Miss Perfect | Nancy Wheeler

By onyxsnowbird

172K 5.6K 827

You are Dustin's older (half) sister. You spend a lot of time with Dustin and his friends, when weird shit st... More

Xmen 134
Maybe shes deaf?
Connoisseurs of art
Man without a face
King Steve
The bath
Monster Killers
Motel to Murray
Drunken love
Return into Chaos
A real date
Moonlit ecstasy
Christmas kitty
Welcome Home!
Girl problems
Hospital horrors
The fight continues
4th of july
Surgery + singing
Three months later
Week away
Journalism, baby!
Max mayhem
Home free
Baby brother
He was a hero
You're my hope


4.9K 177 104
By onyxsnowbird

Mike was the first to snatch her up in a hug crying softly. "I called you evey night for three hundred and -"

"I know" Eleven says sobbing.

"Then why didn't you tell me the you were there?" Mike asks. You stand stunned, gun still out - how was El even alive?

"I wouldn't let her" Hopper told him, everyone turned to stare shocked.

Mike pushes him aggressively "you've been hiding her this whole time!?"

"Hey! Lets talk. Alone" Hoppers tone is scornful as he drags Mike into a different room.

Dustin is second in line to step up to El, she points to his mouth "you have teeth"

"Oh you like these pearls? Grrrr" he makes a purring sound.

Mac is third, "hey Eleven? Im Max, I've heard a lot about you" she extends her hand for a shake.

El looks at her with no expression and pushes past to hug you, you felt bad that she ignored the girl when she made an effort to be polite but gracefully returned the hug. "I missed you" you tell her. You let her go to see Will and feel a tear in your heart stich itself closed.

When everyone has a chance to get themselves together they gather at the table again trying to decide how to close the gate.

"Assuming we can even get in there the place is crawling with those dogs" Hopper huffs planting his palms on the table.

"And if we do- assuming cutting off the brain will kill the army - Wills part of that army" Mike blabbers out his theory.

"Oh my god" Joyce whidpers. "This whole time, we've been given him what it wants" you don't follow so you look to her awaiting the explanation. "He said he likes it cold so... We'll have to burn it out of him"

Hopper gives Jonathan the dorections to his cabin. A place Will had never been and had no way of spying on. You and Nancy anxiously disscuss Will. You want to go with him but you're brother's need protection too. "You should go" you decide. "If each of us has a gun we shouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket so to speak"

"What I'm not just gonna leave you and Mike-"

Steve walks up behind "go, I'll help look after them" he looks between the both of you slowly "I might have been a shitty boyfriend but turns out im a damn good babysitter" awkward.

"Steve-" she said in a hushed tone.

"Its okay Nance, its okay" his voice was shaking and you felt undeniably guilty. Nancy touched your arm lightly and jogged off leaving you alone with her ex.

Before Hopper takes El you run up to her "be safe okay?" You smile and she nods turning to Mike. You back off and retreat inside giving them privacy.

Inside your brother is forcing Harrington into shoving the demo corpse into Joyce's fridge. You pinch the bridge of your nose "No what the fuck"

"This is a groundbreaking scientific discovery!" Dustin scoffs back at you.

Steve sighs "well you're explaining this to Mrs Byers alright?" He thrusts the animal into the refrigerator making you cringe at the sight. Dark limbs flailing around. "Help me out!" He hisses at your brother.

"What am I supposed to do?" He shrugs.

"Get the door man!"

You stand there watching them in utter fasination. Men are so stupid.

Haphazardly you attempt to clean broken glass and paper up off the floor hoping to give Will a nice home to return to. You keep awkwardly avoiding Steve, you had never had to be alone with him especially not after Nancy dunped him. As you swept the floor you could practically feel his eyes burning into you. You had no idea what he was thinking. You didn't even know if he was smart enough to understand that girls could date or if he still thought it was Jonathan stealing his girl.

In the living room Mike paces back and forth worrying over Eleven. You shared his concerns but were trying to stay hopeful. If she survived last time she can do it again. She's strong.

"Listen there's nothing we can do, we're on the bench" Steve tells him as he walks in.

Dustin is already rebeling "thats not entirely true. The Demodogs have a hive mind"

Lucas joins him "so all we have to do is get their attention and clear a path to the lab"

Slinging a towel over his shoulder Steve sighs "yeah then we ALL DIE"

"That's one point of view" your brother shrugs.

"No its not a point of view its a fact"

Mike grabs up some drawings that were still plastering the walls "what if we used the hole Hopper dug as a way into the tunnels and set the hub on fire"

"Yeah that's a no" Steve announces. "I promised I'd keep you shit heads safe"

The sound of metal makes everyone turn to face you. You rack the rifle Hopper had left you and take everyone's attention "and they will be safe"

"You're sister is badass" Max whispers over Dustin's shoulder.

Steve is staring at you with a look you can't decipher. An engine roars outside causing you to look away. "Who is that?" You ask having no idea who'd be over at this time and with a car that loud. Max looks horrified.

"My brother he'll kill us" she curses.

Steve offers to go talk to him so you make the kids all crouch low out of sight. Knowing you shouldn't you couldn't help but peek outside to check what was going on. Billy is standing outside his car looking pissed. He turns his head seeing you. Shit.

Everyone ducks back down "we're screwed" you grunt and Billy comes rushing in.

"Well well well" he scoffs "Lucas Sinclair what a surprise"

You grunt looking at Max "whats his problem?" Instead of responding she looks down in fear.

"You disobeyed me Max" her brother taunts "you know what happens when you disobey me, I break things" he lunges for Lucas.

You yell for him to stop "he's a kid!" You hiss but he clearly doesn't care.

Lucas pushes Billy making him let go, you dash infront of him putting yourself between them as a shield. You didn't let anyone touch your kids.

"Oh look, its the town queer" Billy mocks. Some rumours must have gotten around. "You are both so dead"

"No you are" Steve appears next to him socking him in the jaw. If I was straight that would be hot. Billy comes back up cackling maniacally. What a freak.

"Looks like you got some fire in you after all!" He puts out his arms making a display. Men really are stupid, stop giving a speech and hit eachother. "I've been waiting to meet this 'King Steve' everyone-"

"Shut up" you whine and kick him behind his knee giving him a jelly leg. He fell to the floor with a cartoonish splat. He took this as fighting initiative pushing himself up, Steve swung for him and Billy swung back. You dodged out of the way retreating back to the kids. Steve seems to have the upper hand at first battering him backwards into the kitchen.

Billy grabs china plates and throws them shattering over Steves head. "Ooh shit" Dustin groans. The kids cheer and scream but you just watch in silence with your words caught in your throat. Billy gets Steve to the ground and beggins pummeling him. It was gruesome. Billy was by far the most jacked guy you'd ever seen in Hawkins and that wasn't a compliment - he was scary.

You thought about how Steve had helped your brother in his time of need when you weren't there. You had seen him change into a better person. He even fought Billy to protect you and the kids. You had to stop this. Max was the only other one im the room not screaming, you looked at her just as she looked at you. And idea sparked in her eyes. She nodded towards Steves bat and grabbed something up from the counter beside her, the anesthetic needle used on Will.

You clumsily grabbed the bat holding it tight, hands sweating with panic. Max snook up to her brother and stuck him straight in the neck. He jumped up gasping looking confused. Letting your fear turn into spite you swung the bat and connected with his ribs leaving him spluttering. One hand on his side holding his bloody waist the other pulling out the needle from his neck. "What is this?" He whispered as though he'd never been beat before.

You looked down at Steves blood soaked face. Then behind you to the frightened boys. How dare he. You raise the bat high "you stay the hell away from my kids do you understand?" Billy had collapsed to the floor laughing. Thunk. The bat sunk into the wood between his legs. Max walks up right at your side, her hands balled into fists.

"She said do you understand?" He's quiet for too long so you rip the bat out of the floor going for a second swing.

"I- I understand" he grunts. You freeze with the bat midway.

"Sorry what was that?" You slant your eyes.

"I understand"

You drop the bat and Max gives him a kick for good measure. The boys are gaping.

"Lets get out of here" Max says taking her brothers keys.

You pick up your Rifle again. Should have shot him for home invasion. You trace a finger over the trigger lightly.

You attempt to salvage Steves battered face with what little first aid you scrounge up. He's entirkey unconscious and you need the boys help to carry him into the car.


You're speeding down the road with Lucas and Max squished onto the passenger seat. Dustin and Mike tend to Steve in the backseat.

"Nancy!" You heard Steve waking up behind you.

"No don't touch it" Dustin was already mother henning his new friend. "Shh its okay" he coos. "You put up a good fight, he kicked your ass but you put up a good fight"

"What's going on?" He asks sounding dazed. "Stop the car, slow down"

You ignored him while Lucas yells "I told you he'd freak out!"

"Stop arguing and give me directions" you scream over the top of them all.

"Oh shit make a left" Lucas points to a turning you were almost past. "Make a left!"

You swerve the car hard and skid into the road just barley. Steve starts yelling louder from the back. I wish I'd gone with Nancy.

You screech to a holt mere meters from the giant chasm in the ground. "Could have told me it was right ahead" you hiss.

You all hop out the car kitting up with the gear you packed before leaving. Goggles, bandannas and gloves. Steve is still groggy, muttering something you weren't paying attention to. You grip your rife tight.

"Are you deaf hello?" Steve yells "we're not going down there"

"Steve" you say shoving his backpack into his arms "do your damn job and help me babysit these kids"

You all jump down into the tunnels with Steve taking the lead. You take the back making sure you're protected on both ends. After awhile of walking Dustin starts to fall behind "come on buddy get a move on" you shove him a little too hard and he plummets face first into the floor. Oopsie.

He starts screaming and wriggling around as you try to hoist him up "IT'S IN MY MOUTH" he repeats. You scoff at him. So dramatic. Steve comes running presumably concerned.

"What whats the matter?"

"Don't worry he's just being a drama queen" you huff watching your brother theatrically gag.

"I'm okay" he breathes after his fit.

"We know" you punch him in the arm before helping him up properly.

You all stumble into a large carvern "Wheeler, I think we found your hub" Steve looks around the abyss.

"Lets trench it!" You all set to work on spraying gasoline, everyone gets out of the way as Steve pulls out a lighter and torches the place.

"Alright lets move!" You push the boys ahead of you.

As you run Mike trips and a vine snakes around his leg, keeping him in place. He screams as the vine tries to drag him, you aim your weapon and blast a bullet just below his foot. Chunks of fleshy vegetation scatter as its torn apart. Scrambling to his feet quickly he thanks you and you dash to catch up to the rest of the group.

You find the boys frozen in place being stared down by a Demodog. You aim again before Dustin blocks your view "Dart?"

"What are you doing"
Everyone cusses him out.

"Just trust me" he says calmly.

"Fine" you agree but keep your gun trained on the cat killing alien monster.

You all watch tensely, Dustin removes his mask and talks in a smooth tone "Its me" he offers Dart some of the chocolate that inspired his name, carefully. Shockingly Dart seemed to relax and took the offer. You tiptoe past him gritting your teeth so hard it hurts. Shooting monsters was one thing but trusting one with your life? Terrifying.

Once you pass you hear a wave of footsteps thundering through the tunnels. "They're coming!" Mike shouts and you dash to the opening seeing a rope hanging down.

"Come on come on" Steve screams as you aid him with boosting the kids out of the tunnel. The growls grow louder and nearer - its down to you and Steve.

Dustin is screaming in panic "Y/N come on come on give us your hand"

Steve is about to lift you when the monsters reach your tunnel. You brace yourself against the shaking floor. The gang scream both yours and Steves name desperately. As soon as they round the corner you blast one. Theres too many- hundreds. Steve swings his bat defensively as you watch them gain on you.
You loose your footing when they reach you, falling... Falling.

You're caught in Steves arms instead of finding yourself trampled to death. He steadies you as the dogs rush past you. Past? It feels like forever but in moments they're gone and Steve quickly lets go of you. "Thanks" you cough feeling the pressure of the breath you didn't know you had been holding.

"How come they didn't eat us?" Steve asks dumbfounded.

From above Mike yells down "Eleven, she did it"


Not long after Eleven closed the gate, Murray made good on his promise and released the story you'd planned together. Hawkins lab was exposed and shut down.

It was the night of the Snowball dance and you were getting ready to attend as a chaperone. You were going to meet Nancy there and wanted to look nice for her. Picking out a festive snowflake patterned dress you matched it with some expensive heels and the iconic necklace.

After forming some weird parental bond with Steve, Dustin insisted that you let him take you both. You sprayed some floral perfume on your wrists and went to check on your brother. He was in the bathroom doing his hair. You laugh as you sneak up on him "I wonder who gave you inspiration?" You wink watching him struggle to spray his hair into a mullet.

You sit in the back of Steves car watching him wingman Dustin. "Once you get in there" he says letting Dustin complete his sentence.

"Pretend like I don't care. I don't care"

"Thats terrible advice" you mumble.

"What would you know?" Dustin turns around making a face at you.

"I'd know a lot actually. I'm literally a fucking girl"

"Hey hey no fighting in the car" Steve commands. "Now Henderson, You're gonna go in there looking like a million bucks and your gonna slay em dead" admittedly their little friendship was kinda cute.

Dustin purrs.

"No don't do that"


You laugh, earning a middle finger from Dustin as he gets out the car.

You linger in the backseat "Steve" he turns around to face you "I'm sorry"

"For what?" He shrugs but his face gives away his true emotions.

"Well for starters punching you that one time, then being generally moody and awkward whenever you were around and then-"

"Stealing my girlfriend?" So he did know. Your stomach feels tight as he says this but he quickly reassures you "I'm kidding, I'm happy that Nancy's happy"

You sigh audibly. "You're actually not that bad" you joke offering a weak smile.

He runs a hand through his hair "yeah but don't think you're off the hook for that first one, do you know how much shit I got for getting beat up by a girl?" He laughs genuinely and you feel a click between you. That friendship that has been waiting to form but you never gave the chance flowered in an instant.

"Thanks for taking care of my brother" you say before opening the car door "he really looks up to you"

You walk into the building and see Nancy. Her hair is done up and curly making her look like a mermaid. She smiles brightly when she sees you. "You look gorgeous"

She blushes looking down at the punch stand "as do you"

You help her hand out drinks, spotting your brother and his friends. Lucas and Max go off to dance hand in hand, another girl comes up and whisks Will away. You watch Dustin stride over to some girls and walk away looking dejected. "He's so cute how could anyone say no to him" you wince.

Nancy looks past you to Dustin. "Watch the stand for me?" She asks with a wink. Another act of kindness from miss perfect.

"Of course" you do an overdramatic bow and take her place. You see her follow your brother and take him onto the dancefloor by his hand.

As they sway to the music you notice the look of joy on Dustin's face. He was so pure. The girl you had seen blow him off was staring at him now. Man middle schoolers suck.

You watched them like that for awhile, your heart felt full.

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