O'Conner's Daughter (Rewriti...

By MostlyAlexia

30.4K 443 41

The Daughter of Brian O'Conner . This book is follows the life of 13 year old Thalia Jayda O'Conner who is Br... More

Meeting Some Of The Characters
The Demolition Derby
That O'Conner Blood 2.0
Bored outta my freaking mind
Meet Jimmy
Knucklehead racing 🏎💨
Loser walks home
The Return of the Goons
The Weird Encounter
🌪 Chaos 🌪
🥴 So Jada huh? 🥴

⍨ Where is she? ⍨

939 17 2
By MostlyAlexia


It had been a couple of hours, Santiago and I had been talking lightly not getting into too many deep details. When it suddenly dawned on me that none of them knew where I was.
Brian is so sending me home after he finds me, Rome is probably worried too after I stormed out without saying anything.
Why did I have to be so dramatic?
No, no.
Why didn't Brian stick up for me?
If he just interrupted, told Markham to shut up for two seconds, maybe I would be with Jimmy right now instead of trapped here with Verone and his idiots. Small taps on my shoulder halted my train of thought.

"Sorry, you were zoning out hard. I tried calling your name like five times." Santiago awkwardly laughed "You should have ran from him, he's not good news, whoever you know that's involved with him really fucked up." Santiago spoke gently, quickly brushing the pad of his right thumb to caress my cheeks as he wiped away stray tears from my face. I hadn't even noticed them until he wiped them from my face.

"Please don't take it personally," I choked out with a forced thick laugh as I sniffled "It's been great meeting you Santi." I rambled on looking down wiping my face as the same thumb brushed against my chin lifting my face making me look at him. "I'm not taking it personally Jada, my cousin practically kidnapped you, it would be weird if you were enjoying being here, don't you think?" He continued to speak to me in a soft tone as he intensely studied my face.

"Maybe it's lucky your crazy cousin found me, I mean I'm relatively safe here right? Could have been worse." I say breaking a silence that had formed I look into his eyes as a slight frown appeared on his face, "I guess so." His response was slightly cold, patting my back as I hugged my knees tighter. Maybe he doubted what I said was true. Maybe I'm not as safe as I thought. I only can only hope Santiago and Monica can keep me as safe as possible until Brian and Rome find me or if Verone let's me go. That's not likely though. I know that. Just wishful thinking.

Third person POV

Roman looked at the blonde haired male that stood next to him as TJ swung the door open hard and walked away from them. "What the hell was that man?" Roman tutted gesturing towards the door his friends' young daughter that had just left. "Nothing Rome, give me a second, ok." The blue eyed man turned to Markham getting in the man's face, "You don't have any fucking right to talk to my kid like that." Brian spat. "Well keep your kid in check, she'll have a hurt ego boohoo. She'll live a long life whether that's with or without you in her life O'Conner, you must have already spent a least half of her life in prison." Markham chuckled as he pushed Brian back towards Roman. "The daddy issues reek off your kid already O'Connor, which if you ask me is quite unfortunate she's real pretty, I'm sure that's landed her in some unfortunate situations. Now get out of my face O'Conner. Do your job and she doesn't have to cry to you about her shitty boyfriend she's stuck with whilst your stuck behind bars." Markham said walking away humouring himself waving them off dismissively with the image of that playing in his head.

Roman clenched his jaw as he held back his former best friend, he wanted to square Markham in the jaw for such an outrageous comment on a child but that would only end badly for the two of them and Markham would be correct. Roman swore to protect the girl and he couldn't do that if he was in prison, he had learnt that from the last time. "Let go man, he can't get away with shit like that." Brian thrashed in Roman's grip as Roman guided them towards the door. "Shut up Brian, he's right we can't protect her from inside, no point in fighting them." Roman muttered to his friend as they walked out of the door before turning back to look to Bilkins uttering quickly "We'll be there." patting Brian's back exchanging a quick knowing look with Bilkins, neither of them expected something like that to occur.

The door closed behind the two men, Brian flustered in a light reddish colour as his fury took over him. "Let's go find TJ now, before she gets lost." Roman said dragging the blonde towards the busy streets.

The two men searched the upcoming streets going back the way they had come prior that day with the young girl not finding her. "Maybe she's back at Tej's with Jimmy?" Roman spoke optimistically his car pulling closer to Brian's, who simply shrugged nodding pushing down onto the acceleration, driving back to Tej's, leaving his friend behind, in hopes to find his daughter.

It was now well past lunchtime and although he waited longer than he probably should have, she didn't show up very much to his dismay. Jimmy worried about his new friend but he had to return to his work at the garage so hearing Brian and Roman pull into the garage created false hope as he quickly stopped what he was doing, peeking around the side of the car bonnet he was working under.

Car doors suddenly slammed shut in synchrony and a holler filled the once quiet air. "Jimmy?!" Brian's voice didn't let on his concern, maybe the blonde was worrying too prematurely he was quite sure his daughter could handle herself. She had done just that the years he had been gone. But Brian's head had been filled with doubt by Markham's words, he had never thought about that whilst he was out living the life he lived but he assumed she was in good hands with his mother, maybe he had been wrong.

Much to Brian's disappointment as he had located Jimmy but he didn't see his daughter.

"Where is she?" Brian looked the younger male in the eyes hoping to find an answer but only to be met with the same concerned look as Jimmy's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. As the younger searched for the right words "She's not with you two?" Jimmy looked curiously behind Brian who shook his head, "No she's not with us, she went off we thought she would have come back here. She's not here at all?" Brian said hoping it was all a joke or she had told Jimmy not to say where she was and that she was just out back somewhere.

"She's not here, try Tej but as far as I know she's not here, I was meant to meet her for lunch but she didn't turn up." Jimmy sighed, his concern for the girl rose but carried on working on the car that would be picked up soon by its' owner. He could worry later, maybe the distraction would be good? Maybe they were all just thinking the worst. He could clear his mind and then try to be useful later.


Just before sunset was when Verone had sent one of his knuckleheads to collect Santiago and I from his room to bring us to the table by the pool side where Verone and Monica were already sat. Santiago had told me this was where they ate in the summer if Verone was in a good mood and not busy with work.

"Sit." Was all that came from Verone as he stared into my eyes and gestured to the seats on his left side as he sat at the head of the table with Monica on his right. Santi sat in the chair closest to Verone before pulling out the chair next to him looking at me before looking towards the adults. "What were you two talking about before we joined?" Santiago asked them crossing his arms looking between them as I sat next to him. "That's none of your concern Santiago." Verone answered him briefly before looking towards me as I shuffled in the chair I sat in. "What were you and Miss Jada doing in your room with the door closed?" Verone chuckled to his younger cousin smirking causing Monica to giggle at what her lover suggested, whether she did it to play on or actually humoured didn't matter as I felt my cheeks heat up. Nothing of the sorts had occurred but even the suggestion of it had made me nervous and the laughs had made it worse.

"Wouldn't you two giggling children like to know." Santiago quickly answered his elder relative brushing Verone's and Monica's laughs off. "What's for dinner?" Santiago turned towards the garden doors his eyes following the people walking towards us with plates of food forward.

I was more than unbothered by the platters of different fancy meats and sides of vegetables. Rich people food, I would never really understand dinners like this. And there's nothing comforting about a three course meal of expensive meat being shoved down your throat when all I can think about was the food I was meant to have eaten with Jimmy or the food Rome would have bought me for dinner if I asked him, probably Mcdonalds', something greasy served in an oil stained brown bag.

Not a fancy steak served basically raw I can see the blood pouring out of this thing, any less cooked and this thing would be mooing I swear.

Broken from my thoughts by a chuckle from the body beside me and my head quickly snapping towards him squinting my eyes slightly making him laugh again.

"Something had you thinking hard huh?" Santiago smirked stupidly, which makes me really want to punch him in the face as I made a quick glance at the adults accompanying us at the table who still seemed amused by the two of us, maybe even more now. "So what if I was?" I replied keeping eye contact with the boy sat next to me. "Well if you weren't thinking so hard maybe you would have heard the questions being asked to you. Twice. And your name being called countless times again." Santiago spoke holding back laughter as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.

"It's alright, it was quite cute watching you create sexual tension with that steak." Santiago laughed grinning , Monica giggled and Verone's face was pulled into a similar stupid grin that Santiago had pulled not so long ago as he stared at me as I groan softly slapping my hand over my mouth peeking at the people surrounding me, smirks stapled to the faces of the men in area. The information Santiago shared with me made me want to disappear, it was something I was aware I did when in deep thought but this was the last place I would want to do this shit. Especially the noise that followed it, the stares I was getting now.

I want to disappear, I want to go home. That place isn't even my home but I want to be there, not here. A hand quickly landing on top of mine which was on the table sliding his fingers in between mine. Which was oddly comforting, if I may add. My eyes meeting Monica's from across the table as a quick soft smile plastered her face before she continued eating. I then became aware of the the subtle breathing that caressed my neck warmly before it suddenly stopped and was replaced by a whisper.

"Are you ok?" Santiago didn't even get to finish his sentence before I started nodding my head. Of course I was ok, nothing weird about eating dinner with your kidnapper, his girlfriend who was actually an agent undercover and his younger cousin who you had befriended suspiciously fast. Just a normal evening for any regular teenager.

But I have feeling Santi knew I wasn't telling him the truth. His bright eyes stared into mine with a look I've seen before. He would ask about it later when we were alone once again which, judging by the disappearance of most of the food on everyone else's plates but mine, would be soon. How long was I sat here zoning out?

"Jada?" the obnoxious man spoke his ice blue eyes staring into mine as he tilted his stupid head sideways grinning. What could he possibly have in mind now, I just want to go home. My grip on the older boy's hand subconsciously getting tighter as if I were to let go I would drown in the evil that surrounded me. "Yes Mister Verone?" I forced the words out of my mouth with a smile plastered onto my face.

"As I attempted to ask you earlier, if you don't mind me imposing. Your discomfort at the table leads me to believe that you and your family do not sit and eat together. Is that true?." He spoke calmly as his lips curled up menacingly as he spoke. Considering the police are catching up with this guy you would think he had less time for chit chat and more moving that money and stuff.
I lied straight on the spot but it was the first thing that came to mind "Oh Uhm no, not often. My dad's a mechanic down at the local garage near us, he works crazy hours so I don't seem him often." I threw a smile towards the curly haired mobster tilting my head the same way he did nodding vaguely as I spoke hoping the subject would be dropped but I knew it never ended there. They always wanted to know where she was.

The tips of my nails dug slightly into our interlocked fingers as I anticipated for the question. Feeling as if I was standing on an edge of an decaying cliff. If my heart were to beat any louder I believe that everyone would have been able to hear it, the thudding picking up the pace. Every beat louder and faster than the last, the muscle pounding against my rib cage.

"And your mother?" His pearly white teeth glistened in the setting sun. His words grabbing a hold of my heart wrapping themselves around it and squeezing it as tight as it could. My eyes flickered around the table meeting every set of eyes before landing on my thighs.
"Oh Uhm she died, when I was younger." The words fell out of my mouth quieter than my previous words. The six words were natural to my mouth though hesitant they fluttered out of my mouth. The hesitation isn't because of the emotion many people believe I would have but instead because of the emotional response I receive from the people I told.
It's not like their condolences change anything, I barely remember her and it was years ago. Santiago's thumb ran along mine in aid to comfort me as my hand slightly relaxed in his.

"Oh, our apologies to you and your father. It must be difficult to raise such a beautiful young girl like yourself." Monica spoke sadly a sympathetic smile on her face. I guess Brian never told her where my mother was, that's going to be awkward for him but that's not my problem. But I simply shrug to her words, "I guess so but he tries his best." I state even simpler than my shrug, it's hard to give credit to someone that abandoned you but he was good when he was around, he did try his best. Or at least I thought he did.

Verone went to open his mouth to say something when a ringtone interrupted him, he glanced down at his cellphone before looking at all of us. "Please do excuse me, I have some business to attend to." He sighed getting up his body language becoming tense, his eyes then landed on me, his cold blue eyes staring into mine before he spoke again.
"Jada, feel free to stay the night." His words might have sounded like an offer but his eyes said enough.
He was telling me to remain here in this house until he said so. I wasn't about to test him.
"Thank you Mister Verone I might just consider your offer." I smiled softly at him before quickly moving my eyes to Santiago who shot me a sad, apologetic smile back, as Verone said his goodbyes to his girlfriend and cousin before disappearing with his men.

It was so stupid, we all knew this whole act was a lie.
Santiago knew it.
Verone knew it.
Monica knew it.
And I knew it.
I just want to go home now.
A part of me wished I stayed with my grandma and minded my own business. It's not like my presence is beneficial to anyone especially not Brian, he couldn't care less.

2945 full word count

Hey lovelies, I'm so so sorry it's been way too long. I have had a rough couple of months and THE WORST writers block AGAIN, but I think I have a direction again. I have the next main bit planned out but I need to fill in the middle parts otherwise it would not make sense at all thank you for your patience. Also I started college and it's made me very busy I promise I will update this way more but it will probably be quite slowly but I'm trying my best I promise.
Thank you again for your patience x

thank you for reading, voting and commenting <33

~ Lex ~

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