."

-" Oh my, a feisty one this early morning. I see you're feeling better though. Hold on."

A puff of smoke appears and in his place was his human like form. He takes his glasses off and turns on a light. He snickers and taps my head.

-" That's better. Now, shall we head out and get you something to eat?"

I nod and he slowly gets up with a smile on his face. His eyes were pretty though. Bright brown color shining through. He put me on his shoulder as we made it through a tunnel and out to the dance floor. He began to look around and crawled again to another tunnel that lead us to a vent. He slowly let me down and he himself became my 'size'. Opening the vent with a shushing finger on his lips.

-" Let's try to be quiet sugar. We don't want the others to find us. After all we are trying to hide you for the mean time."

He bows with a hand out looking up.

-" Ladies first."

I roll my eyes and he help me out the vent and into the salad bar. Of course we took the back way and got some food and hid under the counter snicker and laughing quietly.

• " This is actually fun! It's fun to sneak around with you and goof off. I'm enjoying myself."

He holds his milkshake and takes a sip before chuckling.

-" I'm enjoying myself as well. It's been a while since I left my dance floor since I'm huge to say."

• " Do the other really not know about your ability?"

He shakes his head.

-" No. Not this shifting ability to say. I don't know if they know if they have it to so it's a mystery for now. But could and would they is the question. I'd like to tell them, but it could go bad. We can move our faces and show emotions and all that, but do they know they can turn human to say? Or more human like is up to them. I can be full or half human looking if I wanted to but that was from training and experience of self-learning."

He leans back sighing as he puts his milkshake down. A frown plasters his face, and he groans.

-" It would be nice to see them all happy for once. Truly be happy with themselves."

All of a sudden, he jerks up and looks down at me.

-" Sun though is the closest to this though. He shifts all the time with Moon so if anybody can do it, it's him."

• " Well Sun says he can also shift with metal and silicone. Could that be something? He says it's part of how they made him."

DJ looks at with awe and surprise on his face. He takes his glasses off and rubs his temple before looking back to me with them.

-" The company doesn't know that we can do that. Nor was that part of our code to say. So, Sun thinking that it's part of his code is interesting."

He picks up his milkshake and stares at then back at me.

-" Sun is halfway there."

He drinks the rest of it and licks his lips to clean it off.

• " You mean-"

-" Yes, he is shifting to his half human self without realizing it. And to think he keeps that form on as if it was his original makes it more fascinating. He doesn't show a struggle and even thinks that the 'hardening' is just a protection thing!"

He holds himself up and sighs.

-" There really is a chance then. If the others think like Sun then it will be easier to explain and show them. And maybe one day, we can be human."

He looks out sadly up to the ceiling and sighs heavy. His chest deflating and inflating. He holds his chest and grips his shirt. Curious looked at him.

• " Hey DJ, may I do something?"

He looks at me and sits up again.

-" Ya sure, what is it?"

He tilts his head as he was swinging his glasses on his finger.

• " Well, you need to be closer."

He shrugs and scoots closer and sits waiting. I put my hand on his chest, and he flinched, his eyes widening by the touch and stares in shock. Unsure what to do. Nothing at first but the warmth of his chest against the palm of my hand.

-" Well if you wanted to touch me."

He grabs my wrists and pulls me up to him. So close as if I was almost sitting on his lap. Smirked as one set of arms held my wait while the other still held my wrists but with both rest on his chest. Startled by the sudden position I just stared. His eyes gleamed in satisfaction and dominates. He lets one of my wrists go and places it on my chin, pulling it up towards him. He smirked more with a slight show of teeth.
But in the sudden moment something changed.

* thump*......................* thump*...................

Startled I look at his chest.
No way.

• " DJ didn't you say it's possible to be human?"

Suddenly taken aback he shakes his head and nods.

• " I think you're turning human."

-" ...What?"

His eyes widen and he holds his chest where my hand laid. Then again, he looked at me and showed a smile with tears welling up his eyes.

-" You're......right! Oh my god y/n!"

He pulls me up into him with a hug and holds tight slight weeps coming from him as he lightly shakes.

-" I really have a chance! We all do!"

He pauses looking at me.

-" You're the key. You are the one who we need. We need your help in achieving this dream. Please,"

He holds me more pulling me away to look at me fully.

-" Help us."

His eyes with sadness and worry. Pleading for help, this I couldn't refuse. I smiled at him and nodded.

• " Of course I'll help you guys! You all have been there for me when I needed it. So, it's my turn to help you all."

He pulls me back into a hug and wipes his face with what tears had been left. He laughed and relaxed for a moment.
Sudden footsteps could be heard from the distance. We quieted down and I peeked over the counter. And in surprise it was Monty, he looked worried and concerned.

What is he doing?

He paced back and forth from one area to another. Looking for something as he checked under and in things. He squinted his eyes hard closing them as he gritted his teeth. Fists balled up and stood looking down. A low get loud grunt could be heard as he opened them again with a sad yet angry expression. Realizing he didn't have his glasses on he rubbed the bridge of his nose. He mumbled something to himself as he looked around more.
Another sound was heard from the distance as it grew closer, yet it was higher. And from the distance I saw a figure. They were stand on the glass fencing holding to a support from the poles. In the dark stood Moon, he looked pissed but in a cold stern look. His eyes burned with deep dark red that could be seen far. He jumped down with a thumping sound and he walks towards we're Monty was in the same cold stare. Everything was dimming it seemed. It got darker by the second and Monty seemed to not care. Moon stood over him, powering over his height and size.

+ " Did you find her?"

Moon spoke in a cold tone. Monty shook his head as he crossed his arms.

* " No, I haven't Moon. Look, we need to search where we haven't even tried yet."

+ " I know that!"

Moon raises his voice for a split moment as he gritted his teeth and held the bridge of his nose. Groaning as he looked at Monty.

+" Keep looking! We have to find her!"

As they turned different ways, I misplaced my foot and slipped back with a light yelp. DJ caught me and held me to his chest. My back to him as he held a hand over my mouth and other was holding onto something. While holding me I looked up and saw he was ducked down.
We could hear them in the distance stop and make a 'huh' sound.

* " Who's over there!"

DJ looked to be nervous, almost like you could see a nervous sweat. He looked around and gently and quietly moved to the vent we came from. Careful not to hurt me in process.
Their footsteps could be heard, and DJ booked it to the vent throwing me in quickly first as he ushered me forward. Doing so had made we squeak on accident and hoped they couldn't hear it was me.

*-" Hey!!"

We heard them call out as we rushed down the vent. It sounded like by the time they checked the vent we were already gone down into an open space in the vents far into the vent system already. We took a deep breath and sighed.

-" That was close. Sorry to scare you like that. I couldn't let them see us in my state at least. But it seems they are looking for you."

• " Ya...what should I do?"

He rubbed my head messing up my hair.

-" Well, when you're ready you should go see them. When things are cleared up, when you're ready of course, come find me and we'll start our little assignment."

I nodded and we head back to DJ's room for a moment. I had decided since it seems to be everyone looking, I decided to head back to not worry them more then needed. But before I started to head out DJ grabbed my arm.

-" Before you go, I do need to tell you something."

I stopped and listened.

-" Well, when you were resting, Moon had came by to see it you were here. Asking if I had seen you. Of course, I said no since you needed a brake and honestly was mad myself with them so if he asks...make up something. It's better if they think you had a good hiding spot without help. That way if needed you can hide here."

He looked away lightly flustered by what he said rubbing his neck as he let my arm go.

-" That is!...if you want to or like- I mean! You are always welcomed here! Oh, jeez I-"

With that I jumped into his chest and hugged him. 

For a tough guy he sure is flustered easy. But I find it cute.

Taken aback by the sudden embarrass he almost falls with us before gaining his support back. He embraced me back and rubbed my head.

-" Heh sorry sugar. Don't know why I'm like this. But I do wanna say thanks for everything. You truly are one of a kind, and for that I thank you."

He leans down giving a quick kiss on the forehead and lets me go.

-" Now hurry along sugar, you have a Moon to catch."

He lifts his glasses and winks before resting them back on his face and walking away waving as he does. I wave back and start my trip back to the main lobby. Doing so I bit my lip and balled my fist up in worry on what will happen.

I know he is mad I just know it. What will he do-why is he looking for me?

All these thoughts in my head kept on spiraling, making my stomach feel heavy and heart throbbing.

In the lobby I dreaded on going to the daycare. In fear once more on what will happen. But I had to in order for this search to come to an end. So, I walked forward to the daycare and with every step my heart seemed to skip. The daycare theme music dim and of that of a lullaby. Dark with just little to no light in there, but this only added to my fear again. So, I took my steps in and could hear rustling in the halls of the daycare. Getting closer and closer, then there, in front of me. Stood Moon, who hadn't even realized my presence as he seemed to pass by. I swallowed hoping to satisfy my parched throat and called out.

• " Moon?"

As his name seem to echo through the room he stopped. His back was facing me half away. And with that he turned around.

- " Y/n?"

April 24, 2022: Man, I was hoping to get this out sooner, but things kept coming up and since this chapter was gonna be a long one, I had to give it some time. But hope you enough this and your week. Moon and Sunny do want to say something to y'all

💙 " Enjoy your week starlights. Do please sleep and take care of yourselves."

💛 " Yes please take care of yourselves and thank you for everything! We wouldn't be here without you all."

💛💙 " Hope to see you in your dreams, we will always love you and cherish you. And be by your side always. Don't forget, sweet dreams~❤️


May 16, 2024

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