
By xcxxnanixxcx

180K 2.9K 235

When two paths get crossed unintentionally, Nora Rose Lannister has to find a balance between her life and ne... More

Prologue • Aesthetics •Disclaimers
Chapt 2 ✦ Axel
Chapt 3 ✦ Coach
Chapt 4 ✦ Coffee Date
Chapt 5 ✦ Act like a Lady
Chapt 6 ✦ Friends
Chapt 7 ✦ Stalker
Chapt 8 ✦ Friend Zoned
Chapt 9 ✦ Ice Skating
Chapt 10 ✦ Poker Night
Chapt 11 ✦ Conference
Chapt 12 ✦ Jealous
Chapt 13 ✦ Dinner Date
Chapt 14 ✦ Thief
Chapt 15 ✦ Twin
Chapt 16 ✦ Questions
Chapt 17 ✦ Advice
Chapt 18 ✦ Labels
Chapt 19 ✦ Boyfriend
Chapt 20 ✦ Series of events
Chapt 21 ✦ Sleepover
Chapt 22 ✦ Ex's and Oh's
Chapt 23 ✦ Feelings
Chapt 24 ✦ Sticky Fingers
Chapt 25 ✦ Decisions
Chapt 26 ✦ Hitman
Chapt 27 ✦ Space
Chapt 28 ✦ Life without her
Chapt 29 ✦ Emotions
Chapt 30 ✦ The Morning After
Chapt 31 ✦ Gifts
Chapt 32 ✦ Mama's Boy
Chapt 33 ✦ Heartfelt
Chapt 34 ✦ Snapped
Chapt 35 ✦ Surrounded
Chapt 36 ✦ Savior
Chapt 37 ✦ Her Hitman
Chapt 38 ✦ Answers
Chapt 39✦ Punishment
Chapt 40✦ Family Greetings
Chapt 41✦ Past Mistakes
Chapt 42✦ Sneaking Around
Chapt 43 ✦ Safe Space
Chapt 44✦ Devil
Chapt 45 ✦ Empty Threats
Chapt 46 ✦ Taken
Chapt 47 ✦ Losing Control
Chapt 48 ✦ Prisoner
Chapt 49 ✦ High Speed
Chapt 50 ✦ Power
Chapt 51 ✦ Boat Ride
Chapt 52✦ The Quiet Game
Chapt 53 ✦ In Laws
Chapt 54 ✦ In the Clouds
Chapt 55 ✦ Proposal
Chapt 56 ✦ Old wounds
Chapt 57 ✦ Bad News
Chapt 58 ✦ Deal Breaker
Chapt 59 ✦ Forever

Chapt 1 ✦ Nora

8K 103 17
By xcxxnanixxcx



Five miuntes until its time for me to fight. I was ready, I've been training non stop. I sit in the back room with my headphones in. Everyone around me is talking but I'm not focused on them.

I snap out of my haze when my coach, waves his hand in front of me. "Nora." He calls out as I take my headphones out. "You ready?" He asks. "Great, let's go." I get up and we make our way out the door and down the long hall to the arena. Cameras flashing in my face as I make my way down but none of this was new.

I'm used to the this. The lights, bets, paparazzi and fighting. Gangs, business men, and whoever else joins bidding in a winning. Believe it or not, nothing ever stays underground. It's been my life since the age of 15. My hoodie on and my head down, I make my way through the crowd.

Boxing was the only thing that took the edge off of never having a good home life. However after a few years, I started underground boxing. It opened my eyes to a whole other world. Most of the time, I am usually training or hanging out with friends. My love life is non exsitent yet that's how I like it.

No Pain, No feelings....No problems.

However the paparazzi never have a problem trying to explore. "Red, any future prospects?" "Nora, when will there be a Mr?" I continue down the hall through the crowd of people asking me questions or cheering.

Until I feel someone bump into me so hard that I'm back to reality. I stumble back, my airpod dropping out my ear. "Oh I'm sorry." I say sincerely as I pick up my airpod off the ground. I look up to see the most beautful pair of brown eyes I've ever seen. "That was definitely my fault." The tall muscular man laughs a little. His laugh instantly causing me to smile.

"I'm guessing you are the star of the night." He says, fixing his watch on his right wrist that fell off.

"I mean that all depends on if I win." I add and he smiles, checking his watch again. "Have a good match." He walks around me. "I'll be watching." I smile in his direction before turning back around having to shake my nerves out, throwing punches into the air. I walk through the entrance, hearing everyone chanting my name.


Red was a nickname my press agent gave me years ago when I first started fighting, I wasn't in a good place and let's just say I didn't stop until I saw red. One of my agents felt the name was necessary for good press and leaked it. Now I've been carrying that name for 6 years.

I walk down the path to the ring. We get to the ropes and someone lifts them as I climb in. I turn to see Maxine Lordess in the corner jumping around.

She was one of the big dogs, at least that what the press says, and I wanted her. I wanted to watch her on the floor as the ref called out my name in victory. In all these years, we never got a chance to fight each other but today that changes.

She was my ticket into the big leauges.

No more petty fights.

She stares at me smiling and I grin back. Coach G turns me around, grabbing my face. "Remember her whole thing is that she's fast. But she gets tired. You need to let her hit first, tire her out a little." I nod my head, letting him know I understand.

"Below the belt is where you are going to want to aim for, she won't see it coming." He kisses my forehead before I shove the mouth guard into my mouth.

I turn around, waiting for the announcer to speak. After we're both announced we walk to the middle of the floor, tapping gloves. We go back to our corners and we watch as one of the girls, walks aross with a round one sign.

I won't even need three.

It would take me a solid one to get her down but i'm supposed to be tiring her out.

The bell rings and we move around each other, I keep my eyes on her feet. Fuck, she is fast. She gets closer and jabs me in the stomach, backing up. But before she can get too far, I step up, hitting her in the lower rib.

I back pedal, blocking my face as she tries to hit me.

She's running out of energy and it's only been 7 minutes. I take the opportunity to corner her. My punches landing hard any where I can land them, she drops to the mat and I stand there waiting to see if she's going to get up.

She's up by 4 in the count, I just need to get her down again.

She kicks my stomach, pushing me back before running at me. I don't falter, it'll be her funeral. She's losing control. She gets closer and as she goes to punch, I move out the way, punching her in the mouth. Her mouth piece falls out as she falls down to the mat hard.

The referee counts down from 10 and she's not getting up.

"3.....2.....1... AND WE HAVE A WINNER!"

Everyone chants my name again as he holds my arm up in the air. I smile brightly and turn to see my coach clapping and shouting. These were the best moments for me. I'm care free. No problems just me and the ring.

I hop down from the ring as my coach slaps my shoulders congraulationing me. "She got me good in the stomach." I laugh as we make our way to the conference room for press time.

As annoying as it is, I always want to make sure my fans are happy.

"Oh my god Nora!" A loud squel from my press agent, Jessica, walks up to me. She always wears a black pantsuit with tall black heels and her blonde hair in a slick bun.

Also the walking antichrist.

She carries her folders and breifcase tightly as we make our way through the hall. "Okay, remember to smile and to answer as many questions as possible." She quips while I roll my eyes. "Nora please take this seriously."

Kill me now.

"I got it." I grit, rolling my eyes and she taps on her ear piece, beginning to talk to someone. I get to the room and sit down in the chair. One of the staff members places water in front of me and a microphone.

The lights are blinding me but I make due. I'm soon joined by Maxine who smiles when she sees me. She leans over and pats me on the back.

Most of the girls I fight in this bussiness are actually good friends of mine. With Maxine, she was someone I looked up to when I first started fighting. It was always a goal of mine to beat her.

"Red, how do you feel about the fight?" Someone in the crowd asks and I bring the microphone closer to me.

"I think it went well seeing that I won." I laugh and everyone joins. "Maxine, are you disappointed you lost?" Another reporter asks as she shakes her head.

"No, I have been waiting to fight this one since she came out 6 years ago. I'm proud to say that she is the future of underground boxing. Quick on her feet and smart. And we all know there's not a lot of that around here." She replies as everyone joins in laughter again.

They ask more questions to Maxine in which I try not to tune everything out. "Red, are you nervous to fight Jane? In 6 months time." I take a sip of my water, clearing my throat.

Jane Wilson.

She was one of the girls that I never got along with. She was rated one of the top fighters last year and in my come up, she has had a lot to say. Jane was intimating, yes but she was sloppy.

She was one notch I desperately wanted as well as needed on my belt. She currently holds the belt for best fighter of the year.

And I want that.

I wanted to take it from her fucking fingers.

"Why would I be nervous to fight her?" I respond. "She is known as one of the top fights in the country right now." He states as if I haven't done my research. "Which country?" I ask sarcastically.

"No, I am not nervous. I'm thrilled to know that in 6 months time after I defeat her...I will be named as one of the top fighters in the country." I stand up, pointing towards my training gym as they cheer.

Everyone claps, cheering until I hear a gunshot go off, the shock roots. My eyes trail down infront of me to see Maxine laid out on the ground. Blood corses out her body, there's so much.

Everyone is either screaming or running away. I drop to the floor, trying to figure out how I can help her. Not paying attention to the fact that someone just shot at her. My hands shake as I approach her body, I can hear her breathing faintly.

What the fuck is happening?

"Hold on Maxine. We'll get help." I mutter as I grab someone who is running, taking their jacket. I press it down on her chest, trying to slow down the bleeding.

"Nora, you need to b-be ca-careful." She stutters while I shake my head, trying to find out what she's talking about. "W-what? What are you talking about?" My voice is frantic.

"Now that you are in the big leauges. People will fight dirty to get what they want. You n-need to be careful." She stutters again as blood spills out her mouth.

"I-I thought this was just fighting. What are you- Max? Maxine?"

"Wait, wait." My hands shaking from the blood on my hands, I instinctively wipe them off with the same jacket. I sit there frozen until I feel someone grab me and take me away from her dead body on the ground.

What... just happened?


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