Infinity || Yandere males seq...

By Mochi_De_Llama

18.2K 453 214

"Did you really believe this was over?" His slow, monotoned chuckle was a mockery to the weak flame of my bei... More

*Important* Author's note.
~1~ Finer things
~2~ The brink of silence
~3~ A new perspective
~5~ Momentary
~6~ A day's beginning
~7~ A day's end
~8~ Routine
~9~ Shadow coated secrets
~10~ Reflection of lost time
~11~ Fear. Panic. Fear.
~12~ Faltering promises
~13~ Kept in check
~14~ Tangles
~15~ Dreaded moments of close connections
~16~ A fleeting fear
~17~ Gestures from friends
~18~ Cracks behind comfort
~19~ Stale sorrow
~20~ Seclusion
~21~ Limitations Pt. 1
~22~ Limitations Pt.2
~23~ A moment of stilled storms
~24~ Bleak and shallow shadows
~25~ Senseless with caring cruelty
~26~ Taken to silent action
~27~ Fears you have to face
~28~ Not-so sacred sacrifice

~4~ Streak of hope

476 15 4
By Mochi_De_Llama

Word count: 2526

"It's about time you two returned home!" Corin's playful comment was directed towards the two people entering the abode - a few bags in hand as they kicked off their shoes.

I adjust the open-topped box within my hands, making my way to the door whilst giving the two older folks a sincere nod.

"How was your trip out?" My question posed a topic of conversation that was interrupted by the skidding of feet on floorboards - the couple's offspring peaking around the corner.

"What took you two so long? Grams had to save your food in the fridge." Her free hand gestures towards the unseen woman with a playful laziness.

"It wasn't by choice." The older female by my side comments, passing me on her way towards the blood-toned brunette she held a resemblance to.

I busy myself with kicking on my shoes - adjusting the box that rested on my hip and the thin blanket that lay draped across my arm.

"There was an accident that blocked off most the road." The older man chimes, offering a more lighthearted expression as he stole one of his daughter's candies from her palm - earning a playful swat of the hand that dared touch her prize.

"Be thankful we didn't drag you with us, young lady." Her mother teases, stopping in the kitchen and I turn to face the interior's hallway - watching the small, familial group with care.

The older man held a laugh at the antics of the energetic teen, who kept her prize of off-colored candy close to her chest - even Dahlia had crept over to steal one from the distracted girl.
She jumps, taking the moment to close her palm as she declared her newly felt betrayal at the hand of her elder.

The laughter was light. The joking tones of heartfelt, familial bonding.

It was something special. A moment one wanted to last forever...yet always seemed to pass by much quicker than ever fully intended.

My lips purse in thoughts that felt distant. Thoughts pushed aside.

"Corin." I smile kindly, earning her attention. "The bottles?"

She straightens in realization, her fingers making a sharp snap as she turned on her heel and disappeared back into the kitchen.

My gaze lowers only slightly - taking notice of the light, brown-gray feline that pattered her way to the door with grace, sitting near my toes.

To have that girl's energy, would be a blessing.

I chuckle to myself, watching the cat rub against my legs and hearing Corin's rushed footsteps - the beeping of a microwave joining the temporary chaos soon after.

"Coming, (y/n)!" She hollers, once again skidding passed the hall as she hurriedly puts on her sneakers with one hand - exhaling and I snicker at eagerness to shove the remaining pieces of sweets into her mouth.
"Ready? These little guys and gals aren't going to feed themselves."

"Lead the way."

The front door opens to reveal the still bright day of afternoon memories to come, the heat giving way due to the now more cloudy sky above, and the momma cat prances outside - leading the way onto the porch.

The gravel crunches in rhythm to our steps - the brunette making her way towards a shaded patch of grass near one of the lot's many trees.

The box was set down with care - its contents lively with the sounds of scratching at the sides - before I focus my attention on spreading the thin material of the blanket out along the grass.
I kneel down, smoothing it out as Corin shakes the two small bottles in her hands, humming to herself before she joins the softer surface across from me.

"Alright." She huffs an explanation, petting the long back of the larger gray cat and I turn to the box, pulling out the small bundles of fur that cried softly for the attention of others.

"...three...and four." I mumble - taking a bottle offered to me by the female before picking up one of the littered kittens.

They were still quite young - only a few weeks old, but that didn't stop them from whining, clawing at legs and bottles with their small paws or laying by their mother in some attempt to cure what they assumed was severely empty bellies.

"Ow-" I hiss a playful chuckle at the small claws finding a home within the sides of my finger. The feminine feline tugging at the skin while her little head shook back with angry whines. Her light growl told of her impatience with the bottle's lack of proper give - leaving the tiny kitten to endure her 'battle' to get the warm milk faster.
"Listen." I laugh softly, earning Corin's attention.

"Aww, is the little kitty giving you trouble?" She coyly asks and my gaze flicks up to hers, greeting her with a bemused expression.

"Really- ow- ok. Ok, listen."

Corin laughs, picking up the other kitten resting by her leg to place it in her lap. Her strokes along its back were calm - much like her feeding of the more docile animal.

"You would get a lot more if you would sit still." I grumble in lighthearted frustration and the brunette's frame shifts - the glint of an unseen object seen only momentarily.
"There's enough for all of you," I plead, gently trying to pull the bottle out of the fierce beasts firmly gripped claws, only to be met with more angry growls of dominance.
"but it's your sister's turn."

The bottle 'wrenches' free from the kitten's jaws with care - being swiped at by paws and I laugh, scooping the feline up with careful hands to lift her towards my face.

Her wide, shiny eyes held care, innocent intentions and she meows in meek protest. Her soft fur was a reflection of her mother's, tones of dusty grays and chestnut brown brought out by small patches of pure white.

"Listen, miss thing, something so small- much like yourself, should not be so feisty- no, hey!" I laugh in feigned pain as her little head shakes once again - her mighty jaws having latched on to the side of my hand and my thumb rubs the side of her head. Her eyes glance up - daring me to try - and soon after her small body turns in playful battles latching around my thumb.

I lift the small creature closer to my chest - laughing softly at the scratches left behind on my hand.

"We were not raised by pit vipers." I talk to the kitten like a parent calmly scolding their child - and after a moment the sandpaper feeling of her small tongue licks my skin.
"There, see?" I smile, keeping the turned over kitten close to my abdomen while I leaned over to scoop up her sibling - drawing the other small kitten to my lap before taking hold of the bottle and guiding it towards her mouth.

"Well, well, well." Corin chuckles and I glance up - my expression shifting to mock surprise.

"Are you recording me again?" My scold didn't seem to phase the older female, who simply offered an innocent giggle.

"It looks like someone has become quite the beast tamer. If you can best these mighty foes, who is to say a lion can't stand in your way?"

"Corin, knock it-" I tease back, earning a more mischievous giggle from the girl who moved her phone closer.

"You've already taken a liking to the small things." She accuses in a sing-song tone and my head tilts in lackluster reply.

"Is the video really necessary? You know I don't like cameras." I ponder, being met with a hummed, nodded agreement blending with soft meows.

"Of course!" Corin protests, "I'm simply keeping good documentation of the times we'll cherish. One day you will look back and thank me for the videos of our most grateful outings."

My head shakes as Corin scootches closer, leaning over in investigation and I set the bottle back down, petting the smaller kitten who crawled onto my lap.

"Fine..." my defiance fades into nothing more than a mere afterthought. "I suppose I will- not like I can stop you."

We both chuckle, Corin nodding in victory.

"See! I knew you'd see it my way. Now smile!"


~~~ Time skip ~~~


A view to the bleak world outside lay just beyond the pane of glass - the open curtains drawn back to let in the view - and even lack thereof.

The clouds rolled slowly over the countryside, thunderous in low growls reminiscent of impending worry. Doom to come to those not careful.

One could almost make out the clouds looming above by the reflections from down below - the street lamps lining the road and occasional flash of lightning.

In contrast to the cold, rain pelted outside, was the warmth of the bed and comfort of familiarity coated under shadows.
We were tucked under many blankets like children watching movies late at night, cuddled at the foot of the bed with our 'screen' being the small window to the yard and sky overhead.

Another growl of thunder before the silence crept in.

The room was silent - still smelling of once freshly popped popcorn, the bowl now discarded at the end of the bed.

A bright flash of streaking lightning licks the sky - makes us both jump in time to share an audible gasp before we chuckle off our momentary fright.


I lean forward, fixing the blanket draped over my head and shoulders, pulling the ends closer to cover my simple, gray toned pajamas.


We both chuckle at the familiar, low roar of thunder.

"About five miles away." She notes as if studying the occurrence - and it wasn't until another flash lit up the sky, that she then took the opportunity to hop off the safety of the shared bed.

My gaze falls from the window to watch the shadowy figure who swept back the material of the blanket otherwise kept close to her frame - her soft grunt a signal of her stretching before she shakes her head and begins her gathering of pillows.

"Do I dare ask what you are up to?" I question, meeting her gaze and she tucks a pillow under her arm.

"We are going downstairs. We'll get a much better view from the front room." Her answer was almost proud, laced with more mischievous undertones and I tilt my head before she takes my arm, pulling me up from my place.

"Wait- won't we get in trouble? It is quite late." My response was unsure, and brushed off by Corin.

"Nonsense. Bring the bowl and some blankets." She turns toward the door and in doing as she had said I gather a few close, spare blankets before leaning down to pick up the glass container - mocking the rolling of my eyes much like the left over kernels discarded along the bottom.

"Besides," she mumbles in a more soft tone. "can't get in trouble, if you don't get caught."

My frame was back up in moments - stiff but before I could interject, her frame had slipped into the hallway.

A flash illuminates the room.

A deep breath - pushed back thoughts.

I glance towards the door - following after the confident female like a child not admiting of their still partial fear of the dark.

But experience would best say that it wasn't the dark you should fear.
It was the monsters hiding within it.


I push passed the darkened hallway - each step of the staircase seeming much more prominent than the morning or even the few other times I had occupied the house thanks to my friend's unwillingness to leave me alone over holidays.

The comfort of the home no longer shone through the thick shadows.

The hard pieces roll along the bottom - clinking together and I momentarily pause at the next flash of lightning.

A brave face. I needed to put on a brave face.

I meet with Corin's frame in the front room, watching silently as she finished discarding the pillows on the long couch - and I was welcomed with a smile.

"Come come-" she ushers, taking the bowl before patting my shoulder. "You finish setting up here. I'm going to find us a snack."

My chuckle was dry.
"You're snacky at this time of night?"

She nods. "Who wouldn't want to be. I'll be back shortly."

Aside from the distant thunder, the room was coated in silence.

The lack of lightning in moments leaving it unseen in gloomy gray tones.

I make my way over to the couch against the back wall - still clutching my blanket close while draping the others over the plush surface.

The curtains to the front room had been drawn open, the night sky a painting un-still in the flow of time.

It seemed peaceful - a part of me curious to know if the cracks of light scared the once calm breeze into harsher winds pulling off weak leaves and guiding pellets of rain to crash down on the ground below.

As if on cue, the sky sparks once more - joined by the deep thunder and I couldn't help but wonder of nature's care for every small, natural beauty.

I turn slowly towards the hallway - tucked in the embrace of somber moments.

The glow started off in faded facades spreading across the kitchen - a cold, frosty white-blue light drawing one's attention to the electrical glow of the fridge.

"Really?" I laugh and a hand gestures for me to come closer - I oblige, squinting from the very well lit interior of the appliance.

"Thirsty?" Was the brunette's response and I offer a smile, shaking my head.

"I'm alright." I whisper, "Have you found a snack yet? You're going to wake the whole neighborhood with that thing."

"Oh hush." She teases, kneeling down and my gaze turns to the nearby kitchen window. "Are you still nervous?"

"Yes." My laugh was one with the air - once again brushed off as Corin simply chuckles.

"Come on now- buck up and find that courage."

I look away for more than one reason, listening to the soft hum beside me yet my eyes were more focused on the cracked open kitchen window - and the faint, whistled breeze of rain hitting the screen.

If I were to voice a concern, would I just come off as a baby?

My frame was still, reminiscent on something I couldn't grasp.
A wave of paranoia brushed back by a nonexistent hand.

The room sparks a bright blue - even the weather was telling me the same, as I jump more than wanted.

"Aha-" the female snaps me back to reality and as she stands we meet with gazes. "Found it."
In her hand was a cooled treat grasped in victory.
"Now, shall we be off?"


The electrical light was extinguished by the door that shut closed with a quiet, yet heavy thud - our frames turning and I stopped in my tracks, blood now turned to ice at the only glimpse needed of the darkened figure in the hallway.

Time froze in mockery of my nerves.

And it wasn't just my scream that echoed through the kitchen.

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