"Fresh Start" | DSMP Runaway...

By Cinnamon_Fam_Studios

5.6K 167 37

!ART IS NOT MINE, belongs to Olvitier on Reddit! _____ It's already been a few weeks since Wibur was revived... More

Where is Home?"
"Ships in the Night"
"A Brother Keeper"
"A Bird in Hand is Worth Two in a Bush"
"A Bump in the Road"
"Rest Stop at a Creek"

"Let's Talk"

785 25 3
By Cinnamon_Fam_Studios

"See you guys when I get back" yelled Tommy, as he waved to the kids and his friends.

He was letting Tubbo and Ranboo watch Shroud while he went to his therapy session with Puffy today. He really needed after his thoughts from last night. He didn't mention it to Tubbo or Ranboo during breakfast since they seemed to have plans for the kids. Though Ranboo asked Tommy how he was doing since he seemed to "space out" often. He of course changed the subject with a quick witted response to throw the taller boy off. He didn't need his friends to be worrying about him.
Tommy took the hyper tunnel back to the prime path. Once he got there he was greeted by a face he really didn't want to see.

"Tommy!" called Wilbur, waving towards the blonde.

He had a clean trench coat with a decent looking sweater and pants. The glasses seemed a bit foggy from his cigarette in hand but he still had his signature beanie and hairstyle under it. Everything was the same but different with him.

"Hi Wilbur" mumbled Tommy, giving the brunet a slight glare.

"I was just wondering where you were, I really need your help" exclaimed Wilbur, with a smile that was bittersweet to Tommy.

"Sorry Wil, can't today, mans got therapy" interrupted Tommy, putting his hands up in defense.

"What? Mr. TommyInnit goes to therapy?" asked Wilbur, with a fake gasp.

Tommy sighed before face palming. He didn't want to deal with this and was gonna be late if he indulged with Wilbur any longer.

"Yes, and I have to go before I'm late" explained Tommy, as he tried to walk past. Wilbur blocked him quickly.

"Why the rush, it can't be that important?" stated Wilbur, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"It is quite important," said Tommy, trying to step around again.

"More important than your big brother?" cooed Wilbur, as he blocked again.

"In this case yes, now move dickhead" declared Tommy, as he shoved past the tall brunet and speed walked down the path.

Wilbur seemed taken by surprise before following after the teen.

"Aw, you don't mean that" whined Wilbur, bringing up the rear.

"Maybe we can do it another day, Wil, just not now" sighed Tommy, as he saw the sign for Puffy's office come into view.

"You could always reschedule, ya now" commented Wil, catching up to Tommy's side.

"Yeah but I want to talk to her about something now," said Tommy.

"You could tell me, I am your big brother," stated Wilbur.

"Who blew up a nation" snapped Tommy, as he stopped and turned to face the brunet.

"What does that place have to do with anything?" questioned Wilbur, .

"Everything!!" shouted Tommy.

"You just gotta learn to let things go, Toms" scoffed Wilbur, as he blew some smoke.

Tommy was already irritated by Wilbur's present but he was almost over the edge. He groaned and started back walking and ignoring the calls and taunts of Wilbur. Once safely inside the small building, Tommy let out a sigh before knocking upon the office door. There was a muffled "coming in", so Tommy slowly opened the door. Puffy had a nice office. It had a long couch with anchor pillows, two chairs sitting across from each other, and her desk and shelves in the corner.

"Morning Tommy," greeted Puffy, standing up from her desk.

"Mornin'," sighed the teen, as he took a seat on the couch and picked up one of the pillows.

"How are you feeling?" asked Puffy, sitting in one of the single chairs.

"Well it was good until that bastard Wilbur showed up" stated Tommy, squeezing the pillow in hand.

"I'm guessing you and him aren't on good terms" questioned Puffy.

"Fucker decided to bombard me right as I stepped on the prime path on my way here, asking me I'm not spending time with him since he's supposed to be my big brother" explained Tommy, with some mocker of Wilbur's voice.

"Do you have any idea why?" inquired Puffy, as she wrote some things down on her notepad.

"I don't know, I just don't feel like he's the same since his resurrection" shrugged Tommy.

"But you weren't the same either" stated Puffy, nodding her head towards him.

"I guess but it's different for me," mumbled Tommy.

"I see, we'll save that for another time. For now tell me what none negative things happened this morning" exclaimed Puffy.

"Well,' said Tommy, as he thought.

"I stayed over with Ranboo and Tubbo last night and we had breakfast this morning with the kids, that's a good thing" said Tommy, as his grip on the pillow loosened.

"Oh how are they doing?" asked Puffy, looking up curiously.

Tommy gave a smirk. Though Puffy was his therapist, she was a friend and the closest thing to a good parental figure to him. She was always so nice to him and defended him when he needed it.

"They are doing good, They said they were gonna take Michael and Shroud ice skating today while I was here" explained Tommy.

"Aw, that's sweet of them to watch Shroud for you" commented Puffy.

"How's Michelle doing?" questioned Tommy.

"Oh she's doing fine, She is with her niece & nephew right now" responded Puffy, squeezing her own hands together.

"That's good, maybe one day we can get them all together for a play date" suggested Tommy.

"Oh that would be so nice, since Michelle is normally on her own with her ender babysitter" explained Puffy, with a dotting smile on her face.

"Oh we are getting off track, this is supposed to be about you, duckling" said Puffy, as she picked her pen back up.

Tommy could tell the nickname was quite a bittersweet thing for her. She only called a few people her "ducklings" but to her dismay one of those said "ducklings" were one of the biggest menace to the Smp.

"Well I actually wanted to talk to you about something I have been thinking about" sighed Tommy, deciding it was time to tell someone.

"Oh, well then go on" stated Puffy, looking up with interest.

"I was thinking about my time here on the smp, before and after my resurrection" started Tommy.

"I have started to feel more out of place and seeking for something of my own. Jack already took over my hotel and my cobblestone towers of power seem useless nowadays. And since I have taken in Shroud and the kid is wanting to play outside more but I worry since my shack is in the middle of the smp. I have been wanting to leave the Greater Smp since I feel a bit out of place and everyone seems to have moved on" explained Tommy, squeezing the pillow.

"I know people say running away from your problems won't help but I'm not wanting to run away, but moving on like everyone else has. No one really needs Big Man TommyInnit here unless they need or want something from me" continued Tommy.

"Do you get what I mean?" sighed Tommy, looking up hopefully to the older woman in front of him.

Puffy looked at him in silence before clearing her throat.

"Well, do you think you will feel better once you have left the smp and gone somewhere of your own making?" asked Puffy, looking down at her notes.

"I mean, it gives me a chance to feel proud of something I did on my own without feeling like a burden. Along with the fact it gives me a place to claim as my own. Though I shall visit if I have a chance to" responded Tommy.

There was another gap of silence before Puffy set her notes aside and stood up. She sat herself beside and placed a comforting hand on Tommy's arm.

"Do you think you will be okay with being on your own, since you have always had someone by your side as support?" asked Puffy.

Tommy looked down at his own hands and squeezed them around the pillow in his lap. He felt like he was ready to be on his own, though he knew he wasn't gonna be completely alone.

"I'm sure, besides Friend has become like a support sheep when no one is really around" commented Tommy, with a little smirk.

Puffy returned the smirk with a soft smile.

"Well if you plan on moving & our session is almost over, is there anything I can do?" questioned Puffy.

Tommy thought for a moment.

"Well, I started working on a wagon with the help of Callahan the other day, he didn't really ask why I was building it since I don't want anyone to know about me leaving. I just need to get a horse and pack some things up" explained Tommy.

"Well, I can help with some packing after I officially get off of work, but the horse is gonna have to be you. There are sometimes horse herds around spawn, check there" suggested Puffy, waving her hand as she spoke.

"Thanks Captain Pus- I mean Puffy" stuttered Tommy, with a nervous grin.

Puffy smiled again before pulling Tommy into a hug. Surprised but he hugged. He hasn't gotten a tight hug in a long while. It was such a comforting feeling. He wishes it could last for a bit longer but he had things to get done. He gave Puffy one last squeeze before letting go.

"I guess I'll see you later then Tommy" stated Puffy, as she stood up and went to grab her notes.

"And by then, I'll have a horse, its gonna be fucking awesome, just you wait" said Tommy, as he stood.

"Later Tommy" smirked Puffy, as she leaned against her desk waving.

"See ya tomorrow Captain Pussy- Puffy, I meant Puffy" called Tommy, as he exited the office.

Puffy laughed as the teen stuttered with the vulgar nickname as she moved behind her desk.

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