The Lakes - Taylor Swift

By fandomxo00

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Folklore Era - The Lakes "Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die" Juliet comes back home to b... More

Folklore Era - The Lakes
Editing is in progress!
Lover Era - Cruel Summer


371 10 8
By fandomxo00


Taylor needed to swallow her pride and tell you she was sorry. She wishes she could go back to December and change all of this. She should've just told you back then that she felt something for you. If she had loved right, it would've been different. But she can't go back in time and change it, and if all your walls were up she understood. You were open when you first came but she shut you out before you could even say "hello." Earlier when you came down she just felt like shit, your laugh was something she could recognize anywhere, setting her heart aflame. She couldn't promise that she could fix this but the least she could do was make you a drink.

She knew the situation was delicate, she couldn't let her thoughts corrupt the situation more. But then some girl came up to you and started flirting with you. You were so beautiful in your dress and it was going to be such a long night. She wanted you to come over to her, she didn't want to share, but she didn't have you in the first place, so she really wasn't sharing you. She should just talk to you; she had nothing to lose anymore. Our secret's welling up in the crowded room, they've got no idea about you and her.

All of the silence, patience, pining, and anticipation drove her up the wall, she just wanted to reach out for you but she couldn't. Her hands were shaking from holding back. So when the girl leaned into you, giggling about something, Taylor's hand gripped the glass in her hand a little more firmly before the fragile glass crumbled in her hand. Taylor gasped, the drink splashing on herself before pouring down her body, and a warm liquid falling down her hand. Taylor turned her hand, as she came eye to eye with blood covering her hands. She ran upstairs to her old bathroom, clanking up the stairs in her heels before turning the corner.

"Um-I should check on her." You said, moving away from the nice girl from your high school, giving her an awkward smile before running after Taylor, wine glass in hand. You had seen her going back to her brewing ways like the first time you arrived. It was like whiplash; her mood changed so drastically.

"Those girls are always running after each other," Feya said as she looked over at Angel, as she stared up at the stairs as you turned the corner. The end of your dress swaying behind you with the turn.

"Taylor?" You spoke into the hallway before rounding to her room, you pushed open the door as you said, "Are you okay?" You froze in your spot when you saw blood dripping on her floor leading to her bathroom. You set your wine glass down on her bedside table and walked to her.

"I'm fine," Taylor mumbled, trying to wash away the blood but not looking at her hand.

You noted, "You are squeamish", as you walked over to her grabbing a towel stopping the faucet, and putting the cloth over her hand. "Do you still have... the white bottle thing?"

"Isopropanol?" Taylor asked, as you giggled at the way she misspoke.

"Isopropyl." You corrected, grabbing her other hand to hold the cloth before leaning down to grab another cloth and the Isopropyl. You come back and look at her hand for a moment before pouring it over. Taylor hissed, biting her lip as a tear fell down her cheek. You covered the new towel on her hand. "You'll be okay." You whispered, "The cuts aren't very deep."

"You're so beautiful." Taylor blurted, she had been staring at you, her eyes glazed over from the alcohol. You tried not to look into her eyes, holding the cloth to her hand, the bleeding finally stopping before you would find some band-aids. "Juliet-please look at me." she slurred, you stopped suddenly, your body jerking before looking down at her cupboards, then looking at her. Everything just stops for a moment as you stand back up, looking into her eyes. "Thank you for helping me."

"What are friends for?" You asked.

"I don't think we're friends-." Taylor started.

"I told you we'd always be best friends-." You retorted, an etched look on your face.

"I don't want you like a best friend." Taylor addressed, swallowing the lump in your throat as she looked into your eyes before saying, "I'm sorry, Jules. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I was an idiot, ignoring you and acting like...I didn't even know you."

"I don't blame you." You whispered, looking away from her deep blue eyes, in this lightening they looked darker, more haunted, you breathed out, "I could've done-something to-show you that-."

Taylor disagreed, "You couldn't." She shook her head, looking away from you before mumbling, "Is it romantic how all my elegies eulogize me?"

"I should've gotten over you, what should be over-burrows under my skin in heart-stopping waves of hurt..."

"I don't want you to get over me," Taylor replied, her hand coming up to your face, her hand soft against your cheek.

"I can't...let you go." You murmured. "You're inescapable, I can't even try to let you go." Your hand moves to her hip, skimming up and down her waist. Taylor's blues stayed on yours before her lips collided with your own. She groaned into your lips as she pulled you closer, you felt her hands shaking against your back, and she stumbled back against the bathtub, the wine sitting on the ledge falling over. Taylor gasps at the noise, you giggle kissing her face before pulling her up and leaning over the ledge to clean up the mess.

"We're kinda drunk," Taylor mumbled. You hummed in agreement as came back up and leaned against the tub as Taylor wrapped her arms around herself. "Do you remember when we tried out for the cheer team? " She asked.

"Yes, my awkwardness."

Taylor began to ramble, "My hair bleached, the girls made fun of me, but you stood up for me, told the girls off, the quiet girl telling a bunch of seniors to fuck off. Even in my worst times, you could see the best in me, you are there for me." Taylor had a frown twitching on her face as tears started to stream down her face, she hiccuped before speaking, "I messed up, Jules, and I did everything possible to move on but I just...You showed up, and everything I did to change." Her hands continued to shake, you walked over to her, grasping her hands in your hands.

"I'm not saying it was okay because it wasn't, but I'm here, okay?"

"Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me, and you came back to me when I needed you."

"Taylor." You cooed, cupping her face. She peered down at you, the anxiety expelling from her shoulders. "Just take a deep breath."

"It's so stupid-I-I brought this dress for you." She said you smiled at her before leaning up to softly kiss her, different from before. She softly kissed you back. You moved back, your hand coming to grasp hers.

"Let's go home, okay? Escape out the back." You suggested, as she weakly nodded. Your hand led her down the backstairs and through the empty kitchen. You grabbed a bottle of wine before leading her out the back in the dark, going down the path before going into the weeds together. Taylor followed you clumsily and stopped you when you got to the lake. She put her hands on your face before leaning down to kiss you again. You smiled into the kiss before softly kissing her back, then leading her away again. You grabbed your key out to unlock the door before dragging her inside. She giggled and shoved off her shoes before leading you to the bathroom again.

"Take a bath with me." Taylor persuaded, sexily, her hands coming to the bottom of her dress and pulling it off. You laughed, turning around to give her some sense of privacy.

"We're drunk, babe." You replied.

"I don't care, come here." She countered, coming over to you and wrapping her arms around you, her almost naked body against yours.

"How about you get into the bath, and I can hang out outside of the bath?"

"I think the bath's big enough for the both of us...I won't touch you or anything. Just thought I'd be nice." Taylor murmured in your ear.

You sighed, melting back into her arms before nodding your head. Taylor moved back as you turned around to pull your dress off. You had no bra with the dress, so your hands went to your panties, pulling them down your legs as Taylor unclipped her bra and pulled her panties down her thighs before turning on the bath and putting bubbles into it. Taylor sat on the side of the bath while you opened the wine bottle and took a drink before handing it to her. Taylor tried not to look at you as you did the same. She moved into the bathtub, putting the wine on the ground before looking at your face. You smiled at her softly before stepping into the bath and sinking into the water, your legs resting on the side of her waist.

You woke up the next morning with the sun shining into the room as you pulled the sheets up to your chest before looking over at the empty side of the bed. You had stumbled into Taylor's room after the bath, putting on clothes before cuddling in her bed and falling asleep. But now she was gone, and the fear that she regretted the night before welled in your chest. This is why you couldn't let it go any further. You didn't want her to hate you even more. But maybe she did anyway. You sat up, fear running through you as the door opened again, and Taylor walked in, and she wore a pair of her knee socks again. She climbed onto the bed, folding her legs and looking at you while biting her lips.

"Last night-." Both of you said at the same time.

"I am sorry." Began Taylor. "I just want to thank you for helping me last night. I know that we aren't really on good terms but I hope that we can move forward. I hope it's cool that last night happened, and I want you to know that I think about you a lot, always have but I know this whole thing is delicate and it might be too soon-."

"It's not too soon. We should talk about what you did...what we both did." You replied.

"I got you flowers-and I didn't call. I didn't reach out to you or let you reach out to me because I was scared. Because every moment you weren't gone, I tried not to think about you, Jules. But I always did. Especially living here, or even trying to bring-I had a boyfriend...he lived here for awhile, but he wasn'"

"You've always made questionable decisions haven't you?" You asked, giving her a soft grin for a moment before looking down. Taylor moved closer to you, and you moved to stand on your knees before moving back down. Your hands moved out to move down her waist before finding the back of her knees, fingers skimming the scruff of her knee socks before pulling her to your lap. Taylor bit her lip at the feeling before looking down at you.

"I remember the zeros from your blocked number. When you'd call, it would make me fall apart. I just knew I didn't want you as a best friend, but I didn't want to fall in too deep. " she tried to explain and you nodded slowly.

"It is over now, right? You want me?" You asked.

"I do-I do want you...But I don't know if I'm ready to come out."

"Hey. That's okay, you don't need to, you can take your time. I'm here." You said, patiently but hopeful, as you looked into her eyes. "If something bad happens, at least we were together for just..a little bit."

"It's not my parents." Taylor tried to explain. "You know, it's the Hudson Valley crusaders and gossip. They always had my name in their mouth in high school...I don't want that to happen again."

"I know, love. I know you through and through, even after all these years." You replied, your hand coming to your hair and running through the strands before cupping her face in your hands. Your lips coming up to kiss her on the lips, she hums into the kiss moving her lips with yours.

"Mom called me," Taylor whispered into your lips.

"Yeah..." You trailed, your lips moving down to her jaw, softly kissing her skin, tasting the vanilla body wash from last night.

"Tomorrow-we have a stupid brunch...with the Styles-he-." Taylor discloseed shakily as you trailed down to her neck, sucking under her ear, her hands tangling into your hair before kissing you hard on the lips. "Harry, their son is my ex."

"Oh..." You said, moving your head back, to look into her eyes as she spoke.

"But it will be fine-he is gay, very gay, and out! He has a boyfriend." Taylor said.

"Your ex was gay?" You asked a soft smile on your lips. "A little ironic?"

"Haha, you are so funny, kiss me," Taylor said, kissing your lips again.

"How's the weather?" You questioned.

"It's hot, sunny."

"Let's go to the lake." You suggested.

"Yeah, maybe after...I wanna taste you if that's alright?" Taylor asked, looking into your eyes. You nodded quickly as she kissed your lips before gripping your thighs and wrapping them around her waist.

She moved her hips into yours while moaning into your mouth before slipping her tongue into your mouth and sucking on your tongue. You moaned at the feeling before she moved her lips down your jaw to your neck, sucking on the flesh before moving down to your chest, lifting the shirt you were wearing over your head to start kissing down your body. Stopping at your naked breasts and cupping them in her hands, sucking on your nipple, nibbling before sitting up to take off her shirt, no bra underneath. You whimper softly at the view, your hands reaching to cup her breasts in your hand, feeling the soft flesh and hardened nipples in your hands. Taylor gasped at the feeling, her back arching into your hands, grinding her center into your own before leaning down to suck at your chest again. She sucked marks into your skin, claiming you and sucking your red erect nipples into her mouth.

Taylor shuffled down further, kissing at your stomach, seeing your shiny belly button piercing and smiling up at you before kissing your belly button and then moving down to suck on your abdomen. Her hands trailed up your chest to touch you again before moving down to pry your fresh panties that were soaked from your body. She continued to kiss your skin, prying your legs apart and continuing to massage your breasts. You bit your lip at the feeling before she dived to lick the whole heat. You moaned out at the feeling of her tongue before she sucked on your clit. You sucked in a large breath clenching around nothing while reaching out to hold on to her hair. You started grinding your hips against her mouth, moaning and shuttering, slowly creeping up to your orgasm. Taylor didn't stop one of her hands coming down to slide two fingers into your heat. Your walls clamping around her, sucking her in, she moaned at the feeling, flicking your clit with her tongue. Her hand moves down to your ass, pulling you up to your mouth and moaning to vibrate her mouth against your clit. Your hands moved to your breasts, continuing to rut against her before coming over her fingers.

"Taylor fuck-" You moaned out, arching your back and shaking through your legs before she dipped down to lick at your orgasm. She tastes you, making soft noises into you, your sensitive walls clamping down on her tongue, her hands moving to knead at your breasts before you come around her tongue. Something she would forever remember, the feeling of you coming in her hands, on her tongue. Taylor moved up, her mouth wet, her lips swollen, and a grin stretching her face as she moved forward to kiss you. You pulled her up to your waist, still shaking from your own orgasm, and kissed her on the lips. Your lips moved with hers, your hands dragging down her body, feeling her soft skin and her breasts. Feeling her in your hands was something you always truly wished to feel every inch of her. Your hand dips into her panties, rubbing at the whole of her, your fingers slipping against her tight folds before rubbing at her clit.

"Oh--." Taylor moans, grinding her hips into your hand as you slide your fingers into her and start pumping. She moaned with the feeling before begging for more, moving off of you to open her side chore and grabbing a vibrator out. It was around 5 inches long and bent at the end for the g-spot, blue, and she handed it to you before rolling onto your back. You smiled widely at her before climbing on top of her and kissing her lips before bringing her panties down her legs. She helped you kick them off before spreading her legs for you. You moved down, flattening her legs to the side before kissing her thighs softly. Then you admired her, admired her wet folds and small clit. You turned on the vibrator, clicking it on before dragging it through her folds.

"Who do you think of?" You murmured, slowly moving the vibrator through her folds and sinking it into her. Taylor moaned, clenching her eyes shut at the feeling. "Taylor, who do you think of when you use this?" You asked, starting to slide it out.

"You-Jules. I think of you every time. Your-your favorite color--." Taylor mumbled. You grinned at her before pushing deeply into her, angling it up to g-spot. Your lips found her clit, sucking the swollen bud into your mouth as Taylor started to roll her hips against the toy and your mouth, your chin keeping the toy inside of her as your hands came up to massage her breasts. Taylor came unraveling against your tongue and the vibrator. But she didn't stop shaking from her orgasm, and your lips soothed her as you turned off the vibrator, sliding it out before kissing your thighs and up her stomach.

"Do you want another?" You asked, and you only asked because she was still shaking as badly as did from your two orgasms.

"Please-don't." Taylor whispered as you moved up to kiss her lips. You nodded, assuming that the vibrator was more stimulating. You softly kissed her before running your fingers through her hair. You leaned up your hand tracing the wooden bedpost as you smiled down at Taylor. "Do you still want to go to the lake?" she asked.

"I'd really like that." You replied. She smiled at you, nodding as you leaned down to kiss her again.

After cleaning up and putting on your swimsuits, you grabbed towels and sunscreen before heading down to the lake. Taylor set your things down on the doc before slipping off her sandals and jumping into the blue lake that was sure to be hot by the sun beaming down on it. You smiled at Taylor before slipping your sandals off and jumping into the water with her. The slight tinge of cold made you shiver as you resurfaced, brushing back the water off your face and turning around to look for her. Taylor was slowly swimming towards you with a smile on her face before she scooped you up in her arms.

You giggled slightly at the feel of her hands running down your body and pulling you into her, but you laid the softest of kisses onto her shoulder before looking at her. Her bright blue eyes shine from the sunlight, making your heart quiver inside your chest. You smiled fondly at her before cupping her cheeks to kiss her softly. Sparks run down your spine, and your world stops around you. Your hands ran from her cheeks to her waist, your soft hands feeling the soft flesh of her thighs and pulling them around your waist to continue to kiss her. Then you found footing in the lake before smiling against her lips.

"You ready?" You whispered.

"Wha-." Taylor started before you jumped off the footing you had, holding her. "No, no, no!"

"Yes, yes, yes, you set yourself up!" You laughed before jumping up again and flipping Taylor over your shoulder. She squealed through the hair, plunging into the water as you laughed from your belly. When Taylor came back up she swam over to you. "You little devil!" she said, wrapping her arms around you and pulling your back to her chest. Then move her lips into her neck and start rubbing her nose against the soft skin, holding your hair in one hand. "I'll get you back."

"You better...I just know you won't be able to throw me, though."

"Why's that?" Taylor questioned.

"Because you never have been able to!" You replied, turning around to look at her. Taylor laughed before pulling you to her again to kiss your lips softly.

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