Kingsman & Avegers Soulmate

By Jaz_06Fox

17.5K 287 27

Jupiter De Luca is a topnotch Kingsman. Codename: Tristan Jupiter is a 19-year-old who has 28 soulmates and a... More

𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘𝖒𝖆𝖓 𝕱𝖎𝖑𝖊: 𝕬𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝕿𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓
𝕬𝖈𝖙 յ. 𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔
𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
The Letter
Act 2. Prologue
Act 2. Chapter 2

Act 2. Chapter 1.

598 14 1
By Jaz_06Fox

It's been a couple of months since Harry's death its been a hard time for both Eggsy and Jupiter. Eggsy has become the new Galahad while Jupiter somehow volunteered to become Arthur at the same time as being an active agent, after some random mission Jupiter got into ancient heading back to HQ which causes her to break her left wrist in two separate places forcing her to wear a cast for 6 weeks.

Eggsy and Jupiter exit Kingsman after a long day of work, looking at each other Eggsy puts his arm around Jupiter's shoulder and guides her to their taxi with JB, Major, and stealth following close behind them.

"Eggsy?" A hooded man says walking closer to the couple.

Eggsy pushes Jupiter slightly behind him since she has broken her left wrist and isn't in fighting form, Jupiter whistles the dogs to stand to alert making Major and Stealth growl in warning. Jupiter sends calming vibes to Eggsy as his anger starts to rise.

"You mind if I share your cab?" The hooded man asks as he takes his hood off.

"Charlie?!" Jupiter says in shock.

"Hello there Jupiter" Charlie smiles.

Eggsy starts walking towards Charlie without a care in the world, Jupiter pulls Eggsy's arm hoping that he will just turn and walk away.

"Eggsy don't this won't help-" Jupiter whispers quietly.

Before Jupiter can finish her sentence Charlie pulls a gun out and points it causally at the happy couple making the dogs bark maniacally. Jupiter shushes the dogs and signs for them to sit at the top of the steps.

"It's ironic, isn't it? You look like a gentleman, I look like a pleb" Charlie lifts the gun to Eggy's head giving Jupiter flashbacks to Harry's murder without second thought Jupiter steps in front of Eggsy.

"If I was you Jupiter I would get out of the way" Charlie threatens taking a step towards Jupiter.

Eggsy pushes Jupiter out of Charlie's way and gives her a stern look warning her to stay with the dogs.

"If I was you. I'd unlock your cab" Charlie threatens Eggsy as 3 silver cars drive slowly by making both Jupiter and Eggsy clock it. 

Charlie forces Eggsy around and towards the cab, Eggsy sticks his hand onto the handle unlocking the door before turning around and throwing Charlie into the cab head first making Jupiter laugh silently.

"Pete, get us out of here!" Eggsy shouts loud enough for Jupiter to hear outside.

Jupiter sits on the steps and blinks activating her lenses and earrings which are linked to the cab so she can see and hear what is happening.

Jupiter flinches as she hears a gunshot which is followed by unidentifiable grunts and then upbeat music followed by electricity.

"You think that shit's gonna work this time? You're way out of your depth" Charlie questions making Jupiter wonder what he is on about.

Charlie starts yelling making Jupiter wince at how loud he is after a small period of time Jupiter's lense and earrings cut out.

Jupiter gets off the step and races to the tube connecting her glasses to the cab worried for Eggsy. Jupiter calls Merlin just as she enters HQ.

╭──╯ . . . . .ꕥ. . . . . ╰──╮

Jupiter's Pov:

I'm pacing around as I watch Eggsy and Charlie fight as Padre walks in and stands beside me giving me a hug as tears start falling.

"Non so cosa fare padre. Continuo a pensare a quello che è successo a Harry, non posso perdere anche Eggsy." I cry into Papa's shoulder.

[I don't know what to do father. I just keep thinking of what happened to Harry, I can't lose Eggsy too.]

Just as I start to calm down I hear a crash making me turn straight back towards the screen, I watch as Eggsy tries to activate something within the cab but can't. We pull up a map to watch where Eggsy is heading, I smile when Eggsy sends the missiles at the 3 cars.

"No time to relax. The police are right behind you"

I turn and walk away gesturing for Pops to take over as I go outside to sit with the dogs I smile as they play around closing my eyes I see flashbacks to Harry's murder and I let a few tears silently slip down my face.

"Sweetheart let's go" Papa says walking out of the office without looking at me. I compose myself whipping away all remnants of tears, scrambling up picking JB up I sprint after Padre with Stealth and Major hot on her heels.

I follow Papa into the Tv room where Pops is standing right in the center watching as Eggsy takes the taxi underwater and into the Kingsman underwater way in, I feel slight relief when the doors are closed knowing that Eggsy is safe but I also feel Eggsy slowly becoming lightheaded through the soulbond.

"Pops drain the water now" I say as calmly as possible.

The minute the water is below Eggsy's head he starts gasping and coughing for air after a few deep breaths I feel the lightheadedness fade away through the soulbond letting me know that Eggsy is okay.

"It wasn't a revenge mission. Charlie could've just killed you immediately. Not boasting but I trained him well enough that even he wouldn't mess that up." Papa tells Eggsy.

"Not boasting of anything but I trained Eggsy a hell of a lot better than that kid so..." I laugh letting the world just pause for a minute as Papa joins in.

"Merlin, I'm sorry." Eggsy apologizes pulling on my heartstrings.

"We're gonna have to do the debrief tomorrow. Are you both coming to stay at mine tonight?" Padre asks.

"Yeah we'll stay over tonight if you make your legendary pasta" 

"I'm with Jup on this one your pasta is amazing" Eggsy agrees.

 "You can't go out the way you came in do you are going to have to come out the backup way. I'm sorry but I'll have some spare clothes waiting for you the minute you get to Papa's house" 

With that, I turn to Padre and give him a sweet mischievous smile while he just shakes his head at me. I pet JB who is still in my arms sleeping linking arms with Pops we walk out of Kingsman and back towards his home. Neither I nor Eggsy have been back to Harry's since his murder so we have been living in a cute modern cabin on the edge of the kingsman property.

╭──╯ . . . . .ꕥ. . . . . ╰──╮

Time Skip:

Padre and I drive back to his house where he enters straight away taking the dogs apart from JB with him while I take a seat on the front step waiting for Eggsy with some spare clothes beside me, I wait patiently for a few minutes knowing he will be arriving soon. I sit quietly watching the world go by still with JB sound asleep in my arms.

After about 20 minutes I start to lose hope that Eggsy will be appearing anytime soon. I hear the sound of a manhole being moved standing up I see a poop-covered Eggsy appear making me let out a quiet evil laugh as I watch him walk towards me.

"What the hell happened?" I innocently ask.

"It's a long story that deserves a kiss" Eggsy replies walking close to me, I gag at the smell as Eggsy walks closer to me once I release what he was going to do I back away from him. JB wakes up in my arms and squirms to get away from the smell I bend down placing JB on the floor letting him run away from the stink.

"Not even JB would kiss you right now look he's running away" I chuckle as JB sticks his head back out of the house when I say his name.

"If you really love me, just one little kiss" Eggsy tells me. I nearly freak out when he says the L-word neither of us has actually said I love you yet.

I look at Eggsy closing my eyes I lean forward ignoring the smell I hear Eggsy gasp opening my eyes I see Eggsy step back with a boyish smile on his face.

"You were really gonna do it?" Eggsy says in surprise.


"Now, that is true love right there" Eggsy states.

"How about you go showerer and change so we can go get some of Papa's food" I sidestep Eggsy and pick up the bag with some of his clothes in, I unzip the bag and pull out Eggsy's white cap that he wears nearly every day when he isn't in a suit and put it on my head he looks at me pulling an overdramatic shocked face before pouting at me.

"I'm keeping this until you are clean" I streak a pose making Eggsy laugh at my goofiness and then walk into the house.

I head straight into the kitchen where Padre is making his famous Lemon Herb Mediterranean Chicken Salad. I walk over to the fridge pulling out 2 bottles of beer one of me and one of Eggsy I set them on the kitchen island and then look over to Pops who was still cooking the chicken.

"What would you like to drink Papa?"

"Can I have a ginger beer please" Padre focuses on his cooking.

I walk back over to the fridge to take out a ginger ale then place it next to the beers before wandering over to a cupboard and pulling out 3 glasses I put them next to bottles and then rummage through a drawer looking for a bottle opener. 

I eventually find the opener after going through a couple of drawers, once finished pouring everyone's drinks I set places for all three of us at the kitchen island next I grab the book I've been reading for the past few months off the bookshelf by the kitchen arch.

I take a seat on the middle chair and then open my book [Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo] to where the bookmark is. I start reading about Alina Starkov's flashback to her childhood best friend. I am so invested in my book I don't take note of my surroundings. 

I nearly jump out of my skin when a hand lands on my shoulder scaring me half to death closing the book I look over my shoulder to see Eggsy standing behind me wearing gym clothes and his black cap.

I smile up at Eggsy then turn to the side to wrap my arms around his waist, Eggsy laughs at me as he takes the cap off my head and flips it around causing me to giggle as he wraps his arms around my shoulders and hugs me tightly after a minute or so the couple let go of each allowing Eggsy to take a seat on the kitchen seat and take a long well-needed drink of his beer.

"So Papa how long till dinner?" 

"Not long maybe another 10 to 15 minutes" Padre tells me and Eggsy just as my stomach growls.

"Really Pops? Can you make it sooner?"

"Nope mia dolce figlia and you both will have to have my chicken salad instead of pasta since apparently, no one told me that my food supply is running low" Padre looks at me with a fake accusing look on his face.

Shaking my head I stand up and place my book back on the shelf before stealthily making my way over to the fridge just as I quietly open the fridge door I feel an object hit me in the shoulder turning around I see Padre standing over the stove half-heartedly keeping the eye on the chicken while also picking up another lemon ready to throw it at me.

"Seriously Papa. I'm only getting a snack"

"You'll spoil your dinner. Sit back down" Pops tells me.

Sighing not wanting to start an argument I close the fridge door and head back over with my head hanging down once I take my seat at the kitchen island with a small smirk on my face as I produce the orange in my hand, Eggsy looks at me with a small dumbfounded smile on his face as he watches me peel the orange before I kindly give him half of my orange which he graciously and silently begins to eat his half as I follow suit. 

"Dinners ready...seriously you guys" Padre turns around.

╭──╯ . . . . .ꕥ. . . . . ╰──╮

A//N:  Ciao guys! I hope you have had a great 2022 so happy belated new year. If you had to choose a word to sum up what 2023 will be like what would you choose? 

(Tell me your word in the comments)

Personally, I have chosen fearless. To be fearless throughout my navy training and hopefully make my way through it to serve thy king and thy country. 

For now, I am promising to continue writing this book especially because lots of you guys seem to be loving it so I hope you all keep reading and loving this book as much as I am loving writing it. Vi amo ragazzi e grazie per aver letto [I love you guys and thanks for reading]

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