Las Nevadas: A New Offer

By 6thPlanetFromTheSun

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This book will be my own twist on the DreamSMP's Las Nevadas lore. Everything in this book is going to be in... More

Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Chapter 2: Time to Go
Chapter 3: Eventful Arrival
Chapter 4: Employed
Chapter 5: Friendship
Chapter 6: Kingdom of Freedom
Chapter 7: Along for the Ride
Chapter 8: Railway Havoc
Chapter 9: The Casino Case
Chapter 10: Spy
Chapter 11: The Grand Prison
Chapter 12: Hypixel
Chapter 13: Family Trip
Chapter 14: The Revival Book
Chapter 15: The God
Chapter 17: The Warden
Chapter 18: Planning the Banquet
Chapter 19: The Red Banquet
Chapter 20: The Puppet
Chapter 21: Plan A
Chapter 22: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 23: The Ruler of Las Nevadas

Chapter 16: The Fox and the Grapes

47 3 0
By 6thPlanetFromTheSun

I saw Fundy sitting at the edge of a pond, skipping rocks across the water.

The others were busy chatting away about family and Fundy had quietly left the group and hid by himself. He never explained much about his family but I knew that Wilbur was his father.

I sat next to him, staring at the rock that skipped across the water and reached the other side of the pond.

"You're pretty good at this," I said, trying to lighten the mood. I grabbed a rock and threw it at the water, which only skipped one time before sinking.

Fundy laughed, "And you're shit at it."

"I'm trying my best!" I defended myself before realizing that this might be the only time I could tell Fundy about Quackity. "Are you alright?"

"... Yup."

"You can talk to me, I promise," I said, reassuring him. I should tell him after he releases some weight on his shoulders.

"Everyone's having a great time talking about their families and I just... I don't know. I don't have good memories about mine."

Sam told me about Fundy's past, despite me not knowing if I really deserved to know anything about it. Fundy had come from a difficult place, having his mother die early on and his father leading a revolution before dying a traitor.

"L'Manberg was my home. I hated it there at first, but I grew to love it. I loved seeing Wilbur and my mother smiling and being happy. They were so happy. Then my mother left and Eret betrayed everyone. Why did he betray everyone?!"

Fundy angrily skipped a stone across the lake, "You know... I shouldn't be talking badly of him. He adopted me after what happened to Wilbur."

I nodded, hoping that Fundy could see that I was understanding him even if I've never gone through it myself.

"I don't hate him, he's my dad after all. He was so supportive when I decided to move to Las Nevadas and sends me cards now and then. He gardens, you know? He sends me the flowers he grows."

I continued to listen to Fundy, he was going through a lot. Quackity convinced him to join Las Nevadas as a place to escape his past and start anew. It's the kingdom of freedom, after all, Fundy just wanted to be freed from the chains of his past.

I knew it wasn't a good time to tell Fundy about Quackity but it kept bothering me how Fundy was being deceived by Quackity's lies. Fundy wasn't getting what he wanted, he wasn't getting a family that was truthful to one another or trusts one another, Quackity was lying and tricking all of us. Quackity was hiding something and Fundy had the right to know.

"I haven't seen Eret in ages," Fundy continued. "I hope he's alright. Maybe I should take a trip to go visit him. Quackity doesn't like Eret very much... Ever since the El Rapids war it's been tough being able to communicate with him."

"Fundy," I spoke up. If Fundy started seeing Quackity the way I saw him, he wouldn't care what Quackity thought and he would be able to see his dad. "There's something I need to tell you about Quackity."

"Oh, haha, why becoming so serious?" Fundy said, nervously. He started fiddling with a rock he was holding.

"Have you heard of the Revival Book? It's why he's been going to the Grand Prison, to get it from Dream, he's been torturing Dream for it, Fundy," I said. "I was awake when Quackity came back from the prison, he was covered in blood."

Fundy looked at me, he didn't seem to be super phased about the information I was giving him. He looked like he was processing everything and couldn't string the words together on how to respond. I had to tell him. He was being lied to by Quackity.

"This is a lot to think about, Purp."

"I know, but I just wanted to let you know how he's only thinking of himself. He's selfish."

"I wouldn't go that far- do we even know why Quackity is going to Dream anyway? Dream was a shitty person, Purp! Maybe he deserves this. The Revival Book sounds important and powerful, Dream shouldn't have that power."

"But don't you see, Fundy!" I stood up. "You told me he gave you Las Nevadas as a place for you to escape to, to leave your past behind. Your past filled with liars and deceivers, those who were traitors to their brothers!"

Fundy remained quiet.

"Yet Quackity is here, lying to you about what he's doing, lying to all of us! He's a selfish asshole that only cares about what he wants. Has he ever told you what he's visiting Dream for? He made a stupid fucking bet with his election partner and needs the book to revive him. I'm sure you know what kind of person Schlatt was?"

"No... No... Schlatt can not come back to life," Fundy said, his voice becoming shaky. "He died ages ago. I never wanted to see him again. He was an idiot! He had such amazing ideas, he ruined them! He ruined everything!"

"Fundy... I'm so sorry, please don't panic," I began to worry myself. Did I take it too far?

"No, it's fine, it's fine. I am completely fine!" He got up as well and started to storm off. "Don't follow me. I just need a breather. I'll be back at the hotel later."

I stood alone near the pond while the sun set from above. I lowered myself back to ground level, wrapping my arms around my legs as I watched the wind blow against the water, causing little ripples to appear. It helped distract me from the mess I just made with Fundy.

"Everything alright?" Foolish said, from behind me. "You told Fundy didn't you?"

"He deserved to know."

"I know he did. You just didn't know how he'd take it, huh."

"Thought it'll go better," I admitted. "He was talking about how Quackity didn't like Eret so he wasn't able to visit him."

"Ah," Foolish replied before sitting down beside me, watching the same ripples flow through the water. "You going to tell Sam next?"

"I'm beginning to get a feeling he knows some of the story already," I said. "I don't know how much of the story he already knows."

"He deserves to know, doesn't he? Just tell him."

I nodded my head slowly before looking in the direction that Fundy walked off.

Hopefully, I did the right thing.

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