Gregvan {Elementary School AU}

By Str4wberryMochi

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{Cover Credit goes to @kazuuart_} πŸ’—πŸ’— This is a bunch of short stories about Gregory and Evans adventures i... More

Chapter 1 {Soft Hair}
Chapter 2 {Reminded}
Chapter 3 {Why are you mad at me?}
Chapter 4 {A new day}
Chapter 5 {Watch where you're Running..}
Chapter 6 {Bellyache}
Authors Notes!
Chapter 8 {Where are you??}
Chapter 9 {Kisses make everything better}
Chapter 11 {Everyone Has A Backstory}
Chapter 12 {All Good Things Must Come To An End}
Chapter 13 {Happy Birthday}

Chapter 7 {How They Met}

1K 33 15
By Str4wberryMochi

{Image credit: @yomoruu 💗💗}

Gregory was sitting in class, lame old class. He was bored as heck so he was on his watch, playing games and messaging with friends as per usual. The teacher came in with a clipboard in hand. "Alright listen up everyone! Today we are going to be partnering with another class! One of the classes from a grade lower than you all. Be nice to them and be respectful please." Gregory looked up, he was interested. He could make fun of these kids. "I will be assigning each of you a younger buddy for this next activity that we will all be doing together!" Gregory smiled, he got his very own lower classman to tease. This would be fun.

Gregory wasn't a bully, but he also wasn't one to play fairly. The teacher started reading out the pairs. "Jeremy and Micheal, Conner and Sadi, Isabella and Morgan" Gregory listened carefully for his name.. until soon enough it came. "Gregory and Evan" The blue shirted boy smiled. He sat back with satisfaction. 'Evan..' he thought to himself. 'He sounds easy to make fun of'

Gregory listened to the rest of the pairings. Then, the little buddies came in. Everyone in his class got their buddies, except for him. 'Well that's not a very good first impression..' he thought to himself. Gregory walked up to the lower class's teacher. "Uhm.. sir? Where's my buddy?" The teacher smiled "who's your buddy?" Gregory sighed with a hand on his hip. "Evan..?" The teacher pouted for a moment, seeming to know what was wrong. "Ok, lemme go see if I can find him.. he's a little shy so he must have slipped out when I wasn't looking." Gregory nodded and smiled, but rolled his eyes when he turned around. 'That's not fair.. just cause he has a problem, I don't get a buddy..'

A couple minutes passed, a figure cast a shadow on Gregory who was sitting in his seat with an empty chair next to him. He looked up from his watch to see the teacher from earlier. "Hello hello! Guess who I found hiding in the bathroom!" Gregory looked down, his eyes falling on the boy in front of him. The first thing he noticed was his perfectly styled hair, then his black sweater with two gray stripes. His blue denim shorts and brown clunky shoes and his socks were pulled all the way up to his knees. Somehow the last thing he noticed were the tears streaming down his cheeks. His face bright red. Gregory was at a loss for words, out of everything he expected for this boy, it was not him. "Is- is that Evan?" Gregory had no idea why he had asked such an awkward question, of course that was Evan. Why would Mr. Rocs bring some random kid to his desk. "Yes it is! Go on and sit down Evan, he's not gonna hurt ya!" Mr. Rocs nudged the boy along, Evan hesitantly sat down. "Oh and Gregory, Evan is mute. Which means he chooses not to speak, unless with someone very special." Gregory tilted his head "uhh- ok?" He had never heard of being mute before.. Soon the teacher left and the two boys were alone. Evan struggled to keep his face dry from tears, wiping them every three seconds. Gregory stared at him in disbelief. How can you just sit there and cry?? "Uhm.. you ok?" Evan looked over at him, clearly not ok. He shook his head a little. Gregory nodded, it was an extremely awkward exchange.

There were many minutes of silence before Gregory decided to do something. "Well Uhm, we have an activity.." He grabbed a coloring page from the center of the table and then gave one to his little buddy. Evan smiled a little in thanks. "We have to color them by number.. so green is 5 and blue is 2" Gregory explained the rules to Evan, the crying child nodded along with them. He was slowly being distracted from his tears by his older buddy and the coloring.

Soon the period was almost over, the teachers had started talking about splitting them up and taking the smaller buddies back to their class. Meanwhile, Evan and Gregory were hitting it off perfectly. "And my dad said yes!! So I get to go to the park today!!" Gregory exclaimed. Evan bounced happily, excited for his new friend. Gregory respected that Evan didn't speak, made sense to him. Evan tapped Gregory on the shoulder, the boy looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah?" Evan slid over a piece of paper, in messy writing it read {Can you call me CC instead?} Gregory smiled. "Sure! Will that make you happy?" CC nodded with a smile as well. "Ok, CC it is!"

"Alright everyone! Thank you for hanging out with us! We will be heading back to the classroom, so can I please have all of my class come to the front and line up please!" Mr. Rocs' voice echoed through the room. Evan pouted. He looked at Gregory and opened his arms for a hug goodbye. Gregory was taken back by that. But he very slowly slid into Evans arms, hugging the boy and his softness. CC let go and got up, but he turned back, opening his mouth to speak. "Thank you for being nice to me Gregory, you're my friend now!" He smiled and followed the rest of his class out of the room. Leaving Gregory starstruck. First of all, that boy was British- Gregory had never met a British person before. Second of all, Mr. Rocs' words ran through his head once more "He chooses not to speak, unless with someone very special." Gregory was special to Evan. That made him happier than ever. But.. why were his cheeks red? What was that about...

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