Sneak Peaks for Kingdom Heart...

By mickol93

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I had this in my mind today, and I thought I could do this. I'm gonna write scenes from the Kingdom Hearts jo... More

Chapter 1: Bus nightmare opening
Chapter 2: Retrieval attempts
Chapter 3: Arriving at Alcatraz, and the shower room
Chapter 4: The Dreighton Triangle & The Corellia Star
Chapter 5: Welcome to Rapture
Chapter 6: 343 Guility Spark
Chapter 7: Waking up in a bathroom, let the game begin.
Chapter 8: Klendathu drop
Chapter 9: Bay of Pigs (Short)
Chapter 10: Counterattack
Chapter 11: Hive contact
Chapter 12: Ernie loses it
Chapter 14: Evacuation of Dante's Peak
Chapter 15: Retreat to the outpost
Chapter 16: We hit nothing
Chapter 17: The game, it's started
Chapter 18: Yippee ki yay, motherfreaker
Chapter 19: Explanation, fuel cell, and talk to the hand
Chapter 20: Reunion with Sarah, John's fate. "For John"
Chapter 21: Desert chase
Chapter 22: Reunion with Nancy and Quentin, facing Freddy
Chapter 23: You shouldn't have buried me. I'm not dead. Freddy's back!
Chapter 24: Battle for Yavin 4
Chapter 25: Treasure hunt, squeezing Mateo
Chapter 26: History of the One-Ring
Chapter 27: Axis Chemicals, birth of Joker
Chapter 28: Interval 06-Keegan
Chapter 29: Semper Fi
Chapter 30: Prolgue part 2
Chapter 31: Getting set for the plan
Chapter 32: Free falling
Chapter 33: She is all
Chapter 34: You have to play by the rules
Chapter 35: Let's find out
Chapter 36: Thank Heaven
Chaptter 37: It's got a death curse!
Chapter 38: A plane went down in a storm, fake distress call
Chapter 39: Omaha Beach
Chapter 40: Comic books are bad for ya
Chapter 41: Our last chance
Chapter 42: Alternate timeline
Chapter 43: Carnival of chaos, cat at play, Pyrrha alive?!
Chapter 44: Nightmare torture, meeting John/escape
Chapter 45: Prologue
Chapter 46: The Beast within
Chapter 47: Meteor shower in N.Y.C.
Chapter 48: Saving a plane.
Chapter 49: Simon Peter Gruber
Chapter 50: I think the only way to stop him is to make another movie.
Chapter 51: Jason's out there
Super Bowl champs!
Chapter 52: Meeting Grady, the worms are back
Chapter 53: Story of Isla De La Roca
Chapter 54: Imperial Russia, Anastasia, Rasputin, death of the Romanov's
Chapter 55: Meeting Chris and Jenny Higgins and their friends
Chapter 56: Jason's still alive
Chapter 57: Nightmare of Jason
Chapter 58: Jason returns
Chapter 59: The story of Jason Voorhees, Tina frees Jason
Chapter 60: Arriving in New York
Chapter 61: Is Jason finally dead? Maleficent's return
Chapter 62: Coming onboard the Grendel
Chapter 63: I've been away from my children for far too long
Chapter 64: Meeting John for the first time, reprogrammed Terminator
Chapter 65: Ghost story of Antonio Bay
Chapter 66: Swamp fight
Chapter 67: Insect Queen takes control of the spiders
Chapter 68: The log
Chapter 69: First comet strikes, giant tidal wave
Chapter 70: Diner disaster, captured by crazy kids
Chapter 71: The farmhouse, Kirk, Pam, Pepper, and Andy's deaths
Chapter 72: Opening, Sawyer family's deaths
Chapter 73: Preparing for the jump.
Chapter 74: Meeting Haley, Billy, and Chris
Chapter 75: Never leave anything behind
Chapter 76: Recite
Chapter 77: Horizontal inferno
Chapter 78: The Spinosaurus
Chapter 79: Queens neighborhood destruction
Chapter 80: Steel trap, Nercofear ascends
Chapter 81: Message, get your butt to Mars.
Chapter 82: We've been shrunk, thrown out with the trash

Chapter 13: Bloodbath party

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By mickol93

Scene from Kingdom Hearts: Piranha 3D.

All of the teens in the water are just celebrating and partying, while ignoring the deputies' calls to get out of the water. Julie and the heroes arrive at the scene with another deputy on boats. Sora and his friends look around disbelief. 

Sora: What's going on here?

Kairi: What are all of these kids doing in the water? I thought they were all warned. 

Sora: As far as I knew, they were. 

Jaune: We gotta get them out now! 

Julie: This is an emergency. I need everybody out of the water now. Get out of the water. This is an emergency. Get out of the water now. 

Riku: Everyone, listen! This is serious! Everyone needs to get out now!

Ruby: Get out of the water! Everybody to your boat! 

Everyone just ignores them as they cheer, playing and swimming in the water while partying. Steve Aoki's song, "I'm in the house" is playing over speakers. The heroes all sigh in frustration, as everyone is just too drunk or just lazy or selfish to listen. Namine is looking around while people are swimming and dancing to the music. She knows that the piranha are most likely on their way here right now, or are probably here already, along with Maleficent's Great White Shark monster. She looks down in the water, but can't see anything. She sees a young woman on her tube, smiling, and dancing a little to the music. But then, she flinches. She sits up while looking around. Then, she gasps as something is attacking from under. She starts screaming as she's pulled slightly inside the tube. Blood is mixing with the water all around. Everyone around her sees this, and are shocked.

Man: Shark! Shark! 

Man 2: Who the heck yells "shark" in a lake? (Sees what's happening) Oh, shoot!

Namine: (Looks at Sora) Sora, they're here!

The blood in the water spreads all around. Great White sniffs it, and grins. 

Great White: Excellent. More food. Time to play, boys. 

The piranha behind all swim to feed as the blood draws them. Everyone in the water all panic, and swim as hard as they can to the boats. 

Momo: Swim! Get back to your boats! Hurry! 

Everyone is screaming as they swim. Then, the piranha start biting them, ripping skin flesh off of them. Great White grabs ahold of a man, and starts biting him too. The man is screaming as he tries to break fast from it, but can't. 

Julie: Get the heck out of the water!

Everyone continues screaming as the whole party is now becoming a bloodbath. The ones on the boats are watching in shocked as they see this. And they're also helping anyone out of the water. They're also swimming to the water stage. Some people are swimming to the heroes' boats. 

Sora: Come on! Come on!

Kairi: Swim!

Riku: Grab my hand! 

They're helping the people by pulling them out of the water. They're all screaming and shouting as they swim to the boats. The blood is mixing with the water as the piranha continue their attack. The heroes pull the people on their boats. They see they have bite marks all over them. Ruby and Yang look at the stage, and see it's getting packed with people. A young woman is swimming to their boat while screaming. 

Woman: Help! Please!

Ruby: (Reaches out to her) Grab my hand! Hurry!

But before she could, Great White suddenly jumps out of the water behind her, and bites on her as he pulls her down into the water. Ruby screams in shock as she watches Great White eating the woman as she screams. Great White finishes her off by biting her head off. He looks around, and sees another girl getting dragged down into a huge swarm of piranha, and they eat the flesh off of her in seconds. More people keep getting on the stage, as some people climb on the metal railing and poles. The heroes then see that the stage is now tilting forward. 

Jaune: Oh, no! Guys, the stage is tilting!

Weiss: There's too much weight on it! 

The stage tilts to its front, and the people in front start falling back in the water, screaming. 

Julie: Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh. 

More people fall in the water, and the piranha and Great White eat more of them. Blood is everywhere in the water. Two more guys fall in the water. 

Kairi: Oh, my gosh! 

Then, the wires on the stage start shocking, and some cables come loose as a metal pole comes loose and falls on a boat, knocking some people off it. A cable shoots around, and it cuts two girls. One is cut a little below her stomach, and she faints in shock. But the other girl is cut in half. Ruby and Yang gasp in shock. 

Ruby: Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! 

The upper half of the girl's body falls into the water. Everyone in the water are coming their heads off as they try to get out of the water as the piranha bites all around. Sora looks around as they help more people into their boats. Then, he gets an idea. 

Sora: Riku, Roxas, Kai, Momo, Ruby, and Donald, with me!

Riku: What are we doing?

Kairi: Sora, what are you doing?

Sora: Let's summon our dragons! We can use them to fly over and pull them out of the water! And also, we'll make more for you to get more people onto the boat! Come on!

Roxas: Right behind ya! 

They summon their dragon monsters from their cards, and they hop on them. They fly over the water. Momo looks, and sees Novak on a motorbike. He's riding in it with a shotgun. He takes two girls, and rides them closer to shore. They both jump off, and swim for it. Just then, Novak fires his shotgun, and shoots some piranha, giving a man some time to get on a boat. Sora looks down, and pulls up a girl with her two friends. 

Sora: Get out of the water! Hurry!

Girl: Thank you!

Sora: Hold on! Don't let go! 

Armed Dragon flies to the shores with the three girls. He's over land. The girls let go, and they land on the sand softly. 

Sora: You'll be fine! Stay on shore! 

He flies back to help the others. Riku looks around as he helps two guys out of the water. He sees the Wet T-shirt host trying to get on a boat. Then he sees a boat coming at him. He screams as he sees it. Then, it crushes his head between, and blood covers a woman next to him. Riku grunts in disgust. He flies the two guys to shore. Back on the heroes' boats, Goofy glares as Great White growls at him. Goofy hits him with his shield. He grunts as he falls back in the water. Winter and Weiss watch the water for him. The injured people on the boats are groaning and whimpering in pain as they're covered with bite marks. Pieces of skin are missing too. 

Winter: Jaune, get them out of the water! Get them out of the water now!

Jaune: There's too many of them! (Pulls in two people) 

Blake looks at the water, and takes out a knife. She throws it down in the water, and she manages to stab one Piranha dead. She hisses at this. More people keep dying in the water as the piranha feast on them. Toji and Yuu pull two girls out of the water, with bite marks on their hips, bleeding. 

Girl: They're all everywhere!

Toji: Just hold on. You'll be okay. 

More people are screaming their heads out as they feel the piranha biting them from under. Novak takes two guys to shore. Roxas gets two people out of the water, and fishes out another one. 

Roxas: Come on! I'll take you all to shore. 

Red-Eyes flies to shore. Kairi pulls up another girl, but she sees that their boat is full. Great White comes up, and grabs two people. He drags them down into the water, and eats them both as he bites their heads together. 

Namine: Kairi, there's too many people. We don't have enough boats. 

Kairi looks at her, and reaches down to grab a young girl's hand. She grabs her hand too, crying in fear and pain. 

Girl: Please, don't let me die. 

Kairi also cries too, but she doesn't know what to do. But luckily, Ruby comes to the rescue. She flies over them, and grabs the girl, along with three others. 

Ruby: Don't worry! I'm taking you to shore!

Girl: Thank you!

Boy: Yeah, thanks!

Ruby: Hang on!

Winged Dragon flies to shore. Kairi and Namine smile at this. Goofy looks over to them as his hands are covered in blood with the wounds. As Kai is helping two people, he suddenly sees Todd getting on a little speedboat. He starts it up, and speeds off, hitting people in the water, yelling for them to get out of the way. He frowns at this. He gets the two people to shore, and flies over to see if he can try to stop Todd from doing something stupid. He sees him halfway to shore, but his engine is sputtering. Then, his boat stops, and people start climbing on it. He tries to start it. Kai sees why his boat stopped. The prop is caught with a young woman's hair. She's screaming at him while trying to shake free. Kai's eyes widen as he sees this. He flies down. 

Kai: Hey, Todd! Stop, stop, stop! That girl's hair is caught in the prop! 

Girl: My freaking hair! Stop the boat! My freaking hair! 

Kai sees that he's not listening. Kai reaches down, and tries to get the girl's hair removed from the prop. He sees he's running out of time. 

Girl: Stop the boat! (Screaming)

Kai takes out his knife, and uses it to cut off the hair that's caught in it. He helps the girl out of the water as the prop turns, but still won't start. Then, the people climbing on the boat tips it over, and they and Todd fall in the water. Todd comes up, and swims to the boat to get out of the water. As people climb on it, piranha still bite on them. And Great White suddenly appears, and roars as he comes down on Todd. Todd screams as he drags him down into the water. Great White feasts on him as the piranha join in. They bite on his back. Todd is screaming and groaning as he's getting eaten. Kai shakes his head as he pulls three people out of the water to save them. This party is getting bloody by the minute. The heroes can only hope that they'll save them before more of them die. And hopefully, they can find a way to stop the piranha and Great White. And they hope that Jeremy and his friends are okay out there too. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: Piranha 3D. Coming soon. If you've seen the movie, you must know how much blood is shown in the movie. And it's also where they'll meet Jeremy and his friends. And Great White is one of Maleficent's monsters. Look him up in the Yu-Gi-Oh cards. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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