Romeo and Juliet| l.h

By kimberlynicole_x

226K 6.2K 393

-currently on hold- Winona Emily Gilmore, she's the other Gilmore. At the age of 16, Lorelei Gilmore gave bi... More

→winona emily gilmore
→act one - season three
[one: college boys]
[two: head out of the gutter]
[three: yale, not harvard]
[four: dove]
[five: pretty good]
[six: thanksgiving part one]
[seven: thanksgiving part two]
[eight: i will always love you]
[nine: golden retriever stuffie]
[ten: labor]
[eleven: are you okay? no.]
[twelve: meeting the gilmores]
[thirteen: are you sure?]
[fourteen: disappointment]
[fifteen: he's good for you]
[sixteen: salutatorian]
→act two - season four
→act two cast
→the dorm
[eighteen: meeting the huntzbergers]
[nineteen: tristan?]
[twenty: group date]
[twenty-one: the art of rolling your eyes]
[twenty-two: shitty dinners and fake smiles]
→Thank You - 100k
[twenty-three: what the actual f-]
→act three - season five
[twenty-four: petty bitchy sister]
[twenty-five: the letter]
[twenty-six: apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?]
[twenty-seven: a boy and a girl]

[seventeen: gulia]

4.2K 130 4
By kimberlynicole_x

Winona and Amanda stand in New Haven Home Decor, looking for dorm decor.

"What about this?"

The brunette turns to find her friend holding a fuzzy purple stool, "We can do better." Amanda nods and continues looking for chairs for their main room.

"So... how are you and Logan?"

Winona's face breaks out into a smile, "We're good, we're having dinner with his family tomorrow night."

"Are you nervous?"

Winona shrugs and walks to another aisle, Amanda following behind, "I mean I am nervous but I am also kinda excited."

Amanda gives her friend a smile, "Don't worry about anything. If they hate you. They hate you. Logan likes you, possibly even loves you. You'll be okay."

Winona's face breaks out into a smile and a blush, after giving her friend a hug she starts to ask Amanda about her and Finn.

Winona smiles at her best friend, watching as Amanda rambles on and on about Finn. How he talks, how shaggy his hair is, and the way he kisses her.

Noticing her smiling friend, Amanda looks at her questionably, "Why are you smiling like that?"

"You love him..."

"No, no I don't!"

Winona giggles and walks to the other aisle, starting to look at lamps, "Sure Mands, you definitely don't love him."

"Oh shut it Winnie, you can't speak. Logan Huntzberger lover."

Winona rolls her eyes and gives her friend a smirk, "Whatever Amanda, start denying it, it'll just make you love him more."


Winona stands with Amanda, Lorelai, and Amanda's mother Kristyn as they start to unpack their stuff into their dorm.

"Are you excited girls?"

Winona turns to Kristyn, "Yeah actually, I've wanted to go here for almost all of my life, it feels like a dream come true."

Kristyn and Lorelai smile as they watch their daughters laugh and talk, unpacking their dorm, their college dorm.

Lorelai turns to Kristyn and smiles, tears developing in her eyes, "We did good."

"Hell yeah we did."

As the girls continue to unpack their stuff in their bedrooms, they hear a door open and what sounds like a young girl and her mom talking

"Well, it looks like your roommates are here Gulia! We should try and find them!"

Winona opens her door and makes her presence known, "Hi, I'm Winona."

"Hi, I'm Gulia!"

Winona gives her a smile and leads her to the unoccupied bedroom, "Here's your room Guls. Your okay if I call you Guls, right?"

Gulia gives her a nod and places down her things, starting to unpack with her mother. Winona leaves the room and goes into Amanda's, "Mandy her name is Gulia and so far she seems really sweet!"

Winona walks back into her room and takes a breath, finally realizing she's at Yale. The place where she has imagined herself in since she was twelve years old.

She finally made it.

524 words

Hey y'all sorry it's taken me so long to update!! Hope y'all have had a great day and if your now back to school good luck!!

Also sorry it's sooo short but next chapter will be longer!!

Amy Adams as Kristyn Houth

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