The Makings Of Greatness | Ob...

By CleoLemon

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Obi-Wan Kenobi X Valera Palpatine (OC) "You got the makings of greatness in you." Valera Palpatine lives with... More

The Opportunity
A Mess Of A Girl
From Strangers To Friends
Just The Two Of Us
What Am I Going To Do With You?
Come And Go
It Was Rare
Valera Palpatine
Trade Federation
Why Didn't You Say Goodbye?
Changes Of The Season
Taking Back Naboo
The Phantom Menace
The Start Of Something New
Sweet Dispositions
Family Vacation
Bending The Code
A Night On The Town
Two Birds On A Wire
Stuck Together
Moment Of Weakness
Leave It Unspoken
What A Time
The Moment I Knew
I Adore You *SMUT*
Running Wild, Running Free
Leaves A Trail
Not Thinking
Kiss And Tell
The Waiting Game
Bun In The Oven
Dangerous And Disturbing
Bounty Hunter We're Looking For
There For You
Following Our Hearts
You Have My Heart
Attack Of The Clones
Cut Deep And Leaves A Scar
Love Only Left Us Alone
I'm Still Standing After All This Time
Picking Up The Pieces Of My Life
Everything Is Fine
One Of A Kind
What If?
Oh, But I Do
I'm Asking
A New Era
Invisible Strings
A Change Of Heart
My Hand Are Dirty
Hey Stranger
A Job Gone Wrong
A General Jedi Master Becomes A Slave
Some Things Never Change
A Second Chance
What Would I do Without You?
In The Moonlight
I'm Definitely Going To Be Late Now
Something's Not Right
Seen Better Days
No Loose Wire Jokes
We're Smarter Than This
Another Happy Landing
A Plot To Destroy
Two Left Feet
See You Soon
You're A Jedi Knight, Aren't You?
So Uncivilized
I Will Do What I Must
Revenge Of The Sith
Our Future In Our Hands
In This World, It's Just Us
Everything Works Out In The End
You've Done It Now, Ms. Kenobi
Not The Same As It Was
Mind Over Matter
The Makings Of Greatness
Author's Note

We Made That

1.8K 68 22
By CleoLemon

Obi-Wan's P.O.V.

"Oh, my god!" Vale shouts as another contraction starts. "Come out already!"

"Your contractions are coming closer, V."

I speak up in a grunt from her clenching down hard on my one real hand. Vale's laying on a medic bed in a clinic on Naboo; her water broke an hour ago and we've been here for half an hour waiting for the baby to be ready to come out. Glancing at the front door to the medic's room, I suggest quickly while standing up.

"I think it's time to call in the medic droids-"

"Wait. Wait. Please, Obi-Wan." Vale groans out dramatically while shaking her head. With one hand clenching around mine, her other is holding her nine-month belly as she cries out. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

I blurt out in concern and rest my robotic hands gently on her stomach beside her hand. There's not a single thing I can think of her apologizing for. Opening her eyes, she looks at me with a pitiful expression as sweat builds on her forehead.

"I'm not sure yet... I just know babies make mother go crazy and I already drive you crazy. I'm going to make mistakes and blame it on you. Please, don't leave me."

Vale babbles on ridiculously in an emotional voice and I can't help but smile at her genuinely. Moving my hand from her stomach, I pet her hair back in comfort. Meeting her eyes, I tilt my head and speak up, trying to hold back my amusement.

"Darling, you're a bit emotional right now."

"... I killed my father and mother. Of course I'm an emotional crazy mess and I'm only going to get crazier, Obi-Wan. What happens when the kid asks about his grandparents?" Vale goes on babbling everything on her mind while clamping my hand in hers. "... How can I raise a child? I'm a walking mess and I'm going to end up cutting their arm off-"

"Valera." I let out a faint laugh while making her meet my eyes. "We raised Anakin, didn't we and he turned out just fine?"

"He's just as crazy as me." She suddenly cries dramatically out from what I said. "Our kid is going to end up like Anakin. He's going to get his arms cut off and do everything we tell them not to do. They're going to get into all sorts of trouble-"

"Vale, sweetheart. Relax, everything is going to work out." I speak up intently while resting my hand on her cheek. "This is just like a mission and missions are what you and I do the best. This is our greatest mission yet, and I love we get to do it together. We can make this work."

"You really think so?" Vale tilts her head as she calms down and stares at me. Nodding to her smiling, I assure her with all honesty. "Of course, I do. Who else but us can make this work beside us? We've been doing it since day one. Who can handle crazy better than us?"

"Thank you. Obi-Wan." She mumbles while bringing me into a hug. "I love you so much... Now, get out!"

My eyes go wide and I pull out of her hug from what she said. I take a step back from her, thinking she wants to me leave. She frowns at me for a second before shaking her head and grabbing my hand again.

"No. Not you." She tells me before looking at her stomach and shouting. "Get out!"

"Um... Can we get someone in here, please?"

~Five Hours Later~

"We made this."

Vale whispers while holding our baby in her arms. Sitting next to Vale in a chair beside her, I stare at our son in awe. She's just gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby boy with eyes like mine and cheeks like her.

"Yes, we did."

I murmur back to her as I watch the baby sleep wrapped in a grey cloth. Lifting my head, I press a kiss on her sweaty forehead before pushing back her mess of hair. I feel like I'm in some type of dream and I'll wake up to Vale and me as Padawans again.

Who would have thought Vale and I would have a child together, that we'd be parents? It feels like only yesterday I was yelling at Vale for breaking a Jedi Temple vase. It's as if we never were in a three-year war or defeated the last Sith Lord.

"V?" I hear someone whisper before the medical room's door cracks open. "Obi-Wan?"

That's when I see Anakin's head pop into the room; when we meet each other's eyes, I can't help but widen my smile. His lips curl up before walking towards us slowly; a heartbeat later, Ahsoka and Padme walk in behind him. Vale let's how a faint chuckle at the sight of our friends coming into the room.

They all stare at our son in awe while coming around Vale's bed. Anakin pats my shoulder and I sense him swelling in pride in us become new parents. Ahsoka is staring at our son as if she can't believe a spitfire like Vale and an upstanding citizen like me made that.

Padme watches Vale as if she's purely happy for her childhood friend. I let out a deep breath, seeing them all come to see us at this moment. There's a moment of silence between us all before Ahsoka whispers not to wake up the baby.

"What's his name?"

"We haven't named him yet." I answer softly before Vale turns to face me. She gives me a look that I've never been able to say no to. Smiling at me in sorrow, she speaks up in a gently tone. "I want to name him after my half brother. Evander."

My heart drops at her confession, knowing exactly why she'd want to name him after him. For months, it ate her up inside that she was the reason for her mother's second family. I assured her it was not her fault, but she still let the weight of that stay on her shoulders.

Vale wants to do right by them, even though she never really knew them. How could I say no when she just spent the last four hours pushing our son out? Nodding my head to her with a faint smile, I then glance at our friends and announce.

"Everyone... Meet Evander Kenobi."

Vale's P.O.V.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

I hear Evander, my four-year-old, exclaim and drop his toys into the sand carelessly. I'm sitting beside Padme on the beach and we both send each other an excited expression. In the next second, we hear Leia and Luke squeal by the edge of the lake.


Giggling at their reactions, I watch the three of them run off the beach behind us. We've been playing on the beach that's around the lake for the past hour; it's been an excellent distraction for the kids until now. Turning my head, I see Anakin and Obi-Wan striding toward us from the lake house.

The house is a couple of yards away from the lake, so it shouldn't take long for the kids to reach their fathers. Padme and I live in a huge lake house together on Naboo with our kids; it's Padme's family's lake house. I'm only living here temporarily until I'm able to return to the Jedi Temple with Evander.

Which I would be able to do now if it wasn't for the three week old baby growing in my stomach. I haven't told Obi-Wan yet since he's been away with Anakin for the last month. The boys go back and forth from here to Coruscant for Jedi affairs months at a time.

I stay here and attend council meetings through a hologram, but the boys actually do mission work. They let Padme and I know they'll be here a few days ago, so I've been making plans on how to tell Obi-Wan. I feel butterflies in my belly just at the thought of how Obi-Wan will react.

"Hello there."

I hear Obi-Wan chuckle as Evander comes up to him eagerly; he then kneels down and opens his arms. Watching him pick up our son, I grin at the boys and glance at Padme. She's watching Leia and Luke jump at Anakin with her own genuine smile.

Anakin picks up both of his kids and tosses them over his shoulders. Padme and I then stand up to walk toward them; the boys carry our kids with giddy smiles that make my heart skip a beat. I listen to all three kids talking their dad's ears off while strolling beside Padme.

The men have on their usual Jedi attire, with their sabers on their belts. Both of their hair is to their shoulders neatly in shades of brown and auburn. Anakin has a patchy beard he's been working on for months now while Obi-Wan has his perfectly usual clean cut beard.

Padme's wearing a light blue dress with her hair done in wild long curls. I have my hair in a messy low bun and my usual Jedi outfit; white tank top, brown tight pants with matching black belt and boots. My saber's clipped on my belt and I'm wearing my pearl necklace and wedding ring.

However, in a few months I'll have to go back to my maternity clothes. When Obi-Wan and I meet in the middle, he smiles at me earnestly before pulling me in for a kiss. Grinning into his lips, I deepen our kiss before tugging my lips away from him.

"I've missed you, darling." He sighs with hungry eyes before turning to our son and tickling him. "... And I've missed you too, little one."

"Daddy, can we bury Uncle Ani in the sand again?" He blurts out excitedly while grabbing his beard. "Can we? Can we?"

"Hmm..." Obi-Wan frowns dramatically before nodding his head behind him and adding. "I don't see why not... What do you thin sweetheart?"

"Of course you can."

I joke before glancing to where Anakin and Padme are with a smirk. I see Leia and Luke giggling from where they're laying over Anakin's shoulders. In the following second, I call out to the kids in an overly excited voice.

"Hey, Luke and Leia! Do you want to cover your dad in the sand again?"


They scream before squirming in Ani's grasp, and he lets out a groan. He then lets them back on the ground and they pull at his pant legs. Obi-Wan then sets down Evander, and he runs to Anakin.

Evander comes up behind Anakin and pushes him in the beach's direction. Ani then sends me and Obi-Wan a bored look as he slowly lets the kids guide him to the beach. Giggling, I watch them try to get Anakin to move faster as Padme shakes her head, chuckling.

Turning to face Obi-Wan again, I tilt my head and move my hands onto his shoulders. He brings his arms around me and pulls me up against his chest. I peck his lips lightly before running one of my hands through his hair.

"I hope you're ready for me, darling." He nips my neck while his hands roam my back. Kissing my jaw, Obi-Wan growls into my ear playfully. "I plan on putting another baby in you tonight."

"Already done."

I whisper in his ear and his head snaps away from my neck to look at me. His eyes are wide as he stares at me in shock and my smile grows at his reaction. He glances at my stomach before meeting my eyes again, and all I do is nod proudly.

In the next second, his lips press into mine, and he lifts me off my feet. Giggling, I hold his shoulders tighter than before and tilt my head to deepen the kiss. Growling into my mouth, Obi-Wan attacks me like a starving man.

When he sets me back down on my feet, he pulls his lips away from me and looks down at my stomach. His hand goes to rest on my belly before his eyes come back up to meet mine. Staring at me in awe, he blurts out vaguely, knowing I'll understand the question.


"Three weeks ago." I answer before shrugging my shoulder a commenting. "You know that quicky during nap time-"

"Daddy! Daddy!"

We hear Evander then shout at us, making our heads turn toward the beach. That's when we see Anakin laying on the beach without shoes on. Luke and Leia are filling his boots with sand before dumping it over him.

"We need help!" Evander complains when the sand slides off Anakin's chest. A second later, Leia calls out to us. "Uncle Ben, he won't stop moving!"

"Aunt Val! Do the thing!" Luke then asks excitedly while dumping sand on his father. "Please, Aunt Val! Please!"

"Alright, alright."

I chuckle at the sight of the kids getting just as frustrated as we do with Anakin. Pecking Obi-Wan's lips quickly, I then raise a hand and use the force to make a ditch underneath Anakin. The kids go crazy and start filling the ditch with sand to cover Anakin.

"Thanks a lot, V."

"Any time, Ani."

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