Ruin me | minsung

By Mikachou03

1.2M 54.9K 92.4K

Jisung has finally managed to get his dream job, being a detective. He's good, too good, so they put him on t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Special chapter

Chapter 11

23.5K 1K 3K
By Mikachou03

"Nothing let's sleep"

'Fuck fuck fuck' he thought.

"No tell me...who touched you?" Minho approached him even more.

"No one, I was joking" jisung scoffed, dying inside, just begging he would drop the subject.His eyes were getting watery just at the thought of it, he wanted to forget but it was imprinted in his brain.

Minho quickly noticed this, he had gone too far, after all why should he care? He shouldn't even be here right now, close to the person he should be running from.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed it...we can sleep now"


"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong" that was the most reassuring things he's heard in his life, he's always had to cheer himself up, but now someone was telling him this. Water just kept threatening to fall down Jisung's eyes, the older noticing he wasn't getting better.

"You sure you don't want to talk about it..?" They were now facing each other, both laid on their sides. He nodded slowly, trying to control his breathing. It's crazy how he has such a tough exterior...but is so fragile inside, like a kid who never grew up but was forced to act like it. Minho ran his hand across his cheek, whipping the fresh tear on it.

"Listen I'm not very good at reassuring people, least your good looking when you cry"

"Yeah you suck at this" jisung giggled, his breaths finally going at a normal speed. Minho returned with a small smile, his laugh being everything to him. He was about to speak again when he heard a noise from the other room. They weren't...they wouldn't dare.

They could hear Felix moaning and screaming from where they were.

"For fucks sake lix..." he covered his ears with the pillow, hating every moment.

"It sounds enjoyable" jisung said out of nowhere.

"Well don't listen! He's my brother!"

"I know! I just don't get how it feels good for everyone except for me..." he's tried everything, but after a while it starts to feel really weird in his stomach and he doesn't like it one bit.

"Oh come on, don't tell me coming isn't the most satisfying thing ever"

"What's coming"?"

Minho was out of words, he's never had to explain to another guy how it works before.

"You have so much to learn..." he let out a breath, resting his head on the pillow before getting up.

"Where are you going?"

"Gonna go smoke a cigarette real quick" he left the room, going down the stairs and going to sit outside on the stairs, looking up at the sky.

'He is way too innocent, what the hell am I getting myself into' he thought.

He popped one in his mouth, searching for a lighter, he must have forgotten it. Though, as soon as he was going to get up, he saw a hand with a lighter, lighting the cigarette that was in his mouth. There, was Jisung completely unfazed, that then put back the object in his pocket, sitting down next to Minho quietly.

'Maybe not as innocent...' he thought again.

Minho took a couple of puffs before handing it to Jisung, who took it without a question and took a big breath, inhaling all the smoke, to then push it all out in the cold night.

Minho had a small smirk on his face, stunned at how Jisung of all people would smoke.

"I quit a long time ago...but it feels good to take one every couple of year" he took another breath in, passing it back to the older male.

"I never would have guessed...why'd you follow me?"

"Didn't feel like hearing Felix yell 'daddy' for the next hour" this made Minho choke while he was breathing in, coughing all the smoke out laughing.

"I didn't want to know that!" He pushed him slightly, still trying to breath normally.

"So....daddy issues huh? How bad is it?"

Minho then looked a bit more serious,

avoiding eye contact. "Pretty bad if you ask me, but I'm not sharing more then that because you'll find who he was"

"I already knew who he was, that's how I found you..." they then shared an eye contact, Jisung not even looking like he cared.

"What the fuck do you mean you know him?"

Jisung let a big sigh out, looking away again.

"When I found out what your name was, I knew I had heard it before. It took me a while but once i did recall...I wished I had never touched that case. Our fathers did business together when we were younger, that's how I found you..."

"Then your childhood must have been just as messed up as mine was if our dads knew each other..."

"Hopefully yours wasn't as bad..." jisung mumbled, taking the cigarette back into his mouth, the smoke filling his longues, giving him a burning sensation.

It's then that they heard his brother's voice, even outside he could be heard.

"For fucks sake..." jisung laughed.

"Yeah sorry about him..."Minho shuffled his hair.

"But I have an idea" he continued, getting the younger's attention.

"Go on"


"Ah~" Minho moaned, hitting the wall.

"Okay now you do it" he continued, smiling at Jisung who just stood there trying his best.

"AH-" jisung made the weirdest sound.

"What the hell was that??!" Minho laughed, falling back on the bed.

"Don't laugh! I did what you asked!" He yelled, throwing a pillow at the laughing boy.

"Why did you sound like Siri trying to moan, just say it naturally, image you eating Nutella and let a noise out"

"It's actually really bad for your health so I wouldn't enjoy i-"

"Just...say it naturally, like if you did something really enjoyable or just think of something you like"


"It's a bit better but needs practice, try again" Minho asked, holding to his chest the pillow Jisung threw him.

"Ah~" he let his head fall back, finally letting out a decent sound.

"Wow congratulations, what did you think of?"

"Books" jisung smiled widely.

"'re unbelievable...anyway now let's put it to the test"


Felix and Chan both fell on the bed, but panting and sweaty everywhere.

"That was amazing, holy shit" Felix said as the older kissed his shoulder, gradually going to his neck.

"Glad I could make you feel good for your first time" he laid soft kisses all over his neck, tickling him.

"Thank yo-what's that noise?"

They could hear faint noises coming from the other room, that along with tapping on the wall and a bed squeaking.

"No way..." Felix covered his mouth, smiling a bit.

"Are they having...?"



"Do you think it sounds legit?"

"I don't know, keep tapping the wall!" Jisung whisper-yelled, laughing a bit at the same time.

"Keep moving the bed!" Minho retuned, trying so hard not to laugh. He couldn't wait to see his brother's reaction the next day.

"Are they having sexe??!" They heard Felix yelling from the other room, containing their chuckles as best as they could.

"I think it's working!"

"I think so too" they continued this for a little while, listening to the couple talking about them.

Jisung then stopped, exhausted from

all of the exercise they just did.

"Oh come on, you were getting good at this"Minho teased, throwing him a pillow.

"The thought of Books doesn't work anymore....sorry" he lifted his shoulder up.

"Bet I can make you moan even sweater..." he brushed his tongue on his lips, looking directly into Jisung's eyes.

"Yeah right..."

Minho walked up to him and pushed him gently on the wall, making sure not to hurt him. He then took his face in his hand and placed a knee in between his legs, their bodies almost stuck together.

He then let out a whimper, a soft noise that made Minho's heart flutter. He did it as a joke, only to get a reaction, so why the hell was he feeling something in him?

Jisung had glossy eyes, looking back at Minho's dark ones, his cheeks were red and his mouth was slightly opened. He was extremely embarrassed at the moan he just let out, but still being able to hold eye contact.

"What were you thinking about then? Books? Tell me what made you sounds so sweet"

"I-I eh..." He looked at the floor, closing his eyes shut as he tried to find something to say in return.

"What were you thinking of?" He asked again, using his hand to lift his chin, making their eyes meet again.

"You..." he finally said, bitting the inside of his cheek.

Minho nodded and stepped away slowly, taking in breaths as steady as he could. This was going to be complicated...

"Sorry, I shouldn't of.. I just- I..." jisung got nervous seing the older's reaction, he thought it was the right thing to say but the fact that he stepped away made it contradicting.

"Don't apologize I'm just...processing"

"Okay...could we sleep now? So we can stop standing here doing nothing"

"Y-yeah, you must be tired" they both sat on the bed, crawling under the big covers.

It was silent, like it should of course but not a comfortable one. It was a space of regret and fear, jisung was analyzing everything he did, not knowing where it went wrong.

He turned to face away from Minho, too embarrassed to look at him.

To his surprise, he felt a hand slowly go with the curves of his body, like a snake crawling on his skin. It then pulled him closer to Minho's chest, their warmth mixing together.

Jisung wasn't used to this kind of affection, but for some reason he didn't mind when Minho touched him like this, it just felt comforting.

With that, jisung fell asleep with no problem, drifting away to his state where everything was calme, where he didn't worry about anything.

"This wasn't the plan..." Minho whispered to himself, snuggling him head to the younger's back.

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