Promise (Obey me x gn reader)

By yaystories333

113K 5K 5.6K

It was MC's birthday, you thought it'd be the same as every year but that changed when you were teleported to... More

Universe 34
Empty promise
Broken Arm
Mistakes were made
Castle Retreat
Castle Retreat Pt. 2
Castle Retreat Pt. 3
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Hang out Pt1
Hang out Pt 2
Sleepover Pt 1
Sleepover Pt 2
Sleepover Pt 3
Sleepover Final Part
A solution? Pt 1
A Solution Pt 2
A Solution? Pt.3
A Solution? Pt.4
A not so happy reunion
A talk
Out to town
A Hangout
Happiness doesn't last forever
Last hang out...or is it?
Coping & Funeral
Universe 103
Universe 103 (2)
Epilogue (Uni 103)


1.5K 73 55
By yaystories333

It was morning. Well, it was early in the morning according to the time. You had already dropped off the presents in the other's rooms. You had your pajamas on with a big puffy sweater on. The seasons changed differently than they did in the human realm. When it was summer in the human realm it was autumn here. You quietly made your way down the stairs for what could be the last time and left the home. You had left Grisella's and Bucky's present on your bed with the notes and explanations on top.

Snow was yet to fall, but the temperature was already dropping. Matter of fact it had been dropping, a few weeks ago Shiva got sick and as a result everyone else in his family got sick too. You had your headphones with you. Grisella and Bucky had wanted you to be as comfortable as you could be through this painful experience and you wanted to drown in the sound of music. Hopefully it'd help you drown out your own screams.

You were following directions from your DDD to find the place this would all take place in. You walked in silence with music filling your head. Eventually it seemed that Samuel woke up.

'I'll miss you.' he said. You turned off the music and removed your headphones.

"Me too. I'll miss everyone actually."

'Did you get your closure?'

"I did. These months were some of my happiest."

'You're going to leave a mark y'know?'

"I know. Funny, before I thought my existence wasn't all that important. That if I died right now no one would care, but I guess I was wrong. This is one of the few times I'm glad that I wasn't right."

'If you do die, at least you won't have to worry about anything anymore.'

"That's true...I'm a little bit scared of where I'll end up though."

'That's fair. Despite the whole, 'Heaven' and 'hell' thing, I believe that whatever someone believes in that's what'll happen to them. Like if you believe in reincarnation that's what will happen. What do you believe happens after death?'

"That's a really loaded question. I'd have to say that I think we just join the void that is space. I heard once, somewhere, I don't remember where, but I heard humans were made up of stardust. Or, that we have stardust within us. So maybe when we die our body returns from where it came from and we turn into stars again."

'That's quite a beautiful way to look at it. Sort of like returning to your 'home' of sorts.'

"Yeah." You walked in silence for a while. The scenery had soon changed from a city to a forest. The sound of leaves and branches crunching under your feet filled the forests. There weren't any animals in the forest so it was eerily quiet. Eventually you found a clearing of sorts. It wasn't really a clearing, it was this circular area that was surrounded by trees. Looking up you saw that the moon lined up perfectly and the moonlight lit up the area. There was a deep pond, the water was clear and dark.

'I wonder how people swim in the devildom without being scared.'

In the middle of this pond there was another bit of land. It was big enough for you to lay on and there was a bridge attaching the two pieces of land. You looked around and saw that Solomon, Grisella, Bucky, Barbatos, and Diavolo were there. You wondered why Barbatos was there.

"Y/N, it's time." Grisella said as she held your hands. You looked at her straight in the eyes and nodded.

"I'm ready." Grisella pulled you into a hug and Bucky joined you. You felt his arms wrap around you and your grandma. It was nice to just stand like this, but you couldn't do it for long. They pulled away and moved to the side so Diavolo and Barbatos could have a moment with you.

"Diavolo, Barbatos, it's lovely to see you here." You said.

"I wish I could say the same." Diavolo said with a frown. Barbatos had his usual smile but it wasn't the same.

"C'mon, bring it in." You held your arms out. Diavolo quickly ran into them and hugged you. You held out your hand for Barbatos to take, when he did you pulled him into the hug. They pulled away after a minute or two, and you turned to Solomon.

"So today is the day."

"It sure is." Solomon agreed.

"Just try your best."

"I will." You hugged him.

"Alright, Y/N, just walk over the bridge and lay down on the blankets we've set out." Grisella pointed towards the bridge. You nodded and began walking over the bridge. The wooden boards creaked as you stepped on them. As you laid yourself down on the blankets you saw Grisella, Bucky, and Barbatos positioning themselves around the land you were on. They were still on the other side of the bridge but you assumed it was for chanting a spell. You laid down, popped in your earbuds and started the music.

'You have ten minutes starting now.' You closed your eyes and yelled out, "Ten minutes." That had been your agreed upon signal.

"Alright, Diavolo, get to hammering." Grisella ordered. Solomon casted the spell to keep the diamond in place and Diavolo got the hammer. As the first pangs of pain hit you, you turned the music up louder.

'Goodbye Samuel. Goodbye Y/N.'


MC hit their alarm clock to try and shut it up. They set it on snooze but when their alarm rang again, they unplugged it and got up. They rolled around and stretched in their bed before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Their hunt for finding your birth date was proving to be unsuccessful. Nevertheless they wouldn't be discouraged. They took a shower, brushed their teeth and got dressed. They did their hair and stepped out of the bathroom. Their room was a mess, as it usually was when their mental health wasn't at its best. They got to cleaning it all up.

They stuffed the dirty clothes into the laundry basket, or as they liked to call it, "garbage can for clothes." They picked up the trash on the floor and tossed it into the garbage can. They made their bed and reorganized their shelves. They eventually got to their desk. There they noticed something they hadn't seen earlier. It was a golden brass ball necklace. They saw a note next to it. They put on the necklace and picked up the note.

Dear MC,

You've been a very close friend of mine, and we've had our ups and downs but as my time draws to an end I just want you to know that I love you. I'm sure you know how exactly I love you, and I don't need to explain myself there. I hope you go on to have a happy fulfilling life. You deserve it. I also hope that Mammon hurries up and proposes already. Seriously, he loves you so much and we both know it. It's funny how he thinks he can hide his emotions. I will say, he seems like a catch and I'm sure he is. I wish I could've been at your wedding...maybe I will be, but I might not. Just know that if the latter is true, then I wish you a happy marriage.

(If you get married, that is, I'm sure you will but eh, you never know, do you?)

If there's any advice I'd give you, it's to live your life to the fullest. Life is a lot shorter for us. Try new things, go to different places too.

I've given you this locket of sorts, I guess that's sort of my thing, huh? I gave you a locket for your birthday and now I'm giving you another one...for my death day(?) I hope you like it. Inside you'll find some information that you've been dying to get your hands on for years. I also provided an explanation for it. I hope you liked the gift I got you and I hope you have a happy life moving forward.

–love, Y/N

MC realized what this meant. Everyone had known the day was near but they didn't know the exact day. They decided not to linger on it for too long.

"Relax MC, you don't know what the outcome is yet and there's no use causing a mass panic. If anything happens, they'll tell you eventually." They said to themselves. And if they didn't...then they had practically a whole army that could demand answers. They took the brass ball in their hands and opened it up gently. Inside were a few pieces of paper and a little grape charm. MC raised an eyebrow wondering what that could mean. They unfolded the pieces of paper and began reading. birthday is on XX/XX/XXXX. Now you're probably wondering why I'm just now telling you this and the reason behind the abrupt end to my birthday parties.'s sort of petty. When it was my tenth birthday, no one was paying attention to me and all the attention was on you. Little kid me was jealous of that. I threw a fit and everything but still no one looked at me. I swore to never have another birthday party ever again. I regret that now.

The reason I'm telling you this now is because we've started over, and you deserved to know. I never told you before because I was still jealous and holding onto the past. I've moved on now. And if I'm still alive then you have my full permission to throw me a birthday party.

(P.S. I threw in the grape charm because I remember when we were kids that you said you loved grape flavored candy. Still a better choice than basic blue raspberry and cherry :P)

MC held the pieces of paper tightly. They knew when your birthday was, and you still cared. They wouldn't have guessed you'd remember so far back. They sniffled and took a deep breathe.

"Y/N, I hope you're ok. I hope you're alive."


Mammon was surprised when he saw MC show up at his door early in the morning. Usually he'd go over to their room or they'd meet up in the hallway to get breakfast. He'd obviously let them in and now they were sitting on the couch, staring at the box. Mammon hadn't noticed the shining box when he got up, he was drowsy and walking to the door. They both sat there staring.

"Open it." MC said.

"Why? This box showed up out of nowhere, what if it's cursed?"

"Fine. Then I'll open it." They began reaching for it when Mammon stopped them.

"Wait! Not to be rude but you remember what happened to Y/N when they opened a box they shouldn't have, right?"


"I'll open it." Mammon hesitantly grabbed the box. He opened it excruciatingly slowly, he was looking away and closing his eyes. When he'd fully opened the lid he looked back down. Inside there was a magic eight ball, notes, a black diamond bracelet, and a credit card. Mammon was over the moon with that last one. "Woah, I wonder who this is from."


"How'd ya know?"

"They gave me this." MC pointed to the necklace they were wearing. "Read the notes. You don't have to tell me what it says but I think you should read it."

"Ok." Mammon opened up the note and began reading.

Hello Mammon, I hope this letter finds you in good health. I just wanted to explain a few things. You're probably wondering why I gave you this box, well, I decided to get everyone a farewell present. Seeing as I'm not sure I'll survive tonight. But hey! You'll finally get me out of your life! I'm just joking of course. So, I got the box because it looked nice, I'm sure you can pawn it or something. However I got you the eight ball because it could help you make decisions. Just ask it a question and shake the ball to get an answer. I used to use these a lot when I debated if an idea or plan was any good. I hope it helps you make better money choices.

You have my credit card as promised. The other papers are just the information and all that. I also made sure to write in my will just in case. As you can see I also gave you a bracelet. You gave me my first "just because" present and I figured I'd do the same. It's made up entirely of black diamonds–no it's not cursed you silly–your bracelet reminded me of you and I figured this would remind you of me too. You can keep the present–or don't! It's entirely up to you.

(P.S. WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO PROPOSE TO MC!? You already got a ring, get down on one knee! Also, when you get married, if I'm dead I want you to put a picture of me in one of the seats at the very front.)


Well you were straightforward as always. Mammon did appreciate the presents, and your advice. He did wonder if you were truly dead, you could be. It was a weird thing to think.

"Can I keep the note? I was thinking that if Y/N did die and if they did leave notes, we could get a big frame and put them in there to keep the notes safe."

"Sure, I think that's a good idea." Mammon handed MC the note. They folded it and placed it inside their locket.

"Do...Do you think they died?"

"I don't know. For now, let's stay optimistic." Mammon placed his arm around MC and pulled them close.

Meanwhile the twins had woken up and found their presents waiting for them. Belphie unboxed a cute snow globe. Instead of the usual christmas scenery it had the milky way galaxy inside. Belphie knew that galaxy well, it was the one you lived in. He placed it on top of his dresser. It glowed and illuminated his side of the room, just a little. He was reading his note on his bed.

Belphie, if you're reading this and I'm dead, I'm sorry. I wonder if it would've been better if we hadn't fallen in love, maybe then it would hurt less. I love you. You made my world so much brighter just by existing. I'll miss you, and a part of my heart will always belong to you. I hope you like the present I got you. It's too bad we never got to go stargazing in the human world. Do me a favor and take Karasu. Speaking of which, you know how sentimental he is–

Belphie didn't finish reading. He threw the letter angrily. "How could they be talking like they're already dead! Did our relationship mean nothing!? If they are willing to accept death that easily!?" Belphie yelled out. He got off his bed and ran up to the attic where he locked himself in. Beel had a shocked look on his face. He never expected Belphie to react like that. At least he hadn't broken the snow globe, Beel knew that if he had, he would have regretted it.

Beel decided to let Belphie cool off. He made sure to grab the letter to keep it safe. Beel knew he'd want to read the rest of it later. Beel looked at his presents. He put on the hat, watch and ring. He liked them, and he liked this Winnie the Pooh character. He'd make sure to ask Lucifer or Karasu about him.

Beel, we may have had a bit of a rough start but I still consider you my friend. I forgive everything that has happened in the past. I loved the look of sheer happiness you'd have whenever I'd share my food with you. I regret not being able to expose you to more food from the human realm. If you're wondering who Winnie the Pooh is, he's a bear. A yellow bear that wears a red shirt–no pants–and has a honey addiction. You never see him without honey and he's always hungry. I'm sure you can see the comparisons.

But that's not it. Both of you are gentle and caring. You look after your loved one too. You're like a friendly giant. I also have to add that you're as strong as a bear too. Cute yet dangerous. I hope you stay the way you are. I wish I could see you wearing the hat, I bet you look amazing!

–Your dearest friend Y/N

Beel certainly took it a lot better than Belphie did. He couldn't help but smile as he read your letter. Knowing that you thought of him as cute, friendly, gentle and strong made him happy. He looked back up at the globe. He hoped Belphie would come back eventually. Just as he was about to leave his room, MC and Mammon came in.

"Hey, did you open your presents from Y/N?" MC asked. They sounded out of breathe so he guessed they ran over.

"Yeah, in fact I'm wearing them right now." Beel pointed to his gifts.

"Oh! Winnie the Pooh...yeah I can see that." MC said with a smile. "Anyway, do you have the letters? We wanted to frame them to preserve them."

"Yeah, I have mine, but I think Belphie should keep his for now." Beel handed MC his letter. "He began reading, got upset and tossed it to the side. I'm sure right now he's up in the attic."

"Oh no. I guess he would be taking it the hardest." MC said.

"I hope he feels better soon. We should take him some breakfast later. Give him time to cool down so he doesn't lash out at us." Mammon said. The others agreed. The decided to go get Belphie something from Hell's kitchen, and grab a few other things. They also decided to get the frame now.

Hey Asmo! How's the world's most beautiful person in the world doing? I hope you're not worrying too much about me, I'll be fine. I will miss being blessed with your presence everyday though! Heh, but in all seriousness, I hope you're doing fine. If I do die, and you do miss me (because I'll definitely miss you) just know it's ok to cry. You could probably look good while crying, couldn't be me. Even if we didn't talk that much, I feel like I can say that you're a good person.

You deserve love and I feel like you don't get enough of it. You get admiration, and people do get with you but they don't seem to really love you. Love is a whole different thing and I'm sure you know that. However, you know your siblings love you and so does Solomon, but maybe you should try to express those emotions. Self advocate you know? I see how sometimes you look at other couples showing genuine affection and love and you have this longing look in your eyes.

I hope someday you will find the one, or ones. I loved you as a friend. I appreciate your attempts to cheer me up. You are a caring person and that's what, in my opinion, truly makes you beautiful. I hope you have a life full of love.

Now, about the gifts. The little closet like thing is to keep your jewelry. Now you won't have to untangle your necklaces everytime you want to wear one! I recommend you use the brush for decoration. It looks nice, but I found it in an antique store and I don't think you should use it on your hair. I don't think ANYONE should use it on their hair. As for the compact mirror, I fought an old lady. Yeah, she tried taking it so I elbowed her. Not my proudest moment but you're worth it!


Asmo swore he wanted to cry, no one had ever told him that before. Well, he wanted to cry and laugh, the thought of you elbowing someone to get him a gift was hilarious. And weirdly heartwarming. He traced his fingers over the embroidery, it felt nice. He knew the underlying message these gifts carried, he decided to distract himself by organizing his jewelry like he'd been meaning too. He stuffed the letter in a drawer for safe keeping and got to work.

Soft music poured out of the cracks in Levi's bedroom door. He was curled up on the floor with the music coming from the record player. He found this one to be interesting. It was in a briefcase. The music played as Levi read and reread your letter. If you really were gone, he'd miss you so much. He didn't know what he would do, he'd probably fall into despair. His friend and lover, gone in a blink of an eye.

My sweet Levi, I hate having to go. I know that there is a very slim chance that I'll live, but I'd rather prepare you for the most likely outcome. I wish I could kiss you just once more, hug you and cuddle you. I love you, and I always will. I never got to finish TSL, which is obviously a shame, leaving this world without having finished the series could be enough to be considered a sin, don't you think?

At least you won't be alone. You have your family, and you have Karasu too. He's your friend now. I hate having to leave you, I was your Henry after all. If it was up to me I would have been with you till I turned gray and old. You don't have to isolate yourself, Karasu likes the same things you do. I'm sure you can work together to overcome anything. I also leave Jeff in your care. I trust that you're the most fit to look after him. Funny, it's almost like he's our kid. I bet you'd made a great dad!

Remember the nights that we'd listen to music together? Those were some of my most calming nights. I also fell asleep rather easily too. I feel like I can't stress this enough, I'll miss you. I love you. I hope this doesn't discourage you from falling in love again in the future. We just had bad luck. Maybe we'll meet again, I don't know how or when, but I can feel it.

–Love, Y/N

Levi let out a sob as he cried while laying on the floor. He already missed you so much. He was wearing the hoodie you'd given him a while ago. Jeff was licking his face to try to make his dad feel better. Levi just hugged Jeff and wallowed in his sorrows. He didn't even know if you had died but like you said, it's better he prepares himself now. Let go of that bit of hope and accept what could be reality.

Satan watched as the black cat clock moved its eyes and tail from side to side. The soft clicks of the clock were the only thing that could be heard other than the fan. Satan had read your letter, and soon after he'd managed to fill about ten pages of the thick book. His hand cramped and he decided to take a break. He placed the book holder on himself and stuffed a few books in between. Now he was having a staring contest with the clock. Which was hard because the cat would never look at him. He sighed and looked down at the teal amulet he held in his hands.

He flipped it over and over in his hand. He was thinking about what would happen now. Sure, it wasn't confirmed that you'd died, but you sounded so sure that you did. He wondered what he'd do now. He felt lost and a little hopeless. He could hear the rain outside as it hit the roof. It was getting heavy but it matched his mood, and the mood of the day. He decided that breakfast could wait a little longer and he got back under his sheets. He clutched the amulet tightly and close to his chest as he began to drift.

Lucifer held the little bunny in his hands. In comparison to him, it was tiny. It lacked one eye and the other was just a black button. Its fur was beige with some red thrown in there. The inner ear was red, and it had a red heart on its chest. It was cute. Lucifer had not yet fully gotten out of bed, your gift was the first thing he saw when he woke up. He had the old wooden music box next to him. He cranked the arm and when he let go the music started playing. It played the song 'You Are My Sunshine'. It wasn't a song he'd ever heard before, but it felt like it described his situation.

The song was about how the singer's significant other was like their sunshine, the second verse was what really got him. The singer talked about how they dreamed they were hugging their significant other only to awake and see that it wasn't real. If you were really dead, then that would be his reality. He had to hand it to you, you knew how to pick out gifts. He got ready for the day, at least one of the siblings here had to be functional. However, in this situation Mammon would be better suited for that job.


In the Moon household, it wasn't much better. Bella was crying to her parents, along with the twins. They loved the gifts, but your notes, even if you expressed how much you cared and loved them, it still sounded like you died. Their parents tried their best and told them that you were just preparing them in case. In the end they really didn't know what had taken place and that they shouldn't jump to conclusions.

Clair decided to try and ease the tension by making some cookies. She used the cookie cutters to make the cookies into fun shapes. While the cookies were baking she decided to make a few calls. She made plans to meet up at the House of Laminations, with Lucifer's permission of course, and invited everyone in Purgatory Hall. She also called Barbatos to ask what the deal was. He told her they'd tell them later that day. She informed them of the meet up and Barbatos said that it was perfect.

When the cookies were done, Clair pulled them out to chill. Karasu was still locked up in his room. He didn't want to come down and he preferred to sleep because at least there he could escape his problems. Somnia was making some breakfast as well. He couldn't sleep much last night, but he appreciated your effort. The llama was cute too, and fluffy. He gave Shiva his breakfast. Usually Shiva looked semi decent in the morning but right now he just looked rough. Though, they could cut him some slack.

"You want to go get Karasu or should I?" Clair asked her brother.

"You go. I'll guard the cookies and give everyone else their breakfast." Somnia said.

"Ok." Clair made her way up the stairs, down the hall and stopped in front of Karasu's room. She knocked first before bargaining in. Clair walked over to the lever and pulled it to bring Karasu down. Once the bed was low enough for her to sit down, she walked over and sat next to her brother. He was still laying under the sheets. Clair could see slight movement, and hear quiet weeps. Clair rubbed her brother's back.

"Karasu, you gotta come down to eat." She urged.

"I don't wanna..."

"Please? I know this is tough but we don't really know what happened."

"Don't give me hope. The last thing I want is to be let down." He sniffled.

"Well, we'll save you some food for when you want to eat. I made some cookies too. Also, we'll be going to the House of Lamentations later today. That's where they'll give us the news."

"Ok. I'll be ready by then." Clair left Karasu alone and headed back downstairs. She told everyone else about the plans for the day and they got to work. After they ate, they got to cleaning. Cleaning is a great way to distract yourself. They cleaned the whole house, scrubbed top to bottom. Some went outside to work on the garden. Macy, Clair, and Somnia were all in the kitchen making food and desserts to take over to the dorms. They weren't the only ones though.

Once everyone had gotten news of the plans, they got to work too. Luke started baking in the kitchen with Simeon's help. Lucifer ordered one half of the family to clean and the other to cook. During all this, MC had their own little mission. They took the letter you'd written for Belphie and stomped their way up to the attic.

"BELPHI!" They screamed.

"What do you want?" Belphie asked from his attic room.

"I just want you to finish reading the letter! You didn't read it all! You don't know what it says!" They waved the letter around angrily.

"I don't want to know. They're already talking like they're gonna die. It's like they gave up on me..." He weeped.

"They weren't giving up on you! Don't you remember that breaking the diamond causes them physical pain? As far as I know, they had the option of having a painless death, don't you think they would've preferred that? I guess that you're actually mad about them not telling you that yesterday was their last day...and that's understandable. You don't feel like you got a proper goodbye, and that's valid. Just know that they did fight for you, they fought for all of us in their own way. Anyway, I'll leave this here in case you do want to read it." MC set the letter down on a box and walked back downstairs to help out. Belphie sat up and looked at the letter, before he got up and grabbed it to finish what he started.


It was later in the evening now. Everyone had arrived and brought along with them their homemade dishes. The kids quickly pooled into the living room. The twins had brought their Betty Boop dvds and put them on. Bella and Luke were having fun playing with their tamagotchis. Lucifer, Clair, and Somnia were dealing with the things in the kitchen. MC and Mammon were helping with looking after the kids. Karasu was upstairs with Belphie, they were both comforting each other.

Everyone was sort of doing their own thing. Barbatos, Grisella, Bucky, Diavolo, and Solomon had yet to arrive, and everyone was getting restless. The kids soon fell asleep. They decided that no matter what the outcome was, it was best to stay together. They moved Bell, Luke, and the twins into Purgatory hall since there were more rooms in there. Now that just left the adults in the house. Karasu and Belphie had finally come down and ate. Levi was playing with Jeff and made sure to feed him.

The twins had left behind the dvds so they put them on again so they could all watch. They waited for a few more hours when the doorbell finally rang. Everyone was relieved, until they were filled with dread. Lucifer opened the door and let the group in. Everyone said their hellos before they got down to business. Before that, Grisella and Bucky went upstairs to Y/N's room. No one had gone in there yet. It was a pretty big indicator of what happened, but they still hoped.

Diavolo looked at Barbatos for some guidance. "Just rip the bandaid off." Barbatos said. Diavolo took a deep breath, nodded and looked at the group. Maintaining eye contact was hard.

"It pains me to say this but, Y/N is dead." 

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