Blue Explosion Soldier

By Maki_Rose

252K 7.1K 4.8K

Attack on Titan x Bakugo's Twin Brother Reader You are Bakugo Y/n the Twin Brother of Bakugo Katsuki and Son... More

Prologue + Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Bio Update !!!
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 21.5 or Chapter 22 ?
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 24.5
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29: The Ending

Chapter 26

2.5K 81 24
By Maki_Rose

A/n: Hello !! Well guys we're almost at the end .... It was nice knowing you all- joke I still have few more but seriously this book is almost at the end, hope you all stay for few more chapters and future books !! Alright let's start !!


No One's POV

At the prison cell Mikasa and the others are inside of it waiting for something to happen, Connie is leaning at the metal bars asking if Armin can turn into a titan to bust them out. But Armin refuse saying it's a risk that he might destroy everything if that happens, Connie just kept quiet while they all think of a plan. Jean asked that Armin was beat up by Eren which made the blonde boy answer the reason, which surprise Jean of why Eren hurt Mikasa but the girl stop them. Suddenly they heard something and saw Yelena walking inside with Onyankopon and another soldier that's holding a rifle.

Yelena: long time no see Heroes of Shiganshina, it greatly saddens me that our reunion has happen to be behind bars

Connie: hey ... You're with them too ?! Let us out !!

Onyankopon: .... Putting me on house arrest and then dragging me around don't you think it was rather selfish of you ? Until Zeke and Eren come in contact you all stay here and behave.

Connie: you bastard ...

Jean: good for you .... It must feel good that everything is according to your plan.

Jean continues to speak of how all their plans comes true for Eren to use them, so they can attack and kill people at Marley. Nicolo then glares at the other soldier who's telling him he sold them out, just to get up on a rank as Yelena's lapdog. Which made the soldier name Grior starts speaking insults about Eldian people and it's country, Jean grab hold on Nicolo who's still furious. Since Nicolo was happy that eldian people see him as a friend in and accept him, and insulting his friends made him angry. But before the soldier could insult more words, a bullet was shot straight to his head.

Onyankopon: Yelena ?!

Yelena: I deeply apologize for his rudeness, we no longer require comrades who use such abusive words towards Eldians on this island.

Suddenly a door open and someone head inside the others are surprise to see Y/n, the brown hair male looks down to see a body. Then looks at Yelena seeing she has a gun making the man pinch the bridge of his nose, Y/n motion someone to come in and clean the mess.

Y/n: Yelena seriously ? We're trying to be quiet ....

Yelena: apologies, you see he insulted the Eldian people

Y/n: .... Understandable have a nice day-

Connie: hey ... Don't tell me ... Your with Eren too ?

Y/n: hah ? The fuck are you talking about ? I'm not helping that guy to activate the rumbling

Armin: wait ?! Then what are you-

Y/n: these two works for me

~ Time skip brought you by group 3 known as Mike and his squad locates Hange and Levi to help them ~

Y/n's POV

As I told Yelena to tell them everything and told Onyokopon to open the cellar and get them out, I was leaning at the wall when the door open it was one of the soldiers of Eren's faction. But this soldier is actually a spy of the Yeagerist that also work for my group, he suddenly told us that a intruder came in and I know who it is.

Y/n: Pieck is here ...

Jean: Who ?

Y/n: the Cart Titan user

Soldier: sir what do we do ?

Y/n: well since Ymir is still alive meaning Porco doesn't have the Jaw Titan, they will improvise.

Armin: Y/n what are you talking about ?

Y/n: there's a chance Reiner is the one who will attack but it will be hard for him to sneak in after all .... Everyone who survive's at the 104 trainee recognize him *looks at Yelena and Onyankopon* You two kept your act and go there so Eren won't act suspicious

Onyankopon: *nods* got it what about you ?

Y/n: I'm getting this guys out of here before taking my position outside

Onyankopon nods and head out first following the soldier I notice Yelena stood there looking at him, which made sigh and reach for her head pat the 6'2 ft girl.Even though I am 3 inch taller than her Yelena look satisfied and left after I gave her a headpat, I turned towards the cell to see the others look surprise of what I did to the tall woman.

Y/n: please don't ask .....

Connie: dude ... Do you even trust her ?

Y/n: of course I do.

Jean: how ? How did you get her on her side ?!

Y/n: well ...


No One's POV

It was a month since Y/n and his friends appeared on Marley, the brown hair male was walking at the street. Looking around the market for the ingredients he need for the shop, while walking back he notice something at the alley. It was a tall figure with a short blonde hair, he recognize who it was because of Truth showed him everything.

Y/n: weird .... Is she lost or something ?

Y/n went a bit closer at the alley only to see Yelena have some bruises which made him move quickly, Yelena was wiping some blood of her cheek not noticing Y/n.

Y/n: hey you alright ?

Yelena quickly turns her head to see Y/n who was in his disguised, she notice Y/n have a worried look and offered his handkerchief. The tall girl takes it slowly thanking him and wiped off the blood on her bruised cheek, after she cleans it off but still flinch noticing the bruise became swolen.

Yelena: I'm fine, thank you for letting me use your handkerchief.

Y/n: *smiles* It's fine Miss ....

Yelena: Yelena

Y/n: Nice to meet you Miss Yelena, I'm Katsuki ( using his brother's name as a disguised )

Yelena look at the man who help her while Y/n still have a warm smile in his face, suddenly they both heard something like a stomach rumbling. It was Yelena she look surprise a bit then look at Y/n who chuckles and offer a hand, she tooks it as he guides her somewhere making her look and saw a shop.

Y/n: how about you eat first ? I'm a chef and owner of this place

Both of them head inside Yelena looks to see the room full of tables and chairs, Momo came out of the kitchen area to welcome Y/n back. But she saw Yelena was with him and remembering that the tall woman is part of Zeke's group, Y/n told Momo to prepare a table for Yelena while he prepares some stuff at the kitchen.

Momo: please follow me miss

Yelena: of course ....

Yelena follows the black hair waitress but her eyes are still at Y/n, who wears an apron and putting a bandana on his head. Once Momo show a table for her and offer the Menu, but she apologize that they only have the breakfast menu first.

Yelena: *looking at the menu* ..... Strange

Momo: please take your time

Momo bows and left the tall woman's table and heading back to where Y/n is, Yelena keeps reading the menu when she heard more people comes out. She saw Kyoka going to the door pulling the sign up then head back where the staff is, the door opens showing some costumers coming in with smile on their faces as the staff welcome them.

Yelena: .... This place is peaceful .... Strange

Rumi: Oi you ready to order now ?

Yelena saw a tan woman with white hair next to her table, suddenly Y/n shouted at Rumi to not be rude to the costumers again. Which made Rumi blush and shouted back to him to shut up, Yelena notice their actions are weird and not serious while working.

Rumi: *grumble* stupid boom boom boi *looks at Yelena* Well ?

Yelena: Oh I'll have some coffee with *looks at the menu* English breakfast ?

( A/n: Yep Y/n's diner is consist of Western and Eastern food depends on his costumer's taste )

Rumi: alright I'll be back with your food

Rumi left and take some order at the other tables with tough manner, the costumer are used to her actions and just jokes around with her. Making Rumi grin and play along with them then taking their orders, Yelena watch how the place is warm and welcoming to her noticing some have the armbands. But she notice the workers and Y/n aren't wearing one, meaning his a Marleyan which is strange since she knows most Marleyans hate the Eldian people.

Rumi: well here's your food.

Rumi drops the food Yelena ordered in front of her making the tall woman smell the food heavenly, Yelena wanted to thank her but the waitress already left to get back to work. Yelena tasted her breakfast and it was amazing and she couldn't get enough of it.

~ Time skip brought you by the flashback is getting long so Author time skip it ~

Months go by Yelena keeps visiting the Diner Y/n own getting used to the place atmosphere, that is full of smiles and kindness when Y/n greet her. But one day in a rainy day she didn't come Y/n was worried at this since he see Yelena as a friend.

Y/n: weird she didn't come for her usual meal earlier huh ?

Rumi: probably getting ready for the war you know ?

Y/n: that's true .... But strange if I am correct she isn't heading to the Paradis island yet that is next year

Momo: did something happen ?

Y/n: don't know ... Beside the rain is hard so no one is outside much and people will have a hard time to see at the hard rain ......

Kyoka: got any plans then ?

Y/n: we're not opening today then, you guys have a day off and I'll search for her.

Y/n's POV

After we made sure the store is closed I wear my f/h ( A/n: Favorite Hero ) Rain coat which made Rumi snickered for a second, I just glare at her and fix my rain coat and taking an umbrella.

Y/n: I'm using the back door when I get back got it ?

Rumi: Yeah yeah now go boom boom boy

I left the building in the heavy rain to look for someone not knowing where but I just kept looking, I arrive at the alleyway to see some blood mixing on the rain water on the ground. I follow where the source is and saw Yelena sitting and leaning at the wall of the back building, I quickly ran towards her and try to see find her pulse.

Y/n: Her pulse is weak ..... Yelena !! Hang in there !!

Yelena: *open her eyes a little bit* .... Oh hey ... Mr. Chef ...

Y/n: save your breath alright ?! I need to get you back at the shop to treat your wounds !!

Yelena: ........ thank you ....

Suddenly I didn't hear anything else which made me panic and run back to the shop as fast as I could, I open the back door once I arrived and called for the others. They run down the stairs and head towards where I am to see me with Yelena who's beeling, Rumi took her off me and take her upstairs as Momo followed her while using her quirk to make supplies.

Kyoka: what happen ?

Y/n: I don't know but I found her bleeding at the alley

Kyoka: hows that possible ?

Y/n: I don't know but .... Let's wait for her once she woke up

Kyoka: alright

No One's POV

Hours have passed and Yelena finally open her eyes and saw a ceiling, she looks at her side and notice she was in a unfamiliar place. Sitting up from the bed she notice bandages wrap around her abdomen, where her wounds are. She notice the door finally open and saw Y/n wearing some black shirt and a f/h ( favorite hero ) pajama design, Y/n gave her a smile of relief and went towards end of the bed and sat there.

Y/n: How are you feeling ?

Yelena: I'm ... Doing fine ... A little pain but fine

Y/n: good you should rest more

Yelena: You saved me ... Why ?

Y/n: because it's what Heroes do *smiles* and your someone important to me too

Yelena: I ....

Y/n: *serious look* Yelena tell me what happen ? How did you get hurt like that ?

Yelena: ........ Marleyan soldiers are suspecting some of us in my people that we're a terrorist

Y/n: what ?

Yelena: the first time you met me, some of the soldiers tried to interrogate me but it's not a harsh one ..... But this time they brought someone who have a knife to stab me.

Y/n: I see .... Did they stop suspecting you ?

Yelena: Yeah but .... They will send me to the Paradis Island next year to earn their trust.

Y/n: ..... Yelena what if I tell you something ? That you wished you never heard of ?

Yelena: what ?

Y/n: Let me re-introduce myself, I'm Bakugo Y/n and I am a soldier and hero of the Eldian People from Paradis. And I am here to stop the event that will happen 4 years later called the Rumbling

**End of Flashback**

Y/n: And after I told her everything she decided to join my side and recruit some of her people to join the cause

Y/n finished telling them the flashback while sitting on the chair in front of the cellar, the others were looking above the stoned ceiling realizing it was shaking.

Jean: Great story but there's already happening outside

Y/n: Wait what ? Well shit I got behind the schedule !!

Y/n stood up from the seat and open the door of the cellar freeing them out of the prison, Sasha quickly tackles Y/n in a hug and kiss his cheek. Mikasa cling on his arm not letting go for a second as the others got out, Sasha's father saw his own daughter kissing Y/n's cheek making him question who the boy is.

Artur: Sasha who is that young fellow your kissing ?

Sasha: Oh this is Y/n !! His my lover, Y/n meet my father remember the one I told you about teaching me to hunt ?

Y/n: Oh !! Nice to meet you Sir *bow his head* I'm Y/n, Bakugo Y/n and It's an honor to meet you sir !!

Artur: I like him already

Connie: guys ? Enough of the reunion and stuff we need to do something !!

Y/n: Right, Nicolo right ? I need you to get Sasha's family out of here

Nicolo: got it !!

Y/n: the rest follow me, so let's go !!

Y/n starts running out of the cell through the stairs as the others follow him, they got out and saw some of the soldiers aiming their guns but saw Y/n. Making all of them drop the gun and saluted to him which he saluted back, Armin and the others are confused but realize that Y/n must have his group inside the building.

Y/n: did you all got the others out ?

Rookie: yes sir, Sir Erwin told us to get them out as the battle started

Y/n: good get the others in position prepare the gears !! Now go !!

The Soldier left with the others as Y/n went to one of the cellar where the other soldiers that drank Zeke's spinal fluid are, Y/n saw Pixis in one of them and place a hand on the commander's shoulder.

Y/n: Pixis sir !!

Pixis: good to see you young man

Y/n: you too, let's go.

Once the soldiers got out Pixis starts commanding them to gear up and prepare to fight, making the soldiers salute and starts gearing up. Mikasa was wearing some of the gear when a young lady approach her and telling her she was gonna fight at her side again, Mikasa look at her and just nods then leaving the scarf behind. Once they arrive at the top they see Yelena sitting at the edge of the castle watching the fight unfold, Y/n went beside her and pat her shoulder making the tall woman look.

Y/n: good job Yelena

Yelena: *has a blush after hearing that again* Thank you

Y/n: now let's do this

Y/n placed his hand on the side of his ear while looking at the battle between Eren's group and Marley, turns out he has a ear peace on his ear Armin and the others notice it confused.

Y/n: Everyone it's set !! Remember stop Zeke and Eren from getting in contact and don't die !!

Suddenly they all saw some people zooming out above the castle some of them are weaeing advance version of their gears, the others recognize some of them as the veterans of the scout regiment.

Armin: wait .... The others .... Beside the old scouts regiment

Jean: wait those are-

Connie: the old trainees of 104 that survive and separate from us !!

Y/n: Yep turns out they wanted to help the people and redeem themselves

Y/n turns to Armin's group with a grin and holding out his fist to them, looking at all of them with a determine look.

Y/n: Don't die got it ?

Y/n suddenly turns around and jump off the bulding and join the others to fight, Mikasa also joins to follow her lover from stoping Eren.

Jean: you heard him let's go

Armin: right !!

Connie: just like old times with the others

Sasha: remember come back alive

As both Eren and Reiner are fighting in their titan forms, suddenly they both felt a powerful impact of explosion towards them. As the smoke clears Eren was surprise and so is Reiner along with the Marleyan soldiers that seeing the fight, It was Y/n landing at another Titan's shoulder. The Marleyan recognize the Titan that Y/n's standing on and it was none other than Annie in her Female Titan form.

Y/n: Good to see you again Eren, Reiner !! Isn't this a great reunion ? Right Annie ?

Annie ( In titan form ): *just look at both the Titan shifters*

Y/n: and Eren ..... *making small explosion in his hand while giving the signature bakugo grin* This is round two !!


A/n: Woooooo !! Epic fight will be in the next chapter sorry if I took longer than I thought honestly this chapter took me 3 days !! Yep 3 days to make the plot of the chapter to rewriting it to see if it's good or not till I say fuck it and just type what I type that my half asleep brain could process -!! So good night and have a bucket of cookies !!

Words: 3192

Fun fact - I am not sure if this was a meme or not but I made it myself !!

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