Descendants Of The Moonlight

By _flawlesss

652 16 3

A hundred years old clan (Luna Clan) got slaughtered by an unknown gang for an unknown reason. Akiro Luna, wh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 43

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By _flawlesss

"Run faster, Eliza!" Elizabeth's fist reached Blaze's face, "Don't order me! I just had injuries by that demon birds!"

Flows guided Elizabeth to climb up the broken ladder heading the way underground. Blaze just sighed and held Elizabeth's hands, "I can't believe simple birds defeated you,"

"Then let's swap our places that time! There's even a barrier that prevents Akiro to touch me, damn that Blades Ace! That's why I don't want to go!" They all finally reached the secret third floor and walked towards the small hole, that way, they would get the underground way.

"This is what Reihan said he had a bad feeling about this," Frost recalled what Reihan told him.

Elizabeth nodded aggressively while they were walking, "Ah damn it! Damn that Kaorujimaaaa!!" 

Blaze entered the small hole first, followed by Frost, Elizabeth, and finally Flows.

"I didn't know you had nice booty, Frost-kun" Elizabeth and Blaze chuckled, "Stop being a pervert, Eliza!!" Frost was red as tomatoes right now, he just continued crawling and finally reached the first floor of the underground. 

"Here they are..." Blaze stretched his arms and let a fire show there, "Let's waste no time" 

"Stop them!!!" Night Owl men shouted and moved to stop the Second Division from going to the basement where Akiro was tied up. Frost stepped forward and spread his cold ice all over the hallway, this caused the men to stop moving as their foot and body was stuck in the ice. "What's this?!?!"

The second division continued walking and had already two stairs that they passed to go down, they went to a wide and dark place, and at the end of there was a hallway again. The pace of the second division slowed down when they saw one shadow at the end of this vast area. 

"Who's that again?" Flows can see hazily the face of the shadows, "It's approaching us," Frost got prepared. 

"What can we do for you, visitors?" It was...

"Kaorujima?" Elizabeth can finally see the face of the walking shadow, "It's you that planned it all along, tch!" Elizabeth got annoyed. 

"I'll handle this, all of you, get Akiro" Blaze looked at Kaorujima's emotionless eyes, it's empty, "How can you be sure that... you can handle me alone?"

"I'm just trusting my senior words!" Blaze smiled brightly, "He said even a child can knock you down, so I'm trusting I can kill you effortlessly!" Kaorujima breathes out, "May I have the name of your senior?"

"Oh, it's Seijoh, have you heard his name already? I know you have" He chuckled, Kaorujima clenched his fist but tried to calm down. He stroked his hair and loosen up his necktie, "Well that senior of yours know nothing, he focused on what should be forgotten"

Frost held Elizabeth and Flows' hand, he was in the middle of them, "Leave it to him," Frost ice wrapped their waists and brought them to the end of this vast place, they immediately ran and left Blaze alone with Kaorujima.

Frost, Flows, and Elizabeth was running fast down to the wide and dark hallway when they heard an explosion and made smoke.

The three coughed and looked at the two shadows that were slowly approaching them, "We met again, Frost"

Frost walked forward, "Liarji..." He smirked, he's right, it's the man he fought back in Himitsu mountain. "Yellow! Long time no see!!" 

Elizabeth and Flows' eyes shrank, it was Canary. This ain't a big deal to them, this is a piece of cake. 

"Don't mind that, Flowers, go to that idiot Akiro now" Elizabeth smiled and took off her earrings, "I will"

Flows were about to run and leave Canary and Menji to Frost and Elizabeth when a sudden wind blow her away, it was as if the wind pushed her. 

Flows almost fell, when she opened her eyes, she was surprised when Night Owl's assassin suddenly appeared in front of Elizabeth. 

Flows lost her voice when she saw Sandrinally appear out of nowhere, it's fast, she's fast, it feels like she just teleported. 

Sandrina's left arm was on Elizabeth's shoulder. Elizabeth's apricot eyes looked at Sandrina's Dichroic Eyes., Sandrina's eyes screams killing. 

She was waiting for this moment, the moment they meet again. It took her seven months to see her again after receiving an order to kill Elizabeth, even if their boss didn't order it, she will still do it. 

Killing Elizabeth, killing the woman she can't touch before.

"You want revenge, Sandy?" 

"I'll ask it back to you for I stab your beloved Flows" Elizabeth scoffs and looked at the light behind Sandrina on the ceiling. She immediately manipulate it and used it to push Sandrina away. 

Canary and Flows stepped back, the light was so strong that it sent Sandrina away. 

"Then my punch back then wasn't enough," Elizabeth stretched her arms.

Sandrina stopped and remained standing, "I expect this to come," she stamped her feet and jumped toward Elizabeth, it was fast, Canary and Flows' eyes can't catch up to her speed. 

Elizabeth's rotated her right hand from left to right and spread the light from the ceiling, she thought it can send Sandrina away again but Sandrina was faster and moved her hand to cut Elizabeth's cheek using her blade. 

If Elizabeth hadn't averted her head, she has no doubt that her head had been cut off at Sandrina's speed already, Elizabeth found out, her opponent had changed. 

Flows tried to grab the opportunity to find Akiro but Canary saw her and kicked her back, Flows instantly became aware and stepped back. Canary tried to hit her three times, but Flows kept stepping back. She spun her left foot and hit Canary's head. 

Sandrina slit Elizabeth's flank area, "Ah!" 

Sandrina thought she finally got Elizabeth, she kicked her stomach which made Elizabeth fall. Sandrina was about to punch Elizabeth's face but she stopped, she looked at Elizabeth's face.

"Do it, let's see who's faster" Elizabeth lifted her brows as Sandrina's fist was wanting to land on her face while her right foot was pointed to Sandrina's nape. Basically, she was lying and her right foot was lifted and she was doing a front split while lying. 

"Heuh," Sandrina whispered and continued to punch Elizabeth. 

"Tch, fool" Elizabeth pushed Sandrina's body away when it fell to her body for that Sandrina lost consciousness when Elizabeth's toe smack her nape. "And that's how my thirty minutes got wasted, hmmm" 

Elizabeth looked at Flows who was carrying Canary's body, "Oh? She slept too?" She approached Flows and looked at Canary. 

"Why are you carrying her?" Elizabeth asked, "She lost consciousness when I punched her throat hard, hmmm..." 

"That girl is weak, Sandrina didn't fall asleep when I punched her throat back then" 

"But I... accidentally... slammed her head to the wall..." Elizabeth went 'ooh' and sighed, "She lacks training if that so"

"Don't say that, let's just fetch Aki" Elizabeth sighed, Flows always care even for an enemy. Elizabeth has this intuition that Flows' cause of death someday will be her caring, it's a fool reason to die. 

And Elizabeth won't let that happen, never. 


"Why are they this fast? They're tired, you know" Yoda's eyebrows curled, "Except for Sandrina-san," Seven said, almost a murmured.

"Baria was tired too, old man. Why do you even need to abduct me? This won't happen if you abduct someone's deserving, " Akiro sighed.

'Why do they have to waste their time here?! I'm such a nuisance again!!!! I hate them! They shouldn't save me! I shouldn't bring them a problem!!!! They shouldn't come here!' Akiro sighed, he screamed a lot on his mind.

"We abduct you because we need to, and don't call me old man, you're even older than me," Akiro's ear jumped, 'Seven... he's Seven right? He's tall and masculine... how could I be older than him? He looked like the same age as Frost-san!'

Akiro looked at the door when he heard an explosion, he was worried. This shouldn't be happening, how could his Sunday be this worse?

Akiro got alarmed again when he heard a loud noise, he doesn't know what was happening. 

'Kaorujima's plan and effort will be wasted if they succeed to get me, will their Boss continue his original plan?'

"Two people, I'll head off" Seven stated and without delay left the dark room as he saw two people on his mind, approaching them. 

"Now, now, I'm alone, guarding you. I shouldn't have come here, what a bother," Akiro glanced at Yoda who lit her cigarette again, "Your ability was the same as an eagle, right?" He asked while there was one after another explosion.

'I remember how mad she is when Seijoh-san and Dazed-san mocked her'

"And then?"

"Eagle was cool, why are you mad when-"

"I only have good eyes, nothing much, satisfy? Next question? Nothing? Then shut up" He was looking at her, she's not bothered by the noises outside. 

Akiro was about to sigh again when the ground shook and the walls started to crack, the door broke and showed the outside hallway. It was covered by ice, but it disappear when a fire spread. 

'Frost... Blaze...'

"What the heck is this? Are they trying to burn the whole HQ?" Yoda stood up and stood beside Akiro, "They're trying to kill you, what about it?" She chuckled. 

"And you"

"Let me guess, it's Blaze? Hm... he's my type, wish he chose to be a model, so I can be with him" 

'How could she talk about that when we're actually dying because of the fire?'

"I guess my kids are fine, they have Canary"

Yoda kicked the burning wood that was about to fall on her and Akiro, "Tch" They both coughed when the fire started to spread, and tree roots suddenly spread the whole area too. "What... are they doing?" Akiro uttered in low voice. 

He looked at Yoda who's enduring the smoke and heat, she's serious about guarding him even though she can die. 

On the other hand, Kaorujima and Blaze were full of bruises and wounds, and none of them win yet. Blaze accidentally spread his fire all over the underground. Blaze got Kaorujima's neck now while Kaorujima got Blaze's flank area. 

They both pointed their blade at each other.

Canary and Sandrina woke up from the fire and followed Elizabeth and Flows. Frost and Menji are still warfarin, Frost lost a lot of blood because of Menji's lies now. Menji was freezing to death earlier until the fire spreads, everything is a mess now. 

Elizabeth used his two-finger, moved them in a circle three times to manipulate the light of the fire, and use it to push Seven, Canary, and Sandrina away. "I'll kill you, Blaze!!!!!!!!!!!" 

"Free me, Yoda!"

Yoda didn't respond, "Yoda!!! untie me!!!!" Yoda didn't respond again, Akiro was frustrated, he coughed as the smoke got bigger, "Yoda!!" 

Akiro tried to break the chains around his hands and feet but he can't, he was just hurting himself. Akiro didn't stop trying to break the iron chain, his wrist and feet are already bleeding. 

'I can't believe Kaoru was right, Akiro was really an idiot' Yoda sighed and just let Akiro do as he wants.

"Yoda!! Both of us will die here! Do you hear me? Untie me!!!" 

Akiro got mad and released his Clauis, Yoda was amazed by it. She didn't know Akiro got these things, he's indeed amazing. He deserves to be abducted, he got amazing abilities. 

Akiro broke the chain on his left first and broke the rest, "I won't let you escape"

"Are you dumb?! We'll be toasted as bread if we stay here!! What's Blaze-san doing, why did Frost-san let this happen?" Akiro tried to run but Yoda grab his wrist, "You're going nowhere"


"AKIRO!!! ESCAPE NOW AND RUN WITH US BEFORE BLAZE KILL US!!" Akiro stopped for a moment when he heard Elizabeth's voice, "Elisan..."

Akiro instantaneously pushed Yoda and run to the door, he doesn't want to be a burden anymore. Once he got out of this, it was over. 

"Elisan!" He called her when she got out of the room, he looked at Flows and Elizabeth who got wounds on their faces, facing their three opponent. Flows smiled as he saw Akiro safe and fine, but her smile faded as he looked at Akiro's wrist and feet.

"Let's get out already!" Elizabeth shouted after she kicked Canary. Akiro was about to run to Flows and Elizabeth's direction when he saw Yoda inside the room. 

His eyes widened as he saw Yoda stuck on a burning tree root that fell to her, he remembered how he pushed Yoda. 

He wasted no time and run towards the administrative, "Do you have depression to commit suicide?!" Akiro shouted and tried to remove the burning tree roots. 

Both Elizabeth, Flows, Canary, Sandrina, and Seven were shocked as Akiro came back inside the room, "AKI?!" Flows wanted to follow him but Canary immediately punched her face. 

"Do you think I will be here if you didn't push me?! Stupid!! I will kill you even if Kaorujima gets mad at me!" Yoda shouted while glaring at him, "You won't be there if you didn't stop me! Ouch!"

"Stupid! It's hot! My god! Why are you even coming back here?! Are you trying to be a hero?!" Akiro didn't stop trying to remove the roots. 

"I have to care! I won't be deserving to be in the agency if I'm not a kind man- no! a caring man at least!" Yoda's left cheek wrinkled, "What?! Are you stupid or Idiot or dumb?"

"I'm not like that! I'm trying to help you, can't you see?!"

"if you weren't stupid, you would have used your big sword from the very beginning to get me out of here," Akiro slapped his forehead, "Ah! I'm stupid!" 

After Akiro cut the tree roots, Yoda finally gets out of it and stood up, Akiro was shocked when Yoda suddenly hit his neck and made him fall to the ground. 

She stepped to Akiro's chest and pointed her heels' tip to Akiro's chin, she took off her blade from his back and pointed it to Akiro, "You have my thank-"

"YODA!!" Akiro can't speak a single word when there's a tree root strangled Yoda's neck and throw him to the wall, making her head bleed. 


"She'll be fine, come on" Akiro nodded and stood up to get Flows' hand. Flows let Akiro run first to help Elizabeth and looked at Yoda again, "What are you looking at?!"

"I can't believe you killed your friends back then because of enviousness,"

Flows left.... she left Yoda speechless. Yoda thought she will mention how Akiro helped her but in return, she punched him and tried to kill him but no... what does it mean?

'That incident was literally almost eight months ago? Why is she bringing it back? What about it? Is she... fool? I really can't understand the Baria Soldier Agency employees'

"What did you do, idiot?!" Elizabeth hit Akiro's head. Akiro scratched his head, they were just blind and left their opponent behind. 

"I think you two did too much, I can still hear their voices," Flows uttered worriedly, she can't get over Canary and Sandrina's screams, she's sure that their eyes wouldn't be fine after that. 

Sandrina hit Flows' head too, "You two! You two will really die because of your recklessness!" 

Flows and Akiro just smiled awkwardly, "Now, let's go back to Blaze, Frost went there too with Menji" 

Akiro saw Elizabeth and Flows, catching their breaths. He saw their wounds and bruises, fighting Sandrina and Canary must be so hard for them. 

Add the fact that Seven was there, "I'll carry you two,"

"Huh?" Flows asked, Elizabeth hugged Akiro, she didn't speak anymore, "Eliza?"

"I'm tired, come on, let him carry us," Flows was embarrassed, "This is my sorry for giving problem"


Elizabeth and Flows were both stupefied as Akiro ran faster than the light, they just forgot that Akiro had this ability. 

Akiro stopped when they arrived at Frost and Blaze's place, "What... is this..." 

Flows and Elizabeth can't speak too, the three of them lost their voices as they saw Blaze and Frost showering in blood. 

"Their... opponent... should be two... only... why is..." Akiro looked at Kaorujima who was controlling the chain in Blaze's neck, he looked at Menji who was just looking at them. 

And Akiro looked at the third person, looking at them with a grin, "Yo, Akkun!" 

"This can't be... why... why Euri was here?" 

"Euri was strong, sure the twins got beaten by Kaorujima and Menji with his help... this could be the reason why Blaze spreads the fire," Elizabeth whispered. 

Frost looked at Akiro, then looked at Blaze, "Idiot... Akiro will see you uncool," Frost whispered, "Damn... Euri," Blaze murmured and turned the whole headquarters into hell, like literally a hell. 

"Blaze!" Flows wanted to approach Blaze but Elizabeth stopped her, they need to get out of here, the place are getting hotter and hotter and they can't stand the heat anymore, "You're killing Frost!" Flows uttered.

"Eusan, get Moonlight," Euri lifted his brows, "The audacity of you to order me around?" Euri walked towards Akiro's place... Elizabeth and Flows immediately covered him. 

"Hand him to me," 

"Over my dead, expensive, pretty, and fabulous body, I won't," Elizabeth's eyes shrank, Euri laughed. 

"I'll have him-" 

Both Elizabeth, Flows, and Euri was stunned when Akiro moved fast, their eyes didn't catch up to him, they only saw him when he stopped in front of Kaorujima and punched his face. 

Kaorujima... flew and went to the wall, "Untie your chain... to him," Akiro's eyes were darkened, no jokes can be seen, he was dying in frustration. "UNCHAIN HIM!!!!!!!!"

'Blaze was out of his mind, he'll kill his twin if he didn't stop. Till he's chained by this man, he won't stop the fire'

"This fool," Menji walked and tried to grab Akiro but his heart skipped a beat when Akiro looked at him with his darkened eyes, Akiro moved his hand and slit Menji's chest with Clauis. 

Menji's blood... spit to Akiro's face, "Kaorujima... Un...chain...him..." Akiro hardly uttered, he was trying his best to calm his self down. Kaorujima was speechless, he watched Menji kneel and showered in his own blood. 

"Menji..." Euri ran to Menji who was getting pale, Euri tried to grab Akiro too but he glared at him, "Unchain... Blaze..."

Akiro can't feel the heat anymore, it's inside him already. He saw Frost and Flows lost consciousness because of the heat of Blaze's fire, "I will kill you all, unchain Blaze"

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