In a galaxy far far away ( De...

By jackripper344

136K 4K 1.1K

In this story our favourite hero gets transported to a whole new galaxy far far away from his, both of the Je... More

Ambush part 1
Ambush part 2
What's going on back home
Izuku harem
The Jedi Council (remake)
Clone cadets part 1
Clone cadets part 2
A slimy reunion
Next part of the training
Rising malevolence part 1
Rising malevolence part 2
Shadow  of malevolence part 1
Shadow of malevolence part 2
Destroy malevolence part 1
Destroy malevolence part 2
LightSaber training/ The truth
Downfall of a droid
Duel of droids part 1
Duel of droids part 2
Cloak of darkness part 1
Cloak of darkness part 2
Fear of death 🍋
Jedi crash part 1
Jedi crash part 2
Is the truth will set you free Yet ignorance is bliss 
The defenders of peace part 1
The defenders of peace part 2
Trespass part 1
Trespass part 2
The blue shadow virus part 1
The blue shadow virus part 2
Contaminated part 1
Contaminated part 2
Recovery and complications 
Storm Over Ryloth part 1
Storm over Ryloth part 2
Innocent of Ryloth part 1
Innocent of Ryloth part 2
Liberty on Ryloth part 1
Liberty on Ryloth part 2
Dreams part 1
Dreams part 2
Helping out an enemy or a friend
Holocron Heist part 1
Holocron Heist part 2
How the villains react 
Cargo of doom
children of the force part 1
children of the force part 2
children of the force part 3
Playing the role of parents 🍋
Lights, camera, murder part 1
Lights, camera, murder part 2
Landing at point rain part 1
Landing at point rain part 2
Izuku new harem (because people asked for more)
Weapons factory part 1
Weapons factory part 2
What's next?
Dawn of the dead or invasion of the body snatchers part 1
Dawn of the dead or invasion of the body snatchers part 2
Worms in brain/A Jedi must not form attachments (2x🍋)
What's your favourite scary movie? Part 1
What's your favourite scary movie? Part 2 🍋
Scared and alone 
A fathers rage😡🤬part 1
A fathers rage😡🤬part 2
no let me show you the true power of the force
Class 1A -1
Lightsaber lost part 1
Lightsaber lost part 2
Lightsaber lost part 3
The mandalore plot part 1
The mandalore plot part 2
The mandalore plot part 3
Voyage of Temptation Part 1
Voyage of Temptation Part 2
It's time for him to pull his weight
Back on earth... Again
Duchess of Mandalore part 1 🍋
Duchess of Mandalore part 2
Evil never rests (short, but it will explain a few things)
Dear boss part 1
Dear boss part 2
Somewhere along the way of trying to find my home I made one
that nobody, is izuku Midoriya
Corporation part 1
Izuku grown up 
Corporation part 2 (May 4 be with you⭐️)
Corporation part 3
I love you little brother with all of my heart
The academy part 1
Parenting is difficult
The academy part 2
The academy part 3
What Dabi and Toga have been doing
Agree to disagree
don't hold back... too much~🍋
All chapters with lemon and special update 🍋
If class one a had light savers what colour would they be?
Assassin part 1
How would you rate this fanfiction? 5⭐️
Assassin part 2
New front cover
Assassin part 3 (speak peak)
Anyone else going to go see the new my hero movie?
Sorry that it's taking so long

Arriving in a strange location

12K 157 71
By jackripper344

Okay before this whole thing starts I just can't answer a question I know you're all thinking, what the hell are you doing? I know that's what at least some of you were thinking. Well the answer is I have absolutely no idea... i'm being serious I literally just thought to myself what would it be like if izuku Was in the clone wars. This was back on May 4, is it honestly start out as a joke to myself where is the more I thought about it the more it sounded interesting. Also after seeing this video I thought it was at least worth a go

So I thought about it in more detail like how would it work how his presence would change the story and actually came up with a reasonable idea. I mean truthfully I never really expected it to go this far but I think it was worth a shot at the very least anyway I hope you enjoy

Iuzku point of view

It just started out like a regular day, we were doing a hero training in  USJ when something strange happened a portal 13 told us to retreat thinking it was the league of villains again but as I tried to run away the portal sucks me and my friends tried to grab me so I'm not pulled in but they loosen the grip they can't hold on whatever this thing is it's pulling me in pacifically

They let go but not by their choice all might manage to grab me by the leg even without his powers he's still holding save me

all might trying to tell me it's okay: don't worry kid I'm not letting go!!

I look up at the portal and background all might know if this keeps up will both be sucking we don't know where this is this could be the league this could be someone else. Either way I can't risk anyone else's safety

I smiled down at all might: i'm sorry

All might with a shocked expression: wait what are you doing!!

Using black whip I loosen the former heroes grip and I'm carried off into the portal are you here all my friends say no but it's the only way I can keep them safe

When I go onto the portal it's like a rainbow of colours, there's no sound other than me screaming as it feels like I'm being pulled into spaghetti am I going at the speed of light or something?

I brace myself for what I assume is going to be a trap filled with villains, But instead I end up somewhere that looks straight out of a sci-fi movie. It looks like a desolate wasteland but with Dried up Corine all over the place. I look in the sky and there's two sons... Wait no that can't be right I must be hallucinating there is no way I could be... on another planet this has to be some kind of illusion. Yeah that's right! I'm just under the hallucination effect of someone's powers I just need to sleep snap out of it

I've pinched myself nothing changes then I hit myself gently on the arm still nothing changes of my scenery. Finally I give in and give myself a big head but on the floor still nothing except a headache. It seems like I really have been transported to another world to make matters worse the portal that brought me here has vanished so now I'm stuck here what appears to be a desolate planet

What am I supposed to do with it was nothing to help me out with this kind of situation unless I skipped out on how to survive on another planet tutorial.

On top of that there's no one here that could've initiated the portal to begin with so no one was using any powers, so who the hell brought me here and why?

Suddenly I hear the sound of booming in the distance, but the coming from directly above my head I look up and I see something that definitely proves that I'm in outer space and in another universe to spaceships battling it out in the upper atmosphere of the planet. The smaller of the two ships seems to be retreating with some small dots heading in my direction what are those! They're getting really really... Close!!!!

I dive out of the way as what appears to be the Brillante right next to me, making a small crater in the Earth if I didn't move in a split second I would've been crushed by whatever the hell this thing is!

As the smoke dies down a bit and able to see what I'm looking at. It's a spaceship of some kind it looks like a pod maybe an escape pod like you see in all those sci-fi movies like Star Trek, this day just keeps getting more and more interesting

I look through the window and appeared to be people inside it,  they see me looking in on them and points what looks like a toy gun but when they shoot it up both of light shoots from it nearly hitting me straight in the head

that must be some kind of gun, so these guys could be police officers, gangsters or maybe even military real question is can I trust them. Well I don't wanna get shot and I don't really know what's going on maybe if I surrender I can at least get some information about where I am

As they exit the pod three men wearing the exact same armour surround me, I put my hands up in signal that I surrender and they ordered me to get on my knees and I do as I'm told

Suddenly a strange green old man looking thing walks up: Standdown lieutenant, I believe this young man is just curious

(I don't own this image)

These guys put the weapons down as the old green man with the big ears walks towards me, it seems like these guys are military but The creature in front of me looks like an old man why is he with these three?

I introduce myself: Umm ... Hi my name is izuku Midoriya i'm sorry that I frightened all of you it's just I don't really know where I am

One of the military armoured guys: what do you mean you don't know where you are?

I answer honestly: I'm being serious, the last thing I remember before waking up here is that I was with my friends doing some training.
I know everything goes dark and I wake up here in a place I don't recognise completely alone

I cannot lie about the whole portal opening up and sucking me through it thing because I don't really know how these aliens are gonna react to that I need to play my cards right to make sure I don't get probe

The old man: mmm curious this is... do you remember what planet you were on?

This guy talks really weird: mmmm Earth have you ever heard of that one

Everyone shakes their head the military guys seem to be getting more and more suspicious of me meanwhile the old man seems to trust me if only a little

Lieutenant guy: Sir? this boy is clearly a separatist sent here to distract us his backstory is nothing but ludicrous I've never heard of this planet called earth before

The shrivelled old green man closes his eyes for a second: sense it I do, the boy is telling the truth. He has great power in him but it is neither good nor evil curious this is

Okay... That's Gotta be one of the weirdest thing anyone's ever said to me and that is saying a lot. Is he talking about my powers or does he sent that I'm a good person and I don't understand what's going on at all

The green man finally introduced himself: I am master Yoda of the Jedi Council

Jedi Council, and what exactly are they I have no idea. They could be good guys they could be bad guys I really wouldn't know I'm still trying to wrap my head around being on another planet and now I'm just beginning to realise that there was life on other planets oh my God today has been a mind boggling if nothing else

Yoda: suggest that you come with us, not safe out here alone we can try find you a way home

That sounds nice but I have a feeling that there's going to be a catch to this: okay but I have a feeling it's not gonna be easy and I also have a feeling there's something else going on here

Yoda nodded: your planet may be outside our map of the universe. If so you do not know of the war

A war, like an intergalactic war Man I really have gone into a sci-fi world. Then again my society is far from the usual reality so I don't know why I'm complaining

Master Yoda: Count Dooku leader of separatists, ambushed by escort to hear for peaceful negotiations with another leader of a planet. Peace negotiations must continue so we meet at the rendezvous point

I nodded understanding it's kind of similar to a business proposition I guess. I mean aside from travelling to another planet send discussing peace instead of business

I speak up: so... In order for me to get your help I have to stick with you through whatever it is it's waiting on this planet to stop that meeting from happening?

The Jedi nods, well it's not like I haven't been in dangerous situations before and This doesn't seem so bad I mean with my strength and my other powers maybe we can get this done sooner. But no wait should I even get involved I mean fighting criminals is one thing but getting involved in a war had a serious matter and if I get involved with that mean that my society will have to get involved or will the separatists just take it out on them because I got involved. No I can't think like that at the moment and just need to figure out how to get off this planet if not to go home then at least to another planet that's a bit more populated and civilised

I agree to help: okay I can help you, but I really do need to find a way home my friends and family are probably worried sick about me

The Jedi nods, the lieutenant whispers over to him and I can hear what they're saying: Sir not that I'm doubting your word but how exactly can we trust this boy and even if we did what youse could you possibly be to us

He's got a point I mean you shouldn't exactly trust a random person you meet on a desert planet and with the way I look I don't exactly look like I could do much but still he could try to be a little nicer about it

Master Yoda looks at his lieutenant then looks at me: since it I do this boy is powerful not in the force putting something else something that is neither good nor evil more  a mix of both

The Lieutenant didn't seem to like it but he went through with the orders, so I was allowed to get back on my feet. I am happy that we've come to somewhat of an understanding but why do I feel like my troubles have only just begun

Okay everyone that is it for this chapter I hope you've enjoyed, please don't forget to leave a comment and a vote. Before any of you ask about the harem Of the story I'm still working on it and and I will release it soon I promise if you do have any suggestions please put them in the comment section I can't promise that all of them will get through however I will have a look at all of them and I will choose the best options anyway see you later

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