A Collection of Short Romances

By vixengirltru

3.8K 25 2

This compilation of short romances were originally posted on Wattpad but I deleted them and the account I had... More

Author's Note
The Dancer - PART 2
It's Like That

The Dancer

1K 6 1
By vixengirltru

Noah sat watching in the private alcove above the club as the darkskin beauty entered, she was with two other people- a man dressed in a purple velvet suit and a tall willowy blonde with purple and reddish streaks in her hair. The darkskin woman made a striking silhouette, her petite curvy figure spilling forth in the red wine coloured dress she wore. Noah watched as the crowd parted and she stepped into the opening on the side of the dance floor, her feet encased in gold strappy sandals. Noah guessed her natural height to be five-foot-two but in those fuck me heels she was a solid five-foot-eight. This woman had sex appeal radiating in waves off of her, Noah observed the slight glares from the women as they hurried to pull their men closer to them. She was perfect. Noah slowly sipped his brandy and a plan began to form in his head.

Amari felt the immediate appraisal of everyone as soon as she'd stepped through the entrance of the club. She was nervous, small droplets of sweat dripped down between her breasts. Kat had forced her into this dress, said it would impress the people she was gonna meet tonight. It's not like she wouldn't wear this kind of dress but more for in a private setting with her man. Oh, her man she thought of his juicy, lo-.

"Girl, I told you that dress was going to kill it." Kat yelled in Amari's left ear. Kat had her arm hooked in Amari's arm crook. She too was a striking figure. Her model-like features making her a standout and with long blond hair and colourful streaks she cut a maddening path in a crowd.

"Yeah but you didn't say cut off my air circulation." Amari replied back. The dress was tight, hella tight around the waist.

"Girl hush! You know you look damn good."

"Yeah you right." Both of them glanced at each other and dissolved into giggles.

"C'mon sis. Let's get ourselves some courage."

"I like how y'all just gon leave a brotha behind." A deep voice rumbled out. The girls shrieked with laughter.

"First of all Derrick you is not a 'brotha', second don't eva use that tone of voice with us." Kat shot back. Yes, Derrick the third to their trio thought he was a black man just because he grew up in the hood and drank purple juice. Never mind that he was a bisexual Hispanic dude.

"Aight mamcita." Derrick replied, hands raised in surrender. His velvet suit shined prettily. "You want me to put it down? All you gotta do is asked."

"Derrick, nobody wants ya bony behind." Kat said, cutting her eyes at him.

Derrick's eyes twinkled as if he knew a secret. They'd reach the bar and Amira ignored their bantering, used to it by now. She wondered why they never sexed and got over it. It would make everyone happier and more relaxed.

"D'usse and lemonade, please."
"Coming right up." Amria watched carefully as the bartender made her drink.

"You getting that Jay and Bey again?" Kat questioned,

"Remember what happened the last time?"

"I don't?" Amira stated and cracked up laughing.

"All I'm saying behave yourself." Kat said, attempting a stern face but ended up cracking a smile. "You on your own this time."

"Girl bye, when have I never behaved myself?" Inquired Amari.

"Ohhhh I don't know the time with Keisha when you had an all out brawl because you let spilled that Keisha's boyfriend had a train of dudes ran through him and-"

"Hold up! Everybody knew bout that."

"Not Keisha."

"I see your point"


"Kiss my ass."

"I'd love to." Kat said, her eyes lowering suggestively.

"Nasty ass." Amari shot back.
Derrick had wandered off to the side and was talking to a man in a pinstripe suit. Amari sipped her drink slowly, mindful of her friend's warning. She was determined to behave tonight and she was going to do just that. It wasn't like she went looking for trouble. Trouble seemed to love finding her. Amrai glanced around the club taking in her surroundings. It was nice, she liked the miniature chandeliers hanging over the lounge chairs in the next room. She especially loved the fact that the dance floor was a shimmery black colour, very sensual and the long bar where she stood was situated between the lounge area and dance floor. Amari leaned against the counter, unknowingly pushing her breasts forward. The men within her peripheral view peeped at her but Amari was in her own world. She hadn't wanted to come out tonight but Kat said she was meeting some important people and she didn't want to go to a new place on her own. The things you do for friends, Amaria thought, sighing she tapped Kat on the shoulder, who was now engrossed in a conversation with the bartender.

"Wanna dance?"

"I thought you'd never ask." Kat said, excusing herself from the bartender.

Kat and Amari walked onto the dance floor just as Usher's Yeah started playing. They both glanced at each other, not much of a dancer Kat began her lil booty popping. Amari shook her head at her friend, Kat could never catch the rhythm of the music. Unlike Amari now who was twirling her hips, her arms raised above her head. She threw her kinky curls over her shoulders and thrusted her breasts forward, whining. She popped, locked and dropped it on the dance floor. Conveniently her dress had a slit going up the middle between her legs which made it easier for her to do so. Song after song they danced and had each song finished a circle of people were forming around Amari, seemingly to give her space to do her dance. And Amari didn't care, she loved to dance. A tapped on the shoulder interrupted her, Amari abruptly stopped and turned around ready to fight but had to glanced up, way up.

This man was huge, his arms were literally two of her, if that was possibly.

"Excuse me Miss but you were requested above." The man's thick accent is barely audible.

"Me?" Amari questioned, glancing at Kat who also had stopped dancing and was also watching with curious eyes.

"Yes Miss." said the big man.
Kat and Amari glanced at each other and unspoken communication between them.

"Okay sure." Amari said. "Lead the way."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Kat said after her. Amari threw a quick wink over her shoulder.
She followed the big man into the lounge and further into the wide room, there was a door you couldn't see unless you were inside the lounge. It had a black and white 'Keep Out' sign on it. Amari watched as the big man took a key out of his pocket and opened the door. The patrons in the room seemed to ignore what he was doing.

"Follow me Miss." The big man said, "Watch your step, carefully."

"Okay." Amari replied, her voice was just above a whisper. She was now walking up a dimly lit staircase and her gold heels clicked loudly on the wood. At the top of the stairs they came up a purple carpeted hallway. Amari was still following the man when he suddenly stopped in front of a door on the right hand side.

"Go on in Miss." The big man said, he bowed his head slightly and waited as she entered the room.

Amari stepped into a darkened room, the door closed with a soft click. The circular room was lit by the glass wall on the far side. Amari walked up curious and gasped as she saw a clear view of the dance floor and the bar.

"Where'd you learn to dance like that?" A deep baritone voice said in the dark.

Amari gasped, turning around and a hand on her chest, she watched as the shadow moved and switched on the light. Amari squinted as the room came into view. On the far right corner of the room there was a bookshelf, a large mahogany desk with a lamp and a leather chair. On the left side- chairs and a semi circular couch were placed around a pole that was on a miniature squared stage. The room was a mixed of deep reds and browns. Finishing her appraisal of the room, Amari glanced at the man that matched the baritone voice. He was tall, taller than her in heels, his long ash blonde hair brushed the edges of his grey collared suit, his pristine white dress shirt unbuttoned enough that Amari could see his light sprinkling of chest hair. Amari eyes traced over the strong jaw, the slightly crooked nose and reached eyes the colour of amber with a golden tint. Amari drew in a slow breath, shaking off the shivering feeling. She glanced at the man.

"I didn't learn, it's the Caribbean girl in me." Amari shrugged suddenly, super aware that she was dressed in a deep v cut and super tight dress which at the moment felt scratchy on her nipples.

"You could dance for me you know." The man with the amber eyes replied, seeming to do his own appraisal of Amari.

Amari let out a slight giggle. The d'usse and lemonade gave her too much damn courage at times when she should shut her mouth. She watched as the man's lips quirk up at the corners.

"Sorry I'm not a call girl." Amari said, her hands resting on her hips. This was her power stance but it clearly wasn't working as Amari watched the amber eye man watch her.

"Yes you definitely aren't but it wouldn't hurt you to dance for me." Amber eye man said, his eyes perusing Amari's body.

"I guess" Amari said, shrugging her shoulder. The amber eye man sat down in the chair by the desk, the music clicked on and Tank's When We crowded through the speakers. Amari's eyes turned to slants as she glared at the man of course he'd choose this song, rolling her eyes, Amari adjusted her stance- slowly making her way to the amber eye man, her hips swaying to the beat. Amari's body rolled to the floor and she ended up crawling in her heels to make eye level with his crotch area. Her fingertips trailed up his legs and on top of his thighs. Amari felt the muscles bunched up as she itched passed his crotch and trialed her way up to his chest to his shoulders, slowly standing, Amari quickly twirled around and plopped her lush bottom on his lap. His hands tightened around her waist, his fingertips digging in as she pumped her hips up and down on his arousal. His legs widen as he watched her lush bottom jiggle. His hands strained to the zipper of the dress and he almost had it. If she hadn't turned around, her full breasts were on display.

Noah quickly pulled her forward and suckled her left nipple, the nipple long and thick, a gush of milk slipped into his mouth. She threw her head back, her kinky curls brushing her waist and she clasped his head to her breast. Noah drank and had his hands trailed behind Amari to unzip the dress and it fell to the floor in one swosh. She was left standing in a pink lace g string. Noah kissed his way to her belly button and peeped a few stretch marks above the line of the panty. He grasped the string in his hands and snapped it, smirking as it barely budge. The panty was stuck between Amari's thighs, she was so wet the cloth stuck to her. Noah pulled at the panty sticking between her thighs and heard a sopping sound. Quickly getting up he turned Amari towards his desk, laying her across and unbuckled his belt and pushed down his pants, he had barely gotten off his shoes before he attempted to shrug out his jacket while unbuttoning his shirt. Too eager, Noah left his suit jacket and shirt on, parting the plump cheeks of Amari. The purple plum parted making way for a pink flower to peek out. Noah grasped his cock in his hands and placed it at the entrance of the pink flower. Pushing in, Noah felt his body jerk as a squirt of precum leaked from the tip of his cock into the pink flower.

"Condom!" Amari gasped. She just got off antibiotics and the doctor said to use condoms until the pill become effective again.

"Can't. Another one." Noah groaned out as he became fully seated in her flower. His juicy balls rested against her clit. Amari jerked up.

"What the fu-" Amari was yelped as Noah thrusted into her. She was gonna get pregnant, she just knew it. If this man wasn't her husband she would've killed him. This man acted like he was taking care of three kids under three. "Pull out!"

"I can't." Noah said, panting. He couldn't leave this warmth even if the world was ending. Hell would have to freeze over.

"Noah I said-"

"I heard what you said. Less talking more fucking." At that, Noah had hit the perfect spot in his wife. He watched her back arched. He could picture her eyes rolling back into her head. He had that effect on her. The motion of them fucking had the table creaking underneath them. Noah prayed that it would hold up. He pushed one more time into and felt her squeezed around on his cock. He couldn't budge, Noah let out a guttural groan and threw his head back as he released his seed into her. The tip of his cock pressed against her cervix. Her back arch and she stood up on her tippy toes and fingertips scratched at the mahogany desk. It took them minutes to come down off the high. Even then they were weak kneed, Noah slowly pulled out of his wife and watched a shiver go down her spine. Kissing her left shoulder, he smacked her butt.

"We gotta go home."

"I can't move." Amari said her face obscured, voice muffled by the big flop of kinky curls.

Noah gently clasped the curls and glanced at his wife, he could see that she was pouting but her eyes told a different story, he was going to get a cuss out.

"I'm pregnant."



Three Months Later

Amari was right, nothing fit. All her clothes were too tight. Her belly itched her. The doctor said it was twins. Twins! Noah put twins in her. Noah thought it was funny but he didn't think it was funny when she slapped him upside the head. Haha! In six months time she was gonna be taking care of five kids under three. Five Fucking Kids! This man was out his goddamn mind if he thought she was gone sit here while he worked and she took care of his kids. Out of his damn mind. Amari struggle to put on the pink dress. It was going nowhere pass her hips, she started to cry. She was a whale, a big fat fucking whale. Sobbing hard Amari threw the dress across the closet, clasping on the floor.
Noah, hearing a cry fled from the bathroom and rushed into the closet to see his wife sobbing on the floor. He quickly ran over to her, he hugged her in his arms and watched as snot dripped down her nose and onto his bare chest.

"I'm a whale."

"Babe you are a beautiful whale."

Amari sobbed even harder. Noah's eyes rolled to the ceiling. Jesus Christ, all she seemed to be doing this pregnancy was crying. The first three weren't so bad but this one had Noah rethinking till death do us apart vow. Maybe it was the twins, Noah smirked at that thought.

"I'm not a whaaaaaale." Amari said, crying harder. Her shoulders were shaking. Noah couldn't help but look at her breasts. Huge watermelons sat on her chest, Noah wanted to rub his face between them.

"I said a beautiful whale." Noah replied back and she cried even harder. She was hiccuping now and drawing snot in. Ew.

"Am not whale!" Amari yelled, her arms crossed over her naked chest. Her breasts thrust forward. Noah was getting hard and he wasn't suppose to since his wife was crying but who told her ass to be naked with just a panty on for Christ sakes! He was in a towel and on top of that he looked ridiculous with shaving cream on his neck.

"No but you're beautiful."

"You think?" Amari asked, lifting her head up. Her eyes were bright as if no tears had fallen. What the heck? Noah thought.

"Yes Amari." Noah said, sighing, rubbing her back. Her hands trailed the towel edge. Noah's dick jumped.

"Do you wanna have sex?" Amari said her eyes peeking up at Noah. She'd wipe all her snot on his chest. God Noah loved this woman.


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