The King of the Grail's Fate...

By SabersAvalon

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Harrison is your average Fate fan with a "light" obsession with FGO. However with a Holy Grail of his own can... More

Prologue Part I
Prologue II
Prologue III
The Summoning (Salter's Perspective)
Chapter I: Haze
Chapter II: Burst
Chapter III: Contact
Chapter IV: Cataclysm
Chapter V: Rest
Chapter VI: Journey
Chapter VII: Distrubance
Chapter VIII: Obstacle
Chapter IX: Unpack
Chapter X: Exspendature
Chapter XI: Evidence
Chapter XII: Explanation
Stella's Call
Chapter XIII: Memories
Salter's War Awakening
Chapter XIV: Fate
Chapter XV: Repetition
Chapter XVI: Blink
Chapter XVII: Rider
Chapter XVIII: Advantage
Chapter XVIV: Grasp
Chapter XX: Two
Chapter XXI: Self
Chapter XXII: Wade
Chapter XXIII: Cringe
Chapter XXIV: Uncertainty
Salter's War Strength
Chapter XXV: Awake
Chapter XXVI: Plan
Chapter XXVII: Sigh
Chapter XXVIII: Duel
Chapter XXVIV: Interrogation
Chapter XXX: Regret
Salter's War Flames
Chapter XXXI: Apology
Chapter XXXII: Time
Chapter XXXIII: Three
Chapter XXXIV: Purpose
Chapter XXXV: Fall
Route 2 Exclusive: Conquering the Witch of Vengence
Stella: Invasion
Chapter XXXVI: Calm
Chapter XXXVII: Before
Chapter XXXVIII: Storm
Chapter XXXIX: Debate
Chapter XL: Observation
Chapter XLI: Payoff
Chapter XLII: Rules
Chapter XLIII: Evaluation
Chapter XLIV: Resonate
Chapter XLV: Distraction
Chapter XLVI: Ancestor
Chapter XLVII: Sight
Chapter XLVIII: Whiplash
Salter's War Chapter Truth
Chapter XLIX: Perception
Chapter L: Broken
Chapter LI: Unease
Chapter LII: Sinking
Chapter LIII: Fraction
Chapter LIV: Teamwork
Chapter LV: Aftermath
Chapter LVI: Beyond
Chapter LVII: Think
Chapter LVIII: Inside
Salter's War Another
Chapter LIX: Quick
Chapter LX: Corner
Chapter LXI: Regression
Chapter LXII: Between
The Boys Part 1
Christmas Special (Non cannon)
Chapter LXIII: Ragging
Chapter LXIV: Indomitable
Chapter LXV: Surprise
Chapter LXVI: Lack
The Boys Part 2
Chapter LXVII: Please
Chapter LXIX: On
Salter's War Strain
Chapter LXX: To
Chapter LXXI: Life
Chapter LXXII: And
The Boys Part 3
Chapter LXXIII: Win
Chapter LXXV: Avalon
Chapter LXXVI: Reluctance
Chapter LXXVIII: Growth
Salter's War Tragedy
Chapter LXXIX: Deja Vu
Chapter LXXX: Swordsmanship
Chapter LXXXI: Flag
Chapter LXXXII: Draw
The Boys Part 4
Chapter LXXXIII: Apocalypse
Chapter LXXXIV: Sunrise
Chapter LXXXV: Dawn
Chapter LXXXVI: Sunset
Chapter LXXXVII: Instinct
Chapter LXXXVIII: Onward
Chapter LXXXIX: Recompense
Chapter XC: Awaken
Route 3 Exclusive: North Star Overture Part 1.5
Route 3 Exclusive: North Star Overture Part 2
Chapter XCI: Starlight
Chapter XCII: Detect
Chapter XCIII: Frosted
Chapter XCIV: Chill
Chapter XCV: Ignorance
Chapter XCVI: Somber
Chapter XCVII: Prelude
Chapter XCVIII: Condense
Chapter XCIX: Tare
Chapter C: Viper
Chapter CI: Stone
Chapter CII: Confused
Chapter CIII: False
Chapter CIV: Push
Chapter CV: Split
Chapter CVI: Yor

Chapter LXVIII: Hold

98 7 0
By SabersAvalon

"Master I call the one on the right, I think I got a score to settle," a girl with spiky white hair and yellow eyes called to Jessica. Jessica is a beautiful woman in every sense of the word, she seems to be around her late twenties and has long hair that is a shade of red only achieved through hair dye. She wears classy business attire including a skirt that reaches just to her knees, black tights, and a nice button-up and suit jacket. "Hmph really, I haven't seen you get excited for a fight yet hence why I've only really brought Berserker around," Jessica says thrusting her thumb to her right side where a person wearing all black plate mail stands hunched over.  

He didn't seem very attuned to the conversation taking place, choosing more to communicate in a loose set of grunts and gestures. A trait of many berserkers, that being a lack of mental capacity for things like a conversation. "I don't think he'll be needed I'm plenty of muscle myself, after all, I am the King of Camelot," the girl on Jessica's left said pumping her first which glowed with deep red flames. "Once again I implore you, Avenger that these two have made it just as far as us, speaking of which it is only two of them, it should have stopped me from bringing the two of you if Harrison only had one available servant. Then there must be another hidden so keep your guard up for that," Jessica said straightening her outfit before looking towards the clock, they only had about 15 more seconds before the fun could begin. "Psh I'll show you, Master, I've killed my father before, it won't be any different now. In fact, I wouldn't even bother using your imitation," Avenger said in a voice dripping with confidence. 


When the clock finally struck zero instantly Harrison could feel an overwhelming presence wash over the entire field. Harrison couldn't place his finger on why, but it seemed familiar to Jalter, or Salter as if this presence was cut from the same cloth per se. What Harrison didn't expect was when the outline all the way to the left jumped. Their outline rapidly grew in size and clarity, and Harrison wasn't stupid enough not to roll out of the way, as the person-turned-meteor smashed to the ground in front of Salter. The dust and soot obscured their form from Harrison, but he instantly recognized the voice. "Hey Dad I bet you are dying for a rematch as much as I am aren't you, especially after you lost so handily last time, and I became King and all that," a high-pitched yet gruff voice rang out.

Harrison knew that voice, their relationship to Artoria, it would have to be Mordred. However, with that said Modred never became king, Artoria or Arthur won that exchange yet she was talking as if she easily beat Artoria. As the smoke began to clear Harrison saw Salter struggling to hold off a foe as large metal gauntlets pressed into her blade. 'She isn't Mordred she is an alter too'. The words Harrison spoke to himself made his whole body shiver in fear as the rest of Mordred was revealed from the smoke.

(I absolutely adore this art and it makes a great reference)

"What cat got your tongue Dad, really after all this time, not one word to your son," Mordred called before kicking Salter across the arena away from Harrison. "SALTER!" Harrison called out beginning to run after her. Salter easily flipped herself back onto her feet to take on the charging Mordred, however before Mordred could slam into her with another blow from her fists Salter called out to Harrison. "Harrison forget about me, remember the plan," her voice was stern yet there was certainly concern laced with it. Harrison had to grind his teeth as he turned tail to run. "Damnint!" he called out to no one in particular as he ran back towards the mountain. He knew there was only one way that Salter and he got out of this fight with a victory, and he had to trust Salter fully.


"Oh so you are just ignoring me then," Mordred yelled over the sound of crashing metal as Salter and Mordred exchanged blows. Mordred alter didn't use a blade instead using large metal gauntlets as her weapon as she beat her words into her opponent both literally and figuratively. "I have nothing to say to you," Salter countered as she blocked another hard blow that sent pain through her entire body. "Oh father, I don't think you remember do you, then let me remind you," Mordred started what sounded like a lecture before kicking Salter square in the chest sending her into the barrier directly causing it to shimmer an assortment of colors. 

Mordred sauntered over to where Salter was slumped blood trickling from her mouth. "Before I ended you the first time, you swore that if we ever met again you'd make sure to end me quickly. But look at yourself you are even weaker than you were back then, and I only got stronger with time," Mordred hyped herself before slamming a fist into the spot Salter was moments earlier. Salter dodged quickly getting around to Mordred's back, before bringing down her sword with a mighty swing that cracked even the barrier slightly. However, the swing didn't so much as scratch Mordred as she slowly turned a devilish smile on her face. Mordred took the liberty to explain how she avoided damage, "See father that little blade of hate, Morgan, yeah nothing made or channeling evil or hate can scratch me, you have truly lost this battle before it even began."


Here are some very vague details on Modred to give you all something to look forward to hehe.

Mordred Alter or Malter "King of Camelot"

Avenger NP: Shards of Caliburn, Blood Arthur 

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