Dream SMP Oneshots

By TheAmak

2.8K 66 79

I've been writing these for a while now for writing exercises while I work on other projects! I love the univ... More

Is it so Hard to Say Sorry 🤕 -Awesamponk
Life's a Bit, Batshit😥 -Awesamponk
Ricotta Pancakes 😍- FoolishPonk
Would You Still🤕 -Awesamponk
Oh But Your Words (They Really Kill Me) 😥-Karlnapity
Drowning With You 🤕😀 -ClingyDuo
Running on 15 Liters of Gas-🤕 -Clingy Duo
Parents Always Yelling (Telling Us To Get Our Act Together)😍 -Beeduo
❤️❤️Not A Chapter- 200 READS?! ❤️❤️
He Can Make Me Dangerous😉 -DNF Part 1-
He Can Make Me Dangerous- 😶‍🌫️DNF Part 2-
He Can Make Me Dangerous 😉-DNF Part 3-
How Many Lies is My Life Worth?🤕-Alyssa & Ponk
Red Bandana🤕😍- Sleepy Bois Inc.
Not A Chapter- AN ❤️❤️
Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road (Pt.1) 😍 -Alyssa & Ponk
In Memory of A Hero- A Technoblade Tribute
❤️ Update ❤️
AwesamPonk 😍-Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road - (Pt 2)
Antfrost & Ponk-😍Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road (Pt.3)
Callahan & Ponk 😍- Why I Walk Down This Broken Brick Road (Pt. 4)
Small Break, Not A Chapter ❤️
A Paper Crown- Part One- 😍Sleepy Bois Inc
A Paper Crown- Part Two 😍 Sleepy Bois Inc.
Bloodlines Are Not For Me- Crime Boys 🤕
When Memories are All You Have (You Really Have Nothing)- SBI 🤕😥
How Bad Are The Words That Mark My Grave- CrimeBoys 😥
SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 1 🤕
SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 2 🤕
SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 3 🤕
SBI- Monday was Hopin' (But Tuesday's Broken)- Part 4 🤕

Valentines Day Bunny😍 -Awesamponk

137 2 0
By TheAmak

Do I know anything about Valentines? No. Did I even write this for Valentines? No. Enjoy and make sure you take care of yourself today!

Sam's POV (first person)

Honestly, I regretted this situation completely. My hands were sweating slightly and contaminating the flowers in them. The fact I'm sweating is terrifying considering how cold it is here. The snow seemed to crunch beneath my feet way louder than I had anticipated, narking every step I took. You could see my multiple hesitations imprinted on the once smooth snow, only one other set of footprints on the powder. In all honesty I didn't know if this was too romantic or not, I looked it up online. To be fair, I've been crushing on this boy since the 1300's. Hence why at the current moment I am standing at his doorstep in the snow, holding a bunny and a handful of flowers. We had been dating for a mere three months and I wanted to make sure this Valentines convinced him I was the perfect boyfriend. To convince myself of that as well. The bunny squirmed under my arm and I promptly hushed it. I knew Ponk's brother wasn't home yet, thankfully, so I had some time before he got here. He was probably at the UN or something, where I was supposed to be. Clearly I had anticipated and decided now would be better than later, plus I didn't really want Ant to get involved. I moved the bunny under my other arm, the poor thing was probably cold, and knocked on the door. Not too loud, but loud enough he would hear so I wouldn't back out.

"Sammy? Are you okay?"

I assume I do look rather tense. Probably intimidating, I realise. I'm standing straight and flexing my muscles as well as pretty well staring him down. I cleared my throat and relaxed my posture slightly. I handed him the flowers anxiously, "Happy Valentines, my love." I managed, voice thick. I see his surprise and his face warm up, and I can't help but smile softly. "Oh," I said, remembering the bunny as they squirmed like a worm under my arm. "Also," I finished, handing him the bunny. The moment he saw it his eyes went as wide as the moon and I felt my face heat up. He gently took the bunny from my hands and grinned wider than I thought he could, and I almost passed out from sheer cuteness. Ponk's little fang-like teeth poking out somehow made this even more adorable.

"Oh my god, I love them! All of it! I- Thankyou!" He squealed. Well, not squealed, but you get the memo.

"Of course, Valentines are made to show appreciation and love to a romantic partner, aren't they?" I said, a small grin on my face.

"Yeah, I just- I didn't- well I 'm not saying, I-"

"Words, Ponk." I whispered, leaning down to pick him up gently. I lifted him until he met my eyes and smiled lightly, kissing his nose.

"I didn't expect you to do...love!"

"I take offence to that, dear." I scoff. I see where he is coming from though. Waredens had that stereotype, and one I always followed. Until now. Ponk was special to me, he was who I wanted to be as a kid. We were the same age growing up, he was taller than me then. I grew after I attacked Dream, and won mind you. Ponk tells me that was brave, meanwhile he's gone through hell and back. I learned archery so I could do an activity with him without seeming creepy.

"I'd do anything for you, my love" I whispered. He smiled and brought the bunny up and we booed noses. I never grinned so wide before, it almost hurt. He gently moved the bunny away to kiss me softly, I kissed back of course. I would have pulled him closer, but he hopped out of my arms suddenly. "Hey; I wasn't done!" I pouted.

"Come in, I have a gift for you too!"

Is he prepared for every situation? Probably. "Oh come on I thought I was gonna surprise you" I huffed."

"You did, but I always surprise you back" he hummed, and he wasn't wrong. I scooped him up once more and huffed at his protests. "Just point in the right direction and I'll go there." I stated simply, seeing no issue with this. I felt warm and fuzzy inside. I nuzzled into his hair slightly as he told me where to walk. By the time I reached the kitchen, I immediately knew what he did.

"You did not."

"I did."

"That's not fair, I can't cook!"

"You got me a fuzzy bunny, we're even."

I practically whined at him, and I swear I heard him laugh at me. Surely enough, this little american fucker made me Syrniki. Syrniki are fritters made from a farmer's cheese called tvorog, their sweet as fuck but their good. I rarely eat them anymore, like ever, but count on Ponk to remember your childhood favourite meal for thousands of years and then make it for you on Valentines. I'm not surprised he knows how to make it, he was smart after all. "Bloody hell, Ponk Thank you." I manage, struggling to figure out what to say. Then I set him down and spin him to face me and I smile.

"I love you."

Cheesy time for a first, but better than later I think. His eyes widened and I am pretty sure I saw an error sign flash in his eyes, but a few seconds is all it takes for him to return to reality.

"I love you also. Or, I mean, I l-love you too- not also, that sounds weird," he stammered, I chuckled softly at his obvious struggles.

"Calm down, my dear." I hummed, kissing him gently and then booping our noses together. I had to crouch down, but it was worth it. I smiled warmly. Sadly, I really want to eat. "We don't want them to get cold, now do we?" I queeried.

"No, we don't." he responded, I don't think I've seen him stop smiling. He set the bunny down on the floor reluctantly and went to wash his hands, I opted to do the same. He took a little bit, using the soap dispenser we found one day at the castle. The moment Ponk was done, he flicked all excess water at my face, and I sneezed slightly as some got in my nose.

I grinned wickedly and huffed, quickly wetting my hands and wrapping an arm around his neck before he could escape. He whinged,

"No- no please no-"

"Too bad." I hummed, promptly proceeding to somewhat wet his hair and mess it up greatly. I went to grab some soap but Ponk interrupted me,

"The damage is already done." he stated, almost like he had just lost a war. "I'd wave a white flag but I have none."

I snorted slightly and released my boyfriend, who promptly grabbed the T-towel and ruffled his hair with it. Now it was just more messy, dryer, but more messy. It was cute like this. I saw him re-stir the whipped cream and grab some strawberries from the freezer. I was tempted to flick more water at him, but I just might be strangled by his brother later if Al tatles. I'm stronger than Ant, by a logn shot, but the fuckers terrifying sometimes. And good with a knife. He paused before dishing some onto a plate, clearly debating how much a 6 foot 9 creeper hybrid would eat. "Save room for dinner" I opted, just a subtle hint that I wasn't gonna inhale the food and the plate with it. He grinned fondly and put two on the plate, and was clearly debating his own stomach size.

"Two." I ordered simply, Ponk was still strong, and if he got one more word about him contemplating his body I may just throw all mirrors to the next country over. I already did that with the scales.

"Alrighty then," He hummed, obeying simply.

It must be a good day for him. I'm glad. I went and sat on the other side of the counter, Ponk liked to stand as he ate, and this way I was level with him. My adoration for my boyfriend simply cannot grow further as he bounced over to get us forks. They were fluffy enough that we didn't need knives. Seriously, I've told Ponk time and time again he should open a bakery, but he's still rather busy as a doctor I suppose. He does have to get along with a bunch of people..and Puffy, and stay on Eret's good side even when he's pissed... yeah I can see his stress levels being a problem. I took a bite and I almost swore aloud, they were fuckin' awesome. It'd been years since I last had these.

"Thank You so much, Ponk."

"Of course!"

The bunny bolted around the floor and Ponk gently laid down his fork and crouched down to pick up the bunny and put it on his shoulder, where the bunny stayed. I chuckled. The bunny's nose was twitching and it looks fucking cute. It was white with black spots, small too. It seemed so content on Ponk's shoulder.

"God, you are incredible." I whispered.

He glanced at me and grinned widely. "As are you."

He smiled warmly at me. I leaned over the counter and gently kissed his nose. He sighed in contentment. I grinned at him, feeling warm and fond. I felt so fuckin lucky to have him as my boyfriend. After all those years of..borderline stalking? I wouldn't say that persay. More just me..yeah I don't know what to say, I just really love him. I looked down and scoffed, I already ate both off the pancakes. Ponk chuckled, almost done eating his food as well. I grinned softly. He chuckled and flicked some whipped cream at my nose, which I snorted at, quickly grabbing some from a bowl to do the same. If anyone saw this, they'd be shocked at the way I acted so differently around Ponk. He made me feel so safe, and like I could finally keep someone safe.

Everything was quiet for a while, I grinned fondly at the comfortable silence. It was perfect. He was perfect.

"I got so lucky.." I murmured.

"I got the stars." Ponk responded, sheepishly looking down at his plate as he finished his food. This is better than I ever imagined I would get after everything we had gone through. After all the little mess ups.

After the prison.

This is what I always dreamed of, and now it's true.

"Happy Valentine's Day my love." I whispered.

"Happy Valentines, Sam." He responded. I gently leaned him over the counter and kissed him. Something tells me this relationship may just work out. The bunny bonked heads with me and I smiled into the kiss. This is my definition of a perfect Valentine's Day bunny.

"And to many more." Ponk hummed.

"To forever." I whispered, closing my eyes and resting against his forehead.

This will work out

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