Transcended as Lord Buggy-Par...

By CaptMermain

248K 12.8K 1.3K

This is the Part 2 that has reached its limit of 200 chapters in Wattpad. The next chapters will be uploaded... More

201. Arm Wrestling
202. Surprising Days
203. Finally, New World
204. New Trick
205. New Weapons
206. Giving Hope
207. New World First War
209. Improvement
210. Coke Island
211. First War with The Beasts
212. Other Targets
213. Insulator
214. Last Battles
215. Execution
216. Next
217. Breeze Island
218. Doron
219. Playing Around
220. Berserk Giant
221. Clean Up
222. Dracule Mihawk
223. Ruined Image
224. Raids Progress
225. Way to Wano
226. Wano Country
227. Kozuki Oden
228. Talk With Oden
229. Alliance
230. A Big Secret
231. Sparring
232. First Match
233. Mini War
234. Battle of Higher-Ups
235. Overwhelming
236. A Plot
237. Working on It
238. Hidden Plan
239. Hyogoro The Flower
240. New Swords Again
241. Buggy vs Oden
242. Disease
243. Discovered
244. Preparation
245. Start The War
246. Kaido
247. Doesn't Work
248. War on Onigashima
249. Cricket vs Kaido
250. Futile
251. First Clash
252. The War
253. Palu vs Queen
254. The Great King
255. Lightning vs T-Rex
256. Avenger
257. Team Match
258. Fake
259. Rooftop Battle
260. Attack on Kuri
261. Battles on War
262. Battle of 2nd
263. Children Fight
264. Fatty & Skelly
265. Kuri's War
266. Rushing In
267. No Chance
268. Hard To Break
269. Pushing Hard
270. Enel's Battle
271. The Kids Again
272. Fatass
273. Last Combo
274. Buggy vs Kaido
275. Severing
276. Defeated?
277. Awakening
278. Post Battle
279. Post War
280. Follow Up
281. Recovered
282. A Territory
283. Need to Leave
284. Last Day on Wano
285. Fishbaits
286. Another Big Plan
287. New Organization
288. The Caribbean
289. Whitebeard Pirates
290. Chaos in Marine
291. Revelation & Plan
292. Going Home
293. Reunion
294. Heartbreak
295. Fruits
296. Advices
297. That Devil Fruit
298. Hard Training
299. 3 Months
300. Action on East Blue
301. Family
302. The Portgasses
303. Goa
304. Back to Orange Town
305. The Real Plan
306. Pregnant
307. Return to New World
308. Stopping Big Mom
309. Against Big Mom
310. Clown Fleet's 1st War
311. Clowns vs Mama's Boys
312. Clowns' Battle Games
313. 4 Sides
314. Clown Lord
315. Giving Birth
316. Leonardo
317. Restarting
318. Time Skip
319. Foolshout Island
320. Nox Pirates
321. Chaos
322. Blockage
323. Great War
324. Fighting Garp Again
325. CP9
326. Reinforcement
327. All-Out
328. A Message
329. Another Uproar
330. Island
331. Negotiation
332. The Woods
333. Trap
334. Planning
335. Upgrading
336. After 6 Months
337. Rainstorm
338. Steam Wall
339. White Island
340. Can't Catch A Break
341. Finally A Break
342 Sea of Flame
343. All Hail The Lord
344. Lodestar Island
345. Discovery
346. Big Finding
347. Return
348. Kids
349. Doggy
350. Parents' Worries
351. Fireman
352. Sudden Work
353. Ope Ope
354. Just Another Deal
355. Trafalgars
356. Independence
357. Years of Promise
358. Resuming Break
359. Idiot Brothers
360. Uhuh, Yeah
361. Clownland
362. Flying Dutchman
363. Reveal
364. A Tour
365. Clown Castle
366. New Journey
367. News Update
368. Beehive
369. Wang Zhi
370. Just A Business
371. Saving Tom
372. Shifting Attention
373. Arlong
374. Another Death
375. Lesson
376. New Member & Disciple
377. Kuina
378. Chasing Shiki
379. Golden Lion Shiki
380. Weakened
381. Buggy vs Shiki
382. Despicable
383. Falling Island
384. Insult
385. Eerie Gift
386. Fast Forward
387. Legend Pirates
388. Before Starting
389. Shattering The World
390. Old G vs New G
391. The Strongest
392. 5 Billion
393. Calm Belt Journey
394. A Wannabe Ninja
395. Maverick
396. Panic Maverick
397. A Fraction of Power
398. Pure Talent
399. Recruit
400. Unexpected

208. Turtle & White Rat

1.5K 68 8
By CaptMermain

The Toothless Captain gets out of the cabin looking like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. It makes Buggy laugh because of how ridiculous that guy seems. Too bad that his color isn't green but brown and he is also alone, not 4.

"Hmm, it will be better if he has a rat as a teacher," says Buggy.

"I don't know about the teacher, but his Vice-Captain is a white rat," says Cricket.

"Huh?" asks Buggy in surprise as he looks at the enemy Vice-Captain.

This fat guy is also a devil fruit user and has just transformed into a fat humanoid white rat after Manba pushed him when he was in human form. He transforms into his hybrid form immediately without using his animal form.

"What a coincidence," says Buggy in disbelief.

Their roles are not right, but the turtle and rat are together. It surprises Buggy because it's too much of a coincidence. But now it gets more interesting to watch. Especially seeing the fat Manba fighting the fat humanoid white rat.

The war between the 2 pirate crews keep going and the Clowns are dominating it. Now, the normal members have almost defeated the enemy's troops. They are having a hard time fighting the stronger opponents, but they work together for it.

Manba is also having a rather hard time fighting the fat white rat. His opponent is very agile even though he's fatter than Manba, but Manba can handle it quite well with his O-Haki. He has a hard time, but as the battle goes on he keeps getting better.

"Captain is correct. Fighting a strong opponent is the best way to grow. I'm not fond of fighting, but it is necessary, so I will keep getting stronger," says Manba while blocking the white rat's claw attack with his spear.

"What are you blabbering about?" asks the fat white rat with a pissed tone.

"Heh, I just said that you are my stepping stone. You just live to make me strong," says Manba with a mocking tone to taunt his opponent.

"What'd you say?" asks the fat white rat with a low angry tone.

Manba smirks seeing his opponent getting taunted and getting fiercer. But the fat white rat's movements are too predictable even though he is fast & agile. If Manba doesn't have O-Haki, he will get overwhelmed now.

Still, Manba is being pushed by his opponent, but it just makes him excited. This is his chance to awaken his A-Haki that he has trained for months since he entered Grandline. He doesn't like fighting, but he also doesn't like to be left out.

'Among the men who joined the crew before Grandline, only I still can't use A-Haki yet. Even if it's just the basic colorless stage, I want to be able to use it,' thinks Manba.

Another man who has the same target as Manba is Deon. He has been taught A-Haki by Buggy and really wants to awaken it. Even the normal members have been taught Haki, so he doesn't want to lose.

'It will be very embarrassing if I can't use Armament when they can use it later. I've been taught it before them, so I need to master it before them. Besides, the 22 of them are my ex-crewmates. There's no way I'll let them be able to use it before me,' thinks Deon as he counters the turtle's punch with his punch.

Deon keeps trying to infuse his attacks with A-Haki. He stops dodging once the turtleman transforms to hybrid form. Both of them are fighting with their bare hands, so Deon is using this chance to activate his A-Haki.

However, someone with a bounty above 200 million isn't that easy to fight. Deon is getting overwhelmed by the turtle who can use A-Haki already. The turtle's strength is also higher than him in his Chameleon hybrid form.

Even with Brook's aid, the turtle is still having the upper hand. But Deon & Brook just keep attacking the turtleman relentlessly. They know that if they can't even handle this man, then their journey in New World will be very difficult.

Manba also thinks the same so he keeps fighting the fat white rat with all he has. He has a new spear that has just been forged by Gil. It can't be used as a bazooka but it's far stronger than his previous spear.

He fights the white rat in a close range while keep taking some distance to use his spear more effectively. He couldn't even graze the white rat's skin at first, but now he can give the white rat some flesh wounds.

Manba is also surprisingly agile in moving his spear although he can't move his body as agile as that. But his spearsmanship can help him handle his opponent's agile movements. So he doesn't need to move around that much in his fight but he's still able to handle his opponent.

When the 3 executives have a hard time fighting the enemy Captain & Vice-Captain, the normal members have finally defeated all their opponents. They've even defeated the stronger ones who have bounties on their heads.

All of them get injured, but none of their injuries is life-threatening. In fact, none of them received a fatal injury. They all know when to back off and help their comrades in dire times. Their teamwork is very good and it has saved them.

"Hahaha, did you see that? We don't have any bounty, but we can defeat those who have it," says Bastia, the man who has the Owl Zoan power.

"That's right, this is the result of our hard work, our training. Captain and the executives are right, bounties don't matter. It doesn't represent our strength. We can be stronger than people with bounties on their heads," says Dani, the male of twin gunners.

"Yeah, having any bounty or not doesn't matter to us because we are strong. Strength is the most important thing to have in this world. That's why we need to keep getting stronger and then we will become the strongest crew. We are THE CLOWNS!" says Bastia vigorously.

"YEAH!" shouts everyone else.

Buggy looks at it and sighs, "What are those idiots doing? Shouldn't they loot the ship now while the Captain & Vice-Captain are busy?"

Cricket chuckles and says, "Just let them be. It must be a good time for them because they've defeated some people with bounties. Well, they did it together, but at least they did it by their own hands."

Buggy just sighs and avert his gaze to Deon & Brook's battle against the turtleman. They still can't break the turtle man's defense. Like a turtle, defense is his strongest point. He has a thick & hard shell and he also has thick reptile skin.

Their fight continues with the 2 getting pushed by the turtleman's power. Zoan devil fruits always boost the users' physical powers. So this turtleman has strong attacks and also tough defense.

Also, the turtleman can use 2 types of Haki which make the battle harder for Deon & Brook. Deon can use O-Haki but is still unable to use A-Haki while Brook still can't use either of them. That's why this battle is very difficult for them.

Deon blocks the turtleman's straight punch but he gets pushed back. While that happens, Brook takes the chance to cut the turtleman's arm. However, the turtleman has predicted it and blocked Brook's sword with A-Haki.

"Ugh, his Haki is very troublesome," says Brook as he backs off to help Deon.

"Yeah, and his power is no joke. I feel like my hands are getting numb after receiving his attacks many times," says Deon while looking at his bruised & trembling knuckles.

"Hmph, you never have a chance against me," says the turtleman arrogantly as he swipes his arm that got hit by Brook quickly as if he is hiding something.

Brook & Deon don't realize it, but Buggy realizes what the turtleman did. He just swiped a bit of ice on his skin that get touched by Brook's sword. He swiped it to hide that he is affected albeit a little.

Buggy grins as he sees that, "It seems Brook will improve first."
You can read up to 35+ chapters ahead of this fanfic novel & the other one on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate.

I've uploaded:
1. Chapter 232 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater
2. Chapter 243 of Transcended as Lord Buggy
(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)

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