An Honest Heart

By mystiquewaters08

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*Sequel to Liar-Liar* After a bad fallout with her "boyfriend", Thomas Brodie Sangster, y/n y/l/n went missin... More

Prologue: Lead
Lost and Alone
Almost There
Authors Note (Please Read!!!)
The One That Got Away
Healing Wounds
Little Mermaid
Reminiscing and Longing
Casual & Fancy
Love Over Money
Therapy Session
Chocolate Fixes Everything
Courtroom Confessions
Filming Day #1
Potluck Party
Mistakes Get Made
Croissants and Baguettes
Mall Trip
Nightmare at Midnight
Under The Willow
Diamond On The Red Carpet
The Next Day...
Planning A Wedding
And Let Zem Eat Cake!
Who's The Lucky Girl?
A Spill of Glorified Grape Juice

Change of Plans

82 5 2
By mystiquewaters08


What are your pronouns?


I know I'm late on this, but happy Pride month!!!

I love yall and want you to know that my account is always a safe place for you! If you ever need anything, I'm always here for you! Love you

-Your Asexual Misty


*Y/n's P.O.V.*

"Hey love," Thomas says as he knocks on my bathroom door. I tell him to come in as I'm only brushing my teeth anyways, but he just leans on the doorframe with his phone in his hand.

"So, how would you feel about a cast lunch instead of a cast dinner tomorrow?" Thomas asks as he scrolls through something.

"I'd be down," I reply after washing out my mouth with water. "As long as me and the girls still have plenty of time to get ready. Why?"

"The cast and crew just decided to switch it up as we've mostly done dinners." Thomas excuses, typing something on his phone. I nod my head in reply before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing out my mouth.

"So, why want the sudden change?" I ask, starting on my hair.

Thomas just shrugs and begins to type something on his phone. "I don't know, love. I guess we'll just have to see!" I nod my head and continue getting ready.

I suddenly get a notification on my phone, I glance at it, only to grab it a second later.

"Hey, want to come with me and the girls to the mall for a spa day?" The text from Holland read.

"Of course! What time?" I reply.

"We'll pick you up at 11! Be ready by then! Or ELSE!" Holland replies, making me laugh.

"What was that about?" Thomas asks, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smile and let myself lean gently into him. "I hope it's not anything I should worry about," I laugh again as I softly shake my head.

"Me and the girls are just going to have a selfcare day, that's all." I reply, looking up at Thomas.

Thomas frowns and lets out a sigh. "So... I have to let them take you from me?"

"Thomas!" I laugh, hitting his arm playfully, instantly making him break his act as a smile comes onto his face, making his eyes squint in the corners.

Ah, those stupid butterflies!

"Alright, love." Thomas says, kissing my forehead. "But I still want to take you on a small date before tomorrow."

"I'll make sure you get to take me out to dinner, deal?" I ask, looking between his eyes.

Thomas' smile turns sadder as he nods his head, kissing my forehead gently. But when Thomas pulls away, I stop him by placing my hand on his neck. He gives me a confused look as he realizes I'm silently telling him not to leave just yet.

I gulp, glancing down at how close we were before looking back up and saying quietly: "You missed,"

Thomas' lips lift into a smile before he softly puts his lips against mine, causing sparks to go off at the contact, making the butterflies in my stomach spread all throughout my torso.

The kiss doesn't last long enough as Thomas pulls away and walks towards the bathroom door.

"I love you more than anything, y/n." Thomas says, smiling back at me. "But I think you want to finish getting ready." I blush, nodding my head as I realized I hadn't even put my makeup on yet. I hear Thomas chuckle before his footsteps become quiet.

I turn back to the mirror, trying to finish my routine without blushing.

To say I failed would be an understatement.


Ever since yesterday's spa day, everyone has been acting weird.

All the girls kept constantly mentioning the "Single Life" or having a boyfriend. Wasn't a spa day meant to help us relax? To have us not focus on the stressors of our lives?

I mean, Thomas is obviously an exception, but still.

Why was it constantly brought up?

And then Thomas was constantly on phone calls or texts all evening during our date! Even this morning he's been jittery and constantly looking at his phone.

What's going on?

Constant mentions of the single life, Thomas acting differently and putting his messages over me, all the anxious energy from Thomas, and all the strange looks from the cast...

Is... Thomas going to break up with me?!

No... no... he loves me!


Ya, of course! We've gone through too much together to just suddenly quit now, right?

Oh my heavens... what did I do wrong?

"Y/n?" Thomas asks me, pulling me back to the cast lunch. I look up at everyone, seeing them carrying on new conversations with people around them while enjoying their lunches. Did I zone out?

"Are you alright, love?" Thomas asks me softly. I look over at him, studying his face.

Everything seemed normal. Well... except for the anxiety slightly showing on his face with concern dancing across his eyes.

I break out a smile and nod my head, grabbing Thomas' hand and giving it a squeeze.

"Of course I am," I say softly. "I just zoned out, that's all."

Thomas looks between my eyes, trying to see if I was lying or not. Finally , he lets out a small sigh as he nods his head. "Alright, love." Thomas says, pulling his hand out of my grasp, making my heart feel a hit of pain. "Go ahead and finish your food."

I nod my head, turning back to my food and willing the tears coming into my eyes not to fall.

Thomas had never pulled away from my grasp. He would always hold my head, kissing my cheek when he let go to let me know he didn't mean anything by it. But... This time...

"Ok, everyone venmo me and I'll pay the tab!" Max smiles.

Everyone thanks him and Thomas gets out his phone. I feel my own arm start to jerk towards Thomas to stop from paying for me, but I stop.

Why not let him pay for our last meal together as a couple?

In a blur, everyone finished up, Max paying the bill as all of us got up to leave. Some headed to their cars while some of the others - mostly the guys - stayed at the front of the entrance and chatted.

Strange, you would think the girls would do most of the chatting.

Then again, all of us needed to get ready.

I stop at the car me and Thomas took, leaning against it as I looked at my nails.

(The Nails:


Me and the girls had gotten them done to match our dresses for today. They were absolutely stunning, but even more fun to play with as they helped my anxiety. They just made these weird clicking and clacking sounds that were really fun to play with for some reason.

"Ready to go, love?" Thomas suddenly asks, making me whip my head up to find him walking towards me with a nervous smile on his face.

I smile softly, nodding my head.

Thomas nods his head and unlocks the car. I hop into the passenger seat, getting on my seatbelt.

I look back down at my nails, wanting to ignore that anxious feeling in my stomach.

"Um... y/n, I... um..." Thomas says, making me look up at him, bracing myself.

This was it. This was the moment he'd break up with me.

Oh crap! I'm not ready for this!

"Would you, maybe," Thomas continues, doing his best not to stutter. "After you get ready, w-would you, um... accompanymetodinner?"

I blink at Thomas, taking a moment to try to understand his words. But then I smile softly and say: "Of course, Tommy. I'd love to go to dinner with you," I suddenly notice my hand reaching for his, but I stop myself.

He just wanted to soften the blow for when he actually does break it off with me.

Thomas smiles and says quietly: "Ok, ok. Oh, um..." Thomas whips his attention to the steering wheel, looking as if he suddenly forgot how to drive, making me giggle.

"Got it!" Thomas suddenly exclaims as his hand hits the button to start the car and he begins to pull us out of there.

I giggle before looking out the window.

I was going to miss this...


I take a deep breath as I looked into the mirror. I had gotten my hair into a crowned, curled style, the hair bouncing softly around my shoulders and a few curly strands framing my face in the front.

I then look down at my dress, nervously brushing my hands down on the skirt. It was a lovely midnight blue, chiffon gown that got slightly laughter at the skirt due to the material. It also had a belt with a leaf style around the waist.

I looked myself up and down, taking one more look at myself. I still tried to go with natural makeup, but I couldn't resist adding a small smokey eye with some glitter around it and on the white eyeliner I decided to wear.

I take one more breath, trying to calm myself.

At least I'd look pretty while he dumps me.

I open my eyes, and grab my clutch before walking out of the door and walking into the living room. I see Thomas on the phone mumbling something to someone on the other end. He then ends the call, ruffling his hand through his hair nervously as he begins to pace, quietly mumbling to himself.

"Tommy?" I say softly, feeling a little hurt when Thomas doesn't give a response to having heard me.

"Thomas?" I ask a little louder, trying to ignore that small pang of hurt in my chest.

Thomas suddenly stops and looks up at me, his jaw dropping as his eyes move over me, making me even more nervous than before. His eyes sweep over me like a hungry falcon, taking everything in. But still, they had a sense of wonder like a child seeing a lit up Christmas tree with all the presents under the tree for the first time.

Thomas slowly begins to walk towards me, I want to take a step back, but I force myself to stay where I was.

When Thomas is standing right in front of me, I finally notice the tears in my eyes, striking confusion in me. He slowly brings his hand up to my face, rubbing his thumb against my cheek.

"Thomas?" I ask softly, lifting my hands up to his face to wipe away the tears that were slowly falling.

"You..." Thomas says softly, looking all over me once again. "You look stunning. I know I've said this before, but you are truly the most beautiful woman to ever bloody exist." I feel the tint in my cheeks become darker as I felt the room suddenly become hotter.

Is that really something you say to someone when you're about to break up with them?!

"And you're the most handsome man I've ever met," I say softly, looking into his soft brown eyes, making my heart melt like chocolate.

We stay like that for who knows how long later, only to get interrupted by Thomas' phone.

I slowly pull away, wondering if I did see a flash of pain in Thomas' eyes before he grabbed his phone.

"Ah, um," Thomas says, quickly pocketing his phone after. "We better get going if we want to make the dinner reservation that I made." I nod my head at his reasoning before I follow him out to the car.

I nervously fidget my hands the whole way in the car, wishing that Thomas would just turn on some music.

But when I glanced over at him, it seemed he was just as nervous if not more.

We finally arrived at the restaurant, driving up and being greeted by a Valet. The man takes our car and Thomas politely offers his hand. I smile, taking it softly. Would this really be the last time I hold his hand? As a polite curtesy?

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when the hostess began guiding us to our table. I look around and let out a silent gasp at the interior. This place was stunning! It was like one of those places in the movies! It was wonderful!

This must have been crazy expensive! So, why...?

"Alright, your server will be here in jus a few moments! Please, take a seat!" The hostess says with a light French accent.

"Merci," Thomas smiles, causing the hostess to beam as she replies: "Bien sûr! Passe une bonne soirée!" I look at Thomas with a confused expression and he translates: "Sure! Have a good evening!"

I make a big O with my mouth as Thomas pulls out my chair and I sit down, scooting myself in.

"How did you get a reservation at this place?" I ask, taking another look around. "It looks expensive and hard to book!"

Thomas smiles at me and takes a small sip of his water. "I know a guy,"

I let out a soft laugh as I shake my head. "You and your celebrity status! Someday you'll abuse it so much, every industry in the world will hate you!"

"Ah, but I'll keep them in business, won't I?" Thomas asks, looking at me with a predatory gaze, making my insides flip as my cheeks burn up.

"You... could say that." I say softly, taking a sip of my own water as I turn away from him.

I hear him chuckle easily picturing the image in my head.

I put down my cup and then quickly turn to the menu, trying to decide what I wanted to eat.

If I even could eat - my stomach was so twisted up, I felt like I'd just throw up anything that made it down my windpipe.

A waiter soon comes up and we order our drinks and food. She takes down our orders before taking our menus and walking away to get them in. I look back at the window, not daring to look at Thomas.

I was scared that if I did, I'd just be faced with the fact that he was planning to break up with me sooner.

I didn't want that moment to happen.


I loved this man, but apparently... he no longer felt the same. He apparently lost feelings, probably because of all the klunk I've had to make him deal with.

It's all my fault...

"Y/n?" Thomas asks softly, finally snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over at him, instantly losing myself once again in his sparkling, chocolate brown eyes that seemed to have a slight amber shine to them. The beauty of his eyes nearly distracted me enough to not catch the worried look on his face.


"Are you alright, love?" Thomas asks gently, taking my hand from across the table and gently rubbing his thumb against my skin to comfort me.

I look away from him, not wanting to catch his gaze. I mean... I guess now's a better time than ever.

"I-I'm fine," I say, cursing myself for stuttering. "I've just noticed that you've... you've been acting a little different these past few days. But especially since yesterday. I don't know what's going on, but if it's cause you want to break up with me-"

"Woah, woah, love," Thomas says suddenly, scooting his chair closer to me taking my face in one of his hands. "Who ever said I wanted to break up with you?"

I look up at him, suddenly realizing that I had begun to tear up. I shake my head, swallowing to try to get my throat cleared.

"I-I don't know... I just thought... I don't know..." I say quietly, suddenly feeling very stupid for all of this. Look what I just did! Argh! I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have let those intrusive thoughts get to me! I should've just asked Thomas in the beginning!

"Love, I love you too much to just break up with you," Thomas says softly, rubbing away a stray tear. "I guess I was just acting a little different because I wanted to make sure that tonight went perfectly. It is our first premier as a real couple, I just wanted it to be special. Ya know?"

I let out an awkward laugh, nodding my head as I grabbed one of his hands. "Y-ya," I laugh softly. "You're right."

Thomas chuckles, kissing my forehead softly.

"I love you." He says gently. "And don't you dare think about even thinking that you're stupid. I was a d*ck for not realizing it."

"Thomas," I warn gently, making him laugh as he pecks a stray tear from my other cheek.

"Sorry, love." He laughs, pulling away. "I'll watch my language next time."

"Good." I nod, making him laugh once more, which caused me to smile.

"Alright, here's some Coke and a y/f/d!" The waitress says as she comes back to our table. Thomas gives my hand a small squeeze before scooting his chair back to where it was before. "Your food will be out in just a few more minutes, I'll be back then!" She smiles before walking away.

Me and Thomas continue chatting the rest of the night, the anxious tension between us gone for the most of it. I don't know why, but I still felt this anxious air off of Thomas...

Maybe it's just cause of the premier in a few hours.

It was, after all, his first movie as a villain.

When we were done, we tipped the waitress before heading back out to collect our car from the Valet.

We had been standing there for a few minutes, with me patiently waiting for the valet while Thomas was nervously building up his courage to ask me something.

It was all in the grip he hand on my hand, along with his bouncing feet.

"Y/n," Thomas finally says, turning to me with an anxious look on his face. I look up at him patiently, showing him I was listening. "Would you, maybe, want to just go somewhere with me real quick? We'll be late to the premier, but I want to spend just a little more time with you before we get surrounded by paparazzi."

I smile up at Thomas, giving his hand a small squeeze as I stepped closer to him.

"I'm happy with whatever we do and wherever we go, just as long as you're with me." I say softly, making a smile bigger than mine come onto his face.

As soon as the car came and the valet parked it, Thomas opened the door for me. He patiently waited for me to get comfortable before closing the door and grabbing the key from the valet, paying him with what I think might be a $50 pound sterling (Misty: I think I got that right? Tell me if I'm wrong). I just roll my eyes as I get my seatbelt on.

Thomas and money.

Thomas quickly jumps in the car after that, nearly forgetting his seatbelt before I remind him, and drives off.

"So," Thomas begins, glancing over at me before returning his eyes to the road. "We might be a little late to the premier, but I already told Carlton, so it's nothing to worry about!'

"Wait, so you planned this?' I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Of course I did!" He smirks, making me laugh as I once again shake my head. "Why am I not surprised?" I ask jokingly as I look back out the window, this time with excitement for what was to come.

You guys ready for what's next????

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