Chosen Truth and Ideals (Cros...

By KilliosKorosu

30.2K 534 115

Y/n A boy who grew up in a world full of conflict. A conflict between humans and Dragons but mostly between t... More

⭐000⭐: Prologue
⭐001⭐: The Fallen Princess
⭐002⭐: Unyielding Spirit
⭐003⭐: Tragedy
⭐005⭐: Ange lost
⭐006⭐: The Maid and Y/n's New Paramail?
⭐007⭐: Sense of Purpose
⭐008⭐: Back in the Sky
⭐009⭐: Festa Time
⭐010⭐: Hometown of Betrayal.
⭐011⭐: Feelings and Desire
⭐012⭐: Dragon Song
⭐013⭐: A Scarring Truth.
⭐014⭐: Y/n vs the Misurugi fleet
⭐015⭐: Y/n and Ange
⭐016⭐: The Other Earth
⭐016⭐: Forgiving Sins

⭐004⭐: Relationships

1.9K 31 2
By KilliosKorosu

Night time,

In the Commander's office.

Jill was seated in her chair as in front of her were Maggie, Salia, Mei and lastly Jasmine with her dog, Vulcan.

Jill: Her kill count is impressive and it's only her third mission. Not bad at all.

Maggie: No one knew how to handle that machine, but she managed to pilot it so effortlessly.

Mei: The Villkiss must have accepted Ange.

Salia: S-So, she's...

Jill: Shall we begin then? The Libertus.

She smiled and looks at Salia.

Jill: Any problems with that, Salia?

Salia looks away.

Salia: She'll die right away. Half of First Squad hates her.

Jasmine: Well it ain't that a surprise, after all she's the villain that almost killed not only their Captain but also your boyfriend, of course they hate her and I'm already guessing that some of you hold a grudge as well...

She looks at them which they have a conflicted look.

Jill: But you can't deny her skills improving fast.

Salia: .... I could do it. I'll show you. I can handle the Villkiss better, so why?

Jill: Salia we already talk about this, she's the right person for the job.

Salia: But if anything happens to Villkiss—

Mei: I'll fix it when it comes to that! I'll stake my life on it. That's our duty after all.

She smiled as Salia looks at her.

Salia: Mei...

Jill: Focus on your duty, got it Salia? Like Y/n said, you don't have to prove yourself to us, you being yourself is already enough.

Salia hearing this nods while smiling a bit.

Jill: Good girl.

Maggy: Things are about to get busy now, huh?

Jill: Who knows, what I know is...

She lights up a cigar, smoking a bit.

Jill: Is that everything is slowly coming together... but we're only missing one thing.

She then looks at Maggie,

Jill: How goes Y/n's recovery, as well as Zola's?

She asked, looking concerned.

Jasmine: Well as you know Y/n's back to walking so I guess that's good news. Gotta say, being a Healer really has its perks.

Maggie: But at the some time, its dangerous for his body. But aside from that, he just need time to adjust to his new arm, and for Zola, she's still need to be in bed for a few more days. She will recover in a few months.

Jill: I see then onto another matter, Y/n's Paramail.

Mei being the engineer spoke up.

Mei: Unfortunately, I'll cut it short, the damage to Harpuia is so critical, that it'll take months to repair now, even with more help.

She exclaimed rather sadly and hearing this made everyone shock.

Jill: I see.

But Mei wasn't finished yet,

Mei: But although, I have an idea and might be able to do something about it.

Jill: How so?

Mei: Remember that machine Y/n found a couple years ago? You know that old one in that island?

Jill hearing this, already knows what she's talking about as she was surprised.

Jill: You mean THAT?

Mei: Yup! The machine had some data inside that Big bro manage to collect, although it was a mess but he manage to gather some useful data on it. It was none other than a blueprint of some sort, no doubt it's the machine itself.

Jill: Go on..

Mei: Well from what Big Bro can gather, the machine itself is centuries old! To add more, it seems to be capable of dashing towards a kilometer in just a matter of seconds! Can you believe that!? No doubt the people who made this machine were geniuses!

She exclaimed excitedly at the piece of technology he found which Jill looks concerned.

Jill: (Should I allow it?)

Quickly shaking that thought away, she asks.

Jill: I see but what of its fuel source?

Mei: Well according to the data, it does seem to work with the current fuel, we have but something is strange about the machine, its almost as if its alive?

Jill: Alive?

Mei: Heh, nevermind, maybe it's just me,

She jokingly said but inside she wasn't, she really felt something odd about that machine.

Jill: Can you make it work?

Mei: I think so, I just need time for it to get it work. It only needs armor around and needs to gather power into its core to be activated. Besides it seems to react to Y/n remembering that it's eyes glows when he touches it, like how Villkiss reacted to Ange. But if I'm gonna work on it, I will have no time to work with the others.

Jill: Very well, I approved of this, just do whatever you can to make it work.

Mei: Yes ma'am!

Salia: Ma'am.. a-are you sure about this? Should we really bring Y/n back to the battle?

Jill: As much as I wouldn't want to, Y/n is too stubborn to back out, regardless of his pacifistic nature, he never hesitates to fight even injured, just so he can protect his love ones, he's just that the kind of man he is.


Few days passed.

With Ange.

She was currently outside, walking around near the cemetery of the Arzenal.

She was currently in a foul mood after Rosalie and Chris had ripped parts of her clothes which she is currently wearing now and they even tried to make her sick by sabotaging her water.

Sighing, she could only have herself to be blame for that, she almost got everyone, especially Y/n afer all.

She kept walking around the place, looking at the gravestones, reading a few names here and there.

She's still in disbelief that the Norma's were sent here to fight the Dragons, all these time the truth has been hidden all along.

But then she saw a gravestone far away from the others, isolated as surrounding it were many beautiful flowers in a very well form flower beds, which curiosity took over her as she went to look but only for her to be shock.

loving memory of
Sophia Ikaruga Misurugi"

Ange: This is... Mother?

The stone had her Mother's name engraved in it, but why was it here?

Ange: (Who could've—)

???: O-Oh I didn't think you would be here...

She immediately turns around and went defensive hearing a voice but she went shock seeing..

Y/n: H-Hey now, I just want to talk.

Ange: I-It's you..

Y/n put up his arm in the air to show he comes in peace.

Y/n: Relax I'm not gonna do anything to you, which I doubt I could do anything with my condition.

He chuckled as he points at the bandages on his arms and head.

Ange looks at him from head to toe, seeing he had bandages all over his body which shocks her as how the hell can he walk at his state?

Wasn't he supposed to be injured and crippled or something?

Ange seeing she was staring too long, looks away as she went back at the gravestone which has her Mother's name on it,

Seeing this Y/n smiled.

Y/n: I guess you found the grave.

Ange turns to him surprised.

Ange: D-Did you do this?

Y/n: ....Yeah, it just felt right for me to do so. My apologies if it bothers you. I.... could take it off if you want?

He said looking hesitant of his words and sad.

Ange: No..... Don't, leave it and thank you...

Y/n nods and Ange looks at her Mother's tombstone one last time before she walks away, with tears starting to form but she held it in.

As she was walking away, Y/n stops her by saying these words.

Y/n: I owe your Mother a lot.

Ange widens her eyes as she froze.

Ange: Huh?

She turns around seeing Y/n puts the bouquet of flowers on the grave, honoring her.

Ange: What do you mean by that.

He looks at her with his usual smile.

Y/n: Years ago... your Mother Queen Sophia... found me when I was a child, lost deep in the forest. When she found me, she built me a place I could lived kn and she always comes to visit me, to play with me, to teach me about school things.

She looks at him, very surprised to learn of this as Y/n then starts praying.

Ange: (In the forest? Wait, I remember... there were times that mother always tell me stories about an angel in a forest... could it be him?)

She wondered as Y/n was now done praying.

Ange: My Mother.... who is she to you?

Y/n hearing this question, he turns and showed her a very pure happy smile, one full of admiration and...

Y/n: She was a very kind woman and I've come to love her as a Mother of my own, she helped me a lot even though it was only a few years but..

Tears starts to form.

Y/n: It's sad to hear that she died.

He smiled sadly with tears as Ange had come to cry tears as well.

Y/n: I heard from Jill that you tried to kill yourself by the Dragons but, know this, please don't let your Mother's sacrifice for you go to waste. She wouldn't have want that.

Hearing Ange couldn't help but look down.

Y/n: Your Mother was one of a kind woman and in order to repay her the kindness and love she's given me, I made a promise to her that I would do anything to repay her back.

He then stood up and walks in front of her,

Y/n: And in order to fulfill that promise. I would instead protect her daughter whom she had love and cherish, with my life, so that's why.

He then slowly kneels down and presents himself at her with a smile.

Y/n: I'm at your order now, Princess Angelise.

Ange was shock hearing this and she sees that he's serious about it and nods.

Ange: Ange, call me Ange, Y/n. I'm not a Princess, no more so please don't kneel..

Y/n: Yes.. Ange.

Both of them shakes hands but Ange flinches when Y/n's left arm clenches her hand tight.

Y/n: Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that! I really need to watch my strength there,

Ange looks at his arm and was shocked to see his left arm was mechanical which she instantly remembers that Y/n lost it from the Dragon, which she grew guilty of, knowing she was completely responsible and to be blamed for this.

Ange: Your arm...

Y/n: Don't worry Ange, I'm fine. I'm not really mad about it, I'm still getting used to having it and sometimes it's annoying when it starts fidgeting.

As on cue, his wrist starts moving which he had to grab it to stop it.

Ange: But..

Y/n: Don't worry, I forgive you, it's all in the past.

He smiled assuring her he has no grudge which she nods, still feeling guilty.

Y/n: I'm looking forward to working with you, Ange.

Ange: Yeah... me too...

This was the start of a new partnership between the two.

Y/n: By the way, why is your clothes like that?

Remembering that her clothes were still ripped apart, Ange blushes and cover herself as she glares at Y/n who sweatdrops.


Days have passed after that.

Y/n was slowly making recovery of himself as he wasn't limping anymore.

Right now, Y/n was currently back in the infirmary, lying on bed with Zola next to him, now awake and slowly healing as well.

Zola: Its nice of you to visit Darling~

Y/n: Yeah, how are you feeling?

Zola: Better than ever! But it's a pain that I can't walk and give you a hug.

Y/n rolled his eyes and hpgets close to hug her.

Zola: Heard the Princess ignored Salia's order again. Attacking on her own.

Y/n: Y-Yeah, at least that's what I'm hearing from the girls especially Salia.

Zola: She sort of remind me of someone.

Y/n: Huh? Who?

Zola smirks at him which irk Y/n.

Y/n: Hey I do listen to orders y'know!

Zola: I'm talking about your recklessness.

Y/n: Oh..

Zola: Honestly Darling, you worry us a lot, you almost died countless times especially the last one! Which by the way you shouldn't have done that!

Y/n: If I didn't then both you and Ange would have been hurt or worst dead!

Zola: Yes but so would you Y/n! You fucking almost died! I.., n-no.. we can't bear in losing you.

Y/n hearing this kisses her which she reciprocates it.

Y/n: I know I'm sorry,

Zola: I'm sorry too. Just know that we love you with all our hearts.

Y/n: I know, as do I love you all, I would give my life just so you all can be happy and safe.

Both of them kissed each other and it was about to get hot but their moment was interrupted by the alarm blaring, signifying that a singular is about to open soon.

Zola: Ugh just when I was in the mood.

Y/n chuckles at this.

Y/n: Sorry but none of that yet.

Zola: Aww no fair, you're injured too but you're having fun with them.

She pouted.

Y/n: Well unlike you, I have a sturdy body, but if you want, focus on recovering first, as much as I would like to heal you, Jill said that I should be taking it easy as well first.

Zola: Which I'm glad you are, you're safety comes first.

Y/n: Hey I should be saying that!

Zola: Sorry love but you're not the only one who needs to say it, take care of yourself.

Y/n: Yeah I will..


Night has arrived and currently Y/n was walking back to his room, with a mana screen in front of him showing many things in it.

Y/n: So Jill approved of the project huh? Looks like I will be busy in the future.

He made it to his room and when he opens the door, he suddenly felt himself being pulled in by three pairs of hands.

Y/n: Eh!?

He found himself in his bed and in front of him were three girls in their underwear.

Y/n: H-Hilda, R-Rosalie, C-Chris? What are you doing here?

Hilda: Dont tell me you've forgotten already?

Y/n was confused at first not until he notice what day it is.

Y/n: Right, it's your girls night huh.

Hilda: Looks like you remembered, but enough chitchat let's do it already!


Immediately Hilda worked on using her hands to try and remove Y/n's clothes. She pulls down both his pants and underwear as far as she can, revealing Y/n's erection. She takes it in her hands and instantly starts pumping it up and down.

Hilda: So it bigger than last time's?

Hilda said as she stares.

She wasted no time. She goes down on you and her tongue wraps around, licking the tip as she takes it further into herself.

She gags a few times, so she keeps it comfortably in her mouth while barely down her throat. To make up for this, however, she plays with Y/n's balls, rubbing them with her free hand.

She sucks hard as she comes up, her tongue hanging out of her mouth as saliva drips on the head of his member.

Y/n then shoved it back into her mouth, her eyes widening and watering as she tries to take more than she can comfortably handle.

She doesn't pull it out, however. Instead, she does her best to please their love, taking it up a notch she started sucking in such a way that it sent vibrations throughout Y/n's body, both Chris and Rosalie joins in as they lick his side which he moans.

Y/n: Girls, I'm gonna-!

Hilda just seemed to increase in suction and speed, sending Y/n closer and closer to his inevitable climax.


He tries to warn them but too late as Hilda wcheek bloated and she coughs as he squirted and his cum went on their faces.

Of course, some of his semen end up on the bed, staining it, but neither seemed to mind.

Eventually the girls swallowed and licks with a smile.

Hilda: That was a bigger load than last time if I remember correctly. (Y/N) just sighed in satisfaction at hee actions.

Immediately (Y/N) laid her down and got to work.

Pleasure quickly arose in Hilda due to the combination of fingering and licking of her most private part.

She grabs his head and pushes him deeper between her legs, nearly forcing his tongue to lay flat against her vagina.

Y/n responded by giving a long lick from the bottom to the top, giving a little extra attention to her clit, followed by his tongue inserting itself in her.

Chris and Rosalie had each other as they started making out.

Suddenly without warning a wave of Hilda's love juices flowed out of her as she reached her limit and orgasms, hard, allowing Y/n to lap up her sweet taste even further.

Her body twitches more as her orgasm continues, truly it felt like Y/n's face was put under a waterfall as Hilda's honeypot finally stopped delivering its good's.

Chris: I-Is it my turn now?

She asked as Hilda finally came down from her orgasmic high.

Y/n: Of course Chris.

She nodded and slides off her panties and in a quick motion, pushing her master down and sitting herself on his face.

As Y/n started to eat out Chris, he felt Hilda's hands on his hips as she balances herself. She then takes his member with one hand and
the next thing he knew, he was piercing her core.

The hot, wet, and tight sensation around him feeling better by the second.

Hilda starts riding Y/n, as he grabbed her ass with his right hand and grabs Rosalie with his left hand.

Chris: Oh sweet God! Keep going Y/n!

Y/n's tongue swirled around, doing similar things to what it did to Hilda only a short while ago as the said girl goes up and down on Y/n's member, bouncing up and down as she moans his name.

Hilda: Oooooohhh! Y/n!

She moans out loud.

Hilda: I can't stop! This feeling is incredible!

She place's her palms on Y/n's toned chest and the speed at which she's rides her lover increases.

He bucked his hips to create a rhythm with her, which made her go even faster and harder.

Hilda: Y/n!

She screamed as her insides tighten and she had reached another orgasm.

Y/n was not there quite yet, but he was close. He started attacking Chris' insides with his tongue wildly, something not unnoticed by her.

His tongue kept going in and out of her, exploring her, as she comes even closer. Y/n was also coming closer, bouncing his own hips inside Hilda as he tries to come to climax.

Hilda, however, has stop bouncing on him, holding still through her lust as she felt his member twitch.

Second's later her womb is completely filled with Y/n's seed, her pussy tightens again as she has a third orgasm from being filled up, her tongue hanging out.

A mixture of Y/n's and her fluids stream's down his member, but Y/n could see Chris going to the side of Hilda as she climbed off with Rosalie taking her place on his mouth,

She removed his member from Hilda's core, she then puts it into her mouth, ropes of cum going down her throat. She must enjoy the taste of her teammate and Lover together, as she was sucking on it with pure happiness.

When she stops, she removed Y/n's still-hard member from her mouth, a little bit of his load drools from her mouth, which she quickly licks.

However, that doesn't wipe off the few shots that went onto her face in between taking it out of Hilda and putting it in her mouth.

Chris: Taste's great Y/n~"

She smiles as she wipes off some of the remaining load with the back of her hand.

Soon Chris inserts Y/n into her waiting and wet pussy, shoving it all the way into her while her body shakes in obvious and pure pleasure, her body going through all types of sensations.

She then steadies herself by holding onto him.

Chris: Oooohh F-Fuck!

The speed of her bouncing up and down increases, as do Y/n's own thrusts into her.

Y/n timed it so that he go balls deep as she comes down, her tight pussy clamping itself around his member.

Soon both of them came together as Chris moans out loud and collapses onto him, pleasure all around her face.

Rosalie: It looks like my turn is up~ Hope you have left more for me~

She giggled as then Y/n takes her beautiful ass in hand and lifted her himself, his member inserting itself slowly her pussy as Y/n  starts pounding her even more.

Y/n then grabs her as he turns around and push her to his bed, taking her from behind.

Rosalie: Oooh!

After a minute of having sex with Rosalie, Y/n pull's out once more and went to her other hole. He kept on switching between them, their pleasure-filled moans filling the room. Each time he switched, he thrusted even harder and faster than before, making sure she was well taken care off.

Soon Rosalie was done as Y/n exploded inside her as well..

Rosalie: S-So... much...,

Y/n: You girls...

Girls: We love you Y/n.

Y/n: And I love you all too..



Next day.

The alarm went off once more as another Singular has open, meaning Dragons are coming.

The girls were now already in their Paramails, getting ready to leave,

Although Ange, who was on Villkiss, didn't notice the notification on her screen for something was wrong but they were in a hurry.

Soon First Squad successfully went airborne....


..Little did they all know, something was attached from the back of their Paramails cockpit and it revealed to be a small camera, based from it's appearance, it looks like the mini version of Harpuia's Flight form, y'know like a small birdie.

Y/n who was standing near the cliff heaves a sigh of relief, there was a controller in his hands, with many mana screens projecting in front of him.

Y/n: Its a good thing I made this little guy with Mei, it's very useful for scouting and tracking. Now lets watch.


With the First Squad.

They were now nearing the coordinates which the singular will open up which speaking of it.

Here it comes.

The singular opens showing many Scuna coming out of it as then they starts shooting them down but then Ange went off formation, charging first which Salia tried to stop her.

Salia: Ange! Don't charge in by yourself!

Y/n who was watching sighs.

Y/n: So this is what they were talking about. Talk about being reckless...... wait...

Ange quickly maneuvers around while shooting the Dragons but then suddenly.


Villkiss engine starts to blow off smokes, failing as then it stars to fall down, much to others shock,

Vivian: Whoa, Ange!


Y/n: Oh no...


Salia: <What are you doing? Get your machine under control!>

Ange was doing as said so but Villkiss wouldn't go up as then Hilda flies over next to her smiling.


Y/n: Hilda?

He frowns at this, confused?


Hilda: Want some help?

Ange realizes that she has something to do with Villkiss failing.

Ange: Get lost, cockroach!

No matter what she tries to do, Villkiss wouldn't start as she quickly changes it to Destruction form only for a Dragon to crash into it, into the water,

Y/n who was watching the battle through the drone saw that Ange fell.

Y/n: Ange!

Ange was currently struggling as the Dragon tries to bite Villkiss but she was slowly drowning and the last thing she heard was...

Y/n: <Ange!!>

Ange: (H-Huh... Y/n?)

To be continued.....


Okay another one down. I really am not that good with lemons so I'll mostly focus on fights sorry,

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