Healing My Broken Angel

By sanaya2515

36.4K 1.6K 54

Daksh Malhotra have always liked one girl, Shweta Agarwal a successful doctor, his whole life, since a very y... More

1: The starting of it all
2: The Unbelievable Truth
3: The meeting
4: The bride
6: The First Night
7: The First Day at Malhotras
8: A Special Night with Mr. Malhotra
9: The New Start
10: The School Crush
11: The Stupid CEO
12: The Confession
13: The Pervert
14: Stupid Brat
15: Jerk for a husband
16: New Side to my Wife
17: The Start of a New relationship
18: The Teenage Troubles
19: The Overbearing Doubts
20: The Unknown Feelings
21: The Escapee
22: The Sweet Night
23: The Reveal
24: The Hidden Secret
25: The Mission of Disguise
26: The Spies

5: The new Mrs. Malhotra

1.7K 77 1
By sanaya2515



"I can't marry a man has liked my sister his whole life... I can't marry him, he will always find her in me, and even if we tie the knot, this marriage could never succeed!"

My eyes were all red and puffy from tears as I screamed at his mother. I started to like her, but she... she broke my heart... I believed I could never be hurt more until now. For once... I thought I'd let someone in, but she broke into million pieces.

"Sanaya, beta, what would happen, what could happen, it's all in the future. We must live in present or we'll miss on our lives," Sarika tried to explain her dearly as she liked her, "You will marry my son." she announced.

Sanaya sat on the stool defeated when the makeup artist went over to touch up her look. "You need to stop crying" she said putting a comforting hand on Sanaya's shoulder. Her sobs stopped but she didn't reply anything. The world is as bad as she believed before a month ago.

The groom, smiling and waving to all his friends stood on the stage where the flower garlands were to be exchanged. Daksh's heart beat was rising as he felt confusing feelings to rise in his chest.

Was he doing right? Is Shweta really his the one? It was true he never felt this about any girl other than her, but what did he actually feel about her?

His school friends whistled as the bride entered in a gorgeous red gown.

The bride's entry was marked by fireworks. Daksh looked confused at her, this was not Shweta... this was Sanaya. What? Why was she dressed as bride in place of Shweta? Numerous questions filled his mind as he felt his heartbeat going down.

Surprisingly he found himself in a very calm state which he only felt near his mother. He knew this feeling, the feeling of being safe in his mother's arms. He felt very grounded as Sanaya was taken to the stage and was standing beside Daksh as the whole crowd cheered for them. Being twin sisters only some of his friends who were once close with the girls, noticed.

Daksh found her mother's figure in the front asking for an explanation. He too knew that he can not stop this marriage, as it will cause them years of debt. Sarika met her son's eyes and signed him to go with the flow, she'd explain later. Daksh sighed, knowing nothing could be done.

Since Sanaya was standing just beside him, he asked her, "Where's Shweta?"

Sanaya didn't reply, she was too shocked and hurt from what was happening.

They turned towards each other for the garland exchange ceremony, "Just tell me where she is, please," he pleaded.

Sanaya sighed, "She... ran away" her voice broke in the end. Daksh inhaled sharply understanding the whole situation.

He was angry, he was sad, he felt betrayed, all of his school years when he approached Shweta came in front of his mind. He remembered his mother's words, 'We must live in present or we'll miss on our lives'.

He must focus whatever was happening. When they were exchanging garlands (an Indian ritual where the groom and the bride put a flower garland around each other's neck), Daksh looked at the woman standing in front of him.

She wasn't smiling or even looking up. She was too hurt, but she was supposed to smile.

"Could you please smile a bit?" Daksh asked. Sanaya has had too much of this but she could only sigh. She looked up and smiled at everyone like nothing has happened, or she was the one supposed to stand here.

Daksh, on the other hand, was in very deep thought. Sanaya was not the one who was supposed to be his wife, yet she was standing here, giving up all her dreams just to save his company's reputation. She could have been ran away just like her sister, or she could have said no. She had many options, but she chose to stay.

Daksh was in deep aww staring at Sanaya, when one of his childhood best friend and co-worker in the company, Abhay called out to him, "You have all night to stare at bhabhi (sister-in-law) now don't mess up the pics!"

His friends burst out laughing as did Avantika. True she would never accept this marriage but she was happy for her brother finally settling down. Avantika was a chaotic child, always sarcastic in her remarks, but she loved her family very much, specially her overprotective brother.

The wedding was done by the next morning nearly at 4, and it was the time of bride, to depart to the groom's place. This ceremony is called 'Vidai' as the bride bids off final goodbyes to her family. Normally, the bride's would cry, but Sanaya was expressionless as her mother and father faked cry to not make anyone suspicious.

"Don't let anyone know," her mother whispered the warning while hugging Sanaya, but she didn't pay any attention.

Daksh helped her sit in the car at the back seat, putting her heavy red and gold dress in the car like a gentleman.

He then sat beside her, with Abhay in the passenger seat and Chetan, Daksh's assistant who was supposed to marry Sanaya, in the driving seat.

With a lots of firework and cheers from the relatives, they headed towards Daksh's apartment, which was about half an hour distance.

"It's too early, Daksh bhai, to marry and give all your control to one woman." Abhay joked as Chetan laughed and Daksh blushed in embarrassment.

"Guys listen, there's something you don't know." Daksh said. Sanaya held her fists tight as his deep voice rang through her ears. Her body was giving reactions to him.

"This is Sanaya, not Shweta," he broke the news and Chetan hit the break in shock.

Everyone including Sanaya fell forward from sudden impact, but before she could hit the front seat, Daksh put his hand in between before her head could hit the seat.


Both Chetan and Abhay looked at him horrified. "WHAT?! YOU MARRIED HER SISTER!?" Abhay shouted at him.

Everyone could her a winced escaping her mouth. They looked at her scared figured with eyes shut.

"Guys! Don't shout, she's had a past!" Daksh shouted in a whisper and slapped both of his friends on their heads. They nodded.

"Get out of the car, we'll talk tomorrow at the office!" he ordered and without hesitation the two friends got out and Daksh was now in the driver's seat.

He exchanged few words with his friends and drive off.

He looked in the back view mirror, Sanaya had opened her eyes but she was still scared, her face finally showing some expressions but the bad ones.

"I'm sorry for them" he said trying to make her feel comfortable.

She didn't reply neither she looked at him. Rather she opened the window and looked out as the cool breeze from the early morning touched her face calming her, her eyes closing again but now in peace.

Daksh noticed this and decided to take a few rounds before heading towards his/their home, not saying a word and let her rest for ride.

They reached home after about an hour. When Sanaya was about to open the door, he stopped her, "Let me help," and quickly got out of the car and opened her door.

He helped her put her heavy gown outside the car and offered her hand. Sanaya looked at his hand awkwardly deciding whether or not she should accept. Just before Daksh could retract his hand, she grabbed his pinky and ring figer like a child.

Daksh's insides were screaming at the small contact as he helped her stand and closed the car door. He was feeling something that he never felt by any other woman not even Shweta. This girl in the red and gold gown was now his newly wedded wife, Mrs. Malhotra. Sanaya Malhotra. Daksh's eyes were filled with slight tears as his head continuously chirped her name, Sanaya Malhotra.

His servants greeted them with a bow as they walked together at the grand entrance of the beautiful house.

"You like it?" He asked nervously as they walked. Sanaya looked at him, his eyes were filled with curiosity.

"It was never meant for me" she replied with slight hesitation, leaving his hand walking by herself. She didn't want to make him angry on the very first morning of their wedded life but she just couldn't accept the fact that her sister was to be here not her.

"It is meant for my wife, and I married Mrs. Sanaya Malhotra just few hours ago." he said slightly smiling at her name.

Sanaya's eyes filled with tears at that, slightly slowing down her pace. She was hurt about how fast he could move on from one woman to another, but was relieved that he accepted her as Mrs. Malhotra.

She didn't say anything but caught up to him, grabbing his two fingers in a tight hold. She blushed slightly as Daksh chuckled.

"You must be tired, let's get to the bedroom and you can change out of your dress," he offered and she nodded slightly. He led her to their shared bedroom which was on the second floor, carefully helping her with her long lehenga.

"You know what, give me your shoes, you'll be comfortable," he asked her. Sanaya stared at him slightly admiring his manners and care for her.

She nodded and took out her heels as Daksh carried them, "Let's go," he smiled. She nodded again this time feeling somewhat safe.

His house was massive, but cosy. The ground floor was wide with living room, kitchen on the right, Sarika's personal office for her ideas on the left, and swimming pool in the ground, as Daksh told her.

The first floor had 2 rooms and one hall, one room for his parents, one for Avantika and the hall was for extra curricular activities or hobbies, like painting, dancing or sometimes parties.

The second and uppermost floor belonged to Daksh alone. With one bedroom and one office, and two rooms if his friends decide to stay.

"There's also a small cottage for all the servants and maid. I pay for their rent, food and children's expenses, and in return they serve us." he explained as they reached his bedroom.

Sanaya was really impressed by him and it's just only 15 minutes since they arrived. He had really become a gentleman in these years. In school, she remembered Daksh was not the same. He joked with girls, flirt with them but he never disrespected them or anyone. He talked back with his teachers, but only when he was right. He was an entertainer and his personality was charming. At least she was attracted by these kind of men, who know the limits.

The bedroom was luxious lit perfectly, with attached bathroom and glass doors.

"I'm sorry for the glass doors on the bathroom. I will put curtains on them for you," he said blushing embarrassingly.

"No need," Sanaya said, " I like it."

Daksh grinned shyly and happily as Sanaya spoke for the first time with her own choice.

"Since your luggage would arrive till noon, you can wear mine, or I'll get something from mom's almira-"

"-It's okay, I'll wear yours." Sanaya said shyly.

Daksh bit her lip imagining her in his clothes. His heart was going louder, "O-Okay, I'll get you something to eat from the kitchen till then," he said smiling.

Sanaya nodded, as Daksh closed the door.

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